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He Zhu edited this page Oct 17, 2020 · 22 revisions

CS 515: Programming Languages and Compilers

Instructor: He Zhu

Time: Mondays 12:00-3:00 PM
Location: Zoom
Office Hours: Monday 3:00-4:00 PM

Online Book: Introduction to Program Synthesis

This course is a comprehensive introduction to program synthesis: an emerging area that sits at the intersection of programming systems, formal methods, and artificial intelligence. The goal of program synthesis is to generate programs automatically from high-level, possibly incomplete descriptions. The course covers a wide variety of recent synthesis techniques that differ in the kind of program description they start with (from input-output examples to formal correctness specifications), the search strategy they employ (enumerative, stochastic, or symbolic search), and the kind of information they use to guide the search (counter-example guided synthesis, type-driven synthesis, synthesis with machine learning). The course involves programming assignments, a project, as well as reading and reviewing research papers.

There is no Piazza page for this course. To ask a question, use the issue tracker.

Use Canvas for assignments/project submission and grading. There is no exam or quiz for this course.

The course borrows some of the materials from Nadia Polikarpova, Peter Müller, Swarat Chaudhuri and Xinyu Wang.

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