Clone web application of built on React library and designed with Styled Components and MaterialUI. It has the functionality to Login using Google Auth with a loading screen. The interactive home page has different channels on the sidebar which contain their respective chats which is pulled from the firestore.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd slack-clone/
Install dependencies
npm i @reduxjs/toolkit
npm i @emotion/react @emotion/styled
npm i @mui/icons-material @mui/material
npm i firebase
npm i react
npm i react react-dom
npm i react-firebase-hooks
npm i react-redux
npm i react-router-dom
npm i react-scripts
npm i react-spinkit
npm i styled-components
npm i web-vitals
Start the server
npm start
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
Client: React, Redux, MaterialUI, Styled Components
Server: Firestore, Google Auth
Deploy this project on Firebase.
To do this :
Go to
Once the project is setup, go to Project Settings.
Select Web App.
Register your firebase app nickname. Make sure to tick Firebase hosting option on. Click Register App.
Make sure to follow the subsequent steps to deploy your app on firebase(for FREE).