The repository contains source code of game's backend including all tests and additional files
For information about frontend part of game check the repo:
Backend part of the game is implemented in python with usage of its web framework Django, especially its 2 modules Django Rest Framework and Djago Channels. For users authentication and authtorization django is used for django-simplejwt.
- ensure you have python and docker installed on your host system
- clone the repo
- run docker-compose file that creates:
- Redis container
- SocketComponent container
- ApiComponent container
- Nginx container
- 2 PostreSQL containers, 1 for each component
docker-compose up
Congratulations, you have successfully installed the best online game
- gameApi : module implements and shares a RESTful api responsible for communicating with frontend about all issues except the game itself
- gameMechanics : stores implementation of game mechanics and mechanisms used during the play
- gameNewtorking : contains of implementation of websocket responsible for the connecting players and later the game