c3b753f : theme update (Himyu)
ec0c0a9 : submodule update (Himyu)
fe09c76 : submodule update (Himyu)
9412520 : Bump @types/jsonwebtoken from 8.5.9 to 9.0.0 (dependabot[bot]) #197
6997566 : Bump axios from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 (dependabot[bot]) #198
70d1ace : Bump eslint from 8.30.0 to 8.31.0 (dependabot[bot]) #201
fce1b26 : Bump @types/express from 4.17.14 to 4.17.15 (dependabot[bot]) #199
3013dfe : Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 (dependabot[bot]) #203
ac6c255 : Bump tslib from 2.4.0 to 2.4.1 (dependabot[bot]) #207
6a12a86 : Bump @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from 5.47.1 to 5.48.1 (dependabot[bot]) #210
7531220 : Bump eslint-config-standard-with-typescript from 23.0.0 to 27.0.1 (dependabot[bot]) #211
d476072 : Bump ws and @types/ws (dependabot[bot]) #204
4088a19 : Bump eslint-config-standard-with-typescript from 27.0.1 to 33.0.0 (dependabot[bot]) #219
49911c2 : submodule updates (Himyu)
7f6e0a9 : version update (Himyu)
d0d0d14 : 1.3.7 (Himyu)
You can’t perform that action at this time.