This repo aims to make the functionality of the adafruit-ampy cli tool avaiable for convenient use in neovim. It provides commands to upload/run/erase files from a project directory to a micropython device, as well as an auto upload saved files option.
- AmpyUpload : uploads files in the project directory to the micropython device, if no argument is given the current opened file is uploaded
- AmpyUploadAll : erases all files on the micropython device and uploads all files in the project dirercory
- AmpyErase : erase files on the device given the name, default value is name of the current opened file
- AmpyEraseAll : erase all files on the micropython device
- AmpyRun : run file in the project directory (located on the Host), default is current opened file (could be outside of the project diirecotry)
- AmpyRunTarget : run file that is located on the Target device (pass without file extension), default is main
- AmpyToggleTerminal true|false : toggle if terminal is opened when python file is run with ampy
- AmpyToggleAutoUpload true|false : toggle if pyton file is automatically uploaded when it is saved
- adafruit-ampy
- jq for reading the pymakr.conf file
- needs to be executable ... thats where the ampy command is written to
- port
- baud rate
- project_dir (directory where all micropython files are kept)
- own_dir (directory of the lua code)
- a pymakr.conf file in the project directory to track files that should not be uploaded to the micropython device, files starting with . are always ignored.
The pymakr.conf should look similar to this:
{ "name": "esp32", "py_ignore": [ "pymakr.conf", "some_random_text.txt" ] }
The reason for this formatting is to keep compatibility with the pymakr plugin in VSCode. - password_mode 1|2|3 : ampy needs sudo permissions in order to acces a port at /dev. there are 3 modes to enable it.
- 1 neovim asks for the password at every execution of one of the commands
- 2 the password is asked only once in a session and is stored while neovim is running
- 3 or you can set your password in the config section of the lua file ... (Ik the last two options are not nice but neovim forces me to use them and I dont really care as long as its working) ...... (also toggle terminal is removed as whether a terminal is opened or not depends on how the password for sudo is passed)
The code probably contains a lot of bugs, and is also not properly tested, contributions are welcome :)