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Merge branch 'mlp6/update_processing_code'
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mlp6 committed Nov 19, 2018
2 parents b3eee17 + 00f8b68 commit b24bd4d
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Showing 4 changed files with 296 additions and 20 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,3 +8,8 @@
* Change tracking time from 20 ms -> 40 ms for more robust dispersion analysis
* Change from Apache v2.0 to MIT license
* Fix calculation of C5-2 B-mode aperture (Issue #16)

# v1.4.0
* change tracking time from 20 ms -> 40 ms for more robust dispersion analysis
* change from Apache v2.0 to MIT license
* omit bad points from group SWS calculation
16 changes: 2 additions & 14 deletions processing_code/AnalyzeARFIdata.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,10 @@


function AnalyzeARFIdata(filestamp)
function AnalyzeARFIdata(filestamp,par)


par.DOFmm = 2; % parameters for processing arfidata
par.minLatMM = 4;
par.maxLatMM = 15;
par.maxTimeMS = 40;
par.minTimeMS = -15;
par.rolloffTimeMS = 15;
par.nStepsToRemove = 2;
par.LPFcutoffKHz = 1;
par.desirecPRFkHz = 20;
par.freqsToAnalyzeHz = 20:10:800;

filename = [filestamp '_fromIQ_arfidata.mat'];
S = load(filename,'arfidata','axial','lat','numrefs','push_focus','T');
arfidata = double(S.arfidata); % arfidata saved in um
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,9 +35,8 @@ function AnalyzeARFIdata(filestamp)
freqsToAnalyzeHz = par.freqsToAnalyzeHz;
phVel = Construct2DFTandCalcPhVel(wtVelPlane,t,lat,freqsToAnalyzeHz);

saveFile = [filestamp '_FL' num2str(fliplat) '_phVel_gSWS_data.mat'];
saveFile = [par.analysisDir '\' filestamp '_FL' num2str(fliplat) '_phVel_gSWS_data.mat'];


Expand Down
50 changes: 44 additions & 6 deletions processing_code/AnalyzeAllAcquisitions.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,22 +19,60 @@
% AnalyzeARFIdata
% SetupARIFdataPlane
% Construct2DFTandCalcPhVel
% MakePlot
% MakePlotAndSaveCSVfile

[filepath, name, ext] = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));

% analysis and save directories

par.analysisDir = pwd; % directory for saving analysis data
par.saveDir = pwd; % directory to save plot and CSV file

% parameters for processing arfidata

par.DOFmm = 2; % depth of field to average (mm)
par.minLatMM = 4; % min lateral position (mm) to start analysis
par.maxLatMM = 15; % max lateral position (mm) to end analysis
par.maxTimeMS = 40; % maximum time (ms) to use in analysis
par.minTimeMS = -15; % minimum time (ms) to zero-pad before push
par.rolloffTimeMS = 15; % time (ms) for rolloff at early and late times
par.nStepsToRemove = 2; % number of reverb steps to remove
par.LPFcutoffKHz = 1; % low-pass filter cutoff frequency (kHz)
par.desirecPRFkHz = 20; % desired PRF (kHz) after upsampling in time
par.freqsToAnalyzeHz = 20:10:800; % frequencies (Hz) for phase velocity measurements

% parameters for plotting and saving output

paramFiles = dir('*_parameters.mat'); % get parameter files in directions
par.phantomID = 'E2297-A3'; % phantom ID string
par.maxPlotSpeed = 4.5; % maximum speed for gSWS and phVel plots
par.maxplotfreq = 820; % max frequency (Hz) for plot
par.fracErrorBar = 0.3; % fixed fraction for error bars
par.CIfactor = 1.96; % confidence interval for error bars
par.fmax = 800; % maximum frequency (Hz) to plot
par.rmin = 0.004; % minimum lateral position (m) for low freq cutoff
par.krThreshold = 1.5; % kr threshold for low freq cutoff
par.maxSpeed = 8; % max speed for "good" result
par.thFactor = 2; % phVel accept range = +/- thfactor * std
par.maxValidGSWS = 5; % maximum group speed where results are valid
par.minValidGSWS = 0.5; % minimum group speed where results are valid

% [filepath, name, ext] = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
% addpath(filepath)

paramFiles = dir('*_parameters.mat'); % get parameter files

for i = 1:length(paramFiles) % for each file, get filestamp and compute displacements

disp(['Processing ' num2str(i) ' of ' num2str(length(paramFiles))]) % comment to suppress output
filestamp = paramFiles(i).name(1:14);


errorFlag = MakePlotAndSaveOutputCSVfile(par);


245 changes: 245 additions & 0 deletions processing_code/MakePlotAndSaveOutputCSVfile.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@


function errorFlag = MakePlotAndSaveOutputCSVfile(par)


analysisDir = par.analysisDir; % directory with result files saved in analysis
saveDir = par.saveDir; % directory to save output plot and CSV data

freqsToAnalyzeHz = par.freqsToAnalyzeHz; % analysis frequencies (Hz)
phantomID = par.phantomID;
maxPlotSpeed = par.maxPlotSpeed;
maxplotfreq = par.maxplotfreq;
fracErrorBar = par.fracErrorBar;
CIfactor = par.CIfactor;
fmax = par.fmax;
rmin = par.rmin;
krThreshold = par.krThreshold;
maxSpeed = par.maxSpeed;
thFactor = par.thFactor;

analysisFiles = dir([analysisDir '\*_FL*_phVel_gSWS_data.mat']); % get analysis files

Vdisp = NaN(1, length(analysisFiles));
Vvel = NaN(1, length(analysisFiles));
phVel = NaN(2 * length(analysisFiles), length(freqsToAnalyzeHz));

for ifile = 1:length(analysisFiles) % load Vdisp, Vvel, phVel data

S = load(analysisFiles(ifile).name, 'Vdisp', 'Vvel', 'freqsToAnalyzeHz', 'phVel');
Vdisp(ifile) = S.Vdisp;
Vvel(ifile) = S.Vvel;
phVel(ifile, :) = S.phVel;
freqsToAnalyzeHz = S.freqsToAnalyzeHz;
clear S

[Vdisp_avg, Vdisp_std] = MeanStdOmitBadPtsOneCase_gSWS_usingPositiveData(Vdisp, thFactor, maxSpeed);
[Vvel_avg, Vvel_std] = MeanStdOmitBadPtsOneCase_gSWS_usingPositiveData(Vvel, thFactor, maxSpeed);

[phVel_avg, phVel_std] = MeanStdOmitBadPtsOneCase_usingPositiveData(phVel, thFactor, maxSpeed);

black = [0.0 0.0 0.0]; % make plot
gray = [0.4 0.4 0.4];
x1 = 1.0;
x2 = 2.0;
dx = 0.04;
YTickVals = 0:1:maxPlotSpeed;

set(gcf, 'Units', 'inches', 'Position', [0.5 2 8 3.5])

hhh1 = subplot(1, 2, 1);
hold on
ybot = (1 - fracErrorBar) * Vdisp_avg; % +/- fraction of avg displacement gSWS
ytop = (1 + fracErrorBar) * Vdisp_avg;
plot([x1 x1], [ybot ytop], 'Color',gray, 'LineWidth',1)
plot([x1-dx x1+dx], [ybot ybot], 'Color',gray, 'LineWidth',1)
plot([x1-dx x1+dx], [ytop ytop], 'Color',gray, 'LineWidth',1)

ybot = Vdisp_avg - CIfactor * Vdisp_std; % +/- CI
ytop = Vdisp_avg + CIfactor * Vdisp_std;
plot([x1 x1], [ybot ytop], 'Color',black,'LineWidth',2)
plot([x1-dx x1+dx], [ybot ybot], 'Color',black,'LineWidth',2)
plot([x1-dx x1+dx], [ytop ytop], 'Color',black,'LineWidth',2)

ybot = (1 - fracErrorBar) * Vvel_avg; % +/- 30% of avg velocity gSWS
ytop = (1 + fracErrorBar) * Vvel_avg;
plot([x2 x2], [ybot ytop], 'Color',gray, 'LineWidth',1)
plot([x2-dx x2+dx], [ybot ybot], 'Color',gray, 'LineWidth',1)
plot([x2-dx x2+dx], [ytop ytop], 'Color',gray, 'LineWidth',1)

ybot = Vvel_avg - CIfactor * Vvel_std; % +/- CI
ytop = Vvel_avg + CIfactor * Vvel_std;
plot([x2 x2], [ybot ytop], 'Color',black,'LineWidth',2)
plot([x2-dx x2+dx], [ybot ybot], 'Color',black,'LineWidth',2)
plot([x2-dx x2+dx], [ytop ytop], 'Color',black,'LineWidth',2)
hold off

set(gca, 'Units', 'inches', 'YTick', YTickVals)
set(gca, 'XTick', [1 2], 'XTickLabel', {'disp' 'vel'})
set(gca, 'Box', 'on')
ylim([0 maxPlotSpeed])
xlim([0 3])
ylabel('group SWS (m/s)')
set(gca, 'Units', 'inches', 'Position', [0.5 0.5 1.4 2.7])

kr = 2*pi*freqsToAnalyzeHz ./ phVel_avg .* rmin; % kr values to find min freq in plot

fmax = max(freqsToAnalyzeHz); % max freq based on size of error bars
fbadidx = find(CIfactor*phVel_std>fracErrorBar*phVel_avg & kr>=krThreshold);
if length(fbadidx) > 0
fmax = freqsToAnalyzeHz(min(fbadidx) - 1);

fidx = GetPlotFreqIdx(kr, krThreshold, freqsToAnalyzeHz, fmax);

capsize = 2; % size of caps on black error bars
patchwidth = 10;
nn = length(fidx);
patchx = NaN(1, 2*nn+2);
patchy = NaN(1, 2*nn+2);

for ii = 1:nn+1
switch ii
case 1
patchx(ii) = freqsToAnalyzeHz(fidx(ii)) - patchwidth/2;
patchx(2*(nn+1)-ii+1) = freqsToAnalyzeHz(fidx(ii)) - patchwidth/2;
patchy(ii) = (1 + fracErrorBar) * phVel_avg(fidx(ii));
patchy(2*(nn+1)-ii+1) = (1 - fracErrorBar) * phVel_avg(fidx(ii));
case nn+1
patchx(ii) = freqsToAnalyzeHz(fidx(ii-1)) + patchwidth/2;
patchx(nn+2) = freqsToAnalyzeHz(fidx(ii-1)) + patchwidth/2;
patchy(ii) = (1 + fracErrorBar) * phVel_avg(fidx(ii-1));
patchy(nn+2) = (1 - fracErrorBar) * phVel_avg(fidx(ii-1));
patchx(ii) = freqsToAnalyzeHz(fidx(ii)) - patchwidth/2;
patchx(2*(nn+1)-ii+1) = freqsToAnalyzeHz(fidx(ii)) - patchwidth/2;
patchy(ii) = (1 + fracErrorBar) / 2 * (phVel_avg(fidx(ii-1)) + phVel_avg(fidx(ii)));
patchy(2*(nn+1)-ii+1) = (1 - fracErrorBar) / 2 * (phVel_avg(fidx(ii-1)) + phVel_avg(fidx(ii)));

hhh2 = subplot(1, 2, 2);
hold on
fill(patchx, patchy, [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'EdgeColor', 'none');

for ii = 1:length(fidx)

ybot = phVel_avg(fidx(ii)) - CIfactor * phVel_std(fidx(ii)); % +/- CI
ytop = phVel_avg(fidx(ii)) + CIfactor * phVel_std(fidx(ii));
plot([freqsToAnalyzeHz(fidx(ii)) freqsToAnalyzeHz(fidx(ii)) ], [ybot ytop], 'Color', black, 'LineWidth', 2)
plot([freqsToAnalyzeHz(fidx(ii))-capsize freqsToAnalyzeHz(fidx(ii))+capsize], [ybot ybot], 'Color', black, 'LineWidth', 2)
plot([freqsToAnalyzeHz(fidx(ii))-capsize freqsToAnalyzeHz(fidx(ii))+capsize], [ytop ytop], 'Color', black, 'LineWidth', 2)
hold off
set(gca, 'Units', 'inches', 'YTick', YTickVals)
set(gca, 'Box', 'on')
ylim([0 maxPlotSpeed])
xlim([0 maxplotfreq])
ylabel('phase velocity (m/s)')
xlabel('frequency (Hz)')
set(gca, 'Units', 'inches', 'Position', [2.4 0.5 5.4 2.7])

savefig([saveDir '\gSWS_phVel_figure'])

% make and save CSV file

saveFile = [saveDir '\gSWS_phVel_data.txt'];

fid = fopen(saveFile, 'w');
fprintf(fid, '\n');
fprintf(fid, 'phantom %s\n', phantomID);
fprintf(fid, '\n');
fprintf(fid, ',group SWS (m/s), 95%% CI, 30%% mean\n');
fprintf(fid, 'displacement,%s,%s,%s\n', sprintf('%7.3f', Vdisp_avg),...
sprintf('%7.3f', 1.95*Vdisp_std),...
sprintf('%7.3f', 0.3*Vdisp_avg) );
fprintf(fid, 'velocity,%s,%s,%s\n', sprintf('%7.3f', Vvel_avg),...
sprintf('%7.3f', 1.95*Vvel_std),...
sprintf('%7.3f', 0.3*Vvel_avg) );
fprintf(fid, '\n');
fprintf(fid, '\n');
fprintf(fid, 'frequency (Hz),phase velocity (m/s), 95%% CI, 30%% mean\n');

for ii = 1:length(fidx)
fprintf(fid, '%s,%s,%s,%s\n', sprintf('%7.0f', freqsToAnalyzeHz(fidx(ii))),...
sprintf('%7.3f', phVel_avg(fidx(ii))),...
sprintf('%7.3f', 1.96*phVel_std(fidx(ii))),...
sprintf('%7.3f', 0.30*phVel_avg(fidx(ii))) );

errorFlag = 0;
if (Vdisp_std*CIfactor > fracErrorBar*Vdisp_avg || Vvel_std*CIfactor > fracErrorBar*Vvel_avg ...
|| Vdisp_avg > par.maxValidGSWS || Vdisp_avg < par.minValidGSWS ...
|| Vvel_avg > par.maxValidGSWS || Vvel_avg < par.minValidGSWS)


function [out_avg, out_std] = MeanStdOmitBadPtsOneCase_usingPositiveData(data, factor, maxSpeed)

[npts, nfreqs] = size(data);
out_avg = NaN(1, nfreqs);
out_std = NaN(1, nfreqs);

for ifreq = 1:nfreqs
temp = data(:, ifreq);
idx = find(temp>0 & temp<maxSpeed);
temp_avg = mean(temp(idx));
temp_std = std(temp(idx));

out_avg(ifreq) = temp_avg; % set outputs in case something goes wrong
out_std(ifreq) = temp_std; % with goodidx below

if temp_std > 0
goodidx = find(abs(temp-temp_avg)<factor*temp_std & temp>0);
goodidx = 1:npts;
out_avg(ifreq) = nanmean(temp(goodidx));
out_std(ifreq) = nanstd(temp(goodidx));


function [gSWS_avg, gSWS_std] = MeanStdOmitBadPtsOneCase_gSWS_usingPositiveData(data, factor, maxSpeed)

idx = find(data>0 & data<maxSpeed);
temp_avg = mean(data(idx));
temp_std = std(data(idx));

gSWS_avg = temp_avg; % set outputs in case something goes wrong
gSWS_std = temp_std; % with goodidx below

if temp_std > 0
goodidx = find(abs(data-temp_avg)<factor*temp_std & data>0);
goodidx = 1:length(data);
gSWS_avg = nanmean(data(goodidx));
gSWS_std = nanstd(data(goodidx));


function freqIdx = GetPlotFreqIdx(kr, krThreshold, freqsToAnalyzeHz, fmax)

freqIdx = find(kr>=krThreshold & freqsToAnalyzeHz<=fmax);
if length(freqIdx) == 0
fmax = max(freqsToAnalyzeHz);
freqIdx = find(kr>=krThreshold & freqsToAnalyzeHz<=fmax);


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