Basic boilerplate to create laravel projects with Admin Panel, Role Based Access Control, i18n support, Swagger Doc using InfyOm (Laravel CRUD Generator).
PS: This boilerplate works on Database First Approach, After the installation, you should design your database through your preferred Database Administration tool then generate modules from the admin panel selecting your tables one by one.
- PHP 7.1
- Laravel 5.8
- InfyOm Laravel Generator
- AdminLTE Theme
- Swagger Generator from InfyOm
- DataTables
- Entrust (ACL)
- Repository Pattern
Laravel 5.8
- laravel/framework: 5.8.*,
- laravel/tinker: ^1.0,
- laravelcollective/html: ^5.8.0,
- fideloper/proxy: ^4.0,
- doctrine/dbal: ~2.3
Image Processeing
- intervention/image: ^2.4,
Swagger Doc
- appointer/swaggervel: ^2.3,
- tymon/jwt-auth: 1.*,
Breadcrumbs (Admin Panel)
- davejamesmiller/laravel-breadcrumbs: ^5.0,
- dimsav/laravel-translatable: ^9.0,
Cascade Soft Deletes
- iatstuti/laravel-cascade-soft-deletes: ^1.4.0,
InfyOm (with AdminLTE Template and DataTables)
- infyomlabs/adminlte-templates: 5.8.x-dev,
- infyomlabs/laravel-generator: 5.8.x-dev,
- infyomlabs/swagger-generator: dev-master,
- yajra/laravel-datatables-buttons: 4.*,
- yajra/laravel-datatables-oracle: ~9.0,
Push Notification
- edujugon/push-notification: ^2.2,
- zizaco/entrust: 1.9.1
- Download the zip of this repository or use
composer create-project ramzyvirani/laravel-boilerplate
- Upload it on Web Server
- Install & Update libraries with
composer update
- Set your Database credentials in
. - Run Migration and Seeder
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
Boilerplate will create tables and insert basic modules, menus, users, roles, permissions in the database.
Step 1
- Make Schema Architecture in your preferred database administration tool.
- Click on Module
- Click Create
- Select the table you want to create a module for
- Enter Module Name (Only alphanumeric characters and spaces are allowed for module names. Using spaces will Generate your classes with CamelCase and will add hyphens in your routes and permission names)
- Select the Icon for this module
- Next
Step 2
- Add / Remove Columns you want in the Module Index View (DataTable)
Step 3
- Add / Remove fields for forms. {Create / Edit}
- Type -> HTML input type.
- Validation -> laravel validations.
- Width -> Bootstrap Columns.
- Select Yes if you want to generate migrations for this module.
Check Generated Files:
- DataTable,
- Admin Controller,
- Api Controller,
- Request,
- Model,
- Repositories,
- Migrations,
- Views,
- Tests,
- Tests Traits,
- routes/api.php,
- routes/admin.php,
- public/modules_seeder.csv,
- public/menus_seeder.csv,
- public/permissions_seeder.csv,
- public/permission_role_seeder.csv,
- Super admin (development admin)
- 'email' => ""
- 'password' => 'superadmin123'
- Admin
- 'email' => ""
- 'password' => 'admin123'
Want to use Searchable Dropdown?
- Add class
to your dropdown.
Ask SW confirmation before delete?
- Call function
on Onclick event.
Want toggle switch instead of checkbox?
- Add attribute
on html checkbox.
Want to add add fields from another related table in datatables?
- please see DataTables/Admin/UserDataTable.php
Want to add Translatable module?
- please see Page Module For Reference.
Make dependent dropdowns
- Use class="select2" and data-url="route_to_fetch_data" data-depends="parent_name"
Create Custom Validation Rules
- /app/Http/Requests/Api/BaseApiRequest::validator has a sample custom validation rule. Uncomment and modify that code to create and use your custom validation rule for any API request.
PS: Download the zip of this project to initialize git for your project repository