In this website, I have created a Menstrual Hygiene ChatBot, Alya- a robot meant to answer menstrual hygiene and period questions which are developed for girls and womens.
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Alya is a free web-based application developed for girls and womens in developing countries. Its main objective is to answer questions around taboo topics such as Menstrual Hygiene and Menstruations/Periods. Menstrual Hygiene is a hygiene practice during menstruation which can prevent women from the infection in reproductive and urinary tract. This website is made using Azure technologies such as Azure Bot Services, Azure Language Understanding and Azure QnA Maker. Here I have trained my model using QnAMaker. In QnA Maker, I have provided the datasets in the knowledge base. After that I published my knowledge data and then connected it to the website. In this website, there are four pages - Home, History, Team and FAQ. Here, I'm trying to solve the real- world problem where particularly girls have very less knowledge about menstrual hygienies and they feel shy to talk about these problems in-person. So this application/website will answer questions related to hygiene and menstruations for womens.