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Service Provider

File metadata and controls

451 lines (325 loc) · 22.1 KB

Table of Contents

REST Service Provider Artifact

The REST service provider artifact contains all the configuration required for Connect to integrate with external REST APIs. A new service provider should be created for each service and can define multiple endpoints with shared schemas and UI configuration.

The artifact can be imported and exported from the Connect admin area in the Profisee Portal.

Name Type Description
$type string Static value, must be set to: Profisee.Platform.ConnEx.Contracts.Administration.RestServiceProviderArtifact, Profisee.Platform.ConnEx
ArtifactVersion string Static value, must be set to:
RestSpecificationRecord RestSpecification The REST specification record with the OpenAPI Document.
ServiceProviderRecord ServiceProviderRecord The service provider configuration record containing the Connect OpenAPI extensions.

REST Specification Record

The REST specification record contains the OpenAPI document for the service Connect will integrate with.

The OpenAPI document specification is a standard for describing an API and it's various endpoints and request/response schemas. The specification can be found at the Swagger OpenAPI Specification.

Many services provide the document for their own APIs or they can be found in various directories such as OpenAPI Directory

The OpenApiDocument field contains the entire document as string escaped JSON. Connect supports OpenAPI Specification v3.0.x.

Name Type Description
$type string Static value, must be set to: Profisee.Platform.ConnEx.Contracts.Administration.RestSpecification, Profisee.Platform.ConnEx
Name string The name of the REST Specification Record. This will not be displayed.
Code string A Guid id for the record.
OpenApiDocument string The string escaped OpenAPI document.

Service Provider Record

The service provider record represents the provider in the Profisee Portal and contains the configuration object.

The Name will be used throughout the administration experience to reference this provider.

Name Type Description
$type string Static value, must be set to: Profisee.Platform.ConnEx.Contracts.Administration.ServiceProviderConfigurationRecord, Profisee.Platform.ConnEx
Id string A Guid id for the record.
Name string A name for the Service Provider.
Type string Static value, must be set to: Rest
Configuration ServiceProviderConfiguration The service provider configuration.

Service Provider Configuration

The service provider configuration object contains all of the settings for the service provider.

The RestSpecificationId must match the Code field of the RESTSpecification which links the configuration to the OpenAPI document.

Name Type Description
$type string Static value, must be set to: Profisee.Platform.ConnEx.Contracts.Administration.RestServiceProviderConfiguration, Profisee.Platform.ConnEx
RestSpecificationId string The Code of the REST specification.
OpenApiExtension OpenApiDocumentExtension The Connect OpenAPI document extension.

Document Extension

The document extension is used to extend the OpenAPI document provided by a service in order to customize it's behavior and functionality in Connect and the administration in the Profisee Portal. This is the main area that will need to be built out when creating a Connect integration with a new service.

All endpoints which Connect will use from the service need to be defined in Paths. The key will be the relative path to the individual endpoint from the OpenAPI document's Paths. For example /pets/{petId}.

The Security list should contain the names of any security schemes to enable for the service provider. Adding the security scheme here will enable it for all paths and operations. They can also be enabled at a single operation level in the operations extension. The names come from the OpenAPI document's Security Schemes.

Name Type Description
Paths Dictionary<string, Path> A dictionary of path extension objects.
Components OpenApiComponentsExtension The extensions for the OpenAPI components.
Security List<string> A list of security schemes Connect will use.


The FriendlyName is used in the Profisee Portal admin experience to reference the path.

Name Type Description
FriendlyName string A friendly name for the path to reference it in the Profisee Portal.
Operations Dictionary<OperationType, Operation> A dictionary of OpenApiOperationExtension objects.


Parameters is a dictionary mapping an operation's path or query string parameters to our extension parameter name. The key will come from the OpenAPI document operation parameters and the value will be the key in our extension parameters.

ResponseMappingSchemas optionally allows defining which property of the response will be used as the root for response mapping back to Profisee. The key of the dictionary will be the HTTP status code of the response, for example 200 or 500. If a schema is not defined for the status code, it will default back to the root schema of the response.

For example if the endpoint's response contains an array of records that you want to use for response mapping you would do the following:


  "Records": [
    { "Id": "1", "Name": "ABC" }


  "ResponseMappingSchemas": {
    "200": "Records"

The Security list should contain the names of any security schemes to enable for the this specific operation. The names come from the OpenAPI document's Security Schemes.

Name Type Description
BaseUrl string The base URL for the operation.
FriendlyName string A friendly name for the operation to reference it in the Profisee Portal.
Parameters Dictionary<string, string> A dictionary of parameters.
ResponseMappingSchemas Dictionary<string, string> A dictionary of response mapping schemas.
Security List<string> A list of security schemes.
MaximumRecordsPerRequest int The maximum number of records per request that the operation supports.

Components Extension

The components extension is used to extend the OpenAPI document's components section. This is where we define the custom parameters, data sources, schemas, and security schemes that Connect will use.

Keys for Parameters will be parameter names that will be used in the path extension and schemas extension to reference the parameter.

Keys for DataSources will be custom data source names that will be used in the presenter configuration to reference the data source.

Keys for Schemas should match the OpenAPI document's schemas.

Keys for SecuritySchemes should match the OpenAPI document's Security Schemes.

Name Type Description
Parameters Dictionary<string, Parameter> A dictionary of ParameterConfiguration objects.
DataSources Dictionary<string, DataSource> A dictionary of DataSourceConfiguration objects.
Schemas Dictionary<string, Schema> A dictionary of OpenApiSchemaExtension objects.
SecuritySchemes Dictionary<string, SecurityScheme> A dictionary of OpenApiSecuritySchemeExtension objects.

Parameter (Components)

Parameters are used to define which fields will be available in the Profisee Portal for configuring the request to a service. They can be used to define static values, expressions, or credentials that will be sent with the request.

Name Type Description
Scope ConfigurationScope The scope of the parameter.
FriendlyName string A friendly name for the parameter that will be shown in the Profisee Portal.
DefaultValue ParameterAssignment An optional default value for the parameter.
PresenterConfiguration PresenterConfiguration The presenter configuration for the parameter.
FormatterConfiguration FormatterConfiguration An optional formatter configuration for the parameter.

Parameter Assignment

A parameter assignment can be provided as a default value for a parameter.

Literal value example:

  "AssignmentType": "Literal",
  "Value": "123",
  "DataType": "String"

Expression value example:

  "AssignmentType": "Expression",
  "Value": {
    "ExpressionText": "NEWGUID"
  "DataType": "Object"
Name Type Description
AssignmentType ParameterAssignmentType The type of parameter assignment.
FormatterConfiguration FormatterConfiguration An optional formatter configuration for the parameter.
Value JToken The value of the parameter.
DataType JTokenType The data type of the parameter value.

Presenter Configuration

Presenter configuration is used to define how the parameter will be exposed for editing in the Profisee Portal. The Type will determine the type of UI control used to present the parameter. The Settings object will contain any additional configuration for the presenter based on the type.

Name Type Description
Type ParameterDataType The type of parameter data.
Settings JObject The settings for the parameter presenter.
Picklist Settings

Picklist settings are used for the Picklist parameter data type. The DataSource should be the name of a data source defined in the components datasource extension.

Name Type Description
DataSource string The data source to be used.
AllowMultiselect bool Indicates if multiple selections are allowed. Default is false.
RequireSelection bool Indicates if selection is required. Default is false.
DateTime Settings

The date time settings are used for the DateTime parameter data type. The Controls should be set to the type of date time picker to use.

Name Type Description
Controls DateTimePickerControls Specifies the controls for the DateTimePicker. Default is DateAndTime.
Number Settings

The number settings are used for the Number parameter data type. It can be used to define optional minimum and maximum values and the number of decimal places.

Name Type Description
DecimalPlaces uint The maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point. Default is 0.
MinimumValue double An optional minimum value allowed.
MaximumValue double An optional maximum value allowed.
ParameterSet Settings

A ParameterSet is a collection of parameters that should be sent as an object in a request. The Parameters should be a list of parameter names defined in the components parameters extension.

Name Type Description
Parameters Dictionary<string, string> A dictionary of parameters.
String Settings

The string settings are used for the String parameter data type. It can be used to define optional minimum and maximum lengths.

Name Type Description
MinimumLength int An optional minimum number of characters allowed.
MaximumLength int An optional maximum number of characters allowed. If set to a value greater than 4000, it will be capped at 4000.

Formatter Configuration

Formatter configuration can be provided to define how arrays or object are formatted when sent in a request. The Type will determine the type of formatter used.


  • Arrays will be formatted as a comma separated list of values.
  • Objects will be formatted as key=value pairs separated by &.


  • Arrays will be formatted as arrayname=value pairs separated by &.
  • Objects will be formatted as key:value pairs separated by ;.
Name Type Description
Type ParameterFormatterType The type of parameter formatter.

DataSource (Components)

A data source is a reference to an OpenAPI document enum schema which will pull values to be used by dropdowns or other UI controls in the Profisee Portal. Once defined here, the data source can be used in the presenter configuration settings of a parameter.

Example schema from an OpenAPI document:

  "components": {
    "schemas": {
      "OffOnDomain": {
        "type": "string",
        "enum": [

Data source configuration:

  "Type": "OpenApi",
  "Locator": "#/components/schemas/OffOnDomain"
Name Type Description
Type DataSourceType The type of data source.
Locator string The locator for the data source.

Schema (Components)

Schemas should contain all of the property names that Connect will use from the request schema of the OpenAPI document operation request body.

Name Type Description
Parameters List<string> A list of parameters.

Security Scheme (Components)

Connect supports the OAuth2 Client Credentials flow which must be defined in the OpenAPI document's Security Schemes.

Name Type Description
Type SecuritySchemeType The type of security scheme.
Flows OAuth2Flows The OAuth2 flows object.

OAuth2 Flows

Name Type Description
ClientCredentials OAuth2ClientCredentialsFlow The client credentials flow object.
OAuth2 Client Credentials Flow

BasicAuthenticationHeaderStyle is only used if ClientCredentialStyle is set to AuthorizationHeader. The header style will default to Rfc6749 is none is provided. Rfc2617 is available for backwards compatibiliy to support some services which still use it.

Name Type Description
ClientCredentialStyle OAuth2ClientCredentialStyle The client credential style.
BasicAuthenticationHeaderStyle OAuth2HeaderStyle The basic authentication header style.



Name Description
OpenApi OpenAPI data source type which pulls values from an OpenAPI document schema.


Name Description
Service Parameters defined in the Service scope will be configurable in the Service Configuration and will be sent with all requests to a specific operation.
Data Parameters defined in the Data scope will be available in the Integration Strategy request mappings and be evaluated per record. Use this to access data from records.

OAuth2 Client Credential Style

Name Description
AuthorizationHeader Authorization header style.
PostBody Post body style.

OAuth2 Header Style

Name Description
Rfc6749 Uses the encoding as described in the OAuth 2.0 spec.
Rfc2617 Uses the encoding as described in the original basic authentication spec.


Name Description
String String data type.
Number Number data type.
DateTime DateTime data type.
Picklist Picklist data type.
Credential Credential data type.
Expression Expression data type.
ParameterSet Parameter set data type.


Name Description
OpenApiParameterFormatter OpenAPI parameter formatter.
ExtendedOpenApiParameterFormatter Extended OpenAPI parameter formatter.


Name Description
Literal Literal value assignment.
Expression Expression-based assignment.


Name Description
Get Represents an HTTP GET operation, typically used to retrieve data from the server.
Put Represents an HTTP PUT operation, typically used to update or replace existing data on the server.
Post Represents an HTTP POST operation, typically used to create new data on the server.
Delete Represents an HTTP DELETE operation, typically used to delete existing data from the server.
Patch Represents an HTTP PATCH operation, typically used to apply partial modifications to a resource.


Name Description
OAuth2 OAuth2 security scheme.


Name Description
Date Provides a date picker experience for selecting a date in addition to input fields for entering the day, month, and year.
DateAndTime Provides a date picker experience for selecting a date in addition to input fields for entering the day, month, year, hour, and minute.