add one row to this table for each user story you define
Step Name | User Story | Changes in HTML | Changes in CSS |
LayoutTheBasicFoldersForTheProject | As a web developer I want to layout basic folders to organize files in So that I can have an organized solution for my project | Create empty html file index.html , empty folder for images (img) | Create css folder has empty file style.css |
CreateHtmlforIndex | As a web developer I want to layout basic html classes and ids and tags to create a landing page for my website | Write the header , showcase,newsletter,3 boxes area and footer | Empty style.css |
CreateStyleFile | As a web developer I want to creat css classes and ids to give a style to my index file | Edit the html if needed | Update style.css with all needed |
CreateServices&aboutPages | As a customer I want to have pages for services and another one for about information | Add two html pages services.html and about.html | Update style.css if new css classes needed |
AddResponsiveEdge | As a customer I want to view my website from different ports like mobiles and tablets | Nothing to change | Update style.css to accomodate different widths of different ports |