The frontend for a the RAIL License Generator, a web-based application developed by the RAIL Initiative designed to help a user generate a Responsible AI License (RAIL), given the requirements of a project. This repository is licensed under an Apache 2.0 license.
Developed by Jesse Josua Benjamin, Scott Cambo, Tim Korjakow / Working Group "Tooling & Procedural Governance".
This frontend prototype (RAIL License Generator v1) uses the following libraries:
- html2canvas by Niklas von Hertzen. Licensed under the MIT License.
- qrcodejs by davidshimjs. Licensed under the MIT License.
- materialize.css by Alvin Wang, Alan Chang, Alex Mark and Kevin Louie. Licensed under the MIT License.
Start on localhost port 3000, e.g.:
python3 -m http.server 3000
If running locally, see RAIL License Generator Backend for the required backend.