A space-efficient and performant typed array for boolean values.
npm install boolarray
import BoolArray from 'boolarray'
// Construct a BoolArray of n bits
const bits = new BoolArray(8)
const indexes = [1, 3, 5]
// Turn on the nth bit
// Turn off the nth bit
// Set the state of the nth bit to on
for (const index of indexes) {
bits.set(index, true)
// Toggle nth bit, if on will switch off, if off will switch on
// Get the value of the nth bit
const isSet = bits.get(indexes[0])
// Set the state of all bits to on
// Set the state of all bits to off
// Check if any bits are on
const anyOn = bits.any(true)
// Check if no bits are off
const noneOff = bits.none(false)
// Get the index of the first bit which is on
const index = bits.firstWith(true)
// Gets an array of indexes of all bits which are on
const activeIndexes = bits.active()
// Gets an array of indexes of all bits which are off
const inactiveIndexes = bits.inactive()
// Creates new BoolArray which has enabled any bits on in either
const union = bits.union(other)
// Create new BoolArray which has enabled any bits on in both
const intersection = bits.intersection(other)
// Create new BoolArray with all bits set to the opposite of the original
const inverted = bits.invert()
// It is also iterable
for (const bit of bits) {