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RadarCOVID Authentication Service


Authentication Service in terms of the Radar COVID project enables:


These are the frameworks and tools used to develop the solution:

Installation and Getting Started

Building from Source

To build the project, you need to run this command:

mvn clean package -P <environment>

Where <environment> has these possible values:

  • local-env. To run the application from local (eg, from IDE o from Maven using mvn spring-boot:run). It is the default profile, using application.yml configuration file. If any properties need to be modified, you can create application-local.yml configuration file.
  • docker-env. To run the application in a Docker container with docker-compose, using application.yml configuration file. If any properties need to be modified, you can create application-docker.yml configuration file.
  • pre-env. To run the application in the Preproduction environment. Preproduction environment properties are configured in the infrastructure.
  • pro-env. To run the application in the Production environment. Production environment properties are configured in the infrastructure

The project also uses Maven profile aws-env to include dependencies when it is running on AWS environment, so the compilation command for Preproduction and Production environments would be:

mvn clean package -P pre-env,aws-env
mvn clean package -P pro-env,aws-env

All profiles will load the default configuration.

Running the Project

Depends on the environment you selected when you built the project, you can run the project:

  • From the IDE, if you selected local-env environment (or you didn't select any Maven profile).
  • From Docker. Once you build the project, you will have in authentication-server-boot/target/docker the files you would need to run the application from a container (Dockerfile and the Spring Boot fat-jar).

If you want to run the application inside a Docker container in local, once you built it, you should run:

docker-compose up -d smtp
docker-compose up -d postgres
docker-compose up -d backend


This project doesn't use either Liquibase or Flyway because:

  1. DB-Admins should only have database privileges to maintain the database model (DDL).
  2. Applications should only have privileges to maintain the data (DML).

Because of this, there are two scripts:

API Documentation

Along with the application there comes with OpenAPI Specification, which you can access in your web browser when the Verification Service is running (unless in Production environment, where it is inactive by default):


You can download the YAML version in /openapi/api-docs.yaml

If running in local, you can get:

Keys generation

This service uses Elliptic Curve (EC) keys to allow users to login and manage users with admin role.

To generate the keys you can use these commands (OpenSSL tool is required):

  1. Generate private key:
    openssl ecparam -name secp521r1 -genkey -noout -out generated_private.pem
  2. Converse private key to new PEM format:
    openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform pem -in generated_private.pem -outform pem -nocrypt -out generated_private_new.pem
  3. Get Base64 from private key:
    openssl base64 -in generated_private_new.pem > generated_private_base64.pem
  4. Generate public key:
    openssl ec -in generated_private_new.pem -pubout -out generated_pub.pem
  5. Get Base64 from public key:
    openssl base64 -in generated_pub.pem > generated_pub_base64.pem


Authentication Service has four modules:

  • authentication-server-parent. Parent Maven project to define dependencies and plugins.
  • authentication-server-api. DTOs exposed.
  • authentication-server-boot. Main application, global configurations and properties. This module also has integration tests and Java architecture tests with ArchUnit.
  • authentication-server-service. Business and data layers.

Support and Feedback

The following channels are available for discussions, feedback, and support requests:

Type Channel


If you want to contribute with this exciting project follow the steps in How to create a Pull Request in GitHub.

More details in


This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.


Radar COVID Authentication Service




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