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Client: Implement color banding for diffuse texture images
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Colors being limited to 16 bits per pixel means that all textures need to be posterized, not just the lightmaps. The resulting color banding softens certain highlights, e.g. on xmas_fild01 - removing it causes some spots to look "off" as they're way too bright.

This code isn't optimized at all since the posterization step doesn't seem to take significant time anyway. Can move it into the runtime's image processing API if that ever becomes necessary. For now, there's no use in doing this, at least for GND textures.
  • Loading branch information
rdw-software committed Mar 18, 2024
1 parent 3b39259 commit 78582f6
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Showing 4 changed files with 65 additions and 2 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Core/FileFormats/RagnarokMap.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ local RagnarokGRF = require("Core.FileFormats.RagnarokGRF")
local RagnarokRSW = require("Core.FileFormats.RagnarokRSW")

local C_Resources = require("Core.NativeClient.C_Resources")
local Texture = require("Core.NativeClient.WebGPU.Texture")

local NormalsVisualization = require("Core.NativeClient.DebugDraw.NormalsVisualization")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,6 +101,8 @@ function RagnarokMap:LoadTerrainGeometry(mapID)
local textureImageBytes = self:FetchResourceByID(normalizedTextureImagePath)
local rgbaImageBytes, width, height = C_ImageProcessing.DecodeFileContents(textureImageBytes)

rgbaImageBytes, width, height = Texture:CreateReducedColorImage(rgbaImageBytes, width, height)

"[RagnarokMap] Loading GND ground mesh section %d with diffuse texture %s (%d x %d)",
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39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions Core/NativeClient/WebGPU/Texture.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -209,6 +209,45 @@ function Texture:CreateTextureView(wgpuTexture, wgpuTextureViewDescriptor)
return webgpu.bindings.wgpu_texture_create_view(wgpuTexture, wgpuTextureViewDescriptor)

-- Should probably be replaced with an optimized version (via the ImageProcessing API)?
function Texture:CreateReducedColorImage(inputImageBytes, width, height, posterizationLevel)
posterizationLevel = posterizationLevel or 3

local numBytesWritten = 0
local rgbaImageBytes = * height * 4)
local bufferStartPointer, reservedlength = rgbaImageBytes:reserve(width * height * 4)
local inputPixels =
for pixelV = 0, height - 1, 1 do
for pixelU = 0, width - 1, 1 do
local writableAreaStartIndex = (pixelV * width + pixelU) * 4
local red = inputPixels[writableAreaStartIndex + 0]
local green = inputPixels[writableAreaStartIndex + 1]
local blue = inputPixels[writableAreaStartIndex + 2]
local alpha = inputPixels[writableAreaStartIndex + 3]

local posterizedRed = bit.rshift(red, posterizationLevel)
local posterizedGreen = bit.rshift(green, posterizationLevel)
local posterizedBlue = bit.rshift(blue, posterizationLevel)
local posterizedAlpha = bit.rshift(alpha, posterizationLevel)
posterizedRed = bit.lshift(posterizedRed, posterizationLevel)
posterizedGreen = bit.lshift(posterizedGreen, posterizationLevel)
posterizedBlue = bit.lshift(posterizedBlue, posterizationLevel)
posterizedAlpha = bit.lshift(posterizedAlpha, posterizationLevel)

bufferStartPointer[writableAreaStartIndex + 0] = posterizedRed
bufferStartPointer[writableAreaStartIndex + 1] = posterizedGreen
bufferStartPointer[writableAreaStartIndex + 2] = posterizedBlue
bufferStartPointer[writableAreaStartIndex + 3] = posterizedAlpha

numBytesWritten = numBytesWritten + 4


return rgbaImageBytes, width, height

Texture.__call = Texture.Construct
Texture.__index = Texture
setmetatable(Texture, Texture)
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14 changes: 12 additions & 2 deletions Tests/FileFormats/RagnarokMap.spec.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,16 @@ local RagnarokRSW = require("Core.FileFormats.RagnarokRSW")

local Texture = require("Core.NativeClient.WebGPU.Texture")

local openssl = require("openssl")
local digest = openssl.digest.digest

local function assertImageChecksumMatches(actualImageBytes, expectedImageBytes)
local checksum = digest("sha256", tostring(actualImageBytes))
expectedImageBytes = Texture:CreateReducedColorImage(expectedImageBytes, 256, 256)
local expectedChecksum = digest("sha256", tostring(expectedImageBytes))
assertEquals(checksum, expectedChecksum)

local function makeFileSystem(name)
local testFileSystem = {
ROOT_DIR = path.join("Tests", "Fixtures", "Borftopia"),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,15 +90,15 @@ describe("RagnarokMap", function()
assertEquals(#map.meshes, 2 + 1)
assertEquals(#map.meshes, #groundMeshSections + #waterPlanes)

assertEquals(map.meshes[1].diffuseTextureImage.rgbaImageBytes, gradientTexture)
assertImageChecksumMatches(map.meshes[1].diffuseTextureImage.rgbaImageBytes, gradientTexture)
assertEquals(map.meshes[1].diffuseTextureImage.width, 256)
assertEquals(map.meshes[1].diffuseTextureImage.height, 256)
assertEquals(map.meshes[1].vertexPositions, groundMeshSections[1].vertexPositions)
assertEquals(map.meshes[1].vertexColors, groundMeshSections[1].vertexColors)
assertEquals(map.meshes[1].triangleConnections, groundMeshSections[1].triangleConnections)
assertEquals(map.meshes[1].diffuseTextureCoords, groundMeshSections[1].diffuseTextureCoords)

assertEquals(map.meshes[2].diffuseTextureImage.rgbaImageBytes, gridTexture)
assertImageChecksumMatches(map.meshes[2].diffuseTextureImage.rgbaImageBytes, gridTexture)
assertEquals(map.meshes[2].diffuseTextureImage.width, 256)
assertEquals(map.meshes[2].diffuseTextureImage.height, 256)
assertEquals(map.meshes[2].vertexPositions, groundMeshSections[2].vertexPositions)
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions Tests/NativeClient/WebGPU/Texture.spec.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -204,4 +204,15 @@ describe("Texture", function()

describe("CreateReducedColorImage", function()
it("should reduce the color depth of the texture image", function()
local testImage = "\255\192\128\000" .. "\007\007\007\007"
local reducedColorImage, width, height = Texture:CreateReducedColorImage(testImage, 2, 1)
local expectedimageBytes = "\248\192\128\000\000\000\000\000"
assertEquals(width, 2)
assertEquals(height, 1)
assertEquals(tostring(reducedColorImage), expectedimageBytes)

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