This repository contains Java development tasks completed as part of the Oasis Infobyte Internship Program. Each task is categorized as Task 1, Task 2, etc., showcasing various Java development projects and solutions. The repository serves as a portfolio of my Java programming skills and practical implementations.
- Online Reservation System (Task No. 1 from Task List)
- Number Guessing Game (Task No. 2 from Task List)
- ATM Interface (Task No. 3 from Task List)
Problem Statement: Create a system to allow users to book tickets
Features Implemented:
- User-friendly interface for booking.
- Real-time reservation status updates.
- Basic authentication for user access.
Online Reservation System Screenshot:
Problem Statement: Create an interactive game where the user guesses a randomly generated number within a limited number of attempts.
Features Implemented:
- Random number generation.
- Hint system to guide the user (e.g., "Too High" or "Too Low").
- Scoring based on attempts.
Number Guessing Game Screenshot:
Problem Statement: Develop a console-based ATM system to perform basic banking operations like withdrawal, deposit, transfer, and balance check.
Features Implemented:
- User authentication.
- Withdrawal, deposit, transfer, and balance inquiry options.
- Error handling for invalid operations.
ATM Interface Screenshot:
- Java: Language used for development.
- IDE: Eclipse.
- Version Control: Git and GitHub.
- Practical Implementation: Real-world problems solved using Java.
- Clean and Modular Code: Ensuring readability and scalability.
Feel free to reach out for queries or collaborations:
- Email:
- LinkedIn: