Built By Ashley Anderson, Daniel He, Sughra Hussain, Larris Xie
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Square Up was made during Hack Western 11. It is a web app that allows groups to make photo mosaics's in a few simple steps:
- Uploads an image.
- Select how many pieces to split it into..
- Share the generated QR code with friends...
- Watch the mosaic come together!
- Each person who scans the QR code recieves a unique piece of the image.
- Users send back their own picture that resmbles the piece.
- That's it!
The app handles the rest by stitching the images together to create a one-of-a-kind mosaic!
We wanted to encorporate the digital and physical world to inspire groups to have fun collaborating, sharing pictures from their lives, and ultimately getting to build something special together.
- Download dependencies for the server pip3 install -r “requirements.txt”
- Start the flask server python app.py
- Download packages for the frontend cd frontend npm install
- Start the frontend in developer mode npm run dev