Event Subscribers provide a way to extend the Profisee Platform. They allow developers to execute arbitrary code upon Create, Update and Delete record events.
- Modifying the record in a such way that a Profisee Data Quality Rule is not capable of
- Triggering an event in a downstream application
- Publishing a message to an event queue
- Executing a SQL Stored Procedure
- Execute a Profisee process (i.e. Matching Strategy)
Download and install the ProfiseeSDK from support.profisee.com. Login required
Install Visual Studio
Create a folder that will contain subscribers code
Download the Subscriber code from Github -- All Subscribers are organized by folder -- ProfiseeSDK and SubscriberBase folders are required for all Subscribers
Run the Powershell script to copy the SDK dlls to the ProfiseeSDK folder -- ProfiseeSDK\get_profiseesdk.ps1 [-SDKDirectory]
Build the solution in Visual Studio
- Most of these Subscribers utilize Nuget packages.
- Nuget packages are not included in the files within this repository
- You may need to ensure that your Nuget Package Manager is configured to download missing packages
- Please note: the Profisee Service may need to be stopped during installation.