/** Includes all amGHOST headers */
#include "amGHOST_V.hh"
int EK(amGHOST_Event *event) { /** EventKonsument */
if (event->m_type == amGHOST_kWindowClose) {
return -1;
return 0;
int main(void) {
// amG_SYS is a macro defined in amGHOST_V.hh
amGHOST_Window *wOne = amG_SYS->create_window('TestTitle', 0, 0, 1280, 720);
while(true) {
if (amG_SYS->dispatch_events() == -1) { // Dispatches to EventKonsuments (EK)
* this means, one of UR EK's returned -1, processing an event....
* that event is still there, but at `amG_SYS->_EventQ.data[0]` (index 0)
* you should process the next events carefully
* amG_SYS->_EventQ is [PUBLIC]
/** delete wOne, won't work. */
#include "amGHOST_System.hh"
amGHOST_System *amG_SYS = amGHOST_System::get_system();
/** amGHOST_System *amG_SYS = amGHOST_System::heart; Works OK */
/** Its okay to call outside main, in global Space */
/** Yes, if you wanna do this... then you will have to build amGHOST from source */
python make.py
- it's interactive!!! That downloads 'extern' folder from GoogleDrive- GLEW [with CMakeLists.txt]
- Vulkan-Sdk-Lunarg [Headers + Vulkan-Loader lib (
lib-vulkan.so vulkan.lib
- You can make UR own copies of amGHOST_Options.cmake & amGHOST_Variables.cmake
- do
list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/path/to/<Options/Variables.cmake>)
- do
- CMake:
add_subdirectory(amGHOST) target_link_libraries(re lib-amGHOST)
[DOCS in CMakeLists.txt] - MESON:
sp = subproject('amGHOST') amGHOST_defs = sp.get_variable('def')
[DOCS in meson.build]
- Option:
[cmake, meson] - FILES:
(from amVK
- Option:
[cmake, (NO) meson] - FILES:
Literally Everywhere....
- You can't just instantiate an
Object, cz this class contains Pure-Virtual funcs (a.k.a This is called an Abstract Class) - You have to call
- And at the end of the program
is preferred to be called or MEMORY Will be leaked - 1 System could have multiple rendering Contexts. Maybe even multiple Graphics APIs (OpenGL/VULKAN/DX12)
Thanks to Blender, mainly Blender's GHOST, really.... This is an Complete re-write of that. They have a Lot of Helping Docs in their code.... and It was all possible because Blender is again... OPEN-SOURCE as Always
amGHOST is licensed under BOOST LICENSE
GHOST: Generic Handy Operating System Toolkit
After I finished CS50, this is what I started with. ripping off parts from blender's GHOST & making an alternative to GLFW... I didn't plan that big or robust or featurefull api, cz making modifications would be really not be that easy.... & things even flow through above my head, as I'm just another (almost 17yo) kid who just started making (somewhat) standard stuffs....