Easily generate images on-the-fly with node.js using wide range of templates.
You are looking at the next version of canvacord, which is under development. Go to the main branch to view legacy codebase.
Coming Soon!
Unlike previous versions, this project internally uses react-like elements (JSX) to generate an image with the help of satori, without depending upon canvas libraries. Internally, there exists a concept of Node
s which are basically components for canvacord template. The root node is known as a template. Templates are dynamic, which makes it easier to customize each and every part of the image you are generating. You can follow the example below to add your own components/templates to this library:
import { JSX, Node, Builder } from "canvacord";
// JSX refers to JSX factory
// Builder refers to template builder
// Node refers to component base
class TextNode extends Node<{
data: string;
color: string;
}> {
* Visual representation of this node
public toElement() {
return (
color: this.getProperty("color"),
class ProfileCard extends Builder {
public setUsername(name: string, color: string) {
const node = new TextNode({
data: name,
public render() {
// return root layout along with components
return (
width: `${this.width}px`,
height: `${this.height}px`,
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
justifyContent: "center",
backgroundColor: "#1A1A23",
{/* Render all of the components in the canvas */}
{this.components.map((component) => {
return component.toElement();