Example server running at qinusty.co.uk port 5000
/register <username> <password>
is used to register an account with the server
/login <username> <password>
is used to attempt to authenticate with the server
/msg <username> <message>
is used to communicate with a user via username (end to end encryption is used)
/gmsg <groupname> <message>
is used to communicate with a group via the server, all messages are end to end encrypted however user lists are stored.
closes the client and logs out of the server
- Postgresql with database
- Python 3.4.3 or above
- Virtualenv
Setup tested on Fedora 23 in Gnome terminal, Python 3.4.3 and virtualenv 15.0.1
git clone git@github.com:Qinusty/Crypt-Chat.git
cd Crypt-Chat/
virtualenv -p python3.4 env
activate the virtual environment
- bash uses
. env/bin/activate
- fish uses
. env/bin/activate.fish
Double check python version with python -V
If you are still on python 2.7.x, run future python commands with python3.4
instead of python
Modify config.json and add server details.
pip install -r client-requirements.txt
python Client.py
Install requirements with
pip install -r server-requirements.txt
Run commands and authenticate when required. You may need to configure postgres to use md5 authentication. Take a look here pg_hba
psql -U <user> -c 'CREATE DATABASE <dbname>'
psql -U <user> <dbname> < DDL/schema.sql
Configure server and database connection settings via server_config.json
python Server.py
I cannot guarantee completely secure communications due the self taught nature of my education on encryption. However the end to end encryption uses 4096 bit RSA keys and uses the PKCS1_OAEP standard for RSA encryption and passwords are locally hashed using SHA512 and transmitted with end to end encryption before being stored on the server's database as the unencrypted hash.