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Rahul Rathi edited this page Aug 15, 2020 · 4 revisions

Metabase Client

Welcome to the Metabase Client wiki!


A python wrapper for Metabase API All the function terminology is the same as the Metabase Documentation is using for example :

if Metabase API dashboard has a GET API request then Metabase Client wrapper class also using the same function name as dashboard().get() to call for more read the wiKi Below.


  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Addon's


pip install MetabaseClient


  • import py package

    import MetabaseClient as MC

  • init client

    client = MC.Client()



    client = MC.Client(url,username,password)


    client = MC.Client(url,token)

  • Stored Queries or Cards



    # get(card_id)


  • Stored dashboard



    # get(card_id) client.dashboard().get(555)

  • Get Utils

    Note Utils Function Required Admin Access







Metabase Addon's

Metabase Addon's are special function written using core Metabase API.

  • import py package

    from MetabaseClient.Addon import SearchCard

    search = SearchCard(url = 'url',username = 'email',password = 'pass')

  • SearchCard Features

    1. Keyword Search: This allows its user to search storied SQL queries containing parameter keyword.

      Search Algo: Simple for loop search with find() from str class function

      Usange: search.search_by_keyword('st_intersect')

    2. Email/Creator Search: This allows its user to search storied SQL queries' creator by parameter email id.

      Search Algo: Simple for loop search with find() from str class function

      Usange: search.search_by_email('')

    3. Title Search: This allows its user to search storied SQL queries' title by containing the passed parameter keyword.

      Search Algo: Simple for loop search with find() from str class function

      Usange: search.search_by_name('revenue')

    4. function Search: This allows its user to search storied SQL queries' by custom search parameter function.

      Search Algo: As per applied function.


         `# define a function which take query as input parameter`
         `def cust_fun(query):`
           `# write function definition `
           `# return true if you want that query in final results`
           `if len(query) < 10 :  # condition defination`
               `return True # return true to append query in output result`
           `else :`
               `return False # return false`
    5. Regex Search: This allows its user to search storied SQL queries' by parameter

    Search Algo: Python 
    Usange: `search.search_by_regex('A-z')`
  • FindCard Features

    FindCard allows its user to find SQL queries by passing a SQL query. for example we need to find a name, creator for a SQL query but we don't have Metabase query creator, card id, name, etc but we have the query this feature allow you to find possible match query by using nltk's word_tokenize, probability functions.

    Search Algo: using nltk word_tokenize, probability cross-checks with all storied SQL queries in Metabase.

    Usage: cooning soon

  • Migrate Features

    Migrate Feature allow its user to migrate already storied Metabase query to new Metabase query. You also use it to sync two Metabase instances for storied queries.

    Search Algo: using get method on old/instance-1 and applying post method on new/instance-2

    Usage: cooning soon

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