Upgrades to slick 3.1.0.
This version refactors the relationship value representation API to align
better with action based database interaction. The getValue
, fetchValue
operations have been replaced with valueAction
. Implicit conversions still behave the same as before. For
details, please read the updated Navigating relationship values
section of the readme.
This version also introduces relationship composition:
val movies = toManyThrough[Movies, MoviesStars, Movie]
val directors = movies compose Movie.director
Composing a 'to many' relationship with a 'to one' relationship will result in a new 'to many' relationship. Composing two 'to many' relationships will also result in a new 'to many' relationship. Composing two 'to one' relationships will result in a new 'to one' relationship.
Composed relationships behave just like normal relationships. We can add a
field on the Star
case class for navigating this relationship:
case class Star(
id: Option[Long],
name: String)(implicit includes: Includes[Star])
extends Entity[Star, Long]
val movies = many(Star.movies)
val directors = many(Star.directors)
It's also possible to further compose composed relationships with other relationships (although at some point the queries for retrieving the composed relationship will become so monstrous that you may want to consider creating a new join table to cache the relationship to improve performance).
This version upgrades to Slick 3. Slick 3 introduced some major breaking
changes and consequently, so does this. Querying has been changed to use Slick's
new database I/O actions. This means query execution operations, such as list
or firstOption
have been removed. Instead, actions now need to be run using
a database definition, which results in a future containing the action's result:
db.run(Movies.all.result) // Future[Seq[Movie]]
This version also eliminates a lot of the boilerplate that was previously
required. It's no longer necessary to define the query
field on entity
companion objects, a default query is now provided:
object Director extends EntityCompanion[Directors, Director, Long] {
val query: Query[Directors, Director, Seq] = TableQuery[Directors]
// Now simplifies to:
object Director extends EntityCompanion[Directors, Director, Long]
Defaults are now also provided for relationship definitions, both direct and indirect:
val director = toOne[Directors, Director](
toQuery = TableQuery[Directors],
joinCondition = (m: Movies, d: Directors) => m.directorID === d.id
// Now simplifies to:
val director = toOne[Directors, Director]
Replaced the old implementation for eager-loading, which used runtime reflection,
with a new implementation using implicit macros. Entitytled should no longer be
using any runtime reflection (at least according to -Xlog-reflective-calls
This should not have broken any backwards compatibility. Overriding
on your entity types is no longer necessary for improved runtime
performance and safety.