a fast regression method to estimate postmortem damage
- (optional eigenlib)
git clone https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen
Then remember to add
FLAGS="-I ../eigen/ -std=c++14"
to make commands below
- Use local installation of htslib
git clone https://github.com/RAHenriksen/ngsBriggs.git
git clone https://github.com/samtools/htslib.git
cd htslib; make; cd ../ngsBriggs; make HTSSRC=../htslib
- Use systemwide installation of htslib
git clone https://github.com/RAHenriksen/ngsBriggs.git
cd ngsBriggs; make
NOTE: Newer version of htslib which includes bam_set1 is required
ngsBriggs - inferring damage patterns and decontaminating ancient samples - 0.0.1
./ngsBriggs -bam -tab -ref -bed -len -chr -ibam -iref -ibed -ichr -obam -otab -oinf -olen -model -eps -isrecal -olik -nthreads
-> -bam: The bam file for inference;
-> -tab: The table file for inference;
-> -ref: The reference file for inference;
-> -bed: The bed file (1-based) for inference;
-> -len: The length mass probability distribution file for inference;
-> -chr: The focal chromosome for inference;
-> -ibam: The bam file for ancient strand fishing;
-> -iref: The reference file for ancient strand fishing;
-> -ibed: The bed file (1-based) for ancient strand fishing;
-> -ichr: The focal chromosome for ancient strand fishing;
-> -obam: The output bam file name;
-> -otab: The output table file name;
-> -oinf: The output inferred parameters file name;
-> -olen: The output length mass probability distribution file name;
-> -model: Specifying the model, either b (the biotin model) or nb (the non-biotin model);
-> -eps: The overall modern contamination rate, the value should be within the interval [0,1);
-> -isrecal: Choose 1 if recalibration based on length is needed, otherwise 0 (default);
-> -olik: The output nucleotide likelihood file;
-> -nthreads: Choose the number of threads to speed up the recalibration process.
Inference of Briggs parameters with three different ways
./ngsbriggs -bam Chr22_024_36_68_0097.sorted.MD.bam -ref chr22.fa -model nb
./ngsbriggs -model nb -bdamage Chr22_024_36_68_0097.bdamage.gz -rlens Chr22_024_36_68_0097.rlens.gz
./ngsbriggs -tab mismatch2.txt -len len.txt -model nb
Inference of Briggs parameters with epsilon
./ngsbriggs -bam Chr22_024_36_68_0097_eps10.sorted.MD.bam -ref chr22.fa -eps 0.1 -model nb
Decontamination with epsilon
./ngsbriggs -bam Chr22_024_36_68_0097_eps10.sorted.MD.coord.bam -model nb -eps 0.1 -ibam Chr22_024_36_68_0097_eps10.sorted.MD.coord.bam -obam Chr22_024_36_68_0097_eps10.sorted.MD.scores.bam -isrecal 1 -ibed chr22.bed -chr chr22 -nthread 1
If recal = 0, we calculate the posterior probability (AN) solely based on deamination patterns (within 30 bp); If recal = 1, we will also consider the length distribution when estimating AN, and A0 is the same as AN in the case recal = 0.
As of current release XXX ngsBriggs has the following restrictions when inferring the Briggs parameters and using these to decontaminate ancient samples.
These will be addressed in future releases.
- Solely utilize single-end reads. When processing ancient DNA, the aligned reads usually originate from merged trimmed fastq files representing single-end reads.
- Sequence reads below 30 nucleotides are discarded as the ngsBriggs utilize the deamination substitution pattern present within the first 15 basepairs (5') and last 15 baspeairs (3')
- Sequence reads equal to the cycle length, or potential paired-end sequence reads with an absolute TLEN value above the cycle length