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PyTorch TabNet tool(v0.1.0-dev0)

This tool uses tabnet, a deep learning model designed for tabular data structured in rows and columns. TabNet is suitable for classification, regression, and multi-task learning.


Input data:

The input tabular data that need to be trained. This plugin supports .csv, .featherand .arrow file formats


PyTorch-TabNet can be employed for:.

  1. TabNetClassifier: For binary and multi-class classification problems
  2. TabNetRegressor: For simple and multi-task regression problems
  3. TabNetMultiTaskClassifier: multi-task multi-classification problems


To build the Docker image for the conversion plugin, run ./

Install WIPP Plugin

If WIPP is running, navigate to the plugins page and add a new plugin. Paste the contents of plugin.json into the pop-up window and submit. For more information on WIPP, visit the official WIPP page.


This plugin takes 38 input arguments and one output argument:

Name Description I/O Type
--inpdir Input tabular data Input genericData
--filePattern Pattern to parse tabular files Input string
--testSize Proportion of the dataset to include in the test set Input number
--nD Width of the decision prediction layer Input integer
--nA Width of the attention embedding for each mask Input integer
--nSteps Number of steps in the architecture Input integer
--gamma Coefficient for feature reuse in the masks Input number
--catEmbDim List of embedding sizes for each categorical feature Input integer
--nIndependent Number of independent Gated Linear Unit layers at each step Input integer
--nShared Number of shared Gated Linear Unit layers at each step Input integer
--epsilon Constant value Input number
--seed Random seed for reproducibility Input integer
--momentum Momentum for batch normalization Input number
--clipValue Clipping of the gradient value Input number
--lambdaSparse Extra sparsity loss coefficient Input number
--optimizerFn Pytorch optimizer function Input enum
--lr learning rate for the optimizer Input number
--schedulerFn Parameters used initialize the optimizer Input enum
--stepSize Parameter to apply to the scheduler_fn Input integer
--deviceName Platform used for training Input enum
--maskType A masking function for feature selection Input enum
--groupedFeatures Allow the model to share attention across features within the same group Input integer
--nSharedDecoder Number of shared GLU block in decoder Input integer
--nIndepDecoder Number of independent GLU block in decoder Input integer
--evalMetric Metrics utilized for early stopping evaluation Input enum
--maxEpochs Maximum number of epochs for training Input integer
--patience Consecutive epochs without improvement before early stopping Input integer
--weights Sampling parameter only for TabNetClassifier Input integer
--lossFn Loss function Input enum
--batchSize Batch size Input integer
--virtualBatchSize Size of mini-batches for Ghost Batch Normalization Input integer
--numWorkers Number or workers used in Input integer
--dropLast Option to drop incomplete last batch during training Input boolean
--warmStart For scikit-learn compatibility, enabling fitting the same model twice Input boolean
--targetVar Target feature containing classification labels Input string
--computeImportance Compute feature importance Input boolean
--classifier Pytorch tabnet Classifier for training Input enum
--preview Generate JSON file of sample outputs Input boolean
--outdir Output collection Output genericData