Added a feature to mark H5P Elements as primitive.
Added Confirmation dialog when deleting a learning element, learning space and pathway condition.
Added 3d representation in the story, learning and adaptivity element cards.
Added the writerside documentation in the authoringtool with a link.
Improved the filter search field in unplaced learning elements to be case-insensitive.
Changed the order of learning elements in 13- and 15-slot floor plan.
Changed Icon for deleting learning elements, learning spaces and pathway conditions.
Outsourced the selection of learning content from the learning element to a separate dialog.
Changed the styling of the story element slots for higher visibility.
Changed the styling of the switch button for selecting multiple or single choice question for higher visibility.
Removed the right-click menu for learning element, learning space and pathway condition.
Removed the button for importing learning spaces.
Fixed a bug in adaptivity elements where changes in the learning content were not applied correctly.
Fixed a bug where the program crashed after deleting two learning elements in a row using the right click menu.
Fixed a bug where the list of unplaced elements was not updated after changing the floor plan.
Fixed a bug where a story slot was not made active after undoing the creation of a story element.
Fixed the order of learning elements in learning world tree view.
Fixed a bug in adaptivity element question preview, where long comments exceeded the viewport.
Fixed a bug where points were shown in the story element cards.
Fixed a bug where unplaced elements are incorrectly dragged and dropped into the slots.
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