diff --git a/Changelog.md b/Changelog.md
index a11c0ada..83f738b4 100644
--- a/Changelog.md
+++ b/Changelog.md
@@ -1,5 +1,21 @@
# Changelog
+## 2022.03.29
+Released on March 29, 2022.
+### Fixes
+- Reduce maximum flow runs rescheduled by Lazarus at once - [#350](https://github.com/PrefectHQ/server/pull/350)
+### Helm
+- Add `includeChartNameInComponents` toggle to prefix component names with the chart name for improved UX as a subchart - [#355](https://github.com/PrefectHQ/server/pull/355)
+- Fix missing server configs on towel deployment - [#346](https://github.com/PrefectHQ/server/pull/346)
+### Contributors
+- [Gabriel Gazola Milan](https://github.com/gabriel-milan)
## 2022.01.25
Released on January 25, 2022.
diff --git a/changes/pr346.yaml b/changes/pr346.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e5b0238..00000000
--- a/changes/pr346.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# An example changelog entry
-# 1. Choose one (or more if a PR encompasses multiple changes) of the following headers:
-# - feature
-# - enhancement
-# - fix
-# - deprecation
-# - breaking (for breaking changes)
-# - migration (for database migrations)
-# 2. Fill in one (or more) bullet points under the heading, describing the change.
-# Markdown syntax may be used.
-# 3. If you would like to be credited as helping with this release, add a
-# contributor section with your name and github username.
-# Here's an example of a PR that adds an enhancement
- - "Fix missing server configs on hasura and towel deployments - [#346](https://github.com/PrefectHQ/server/pull/346)"
- - "[Gabriel Gazola Milan](https://github.com/gabriel-milan)"
diff --git a/changes/pr350.yaml b/changes/pr350.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6513fb00..00000000
--- a/changes/pr350.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# An example changelog entry
-# 1. Choose one (or more if a PR encompasses multiple changes) of the following headers:
-# - feature
-# - enhancement
-# - fix
-# - deprecation
-# - breaking (for breaking changes)
-# - migration (for database migrations)
-# 2. Fill in one (or more) bullet points under the heading, describing the change.
-# Markdown syntax may be used.
-# 3. If you would like to be credited as helping with this release, add a
-# contributor section with your name and github username.
-# Here's an example of a PR that adds an enhancement
- - "Reduce maximum flow runs rescheduled by Lazarus at once - [#350](https://github.com/PrefectHQ/server/pull/350)"