This repository contains Profisee Webhook templates and describes how to utilize them. Webhooks work with Profisee's Workflow or Real-Time Event Processing service to send customized payloads to a webhook endpoint and have responses sent back that can be utilized by the Workflow Activity. Events can then be configured to send information related to a specific entity.
Simple model and data archive to restore and test against, along with a sample activity that can be imported via FastApp Studio.
Contains documentation on each project.
Sample Azure Functions project containing code for setting up webhooks using Azure Functions.
Sample web app project that can be compiled and deployed to use as webhook for Profisee Service webhook activities and events.
Sample Node.js project containing code for setting up webhooks using Node.js.
Workflow Activity project that contains the uncompiled workflow file found in AdditionalFiles. This can be used to see how webhook activities are configured.