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Releases: ReCodEx/api


14 Oct 16:43
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  • Detect properly student and staff role from CAS given information
  • Filter input files of gcc/g++ compilation command, so that only sources and not headers are included
  • Making API more robust when some part of the localized text is not provided in parameters.
  • Change Python execution command to /usr/bin/env python3


417c9cc Fixing Python compilation to achieve having multiple versions at the hosts.
6e33cfc Make gcc/gpp compilation box more efficient by keeping only c, cc, and cpp files on the command line.
04dad05 Merge pull request #254 from ReCodEx/robust-localization
06e9f22 Making API more robust when some part of the localized text is not provided in parameters.
084a7ee Update CAS affiliation role detector.


09 Oct 23:01
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  • Pipeline modifications and extensions required to accommodate bison and flex compiler tools (required by advanced exercises).
  • Bug fixes.


1bbd165 Cleanup.
0d9d778 Fixing bug in Bison Box.
623cc68 Fixing an issue with exercise config checker.
9819463 Fixing some bugs.
e6bdb63 Adding custom box for Bison compilation.
b57a705 Fixing group loading to correctly reflect inherited admin rights.
af11352 Fixing bugs in class hierarchy design and static variables initialization.
5e82f10 Redesigned way of assembling custom compilation args (using special conversion boxes).
cef3714 Adding custom compilation box.


30 Sep 22:42
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  • Updating SIS extension to new SIS API (now returning also non-scheduled courses)
  • Grand cleanup of endpoints returning groups.
  • Fixing multiple bugs and permissions issues.


3b1cb9e Small adjustment in sis terms presentation.
c5da169 Fixing bug in groups default endpoint filtering.
5c22971 Add room information into the SIS course record.
4e0670f Fixing SIS extensions to support SIS courses events which are not scheduled (do not have day, time, or room filled).
0b12cf6 Adding two file-merging boxes.
732d8fe Fixing bug in ancestral closure.
9051888 Grand cleanup in groups endpoints. Instances groups endpoint and all groups endpoints removed, default groups endpoint updated to support filters.
5c3c1a6 Breaking some lines.
2482710 Fixing permissions for archived groups. Only empowered supervisor who is admin of a group can archive it. Only supervisors may visit the archive at the moment.
a603eed Fixing bug in SQL collation injection.


16 Sep 10:44
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  • Adding an endpoint to retrieve a list of group's shadow assignments
  • Modify implementation of ExerciseConfigHelper to reflect recent changes, which allows more pipelines with same identification in test configuration
  • Universal pipelines are now distinguished by not having any author
  • Refactoring


7de36c3 Adding an endpoint to retrieve a list of group's shadow assignments.
0650d28 Refactoring of for cycles to foreach in ExerciseConfig Helper and alike
9c0a485 Make ExerciseConfig tests happy and in the process modify code accordingly
836f781 Modify implementation of ExerciseConfigHelper to reflect recent changes, which allows more pipelines with same identification in test configuration.
2936af1 Introduce pipelines entity and configuration cache
dbadae6 Remove identification of pipeline from Environment structure
8b32acd Rename PipelineVars->name to id, which is more appropriate to its content
10d941f Universal pipelines are now distinguished by not having any author.
116a9e6 Fixing a typo that caused a bug.


19 Aug 15:14
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  • Changing the judge log database column to text and cropping added just to be sure
  • Adding endpoint for setting the isAllowed flag of a user
  • ACL: user cannot allow/disallow hir own account
  • Remove java-jars hack and add jar files as a port to java boxes
  • Debugging features added to email helper
  • Proper handling of job config generation failure in reference solutions submit endpoints
  • Various bugfixes especially in exercise config compilation
  • Added new bugs


3d0a2cf Remove obsolete group["canView"] flag
ad58cdc Bugfix: proper handling of job config generation failure in reference solutions submit endpoints
41657e9 Bugfix: when variable is empty, then empty array should be returned in 'asArray' functions, for scalar variables this was not true
ebaca19 Fixing bug in assignment update. Refactoring.
217badd Debugging features added to email helper.
88b324a Change JavaUtilsTrait to simple statical helper. More clearer variable in java-jars migration
37dae30 Update adminer database manager
6af9675 Export current database initial state
3a95eb6 Bugfix: input nodes in variables resolver have to count with the possibility of having multiple children
332517e Remove java-jars hack and add jar files as a port to java boxes
1b98c1f Small ACL check patch (user cannot allow/disallow hir own account).
7cc214d Adding endpoint for setting the isAllowed flag of a user (#237)
4a30dc5 Changing the judge log database column to text and cropping added just to be sure.


10 Aug 13:54
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  • Shadow assignments implemented. Special assignments where users do not submit anything and teachers may assign points explicitly. Similar to global bonus points in old CodEx.
  • New roles supervisor-student (those who both teach and study) and empowered-supervisor (more powerful teacher who would be able to create custom exercise configurations with private pipelines).
  • Supervisor can see private data of all students. Supervisor-student can see only private data of students he/she teaches and cannot add students to group manually.
  • Endpoints for deleting submissions (evaluations) of regular and reference solutions added.
  • Exercises and pipelines are in many-to-many relation now.
  • Users may belong to multiple instances.
  • Users may have one local login at most. Improving checks and security regarding credentials creation.
  • Python runner added to wrap execution of Python solutions. It catches errors and set appropriate exit codes.
  • Many bug fixes, especially in ACL and user handling.


a4bd4d9 Moving user anonymization features into separate helper and making it configurable.
de2e068 Merge branch 'master' of into another-acl-fix
41aa2c9 Fix: throw irreversible migration in python runner migration
e2e24d5 Bugfix: files in fetch boxes do not have to be renamed.
242bffe Apply pipelines migration to usage of python runner
ce53070 Add python runner to the python execution box
dc0c4f5 Make sure account credentials are removed when a user is soft-deleted.
3aa1a41 Student-supervisor cannot add another supervisor to group (since the role does not have permissions to see all users).
6dc682e Merge pull request #233 from ReCodEx/fix-users-acl
b009189 Fixing ACLs for users.
97e7f7d Use proper objects creation with parenthesis
cc4a34c Merge pull request #231 from ReCodEx/fixing-bugs
e38f0e2 Fixing a bug that solution entity is not up to date in (re)submit response.
d4bde02 Fixing solution submit to return both new submission and solution.
6c139c7 Reference solution view includes exerciseId now.
7221a07 Merge pull request #229 from ReCodEx/standalone-bonus-points
5755d40 Unique index on ShadowAssignmentPoints over awardee and shadowAssignment columns
b34898e Another round of evaluation->points renaming.
149236f Local registration searches for the email only in logins. Local account cannot be created if email is not verified
91bee73 Security feature: Improve checks of local login passwords.
2a2191d User has only one local login. This makes it easier to manage and work with.
78fc26b Rename ShadowAssignmentEvaluation to ShadowAssignmentPoints and all alike structures.
7ec33a3 Rename IAssignment to AssignmentBase and merge base functionality from Assignment and ShadowAssignment.
1a54e7f Rename ShadowAssignment factory function. Better sum of the points in group->getMaxPoints()
ffa241c Test for ShadowAssignments presenter and appropriate changes
54e1275 Migration of ShadowAssignment and ShadowAssignmentEvaluation
33803c7 LocalizedShadowAssignment entity created, appropriate changes done. ShadowAssignmentEvaluation has new date items.
5f6c8b7 Endpoints concerning manipulation with ShadowAssignmentEvaluation entities
d4abf5e Add evaluatee user to ShadowAssignmentEvaluation entity. Endpoint for details of evaluation added.
45e68a5 ShadowAssignmentEvaluation permissions and basic action for getting all evaluations for shadow assignment
269d6c8 Create and Delete action for ShadowAssignments
dd3d7ee IAssignment interface and sending proper emails for ShadowAssignments
989226e VersionableEntity trait
f898ff1 Merge pull request #227 from ReCodEx/new-roles
aa8abe3 Cleanups and name clarifications.
7484378 Update action of ShadowAssignment
8d19682 View detail of ShadowAssignment action. Appropriate infrastructure of permissions and views done for the shadow assignments
957cbaa Implementation of sum of points for students statistics. ShadowAssignmentEvaluation added author column.
3b10bd4 Shadow assignment repositories
627e073 ShadowAssignment and alike structures for assigning points to students
9747f9e Merge pull request #228 from ReCodEx/delete-evaluation
83bb3d4 Improving name of empowered supervisor.
06928bc Many2many exercise pipelines (#226)
78edf55 Endpoints for deleting submissions (evaluations) of regular and reference solutions added.
5cfb9cf New roles added and set role endpoint properly registered.
0214e9d Fixing comment.
feb112e Merge pull request #225 from ReCodEx/supervisor-can-see-student-detail
ceb1c9c Supervisor can see private data of students in supervised groups.
2300c4e Pagination improvements (#224)
7f447ee Recodex judge (#223)
a71ef44 Bugfix: forgotten getValues()
600b67a Merge branch 'master' into pagination-demo
8abbcb0 User can belong to multiple instances (#198)


11 Jun 18:09
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  • Add LocalizedAssignment entity which contains student hints for assignments
  • Correctly return sis codes with group entities
  • Allow issuing master tokens through issue-token endpoint
  • Add a link to an external assignment text to exercises
  • Add an endpoint for removing sis group bindings
  • Add carboncopies into sandbox config and plug them in in boxes compilation
  • Add working-directory option to sandbox config and use it in compilation of exercise config
  • Add stderr-to-stdout option to sandbox config. Apply this option to compilation and its outputs
  • Affiliation is not mandatory for registration and login using CAS
  • Add an endpoint to fetch a single reference solution
  • Solutions endpoint for Assignments which returns all solutions for the assignment of all users
  • Add permission hints to certain entity views
  • Send notification flag for assignment update action
  • Add overriddenPoints column in assignment solution
  • Base new emails presenter for sending emails to ReCodEx users
  • Accept and return assignment hints together with localized texts
  • Various bugfixes and optimizations
  • Added new bugs


9f7e502 Accept and return assignment hints together with localized texts (#221)
e55586a Changing forkedFrom property of an exercise to return only ID or null.
f0827f4 Temporary custom validation for overridenPoints which needs to be changed in the future
683314b toMe flag in send email to group members action
f197e87 Add flags to sendToGroupMembers action so the sending to supervisors and admins of a group can be optional
741340c Bit of tuning around mails
e863e05 Send emails to groups
8786916 Tests of EmailsPresenter
e39146c Refactor emails, give them separate folder in helpers
8028240 Refactor emails prefixes
587c943 Buildfix for emails permissions
30b03e7 Sending emails to supervisors and regular users
35a6eea Base new emails presenter for sending emails to ReCodEx users
26bc4c5 Bugfix: forgotten usage of view factory
4c403ad Add actualPoints to AssignmentSolution view
d8494bb Return overridenPoints in assignment solution view
e7507e8 Make overridenPoints required and nullable in setBonusPoints nedpoint
7cd3a4b Add overriddenPoints to setBonusPoints endpoint
766cdb5 Add overriddenPoints column in assignment solution alongside with bonusPoints
cb7d281 Send notification flag for assignment update action
6e44973 Add permission hints to certain entity views (#216)
d7dd254 Hotfix of tiny bug in localized link validation in assignments.
efa3541 Merge pull request #218 from ReCodEx/fixes
4401322 Use empty string instead of null in views of exercises without external assignment links
e4f6c22 Check localized text structure
38fcd18 Fix LocalizedExercise constructor type hints
f2a817c Use AssignmentViewFactory for sending group assignments
ae9e9f3 Fix ACL (missing !)
eeb6635 Merge pull request #217 from ReCodEx/fetch-single-ref-solution
1f85107 Solutions endpoint for Assignments which returns all solutions for the assignment of all users
616d1a4 Rename solutions action in Assignments presenter to userSolutions which is more appropriate
3adc25e Warning-fix: zip file is not created if not holding any files in it, handle this case with caution
e188476 Merge pull request #212 from ReCodEx/remove-sis-bindings
8f263c4 Add an endpoint to fetch a single reference solution
23f2930 Merge pull request #205 from ReCodEx/assignment-student-hints
9270abf Add test of adding student hints
5322a4c Rename canViewPrivateData to canViewDescription
109ad82 Affiliation is not mandatory for registration and login using CAS
6b90122 Change convention of naming outputs during exercise config compilation
6ae44b7 Add stderr-to-stdout option to sandbox config. Apply this option to compilation and its outputs.
20c077e Add working-directory option to sandbox config and use it in compilation of exercise config
8290bf3 Add carboncopies into sandbox config and plug them in in boxes compilation
d98eae8 Merge pull request #211 from ReCodEx/external-exercise-text
a41c769 Merge pull request #210 from ReCodEx/allow-issuing-master-tokens
afa7db4 Fix erroneous search&replace
653df30 Add an endpoint for removing sis group bindings
bf038c8 Add a link to an external assignment text to exercises
a237ce5 Allow issuing master tokens through issue-token endpoint
107fbf9 Merge pull request #201 from ReCodEx/group-views-filtering
848f8d8 Split line
6673f85 Correctly return sis codes with group entities
28f274c Flatten childGroups in group view
f6b19da Merge pull request #207 from ReCodEx/hide-tokens-from-admins
f45906b Merge pull request #206 from ReCodEx/integer-validation-fix
766d4ee Do not send access tokens when an admin changes the credentials on behalf of another user
5d421cb Fix validation errors for token expiration
f2f7820 Remove useless entries from Group view and make the 'public' flag public
a9eb03a Add a parameter for updating localized assignment data to the assignment update endpoint
5aa4db4 Add AssignmentViewFactory
b69114c Add a LocalizedAssignment entity
475dd91 Fix a migration failing on an empty database


01 May 19:17
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  • Minor change of format how the judgeLog is returned from API.


6820ff7 Make @krulis-martin happy and forget about BC 👽
ca93deb Return judgeLog which does not contain judge score.


28 Apr 23:01
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  • Preparations for data exercises
  • Add useGravatar flag to user settings
  • Let user enable or disable his/hers own gravatar image
  • Optimisation of loading students statistics and finding best solutions
  • Do not allow to create exercises without assigned group
  • Introduce mass list endpoints for users and exercises
  • Add endpoint for downloading best solutions archive of an assignment
  • Various bugfixes and optimizations
  • Added new bugs


f296d86 Merge pull request #202 from ReCodEx/fix-solution-submission-failure
0547e18 Fix erroneous mock creation
aa66387 Better generation of folders in best solutions for assignment archive
70c4bac Add endpoint for downloading best solutions archive of an assignment
1e7e63e Export also description for pipeline in db:export command
38c4ebd Export new data pipeline and environment
b823b9a Export current runtime environments descriptions
9b212b7 Fix exercise compilation error resulting in Doctrine exception
6f4773e Bring back good ol' groupId parameter in exercise create action
2407cb3 Users can also use mass exercise endpoint
816af86 Implement exercises list mass endpoint
e269ea2 Introduce users mass list endpoint
7c22659 Change type of exception thrown in detach group from exercise
9fecadb Do not allow create top-level exercises and detaching last group.
3c5bbbb Better doc comment in AssignmentSolutions service
ab03636 Refactor finding of best solution for assignments
11ee95f Try to optimize finding of best solutions in stats views
91c1efd Update adminer and make it accessible from outside
acb0235 Updating exercise config presenter ... (#200)
603cc32 Add enable/disable feature for gravatar images
7fc1d49 Add useGravatar flag to user settings
4478a34 Passthrough judge
de22b0f Introduce merge files box
fe3db27 Add new pipeline params.
41a1a23 Merge branch 'master' into set-user-role


20 Apr 14:52
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  • When a revoked token is used, return 401
  • Revoke all user's tokens after resetting password through forgotten password feature
  • Filter properly non-UTF8 characters in uploaded files content
  • Performance optimisation of exercises search feature


b2574f7 Merge pull request #194 from ReCodEx/401-on-revoked-token
dd41434 Merge pull request #193 from ReCodEx/malformed-uploads-fix
eba8493 Merge pull request #195 from ReCodEx/revoke-tokens-on-password-reset
654aac0 When a revoked token is used, return 401
853df13 Revoke tokens after a user resets their password via e-mail
abf7f41 Replace non-utf8 characters with question marks
002c038 Add a test for displaying strange characters
e9f1e22 Bugfix: do not search exercises if the search string is empty
531fb03 Merge pull request #191 from ReCodEx/security-presenter-fix
5db0416 Move SecurityPresenter to the V1Module namespace
2f96187 Add provided java jars to classpath