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REMI-HIRI authored Oct 29, 2021
1 parent d44411c commit b5a1f44
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Showing 9 changed files with 2,391 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added POTATO.ico
Binary file not shown.
378 changes: 378 additions & 0 deletions

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905 changes: 905 additions & 0 deletions

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

67 changes: 67 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
"""default values for each data type"""

default_values_HF = {
'Downsampling rate': '30',
'Butterworth filter degree': '4',
'Cut-off frequency': '0.005',
'Force threshold, pN': '5',
'Z-score': '3',
'Step d': '10',
'Moving median window size': '800',
'STD difference threshold': '0.05',
'Data frequency, Hz': '1000'

default_values_LF = {
'Downsampling rate': '1',
'Butterworth filter degree': '2',
'Cut-off frequency': '0.5',
'Force threshold, pN': '5',
'Z-score': '3',
'Step d': '3',
'Moving median window size': '20',
'STD difference threshold': '0.05',
'Data frequency, Hz': '1000'

default_values_CSV = {
'Downsampling rate': '2',
'Butterworth filter degree': '4',
'Cut-off frequency': '0.005',
'Force threshold, pN': '5',
'Z-score': '3',
'Step d': '10',
'Moving median window size': '250',
'STD difference threshold': '0.05',
'Data frequency, Hz': '1000'

default_values_FIT = {
'Persistance-Length ds, nm': '40',
'Persistance-Length ds, upper bound, nm': '80',
'Persistance-Length ds, lower bound, nm': '12',
'Persistance-Length ss, nm': '1',
'Contour-Length ds, nm': '1256',
'Contour-Length ss, nm': '0',
'Stiffness ds, pN': '500',
'Stiffness ds, upper bound, pN': '600',
'Stiffness ds, lower bound, pN': '400',
'Stiffness ss, pN': '800',
'Force offset, pN': '0',
'Force offset, upper bound, pN': '3',
'Force offset, lower bound, pN': '-3',
'Distance offset, nm': '0',
'Distance offset, upper bound, nm': '300',
'Distance offset, lower bound, nm': '-300'

default_values_constantF = {
'x min': '0',
'x max': '180',
'y min': '1290',
'y max': '1320',
'Number gauss': '3',
'Mean': '1295,1310,1317',
'STD': '1,1,1',
'Amplitude': '10000,5000,10000'
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@

from tkinter import filedialog
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py
import numpy as np
import time
import pylab
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.integrate import simps
import pandas as pd

from POTATO_preprocessing import preprocess_RAW

# asks for a constant force file, opens and preprocesses the data
def get_constantF(input_settings, input_format, input_constantF):
global analysis_folder

# open constant force data in csv or h5 format
file = filedialog.askopenfilename()
# get the directory of the selected file and create a path for the analysis folder
timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
path_split = file.split('/')
directory = '/'.join(path_split[:-1])

# check selected input format
if input_format['CSV'] == 1:
with open(file, "r") as f:
df = pd.read_csv(file)
# access the raw data
Force_1x = df.to_numpy()[:, 0]
Distance_1x = df.to_numpy()[:, 1]
# accessing the data frequency from user input
Frequency_value = input_settings['data_frequency']
Force_Distance, Force_Distance_um = preprocess_RAW(Force_1x, Distance_1x, input_settings)

filename = path_split[-1][:-4]
analysis_folder = str(directory + '/Analysis_constantF_' + filename + '_' + timestamp)

with h5py.File(file, "r") as f:
filename = path_split[-1][:-3]
analysis_folder = str(directory + '/Analysis_constantF_' + filename + '_' + timestamp)

if input_format['HF'] == 1:
# opening file and get the raw h5 values
Force_1x = f.get("Force HF/Force 1x")
Distance_1x = f.get("Distance/Piezo Distance")
# accessing the data frequency from the h5 file
Frequency_value = Force_1x.attrs['Sample rate (Hz)']
Force_Distance, Force_Distance_um = preprocess_RAW(Force_1x, Distance_1x, input_settings)

elif input_format['LF'] == 1:
load_force = f.get("Force LF/Force 1x")
Force_1x = load_force[:]['Value'][:]
load_distance = f.get("Distance/Distance 1")[:]
Distance_1x = load_distance['Value'][:]
Force_Distance = np.column_stack((Force_1x, Distance_1x))

# calculating the data frequency based on start- and end-time of the measurement
size_F_LF = len(Force_1x)
stop_time_F_LF = load_force.attrs['Stop time (ns)']
start_time_F_LF = load_force.attrs['Start time (ns)']
Frequency_value = size_F_LF / ((stop_time_F_LF - start_time_F_LF) / 10**9)

Force_Distance, Force_Distance_um = preprocess_RAW(Force_1x, Distance_1x, input_settings)

return Force_Distance, Force_Distance_um, Frequency_value, filename, analysis_folder, timestamp

# function for a gaussian to fit onto the constant force data
def gauss(x, mu, sigma, A):
return A * pylab.exp(-(x - mu)**2 / 2 / sigma**2)

# depending on how many gaussians should be fitted, this function summs them
def sum_gauss(x, *args):
sum = 0
fit_number = int(len(args) / 3)
for i in range(fit_number):
sum = sum + gauss(x, args[i], args[i + fit_number], args[i + 2 * fit_number])
return sum

# for the fit, values have to be guessed so that the fit can be optimized easily
def expected_modal(input_constantF):
# get the input values for the fit guesses (specified in POTATO_config and the GUI)
mu = input_constantF['Mean'].split(',')
mu_map = map(int, mu)
mu = list(mu_map)
sigma = input_constantF['STD'].split(',')
sigma_map = map(int, sigma)
sigma = list(sigma_map)
A = input_constantF['Amplitude'].split(',')
A_map = map(int, A)
A = list(A_map)

return mu, sigma, A

# display constant force data in the GUI to perform guesses on the fit
def display_constantF(FD, FD_um, frequency, input_settings, input_constantF):
global Figure_constantF

"""set constant axes-values"""
x_min = input_constantF['x min']
x_max = input_constantF['x max']
y_min = input_constantF['y min']
y_max = input_constantF['y max']

filteredDistance = FD_um[:, 1]
time_Distance = range(0, len(filteredDistance) * input_settings['downsample_value'], input_settings['downsample_value'])
time_vector_D = range(0, len(filteredDistance) * input_settings['downsample_value'], input_settings['downsample_value'])

time_D = []
for t in time_vector_D:
time_D.append(t / int(frequency))

Distance_time = []
for t in time_Distance:
Distance_time.append(t / int(frequency))

# create a Figure
Figure_constantF, (ax_scatter, ax_histy) = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [3, 1]}, sharey=True)

ax_scatter.set_xlabel('time, s')
ax_scatter.set_ylabel('Distance, nm')
ax_scatter.tick_params(direction='in', top=True, right=True)
ax_scatter.set_xlim(x_min, x_max)
ax_scatter.set_ylim(y_min, y_max)

# the scatter plot:
filteredDistance_ready = FD[:, 1]
ax_scatter.plot(time_D, filteredDistance_ready)

binwidth = 0.1
bins = np.arange(min(filteredDistance_ready), max(filteredDistance_ready), binwidth)

ax_histy.tick_params(direction='in', labelleft=False)
ax_histy.set_ylim(y_min, y_max)
hist_D = ax_histy.hist(filteredDistance_ready, bins=bins, orientation='horizontal', color='k')

return Figure_constantF, hist_D, filteredDistance_ready

# open constant force data and try to fit gaussians on the distance distribution
def fit_constantF(hist_D, FD, filteredDistance_ready, frequency, input_settings, input_constantF, filename_i, timestamp):

hist_der_value = []
hist_der_position = []

for i in range(1, len(hist_D[0])):
der = (hist_D[0][i] - hist_D[0][i - 1]) / (hist_D[1][i] - hist_D[1][i - 1])
hist_der_position.append((hist_D[1][i] + hist_D[1][i - 1]) / 2)

mu, sig, A = expected_modal(input_constantF)
p0 = np.array([mu, sig, A])
params, cov = curve_fit(sum_gauss, hist_D[1][0:-1], hist_D[0], p0)
fit_number = int(len(params) / 3)
peak_means = []
sigmas = []
peak_amplitudes = []
G = []

for i in range(0, fit_number):
sigmas.append(params[i + fit_number])
peak_amplitudes.append(params[i + 2 * fit_number])
G_x = gauss(hist_D[1][0:-1], params[i], params[i + fit_number], params[i + 2 * fit_number])

all_param = peak_means + sigmas + peak_amplitudes
tpl_all_param = tuple(all_param)
Gsum = sum_gauss(hist_D[1][0:-1], *tpl_all_param)

figure2, subplot2 = plt.subplots(1, 1)

binwidth = 0.1
bins = np.arange(min(filteredDistance_ready), max(filteredDistance_ready), binwidth)
subplot2.hist(filteredDistance_ready, bins=bins)

subplot2.plot(hist_D[1][0:-1], Gsum, 'r')
subplot2.plot(peak_means, peak_amplitudes, color='k', linewidth=0, marker='.', markersize=10)

Areas = []
for i in G:
subplot2.plot(hist_D[1][0:-1], i, 'k', linestyle='dashed')
Area_gauss = simps(i, hist_D[1][0:-1])

fractions = []
for i in range(len(Areas)):
Area_x = Areas[i]
# Area_rest = sum(Areas[:i]) + sum(Areas[i + 1:])
Area_all = sum(Areas[:])
A_fraction = Area_x / Area_all


# export csv containing all the computed values
# total_results_export=pd.DataFrame(zip(X_step_data,F_step_data, F, x_WLC, X, x_FJC), columns=['Distance data','Force with step','Force model','WLC distance','WLC + FJC distance', 'FJC distance'])
smooth_export = pd.DataFrame(zip(FD[:, 0], filteredDistance_ready), columns=['Force [pN]', 'Distance [nm]'])
smooth_export.to_csv((analysis_folder + "/" + filename_i + "_" + timestamp + '_smooth.csv'), index=False, header=True)

# histogram & gaussians
histogram_export = pd.DataFrame(zip(hist_D[1][0:-1], hist_D[0], Gsum, G), columns=['Distance, nm', 'Counts', 'Gaussian sum', 'Gaussians'])
histogram_export.to_csv((analysis_folder + "/" + filename_i + "_" + timestamp + '_histogram.csv'), index=False, header=True)

# gaussian parameters + areas
table_export = pd.DataFrame(zip(peak_means, sigmas, peak_amplitudes, Areas, fractions), columns=['mean', 'sigma', 'amplitude', 'Area', 'fraction'])
table_export.to_csv((analysis_folder + "/" + filename_i + "_" + timestamp + '_table.csv'), index=False, header=True)
# plots
plotname2 = analysis_folder + "/" + filename_i + "_histogram_fitted" + ".png"

plotname_figure_constant_f = analysis_folder + "/" + filename_i + "_visualization" + ".png"

return figure2

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