Version 2.10 Monday, October 6, 2017
- Significant changes to Gitlab CI builds
- Deprecation of Solaris from Gitlab CI builds, moved to nightly builds
- Comments added for Upcoming Deprecation/Privatization of CommonTime Accessor/Mutator Methods
- Native Debian Package Support, more compliant than CPack-based support
- Test Additions and Cleanup
- Various Bug and Compile Warning Fixes
Anthony Hughes (1): Fixed handling of wordless strings in words() and removeWords().
Audric Terry (2): Adding unit test for TimeRange::setToString method Merge branch 'master' into issue_321_sts
Brian Tolman (66): trivial bug in configuration input turn off exec permissions IRN band 9 missing from ObsID::char2cb Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into btolman_dev Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/issue_IRN_freq_9' into btolman_dev trivial bug in configuration input update, put undoc options on same footing as regular, handle help verbose and debug properly, and several smaller changes update, put undoc options on same footing as regular, handle help verbose and debug properly, and several smaller changes add Global trop model add name() to base class use setTime internally only trivial change to help output fix PRSolve test bug in Initial/FinalTime(), do not access times of empty stores set system to Any on typical time add new code, move some DDBase-only code to relposition clean up doc only add test of EarthOrientation (IERS) code vs SOFA example clean up comments give DDBase tests their own catagory bug found in ppp add test of SE and OL tides vs IERS add JPL ephemeris tests clean up DT modify for windows dont understand, diff was 1.e-18 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into SolarSystemUpdate mod script to build on win64 Barycentric dynamic time TDB should not be labeled TRT, thats Turkey time set time system in cast to common time wrong return value in getGPT merge master add tests that dump trop model results fix the windows tests of RinSum, drop filesize in output bug - double for bool, trivial other changes bug in Saas wet delay, also fix comments fix Saas test after fixing bug update PRSolve to use Global trop, add small functionality to PRSolution update SatPass to write RINEX3, deprecate SatPassToRinex and add "2" to name, handle C2, and add UserFlag try to satisfy Solaris Remove local sort() to for Solaris Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into updateSatPass Improve Stats by defining wtd and sequential as separate classes, add simple statistical filters to geomatics add std:: for windows fix buffer overflow trivial change that silences windows warning bug, output the wrong int bug in test2FDF another bug clean up and remove windows signed/unsigned warnings improve Dump and Load redesign internals of JulianDate to avoid long double add temp test prgm use strtoull for unint64_t; NB on WIN long=int=32bit redesign internals of MJD to avoid long double refine implementation slightly clean up a little put back MJD ctor(int day double sod) decide on ctors, deprecate long double, remove ctor ambiguities, doc strtoull is not in std:: implement SecOfDay and add to doc clean up fix swig test fix for solaris - jday is long bug in computation of stats in segment clean up and fix one minor output bug
Bryan Parsons (101): Merge branch 'issue_IRN_freq_9' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_310_discfix' into 'master' Merge branch 'PRSolve_test' into CommandLine_update Merge branch 'PRSolve_test' into 'master' Revert "Merge branch 'PRSolve_test' into 'master'" Merge branch 'revert-f78eff9e' into 'master' Merge branch 'CommandLine_update' into 'master' Revert "Merge branch 'revert-f78eff9e' into 'master'" Merge branch 'revert-4f6c9ec1' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_311_CNAV_MT32' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_313' into 'master' Updating gitlab ci YAML file for smarter, flexible CI builds. Gitlab CI YAML config tweak for faster builds and passing artifacts between build and test stages. Updated all stages to accept artifacts from build stage as dependent stages. Increase speed for gitlab ci file test. Testing gitlab ci script functionality for OSX Added artifacts and dependencies to osx ci build. gitlab YAML tweaks for test and additional stages. Continued tweaking to Debian and OSX ci builds. Update gitlab-ci.yml with cache parameters for stages. Updated build script for supporting VS 14 2015 install via command line. Isolating OSX build for tweaking for all stages using artifacts and dependencies. Merge branch 'update_build_win' into 'master' Merge branch 'move_rationalize_function' into 'master' Merge branch 'master' into gitlab_ci_update Merge branch 'master' into gitlab_ci_update Adding Windows ci build to gitlab ci YAML file for testing. Added allow_failure flag for Windows ci test build, to handle known failures. Adding Core builds to runner list. Adding Solaris build to runners, updating incorrect tags. Add Debian and Redhat builds to runners. Servers updated with Gitlab Runners, removed Allowed_Failure flags. Merge branch 'issue_314_mixedScanTime' into 'master' Removed Deploy and Package stages for Solaris builds. Merge branch 'issue_316_OrbitEphStore' into 'master' Added variables for common arguments. Updating issue with variable implementation. Updated variables and added multi-thread support for appropriate builds. Adding downstream sgltk build for debian platform. Merge branch 'issue_317_StringUtils' into 'master' Merge branch 'formal-deb-pkg2' into 'master' Merge branch 'R3EphStore_time_bug' into 'master' Merge branch 'AntStore_timesys_bug' into 'master' Adding comments to .gitlab-ci.yml file Adding more details to comments of .gitlab-ci.yml. Changing install path for CI builds. Testing new install location, adding downstream build to new gpstk install. Updated all gitlab CI platforms for local install path. Updating install stage artifacts for downstream dependency stage in gitlab ci. Adding multiple downstream stages for different platforms. Updating gitlab-ci.yml with artifacts for passing to SGLTk downstream builds. Fixing SGLTk Solaris build commands in gitlab-ci.yml file. Merge branch 'issue_318' into 'master' Merge branch 'svnumxref_update' into 'master' Merge branch 'SolarSystemUpdate' into 'master' Removing Solaris Downstream stage due to long build times. Merge branch 'add_G3_constants' into 'master' Merge branch 'build_script_win64' into 'master' Merge branch 'TDB_time_string' into 'master' Merge branch 'GlobalTrop' into 'master' Merge branch 'RinSum_tests_fix' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_319' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_316_OrbitEphStore' into 'master' Merge branch '312-prettyprint-does-not-handle-newlines' into 'master' Merge branch 'bug_double_for_bool' into 'master' Merge branch 'SaasTropWetBug' into 'master' Merge branch 'GlobalTropToPRSolve' into 'master' Merge branch 'updateSatPass' into 'master' Changes to bc2sp3 test to fix failures on windows. Merge branch 'NavID_windows_warning' into 'master' Merge branch 'bc2sp3_win_fix' into 'master' Removing Solaris from CI builds. Merge branch 'master' into gitlab_ci_update Cleaning up gitlab ci script. Updated comments for Gitlab CI .yml file. Merge branch 'JD_MJD_rewrite' into 'master' Merge branch 'updateStats' into 'master' Revert "Merge branch 'JD_MJD_rewrite' into 'master'" Merge branch 'revert-aef0847c' into 'master' Revert "Merge branch 'updateStats' into 'master'" Merge branch 'revert-409a9765' into 'master' Merge branch 'updateStats' into 'master' Merge branch 'cherry-pick-409a9765' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_249' into 'master' Reapplying JD_MJD changes submitted by Brian Tolman, along with some UpdateStats tests. Changes were originally reverted after merging due to SGLTk issues. When re-applying changes, git merge-base encountered issues recognizing all changed files. Creating a patch from full diff was the best solution to resolving this issue. Merge branch 'JD_MJD_master_merged' into 'master' Merge branch 'svnumxref_update' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_321_sts' into 'master' Merge branch 'master' into gitlab_ci_update Merge branch 'gitlab_ci_update' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_320' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_325' into 'master' Merge branch 'bugStatsFilterStats' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_326_pnb_less_than' into 'master' Moving MJD/JD Changes to separate branch. Revert "Reapplying JD_MJD changes submitted by Brian Tolman, along with some UpdateStats tests. Changes were originally reverted after merging due to SGLTk issues. When re-applying changes, git merge-base encountered issues recognizing all changed files. Creating a patch from full diff was the best solution to resolving this issue." Merge branch 'MJD_JD' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_327' into 'master' Updated JulianDate.hpp for updated definition of jday, which is int(JD+0.5) and needed clarification. Also, comments added for future deprecation of public methods for all CommonTime.* Accessor/Mutator methods. Merge branch 'trop_model_tests' into 'master' Merge branch 'Issue_248_Resolution' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_329_CNav_filters' into 'master'
John H. Price (4): check that secondObsItr exists before attempting to compare against it Fix Rinex3Obs_FromScratch_T set commontime directly Replaced HOWtime with xmitTime because the Rinex spec asks for xmitTime and not HOWtime. Added fromLongDouble() to MJD class. Added const qualifier to Stats::operator+= and -=. output date as yyyymmdd hhmmss zone regardless of version
Johnathan York (9): Add initial native Debian packaging support Initial support for Debian packaging of -ext and python components Fix shbang Add explicit USE_RPATH build option debian/rules: Utilize new USE_RPATH option Add script to verify that versions in debian files match upstream Fix Debian source package builds by changing format from "native" to "git" Build a libgpstkX.Y-dbg Debian package with debugging symbols Bump Debian pkg version to 2.9.8-2
Jon Little (2): Merge branch 'formal-deb-pkg' into 'master' Issue 316 orbit eph store
Michael Presho (1): Added frequency and wavelength constants for Glonass G3 carrier
Miquela Stein (6): removed rationalize function, moved to OrbElemStore added rationalize function, moved from GPSOrbElemStore. added check that GPS data is used updated svnumxref to have the correct dates and times as verified through rawNavDump updated for nanu 2017070 update to include nanu 2017042 updated trop model python tests
Richard Ji-Cathriner (3): bug fix and tests for addMessage() Merge branch 'issue_249' of into issue_249 added BDS and QZSS support to SP3c parsing
johnk (12): Rewrite prettyPrint to handle embedded newlines and test accordingly testCommandOptionNOf use macros and fix out of scope pointer issue Some bits of clean-up clean up, formatting and test macros Test CommandOptionNOf::which and bug fix add tool for differencing time stamps Add timediff tests and fix time system issue cmake test script for output in variable checking Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 312-prettyprint-does-not-handle-newlines Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 312-prettyprint-does-not-handle-newlines First cut at implementing a wrapper for struct timespec used by clock_gettime etc Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_327
renfrob (19): Tweaking OrbAlmGen rge branch 'master' into issue_249 Fix formatting Initial commit of OrbSysGpsC_32 Implementing CNAV MT32(EOP) and enhancing MT33(UTC) Merge branch 'master' into issue_311_CNAV_MT32 Fixing failure to initialize some variables Adding OrbSysGpsC* load tests Tweaking leap second caes Adding test cases for OrbSysGpsC_3x Fixing missing returns Fixing missing conversions for IRN Completing HOW time adjustment workaround Merge branch 'master' into issue_316_OrbitEphStore Updating expected file Fixing problem with PackedNavBits less than operator Tweaking CNAV filters wrt default nav Fixing fill characters in output statements Fixing typo in exception message
Version 2.9.8 Tuesday, April 11, 2017
- RINEX 3.03 support added
- Improvements to rowdiff & rnwdiffd
- RINEX 2 & 3 support fixed for RINEX Application Suite
- Test Additions and Cleanup
- Sdded method skeleton for IRNSS alm orbit cracking
- Various Bug and Compile Warning Fixes
Anthony Hughes (2): Fixed a FileHunter::find() bug in which the time system of the start time was lost and subsequent time comparisons were sabotaged; improved exception handling. Changed test file specs to avoid ambiguity problems.
Brian Tolman (3): first attempt at R3.03 support testing with RinDump fixed tests
Bryan Parsons (5): Merge branch 'issue_302_OrbAlmGen_IRNSS' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_307_filehunter' into 'master' Merge branch 'jhprice_dev' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_308' into 'master' Merge branch 'sys-wide-install' into 'master'
John H. Price (15): Added a command line option to rowdiff to specify precision required to consider data a match. Added a command line option to rnwdiff to specify precision required to consider data a match. improved rnw precision option description allow trimming of data in rowdiff and rnwdiff to prevent diffs caused by differences in precision rowdiff - now also print diffs for satellites in file 2 that aren't in file 1 Fixed disambiguity comments showing only last character. renamed satString to sysString for clarity specify double ten = 10 to avoid overloaded pow(...) ambiguity. prevent ambiguous overloaded pow(...) call by casting parameter in function call merge master into jhprice_dev Don't try to translate Transmission Time into HOWtime since the RINEX spec is too ambiguous rowdiff clearer easily filtered formatting improved comments / help text solaris can't do std::map::at(), replace with [] expanded inputs/igs/sptu0150.16o to incude BDS observations. Added RinSum outputs for BDS inputs. Documented input sources in merge master into branch
Johnathan York (3): Include SONAME in generated shared library (e.g. Move installed headers under "gpstk/" subdirectory Update swig .i installation directory to use new "gpstk/" prefix
Michael Presho (9): added method skeleton for irnss alm orbit cracking initial cracking of IRNSS almanac incorporated added hArg as input to loadDataIRN method careful about constructing full week number fixed typo to use global WN in ctToe construction corrected SVID value in loadDataIRN output timing for comparison generalized tform print string in OrbAlm removed debug statement from OrbAlmGen.cpp
renfrob (4): Merge branch 'master' into issue_302_OrbAlmGen_IRNSS Removing throw in non-error case Cleaning up almanac determination logic Merge branch 'master' into issue_302_OrbAlmGen_IRNSS
Version 2.9.7 Monday, February 20, 2017
- Turned on RHEL Runner commands, removed C++11 ignore flag for RHEL6.
- Test Cleanup
- Added ability to process Windows line endings (CR/LF)
- Add a macro for try/catch block wrapping in tests
- Various Bug and Compile Warning Fixes
Bryan Parsons (19): Turned on RHEL Runner commands, removed C++11 ignore flag for RHEL6. Update .gitlab-ci.yml to fix YAML error. Merge branch 'Redhat_Runner_Integration' into 'master' Merge branch 'Rinex3Formatting' into 'master' Revert "Merge branch 'Rinex3NavXmitTime' into 'master'" Merge branch 'revert-f78d6ddf' into 'master' Merge branch 'Rinex3NavXmitTime' into 'master' Rinex3Formatting branch patch, omitted when reverting and remerging branches, reverts changes from merged Rinex3Formatting branch Merge branch 'R3F_Patch' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_304' into 'master' Merge branch '300-hexdumpdata-fixes' into 'master' Merge branch '305-engephemeris-has-no-operator' into 'master' Revert "Merge branch 'R3F_Patch' into 'master'" Merge branch 'revert-da9de91e' into 'master' Revert "Added newlines to rowdiff for clarity" Merge branch 'revert-8ceddb36' into 'master' Revert "Merge branch 'Rinex3Formatting' into 'master'" Merge branch 'revert-5fd7a4b8' into 'master' Update rowdiff.cpp
John H. Price (2): Added newlines to rowdiff for clarity (reverted per MSN request) Rinex 2 date format matched to previous Rinex class output. rowdiff newline after epochs for readability. (reverted per MSN request)
Jon C. Little (2): Added ability to process Windows line endings (CR/LF) Merge branch 'master' into issue_304
johnk (5): Add a macro for try/catch block wrapping in tests Eliminate a warning under red hat/gcc Replace single character ASCII separator in hex dumps with two arbitrary length strings Add operator== for EngEphemeris, BrcKeplerOrbit and BrcClockCorrection and test Make tlm argument to loadData methods const.
Version 2.9.6 Monday, January 30, 2017
- CMake scripts fix for SWIG module directory building
- Test Cleanup
- Clean up the mess that was StringUtils_T.cpp
- Updated unit tests with fancy macros
- cleaned up NAV header label to match version spec
- Various Bug and Compile Warning Fixes
Audric Terry (1): Updating PRN 4 relationships from NANU 2016072 and 2017001
Bryan Parsons (11): Merge branch 'issue_290_IRNSS' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_292_deltaT_LSF' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_253_DataID_55' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_294_irnss_cleanup' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_296_svnumxref' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_295' into 'master' Merge branch '297-tuassert-macros-should-catch-exceptions-and-fail' into 'master' Merge branch '299-hexdumpdata-stream-issues' into 'master' Merge branch 'Rinex3NavXmitTime' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_301' into 'master' Merge branch '300-hexdumpdata-fixes' into 'master'
John H. Price (4): Fixed off by 6 bug in Rinex 3 Nav Xmit Time. Updated rowdiff and rnwdiff to compare Rinex 3 (can still compare Rinex 2) Rinex3NavData.toList() added Toc twice and not Toe cleaned up NAV header label to match version spec changed xmitTime to HOWTime - 6 rather than HOWTime - (HOWTime % 30) to prevent unexpected diffs i.e. in round trips. improved rowdiff output. fixed diff not completing comparison in rowdiff
Jon C. Little (1): Fixed cmake scripts to build swig module directory prior to building the module
johnk (13): Make test assert macros catch exceptions and mark as fail Kill tabs and all who use them Kill tabs and all who use them Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 297-tuassert-macros-should-catch-exceptions-and-fail Make sure stream flags are changed and restored as needed in hexDumpData Clean up the mess that was StringUtils_T.cpp More complete stream state saving/storation in hexDumpData Don't optimize debug builds hexDumpData: Add the option to show radix on index and/or data. Don't add index to col if it's not being printed. Print a newline even if there's no ascii output. Change the test data so it's not on even 8-byte boundaries to exercise fills. Add tests for various configurations. Move hexDumpData implementation out of StringUtils.hpp, enhance it a bunch and add a bunch of tests for it data output was somehow dropping the fill character in some cases 0 fill hexDumpData Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into 300-hexdumpdata-fixes
renfrob (16): Adding IRNSS signals to identifiers Updating tests for IRN time Adding new time class and associated test Adding IRN time to TimeSystem Updating tests to include IRNTime Merge branch 'master' into issue_290_IRNSS Fixing an oversight Add IRN to the list of time system corrections Adding test for RefTime/TimeSystemCorrection Adding GLONASS<->UTC correction tests Merge branch 'master' into issue_290_IRNSS Adding deltaTLSF to Data ID 56 terse output Modifying output for GPS LNAV Data ID 55 Cleaning/Correcting IRN time scanning/printing Simplifying handling of non-GPS navigation message types Changes for additional BeiDou support in the infrastructure classes
Version 2.9.5 Friday, December 16, 2016
- Fixed type of stream position test
- Updated Truth Data for tests
- Added unit tests to catch incorrect CRC length and other record length problems
- Updated unit tests with fancy macros
- Adding antenna phase center offset calculations
- Various Bug and Compile Warning Fixes
Anthony Hughes (2): Fixed incorrect CRC length; added unit tests to catch incorrect CRC length and other record length problems; updateded unit tests with fancy macros. Fixed type of stream position test
Bryan Parsons (4): Update .gitlab-ci.yml to comment out Redhat runner, which is currently offline. New line characters were producing errors when building RPMs. Updated Description to fix this issue. Reported by Anthony Hughes. Merge branch 'issue_289_binex_crc' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_284_ANTEX' into 'master'
renfrob (1): Adding antenna phase center offset calculations
Version 2.9.4 Tuesday, November 22, 2016
- Numerous Windows fixes
- Updated Truth Data for tests
- Various fixes for test infrastructure and individual tests
- This release includes new/modified source code comments for improved readability.
- Various Bug and Compile Warning Fixes
Bryan Parsons (15): Merge branch 'issue_271' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_272' into 'master' Merge branch '274-multi-gnss-support-in-sp3c-files' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_275_TSC_in_OrbSysGpsL_56' into 'master' Fixed FileHunter_T file and dir creation under Windows. FileHunter has been updated to work correctly on Windows. All failed tests cleared. Windows api can handle both Unix and Windows file paths now. Removed old file path code. Also removed all CYGWIN defs from Core library. Fixed FileUtils test failures - Tweaks to FileUtils library code for handling mangled directory paths on Windows. FileUtils_T test omissions for tests not compatible with Windows. Merge branch 'issue_276_BDSEllipsoid' into 'master' Merge branch 'master' into windows_tests Merge branch 'windows_tests' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_276_BDSEllipsoid' into 'master' Truth test data updated to handle new OrbitEphStore edge case fixes and subsequent output changes. Merge branch 'issue_277' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_286' into 'master' Merge branch '288-vector-obsid-is-not-swig-wrapped' into 'master'
John H. Price (14): Calling prepareVer2Write is no longer necessary for outputting Rinex2 files Added checking and excepting for likely programmer/user mistakes: -invalid system char string in Header.mapObsTypes -overlapping R3->R2 Obs Type conversion Added 4-digit year for Rinex 3.02 Met file support Glonass-related required fields now required iff a Glonass satellite is included in the file Fixed reallyGetRecord for 3.02's 4-digit year Updated comments for Rinex3Obs_FromScratch_T Updated comments, respaced code for readability Refactored code for readability. Added version test to RinexMet_T Added missing data for new Rinex Met and Obs tests Fixed --DO removing extra obs in RinEdit, updated tests to avoid duplicate obs fixed Rinex 2 GPS output partial fix of multi-GNSS rinex file io, save to test master behavior removed debug messages, fixed glonass cod/phs/bias bug in writeHeaderRecords Added check for prepareVer2Write following its re-requirement to output R2 files Found print statement in Rinex3ObsHeader writeHeaderRecords implementation, surrounded with if(debug) added back auto-selection of 'best' ObsID for R2 Obs Types in prepareVer2Write. Doing so now adds a header comment to clarify the origin of the Obs Type
Jon C. Little (18): Making df_diff report when a file isn't found Allowing a slight variation in the SYS / PHASE SHIFT header Adding more Rinex v2 & v3 testing Now tests splitting and merging of files with RinEdit Added another RinDump test Merge branch 'master' into RinEdit_Galileo Fixing several files that got overwritten in the previous merge of master in to RinEdit_Galileo Added more test cases for various Rinex variants. see data/inputs/igs/ for the files used Fixed and incorrectly specified dependency in the ctest of RinEdit Merge branch 'master' into RinEdit_Galileo Documentation for test data. Oh my! Merge branch 'master' into RinEdit_Galileo Fixing return code to be non-zero when there are uncaught exceptions thrown during tests Added logging of environment to the build log. Changed finding the GLONASS bias since the initializer seemed to be optimized out on solaris Changed verbosity level to dump the environment Merge branch 'master' into RinEdit_Checker mend
Jon Little (4): Merge branch 'issue_283_OrbAlmGen' into 'master' Merge branch '287_python_test' into 'master' Merge branch 'RinEdit_Galileo' into 'master' Merge branch 'RinEdit_Checker' into 'master'
Richard Ji-Cathriner (2): added BDS and QZSS support to SP3c parsing Add template for vector with ObsID contents
johnk (9): Demonstrate how GPSEphemerisStore selection fails Finding two return statements in the same scope, one after the other, made me reformat this to figure out what's really going on It wasn't that I'd deleted a close curly, it was that I'd added an open curly. Oops Change eph2 HOW time, eph3 IODC/IODE Add handling of edge cases and remove debugging cruft Merge branch 'master' into issue_277 Merge attempt 1 Redo changes for ephemeris selection, using master, sans reformatting Make find methods return NULL on empty map
renfrob (10): Adding operator<() to TimeRange Fixing test failures Changed key for OrbAlmStore to beginValid Adding method to retrieve list of subject SVs Correcting time frame for estimateWeekNumberBDS Adding TimeSystemCorr method Adding OrbSysStore Adding new ellipsoid Fixed file name problem Modify OrbAlmGen to recognize and reject placeholder almanacs
Version 2.9.3 Thursday, September 15, 2016
- Updated user documentation
- Progress towards making codebase Lintian clean for Debian packages
- Swig Examples fixed
- Jan 2017 leap second added to table
- This release includes new/modified source code comments for improved readability.
- Various Bug and Compile Warning Fixes
Alex Kovacs (5): gpstk/BuildSetup.cmake hardening-no-relro warnings. gpstk/BuildSetup.cmake unstripped binaries gpstk/BuildSetup.cmake starts-with-package-name gpstk/BuildSetup.cmake extended description gpstk/BuildSetup.cmake maintainer address
Anthony Hughes (1): Fixed memory leak during clear(); moved the implementation out of the header file.
Bryan Parsons (9): Merge branch 'IRNSS_Shim' into 'master' Merge branch 'tropModelFix' into 'master' Merge branch '268-bdt-conversion-in-timesystem-pp' into 'master' Migrated svvis documentation to SGLTk. Merge branch 'usermanual_update' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_269_OrbitEphStore' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_270' into 'master' Merge branch 'alex-lintian-fixes' into 'master' Merge branch 'swig_examples' into 'master'
Jon C. Little (10): Fixed reading of obs files with continuation lines in their obs types Now will fully delete obs and satellites, including from the header Fixed test for additional Rinex3ObsHeader dump output Full test suite now working again on Debian & Solaris Pulled Nick's testing doc changes Moved a couple more tests to use testsuccexp.cmake Moved a couple more tests to use testsuccexp.cmake Merge branch 'RinEdit_Galileo' of into RinEdit_Galileo Making data paths available to swig Fixing paths for test files
Jon Little (6): Fixing missing DataMap wrapping Another one working Making example4 wok Refactored to work better and not require user input swig example4 works again swig example5 works again
Kevin Kraatz (1): Issue 270: Fix usage of Position in ORD classes
Nathaniel Hill (1): Minimal 4 line change to avoid RinDump aborting when files contain IRNSS data
Richard Ji-Cathriner (1): fixed conversions to/from BDT, added Jan 2017 leap second to table, cleaned up magic numbers
bsorrells (1): Added missing Trop Models to swig files
Version 2.9.2 Friday, August 5, 2016
- Additional Unit and Application Tests
- Application Migration from ext to core
- Updated file
- Updated information about Unit Test Framework
- Information for writing Unit and Application Tests
- This release includes new/modified source code comments for improved readability.
- Various Bug and Compile Warning Fixes
Anthony Hughes (3): Added some minimal tests for DDBase as a starting point. Excluded 'build' and 'ref' directories during source package build; removed execute bit from many files; properly completed move of mpsolve back into ext. Removed the examples directory from the source package due to its immense size.
Bryan Parsons (7): Removed novaRinex from User's Reference Manual, after Caleb reported the error. Merge branch 'more_doc_changes' into 'master' Merge branch 'specialfuncs_max_iteration' into 'master' Merge branch 'moreAppUnitTests' into 'master' Merge branch 'specialfuncs_max_iteration' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_265' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_266' into 'master'
Frederick Doe (2): Fixed bug in timeconvert in which the first input for --z29 inputs was ignored. No matter which value was given, timeconvert output the time for that zcount in the first GPS epoch. Also fixed bug in the CTest test for timeconvert --z29 Merge branch 'moreAppUnitTests' of into moreAppUnitTests
Jae-Ho Song (2): Increased the maximum number of iterations for invChisqCDF from 100 to 1000. Additionally, this has been done for invNormalCDF, invStudentsCDF for consistency Also increased the maximum number of iterations for contfracIncompGamma, cfIBeta, seriesIncompGamma
Nick Fitzsimmons (22): Moved RINEX Checktools to Core Actually Added Tests Added Additional Merge Application Testing Changes to timeconvert Tests Added Additional Input/Output Checking for the RINEX Tools Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into moreAppUnitTests Added Input/Output Checking for PRSolve and bc2sp3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into moreAppUnitTests Merge branch 'moreAppUnitTests' of into moreAppUnitTests Added Seg Fault Checking to testfailexp.cmake Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into moreAppUnitTests Removed Improper Use Tests for Apps and Modified PRSolve Tests Updated TESTING Documentation Consolidated Valid Output Checks Re-enabled the RinEdit_ValidOutput Test Amended the ValidOutput Tests Again Fixed a couple of comments Updated Updated Updated Another Time Removal of Help Tests for DDBase and DiscFix Added More Precision to timeconvert Tests and Fixed a CMake File
anthony (12): Moved ext/apps/multipath to core/apps/multipath and removed graphics dependencies. Retained a copy of mpsolve.cpp in the old location renamed to mpsolve_svg.cpp. Added a new unit test for mpsolve. Moved DDBase and DiscFix apps from ext to core ; added initial, minimal unit tests for each. Fixed many tab/space, whitespace, comment, and line length issues. Merge branch 'moreAppUnitTests' of into moreAppUnitTests Merge branch 'moreAppUnitTests' of into moreAppUnitTests Implemented unit tests for mpsolve. Moving mpsolve and its tests back to ext; applying mpsolve fixes Move DDBase and DiscFix back to ext along with their tests Fixed overloading ambiguity when calling TUASSERTFE Added check for invalid PR solution; added SP3 ephemeris test input for the proper time window; added a new test with the new SP3 input data; retained old test with invalid SP3 input data. Reenable geomatics/cycleslips, geomatics/relposition, and multipath app builds and tests Silenced errors on some platforms by removing redundant file closes and clears from the observation file reader.
macosta (2): Treat super saturated humidity as 100% and throw exceptions if humidity is above 105. Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_266
Version 2.9.1 Tuesday, July 12, 2016
- Documentation across the GPSTk have been revamped
- LaTex User's Reference Manual PDF has been updated
- Old applications and LaTex files removed
- Migrated documentation for applications in SGLTk
- Various information updated
- added for how-tos on building GPSTk documentation
- Application documentation added to each app directory, in markdown for easy reading and auto-rendering on Gitlab
- LaTex User's Reference Manual PDF has been updated
- Additional Application and Unit tests
- This release includes new/modified source code comments for improved readability.
- Various Bug and Compile Warning Fixes
Audric Terry (2): Adding minIdentical messages class member along with accessor functions Merge branch 'master' into issue_252_CNAV_Filter
Bryan Parsons (50): Merge branch 'issue_252_CNAV_Filter' into 'master' Update Merge branch 'issue_254' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_249' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_250_NavID' into 'master' calgps application and application tests have migrated from /ext to /core Migrated all mergetools applications (mergeRinMet, mergeRinNav, mergeRinObs) and application tests from /ext to /core RinEdit and RinSum applications with application tests have been migrated from /ext to /core Migrated all difftools (rmwdiff, rnwdiff, rowdiff, rinheaddiff) applications and application tests from /ext to /core. This commit closes JIRA issues GPSTK-61 and GPSTk-160. Merge branch 'doc_mod' into 'master' Merge branch 'ext_core_migration' into 'master' Adding newline to end of CNavFilterData.hpp to quiet Solaris warnings. Merge branch 'issue_249' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_249' into 'master' Merge branch 'abc_test' into 'master' Migrated calgps back to /ext, as library dependencies proved too numerous and must be tested properly prior to full migration of app and library code (vdraw in this case). Also, added core-only build test to gitlab-ci builds to catch any reverse dependencies between core and ext. Migrate calgps tests from core to ext Merge branch 'ext_core_migration' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_256_bc2sp3' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_257' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_257' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_249' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_252_CNAV_Filter' into 'master' RINEX bug fix submitted by Brian Tolman. Code originally assumed only one continuation line. Merge branch 'tolman_fix' into 'master' Calgps application successfully split. Original Calgps with svg,postscript, and EPS support left in /ext/apps/timeand renamed to calgps_svg. New calgps with no vdraw library support added to /core/apps/time as calgps. Primary tests have been migrated to /core test suite, while eps, postscript, and svg tests were left in /ext. Syncing 'master' into ext_core_migration prior to Merge Request Reverted /ext calgps test names back to original. Merge branch 'ext_core_migration' into 'master' Merge branch 'rinex_bug' into 'master' Updating Doxyfile for latest version of GPSTk. Latex Users Manual cleanup, removed old and migrated documentation to SGLTk. Cleaned up User's Manual, updating dates, names, tables, and other relevant data. Changed README.txt to Added in folder README.txt for difftools application directory. Developer documentation for Gitlab server and easy reference without the need to build the Latex manual. Merge branch 'issue_263_PNB_NavID' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_249' into 'master' Git enforcing line endings to LF on commit. Sync branch 'master' into doc_overhaul Update diff-tools Added filetools - bc2sp3 documentation into apps/filetools folder. Tweaked some markdown in difftools README Application documentation for poscvt and PRSolve have been added to core/apps/positioning folder. PRSolve documentation was migrated from pdf. Update apps/positioning for better readability Moved PRSolve.pdf into /doc subdirectory in apps/positioning. Updated Rinextools, positioning, and time app folders with files for app descriptions. file added to root GPSTk folder for instructions on how to build Doxygen API documentations and LaTex Users Manual. Updated info in file. Some formatting cleanup for documentation. Migrated some SGLTk app documentation to SGLTk from GPSTk documentation. Updated README.txt to for proper markdown rendering for /core/apps/time folder.
Conor Lindahl (3): Making sure I can commit Removed tester file Edited for timeconvert to match with help
Jessica Rosenquest (3): Created OrbSysGpsL_52 and renamed OrbDataSys_T.cpp as OrbSysStore_T.cpp. Merge branch 'master' into issue_249 Merge branch 'issue_249' of into issue_249
Jon C. Little (13): Robustifiying input Commenting out ineffective tests Backing out a change that shoudn't be required dangling semicolon Merging in master to abc_test Merge branch 'master' into abc_test Fixing xmitReadTest Refactoring code so one class per file. Refactored exception throwing so location information would be preserved. Fixed some uninitialized variables. Merge branch 'issue_254' into abc_test Making -O2 default on builds Merge branch 'master' into abc_test Merge branch 'master' into abc_test Using tilde for home dir expansion wasn't always working.
Jon Little (17): Making build work on hrtr Added sanitize for the python bindings Misc changes to fix parsing of bogus data in input files. Using the address sanitizer in debug builds under gcc supports just dumping config Fixing the str and repr funcions for some classes. Merging in changes from master Stream output operator doesn't seem to stack. Refactored test to use the test utilities macros Tweaking the tolerances. Providing a better way for the GPSTk build to communicate where the python bindings are located. Fixing output of the phase shift header records in rinex v3 Adding a new obs type, freqIndex, for recording the GLONAS frequency offset index Line ending removal Removing DOS line endings Merge branch 'master' into rinex_bug removing missed merge flags
renfrob (50): First valid compile of initial CNav filters Initial implementation of CNav simple filters Merge branch 'master' into issue_252_CNAV_Filter Adding reject cases and doubling the amount of data Finishing initial implementation of CNavFilters Various changes to get initial CNav Filter sucess Adding debug print methods Removing debug include Merge branch 'master' into issue_252_CNAV_Filter Adding SV ID 53, 54, 55, 57-62 Merge branch 'master' into issue_249 Adding a general means to create OrbDataSys objects Remving OrbSysStoreGpsL in facor of OrbDataSysFactory Clean-up terse mode output Adding test for OrbDataSys classes Changing string IDs for CNAV_L2 and CNAV_L5 Tweaking output format for dumpTerse Adding OrbAlm, OrbAlmGen, and a store for OrbAlm classes Adding a test for OrbAlmStore Improving tests, adding tests, improvements to OrbAlmStore.find() Complete version of OrbAlmStore_T Merge branch 'master' into issue_249 Adding test for OrbAlm classes Merge branch 'master' into issue_249 Fixing units in bc2sp3 Moving bc2sp3 from ext to core Fixing end time calculation Adding test cases for bc2sp3 Removing unused files Add test for --msg and fixing error in same Adding a 900s test for bc2sp3 Adding deriveLastXmit to OrbAlmStore Merge branch 'master' into issue_256_bc2sp3 Additional tweaks for OrbAlmStore Adding ability to retrieve list of SVs tranmitting a specific almanac Fixing comments Improving handling of almanac time Adding precision to text output Fixing error in almanac cracker Merge branch 'master' into issue_249 Adding comments on BDS limitations Adding NavID to PackedNavBits as part of issue_263 Adding test for PackedNavBits::invert() Adding test for copyBits Adding test for insertUnsignedLong Fix CRLF problems Adding CNAV MT33 Incorporting OrbSysGpsC_33 into OrbDataSysFactory Adding MT30 to CNAV system data Once again fixing a CRLF problem
Version 2.9 Friday, May 20, 2016
- Significant progress resolving failed tests on Windows and Redhat
- CPack update - RPM Packages and NSIS Windows installers added to package suite using
- Added required files for Gitlab-CI builds
- Updates to SWIG bindings, fully compiles on OSX
- Addes initial set of Python/SWIG tests
- Major Doxygen cleanup and overhaul
- Cleanup of old code and documentation
- This release includes new/modified source code comments for improved readability.
- Various Bug and Compile Warning Fixes
Andrew Joplin (2): SunEarthSatGeometry: Added OrbitNormalAttitude function Added swig bindings for SunEarthSatGeometry
Anthony Hughes (4): Make output of END OF HEADER mandatory in reallyPutRecord. Handle NGA-specific event extension to SP3a during output; fixed SP3b SV ID format; added basic unit tests. Added a more correct and efficient addSubframe() variant that accepts the subframe as an array of uint32_t, thus avoiding several array copies. Fixed exception specifications for several methods that could throw despite throw().
Audric Terry (1): Several PRN/SVN updates to SVNumXRef.cpp
Brian Tolman (1): Update discontinuity corrector for GLONASS and improve algorithm
Bryan Parsons (67): Added Linux distro detection. RPM packages now build for Red Hat Linux distro. NSIS support added for Windows installation. Erase garbage introduced when fixing merge conflicts. Merge Remote Master into Local Master. Updated v2.8.1 with new commit to update CMakeLists.txt file Merge branch 'issue_209' into 'master' Merge branch 'master' into cpack_rpm_nsis Merge branch 'SunEarthSatGeometry' into 'master' Merge branch 'cpack_rpm_nsis' into 'master' Adding warning flag back to silence SunOS warnings. Merge branch 'swig_tests' into 'master' Updating to fix bug with SGLTk Added root .gitlab-ci.yml file for gitlab ci integration with gitlab2 Fixed formatting for .gitlab-ci.yml Initial addition of build code for command line Windows build by Updated to settle merge conflicts. Updated error in .gitlab-ci.yml script Updated gitlab-ci script to adjust for Windows cmd prompt command. Added tweaks to Windows command line support. Merge branch 'master' into build_windows Merge branch 'build_windows' into 'master' Merging Master into current gitlab-ci branch Updated gitlab-ci file for additional builds, added type: category as well. Commented out current platforms with no active runners. Updated .yml file to test staging. Adjusted .yml script for artifacts and dependencies. more tweaks to .yml file for proper syntax, after validating using CI Lint tool. Updating Artifact paths and Testing Debian and Opti022 runners. Removing opti022 code, testing debian build on Opti022. Commented out redhat runner code for now. Added cache option to .yml file. Testing cache function on windows only. Removed all dependency variables, testing ssh executor using imac osx coordinator. Tweak to code, testing new osx coordinator system level runners. Comments to .yml file Added all supported GPSTk platforms to .yml for testing with sudo osx coordinator and ssh scripts. Added deploy label to .yml file. Merge branch 'issue_250_NavID' into 'master' Adding CPACK License parameter for NSIS Windows installer build. Merge branch 'issue_249' into 'master' Merge branch 'master' into gitlab-ci Cleaned up and Updated .gitlab-ci.ym for testing on live gitlab-ci server. Updated SWIG CMakeLists.txt to ignore -std=c++ for Redhat Linux platforms. Merge branch 'gitlab-ci' into 'master' Fixed Overloading ambiguity error on Solaris, change pow(int,int) to pow(float,int) Merge branch 'issue_238' into 'master' Turning off SWIG bindings for Solaris Gitlab-CI Runner build. Merge branch 'master' into svnum_updates Merge branch 'svnum_updates' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_236' into 'master' Explicit build folder for Gitlab-Ci redhat and osx builds Merge branch 'issue_249' into 'master' Updating Changelog and NEWS files with missing information. Updates to tests to reduce errors in Windows GPSTk build. Submitted by John Knudson. Merge branch 'windows_fix' into 'master' Merge branch 'splitWithDoubleQuotes' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_251' into 'master' Added ifdef for Linux for unistd.h support after merging in Windows bug fixes. Commented out GPSWeekSecond tests dueto the delay of merging issue_248 branch. Updates for FileHunter and FileUtils tests for fixing Win32 bugs. Spelling mistakes fixed in swig/PythonSetup.cmake. Merge branch 'GPSTk_RC29' into 'master' Merge branch '253-add-initialization-to-engephemeris-aodo' into 'master' Fixed various Windows build issues. Added various #ifdef's to designate appropriate libraries between Windows and Linux. Merge branch 'windows_fixes' into 'master' Merge branch 'comment_fix_BAR' into 'master' Merge branch 'jcl01' into 'master' Silencing OSX Warnings. RinDump and RinEdit bug fixes, submitted by Brian Tolman. 2-3 important bugs fixed with 1-line fixes. Merge branch 'Rinex_Fixes_Tolman' into 'master'
Frederick Doe (1): Added initialization of AODO to EngEphemeris
Jessica Rosenquest (5): Modified Merge branch 'master' of Added include for compiling on debian. Merge branch 'master' into navfilter Added NavID.hpp, NavID.cpp, and NavID_T.cpp.
Jon C. Little (16): Removing files that should have not been part of the source tree. Part 1 Removing files that should have not been part of the source tree. Part 2 Merge branch 'master' into issue_209_python_ctest Hacked Rinex3ObsHeaderTouchHeaderMerge to do something on Rinex3Obs and made the tests pass Reworking swig builds Fixing bug where the wrong python libraries were bein found Moving python config to the swig dir Finally compiling on OSX Finally compiling the swig bindings on OSX Merge branch 'swig_tests' of into swig_tests Big refactoring of the swig python module. Its almost what it should be now. Fixing some test failures. Got rid of installing the example python programs and added installing a couple python apps Simplifying specifying the files to populate the module with Making test_utils work for sgltk Merge branch 'master' into swig_tests
Jon Little (34): Initial commit of adding swig bindings to ctest Now has first cut at the first python/swig tests Now with a code that parallels the C++ tests Fixed the working dir so we don't polute the source dir Refactored tests to use python unittest module trying to settle on a test file naming scheme Now with some doc strings adding testing of time classes Fixed a bug where won't work on all linux platforms Merge branch 'master' into issue_209 Fixed a build bug on OS X Merge branch 'master' of Moved all the build dirs to a single subdirectory. Merge branch 'master' into file_cleanup Merge branch 'issue_233' into 'master' Nicer reporting of test failures at the end of the run Merge branch 'master' of Merge branch 'file_cleanup' into 'master' Merge branch 'master' into issue_209 Refactored to use argparse to communicate input dir, output dir, and other stuff to the python tests Now verifies that the swig module is loaded from the requested location Settig the appropriate time system on GPSWeekZcount Now supports writing a rinex obs file from scratch Fixed bug when tests are not run. Fixed another bug when tests are not run. Merge branch 'master' into issue_68_novatel Merge branch 'issue_68_novatel' into 'master' Moving TestUtil into the gpstk namespace... Merge branch '237-TestUtil' into 'master' test_utils was not telling cmake it was failing ... Better comments about satellite id Merge branch 'master' of Adding .gitattributes to normalize line endings Introduce end-of-line normalization
Nick Fitzsimmons (2): New Test Case to Display GPSWeekSecond Conversion Bug Update to TestUtil
Steve Johnson (3): Add StringUtils::splitWithDoubleQuotes(...) Merge branch 'master' into splitWithDoubleQuotes Fix redhat, solaris, osx broken builds
anthony (1): Merge branch 'issue_232_sp3_nga' into 'master'
johnk (103): Doxygen overhaul part 1 Doxygen overhaul part 2 Allow indpendent execution of doxygen (i.e. outside of and tweak formatting Doxygen overhaul part 3 Doxygen overhaul part 4 Doxygen overhaul part 5 Doxygen overhaul part 6 Doxygen overhaul part 7 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_207 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_207 Doxygen overhaul part 8 Doxygen overhaul part 9 Change Doxygen time group label Doxygen overhaul part 10 First pass at a modular nav data filter Fix some bugs that arise from using combined nav filters Remove debug output Correct a comment Doxygen stuff more doxygen Add NavFilterMgr example Add a minimalistic pseudo-code example Fix doxygen formatting issue Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into navfilter Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_207 Doxygen-ify comments and some code reformatting Fix up example Turn off most graphs by default Remove waitLength(), add finalize(), implement LNavCrossSourceFilter First cut at testing multi-epoch filters and finalize() Merge branch 'issue_207' into 'master' Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into navfilter Fix NavFilterMgr::finalize which was failing to copy data out Add preconditions documentation to LNAV filters. Add time stamp to NavFilterKey and use it in LNavCrossSourceFilter. Properly accept and reject messages in LNavCrossSourceFilter. Add ability to accept/reject nav messages in bulk. Properly handle rejects in NavFilterMgr::finalize. Much more documentation and additional examples. Add an ephemeris aggregating filter and test it Merge branch 'navfilter' into 'master' Fix includes for cross-platform usability Merge branch 'navfilter' into 'master' Doxygen overhaul part 1 Doxygen overhaul part 2 Allow indpendent execution of doxygen (i.e. outside of and tweak formatting Doxygen overhaul part 3 Doxygen overhaul part 4 Doxygen overhaul part 5 Doxygen overhaul part 6 Doxygen overhaul part 7 Doxygen overhaul part 8 Doxygen overhaul part 9 Change Doxygen time group label Doxygen overhaul part 10 First pass at a modular nav data filter Fix some bugs that arise from using combined nav filters Remove debug output Correct a comment Doxygen stuff more doxygen Add NavFilterMgr example Add a minimalistic pseudo-code example Fix doxygen formatting issue Doxygen-ify comments and some code reformatting Fix up example Turn off most graphs by default Remove waitLength(), add finalize(), implement LNavCrossSourceFilter First cut at testing multi-epoch filters and finalize() Fix NavFilterMgr::finalize which was failing to copy data out Add preconditions documentation to LNAV filters. Add time stamp to NavFilterKey and use it in LNavCrossSourceFilter. Properly accept and reject messages in LNavCrossSourceFilter. Add ability to accept/reject nav messages in bulk. Properly handle rejects in NavFilterMgr::finalize. Much more documentation and additional examples. Add an ephemeris aggregating filter and test it Fix includes for cross-platform usability Use psrinfo instead of kstat to get core count in solaris Merge branch 'master' of add a newline to the end of TabularSatStore.hpp add extern "C" to callback functions to eliminate warning messages Remove resolved @todo item/comment Fix template name resolution issue Merge branch 'issue_230' into 'master' Changed xorChecksum to not use host word types clarify return value comment Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_233 Add some NMCT validity time methods to EngNav Modify NMCT functions per conversations with Brent and add tests Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into navfilter Export time of transmission in getNMCTValidity and add a wrapper class for all this time data Merge branch 'navfilter' into 'master' Generally it's a good idea to initialize data members of a class in its constructor Add namespace scope the lack of which was breaking solaris builds Why does only solaris studio require namespace for find? Why do none of the compilers require namespace for copy() and inserter()? Move navfilter code into core Merge branch 'navfilter' into 'master' clean up RinexNav and add more test macros Try to make the code readable Reformat EngEphemeris and fix to handle toc != toe Change TUCMPFILE macro so the filenames can be easily copypasted into a diff command line Try to make RinexNavData times match the spec Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_247 Initialize all data members of RinexNavData. Test and fix support for negative transmission times. format/comment more optimal implementation of checkParity Merge branch 'issue_247' into 'master' reformat make operator==() constant Add range/phase std dev obs types Add fixes for obs ID mapping and ValidType::operator== Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_251
renfrob (19): Initial commit for issue_238 changes Finishing up PackedNavBits_T.cpp Tweaking test cases Initial commit for new OrbData class tree and OrbSysStore OrbSysStore sufficient to support UTC Offset analysis Tweaking debug support Improvements to find() Adding UTC offset modulo leap second Adding more GPS almanac capability Refactor OrbSysStore to better support multi-GNSS Adding an additional dump method øMerge branch 'master' into issue_249 Integrating NavID into OrbSysStore Adding missing return Merging master into branch. Moving PackedNavBits from ext to core Adding operator< to PackedNavBits Removing obsolete tests Add new findList() method Fixed incorrect comment
Version 2.8.1 Wednesday, January 27, 2016
- Patch for MS VC bug fix and code cleanup
Brian Tolman (3): move function definitions into a cpp file fix for MS VC 11 2012 Merge branch 'master' of
Bryan Parsons (1): GPSTk v2.8.1 Patch
Jessica Rosenquest (12): Updated SVNumXRef to reflect change from CommonTime to TimeRange. update CommonTime to TimeRange Initial working version of test program. Updated isConsistent() test to incorporate TimeRange. Added test for NAVSTARIDAvailable. killing xSVNumXRef.cpp New Program SVNumXRefDUMP deleting previous overlap test, adding tests for all functions in SVNumXRef.cpp complete test program for SVNumXRef Modified whitespace, removed redundant output, and added Copyright/ARL statements. Fixing Jon's nuisance errors Merge branch 'master' into my_br_issue
Jon Little (9): Making swig not complain about nested/unknown classes Now builds swig w/o any warnings Better error reporting Merge branch 'master' of Removing some debug output Merge branch 'master' into jessie_build Added couple files to work get to compile w/o errors Merge branch 'master' into jessie_build Merge branch 'my_br_issue' into 'master'
rosenquest (1): Merge branch 'jessie_build' into 'master'
Version 2.8 Friday, January 15, 2016
- Significant progress resolving failed tests on Linux, Solaris, Redhat, and OSX
- New and updated unit tests for Core code base
- Additional test programs and scripts for application testing
- Some applications migrated from Ext to Core
- Application testing for Core applications
- Fixes to eliminate data corruption during encode/decode
- Build script updates
- CDash Scripts removed from repository
- Updated in-source documentation
- Code and old test clean-up
- This release includes new/modified source code comments for improved readability.
- Various Bug and Compile Warning Fixes
Anthony Hughes (6): Added unit tests for all CommandOption classes - all but 3 are passing. Merge branch 'master' into issue_107_commandoption_tests Improved parameter checking in addOption(); check results from whichOne(). Tweaked regular expression for source code that is ignored during packaging. Fixed file modes - removed executable flag (755 -> 644). Tried to remove undefined behaviors in printable(); fixed a corner case.
Audric Terry (1): Minor update to SVNumXRef.cpp to include the recent launching of SV73/PRN10.
Brian Tolman (2): increase array length in incomplete gamma; chi squared now good to 12000 dof bugs in TwoSampleStats and rstats
Bryan Parsons (10): VS 2015 compiler flags added, VS 2011 compiler flags removed from root CMakeLists.txt. Bug fixes to build and test build errors for VS2015 support. Merge branch 'master' into ID1_VS2015_Support Merge branch 'ID1_VS2015_Support' into 'master' Updated Comments in BuildSetup.cmake. Test push for CDash Continuous builds. Added to Rinex3NavHeader for fabs (absolute value) function support. Migrated timeconvert and poscvt from /ext to /core. Migrated testfailexp.cmake, testhelp.cmake, and testsuccexp.cmake from /ext to /core. Migrated RinDump, PRSolve to core with initial tests. Migrated Rinex3EphemerisStore, Namelist, GloEphemerisStore, and PRSolution to core, tests still need to be added. Added preliminary .ctest script for RinDump test comparison utilizing df_diff. Added data for PRSolve tests. Added new .cmake test files for PRSolve and RinDump. New testsuccdiff.cmake that utilizes df_diff program for comparison. Updated df_diff to incorporate omitting eof lines.
Jon C. Little (38): Updating documentation and adding how to test apps. Merge branch 'master' of trying to get the C++ to render correctly. Wordsmithing testing docs. Killing DOS EOLs Fixing some compile warnings under clang Merge branch 'issue_208_unit_test_fixes' of into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Fixing path expanstion to use custom install paths Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/issue_208_unit_test_fixes' into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Merge branch 'master' into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Stopping reading on eof and not just throwing an exception Fixing a scope issue that was casuing a warning under clang Making the df_test an install target Refactoring and fixing the Householder tests Merge branch 'issue_208_unit_test_fixes' of into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Fixing lots of warnings under clang Merge branch 'issue_208_unit_test_fixes' of into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Cholesky tests now working Now a working SVD test! Now a working SVD test! Merge branch 'issue_208_unit_test_fixes' of into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Fixed a bug in the Load function. Refactored a little bit of TestUtils and rewrote Stats_T Removing dependancy on TestUtil from SVD_T.cpp Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Now working after BT fixed the underlying class. Changing order of operations to cause a segfault. Adding back in test for capacity Fixing test for capacity Removing debug output Allowing rinex2 files with extra spaces at the end of the lines past 80 characters Partial rewrite of Rine3Obs_T to teset better. Merge branch 'master' of Merge branch 'master' of Fixed and incorret index into consts array Added better debugging under clang/OS X Fixing bug in SP3 data lookup. Removing execute bit on new files
Jon Little (33): Merge branch 'issue_204' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_155' into 'master' Build directory should not be borked when on a tag or off a branch Forgot to remove a debugging code Merge branch 'issue_205' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_33' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_14' into 'master' Adding in namespaces specifiers to make gcc happy. Merge branch 'issue_34' into 'master' Still working on formatting This discusses more than library testing now... Merge branch 'issue_215' into 'master' Fixing a namespace specifier to make swig happy Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/issue_208_unit_test_fixes' into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Merge branch 'master' into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Merge branch 'issue_208_unit_test_fixes' into 'master' App to help difference data files Merge branch 'issue_208_unit_test_fixes' of into issue_208_unit_test_fixes was using the wrong abs Removed throwing of exceptions on errors in reading Adding some needed includes Adding types to Matrix_SVD_T Forgot a program... Merge branch 'issue_208_unit_test_fixes' of into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Fixed bug in SVD tests. Removing a file used to help debug SVD tests. All tests are in Matrix_SVD_T Forgot to remove building of SVD_T from CMakeLists on previous commit Removing non-sensical accessor and assoicated test Removing old test files Rewriting test to use new macros. removing old files and attrs removing old files and attrs Merge branch 'issue_224' into 'master'
Joseph Voss (3): Setting CommonTime objects from RinexNavData to have a default time system of GP Uncommenting the fix to issue 155 Minor fix the the Matrix SVD test
anthony (1): Merge branch 'issue_107_commandoption_tests' into 'master'
johnk (130): commented out switch causing to ignore test results removed unused overloaded initialize method Modify setFromInfo y token to match POSIX Reformatted to remove tab characters. Fixed copy-pasta issues. Fixed test that used setInternal with seconds instead of milliseconds. Fix incorrect formatting in printError. Fix test that was erroneously using the wrong format spec. Reformat the GPSWeekSecond_T to remove tabs. Distinguish between month abbreviation and full name when scanning. Add translation method for month names and abbreviations. Allow a 29-bit zcount to be specified with a full week. Fix some memory leaks. Fix 2-digit year support. Fix issue where additional specs (e.g. time system) were being ignored. Reformat TimeString_T.cpp. Reformatting Process %y in POSIX-compatible fashion Fixed test expectations for inSameTimeBlock Throw exception for front/back on empty data vector Merge branch 'issue_49' into 'master' Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Rewrite FileSpec::sortList to work as intended. Make TimeTag verify that the entire format string has been properly parsed. Comment out (with @todo) tests for unimplemented FileSpec features. Added additional tests using GPSWeekZcount in lieu of SOW capability (precision). Make sure a test that is expected to fail has a reasonable chance of failing Throw an exception when setFilter is called with an empty filter. Rewrite FileHunter::find which was relying on DayTime behavior of throwing exceptions for incomplete time specs. Throw an exception when FileHunter is constructed with empty file spec. Fix FileHunter_T to not fail if a test directory already exists. Correct expected exception class in FileHunter_T tests. Correct issues with FileHunter_T tests not matching file specs and file names. Comment out unimplemented preciseRho test Fix what looks to have been a copypasta error (copying from meters2cyclesTest to cycles2metersTest) Change CRC24Q definition so that the final XOR value is 24-bits. Change the documentation for computeCRC to make it clear len is in bytes. Replace the existing CRC tests with a reasonable set. EngAlmanac_T seems to have been incorrect as to what a correct value for WNLSF was (see @todo) removed some debug output Move TFASSERT macro into TestUtil.hpp Make sure the text used for comparison is of the same format before and after Reformat for readability Changed one test to use data comparison rather than dumped strings Add supported version checking when reading RINEX MET headers. Fix dump method to use supplied ostream instead of cout. Correct names of test input files. Turn on stream exceptions where expected. Fix issues with header formatting and testing thereof. Reformat/untabify for readability. Use macros in a few places Fix attempts to use EOF as genuine data in tests Fix attempts to use EOF as genuine data in tests Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Try to make rmwdiff look like it did before CommonTime Add a definition for the data path for testing First cut set of tests for rmwdiff app Add a couple more tests for rmwdiff Add tests for timeconvert and tweak it so the output matches version 1.6 Add tests for rnwdiff. Add stable methods for text representation of RINEX MET and NAV. Initialize Triple values to zero Add a compare function for Rinex3ObsHeader to check for differences between headers. Change RinEdit to exit with 0 on success rather than number of files, which looks like an error. Started a tool for comparing RINEX headers. Started a RinEdit test. Add exit codes to distinguish between help and option errors Merge branch 'issue_216' into 'master' Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Change rinheaddiff to use updated exit code stuff Modify rwdiff to use frameworks exit codes. Fix up the RinEdit tests. Add rowdiff tests. Add RINEX 3 obs tests for rinheaddiff add rinheaddiff tests for RINEX 2 OBS Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/issue_208_Brent' into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Fixed cmake syntax issues causing tests to incorrectly pass Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_208_unit_test_fixes add tests for poscvt Merge branch 'issue_208_unit_test_fixes' of into issue_208_unit_test_fixes tiniest of beginings for mpsolve testing Add support for RINEX nav and met to rinheaddiff. Add tests for RINEX merge tools. Untabify Split RinexDatum into its own files instead of having the exact same class appear in both RinexObsData and Rinex3ObsData. Put parsing and encoding code into RinexDatum and take it out of Rinex3ObsData. Include the ability to preserve headers across read/write. Preserve spaces in data across read/write. Add a round-trip test in Rinex3Obs_T. Bunch of changes to try to make Rinex3ObsHeader code more readable. Make sure all data members get initialized in constructor and clear(). Add documentation of all the header fields and what-not. Minor changes to test input, reordering header lines to match output. Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/issue_212' into issue_208_unit_test_fixes Add comments that explain what headerExceptionTest is actually doing, and do it. Comment out "tests" of unimplemented features. Comment out testing of unimplemented version conversion feature Update Rinex3ObsHeader documentation. Comment out most of the Rinex3Clock_T tests as Rinex3Clock is largely unimplemented. Add RinexClock* tests and clean up some of the other rinex tests Replace unimplemented RINEX3 clock with partially implemented from RINEX directory Migrate project RINEX clock implementation into the gpstk Migrate project RINEX clock implementation into the gpstk Minor fixes to RINEX clock handling and new tests Remove invalid tests Make test macro names consistent. Comment out unimplemented AlmOrbit_T::svXvtTest and update tests to use macros. Change Rinex3ObsHeader to not reset PisY flag. Add ability to do file compares in TestUtil with regex ignore. Make RinSum testable. Add RinSum test for --ycode option. Merge branch 'issue_208_unit_test_fixes' of into issue_208_unit_test_fixes add calgps tests Create tests for bc2sp3 Specify input files without option and update tests Process exceptions thrown by CommandOptionParser in BasicFramework. Add two more space-embedded arguments to testsuccexp.cmake. Use shorter variable names Merge branch 'issue_208_unit_test_fixes' of into issue_208_unit_test_fixes remove deprecated config macros clean up TestUtil Clean up TestUtil and TimeRange_T Add binary file comparison to TestUtil Add missing test file that broken FFStream obscured Add file error exit codes Use init methods in streams to avoid issues with virtual methods in constructors. Also a fair bit of beautification. Update core stream classes to avoid virtualization issues Reformatting and fixing inappropriate use of doxygen @defgroup Never ever put using statements in include files Fix namespace issues that show up on linux but not solaris Kludge because g++ raises exceptions in tellg() when eofbit is set. Also fix some related test issues. Clear output stream status bits between tests remove tests of twiddle using floating point types, and add a long long test Make sure seconds-of-day are printed out in fixed notation Don't attempt to write to a closed stream Rename variables that are conflicting with precompiler macros namespace scoping issue for gcc on solaris Test that breaks encodeVar under solaris Resolve type ambiguity Portable type casting Reimplement encodeVar/decodeVar to avoid data corruption when using floating point types Make Matrix tests compile under solaris Exception class tests Fix decodeVar bug Replace dodgy byte swapping functions in BinUtils with less dodgy ones Reformatting Reformatting Reformatting Add little-endian decode methods. Remove twiddle tests. Update BINEX support to use new BinUtils functions Change subframe word type from environment-dependent 'long' to consistent 'uint32_t' Mild reformatting, and add implementation for parent abstract method Incomplete updates to Novatel support using new BinUtils Remove old Novatel code Add some missing functions for binary encode/decode Fix some bugs in BinUtils and write tests that exercise both BinUtils and FFBinaryStream Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/issue_208_unit_test_fixes' into issue_224 Change a couple static_cast to reinterpret to make gcc shut up. Use const where appropriate in endian translations. Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/issue_208_unit_test_fixes' into issue_224 Fix a typo Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/issue_208_unit_test_fixes' into issue_224 Ignore RinDump output that includes file names Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/issue_208_unit_test_fixes' into issue_224 Merge branch 'issue_224' into 'master' Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_221 Change minor release to 8 Rename BinUtils functions to avoid problems with compilers/systems that use compiler macros to define byte swapping functions Test everything that's in BinUtils Allow for different quantization when translating ireg to SNR Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_226 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_221 Merge branch 'issue_221' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_226' into 'master'
renfrob (11): Changes to OrbElemStore to allow multiple orbit/clock with same epoch time Updates to Rinex v2.11 to v3 obs type mappings Extending RinSum to provide option to assuming P means Y Adding Galileo and SBAS obs type conversions Changes to address issue 215 Fixing TimeRange test and merge conflicst Changes to allow branch to build on Linux Updated truth files to support RinexEphemerisStore_T Changes to make RinexEphemerisStore_T work correctly. More cleaning of RinexEphemerisStore_T Fixing weekrollover test issue in RinexNavData
Version 2.7 Friday, October 16, 2015
- Supported Platform updated
- Solaris Sparc no longer supported
- XCode no longer supported
- Substantial Clean-up and Updates to script
- Python bindings now work under Linux, Solaris, & Mac
- CTest Infrastructure Complete - all platforms
- C++ test code tested and works on all platforms
- Linux, Solaris, OSx , Windows (VS2012)
- This include tests for library
- CDash Scripts added to repository
- More Unit Tests code added for Core
- Bug fixes for RINEX tools
- Sinex Bug Fix for Solaris x86
- SVNumXRef moved from /ext/lib/Misc to /core/lig/GNSSCore
- Additional in-source documentation
- This release includes new/modified source code comments for improved readability.
- Various Bug and Compile Warning Fixes
Anthony Hughes (14): Ensure that SinexBlock contents are subclasses of Sinex::DataType. Updated BINEX classes with latest MSN changes: typedefs, bugfixes, and tweeks. Added GPSTK_ASSERT macro. Added CommandOptionWithDecimalArg. Added const versions of encodeVar and decodeVar; added some inline directives; fixed a decodeVar unit test error. Added back memory.h after accidentally removing it. Made getFitInterval static; added isValid and isDataSet. Removed broken arbitrary location encodeVar(). Added public accessors for ObsID. Added CommandOptionNof. Added an index parameter to CommandOption::getOrder; changed 'order' attribute to a vector. Added an edit method to IonoModelStore. Added utility methods to EngNav: sv2page(), sfpage2svid(), and zcount2page(). Added comparison operators for GPSWeekSecond to guide implicit type conversions.
Audric Terry (6): Updating SVNumXRef Moved SVNumXRef from gpstk/ext/ to gpstk/core/ and added its test program to gpstk/core/tests/GNSSCore/. Updated SVNumXRef.cpp to include SVN72/PRN08 relationship and changed a comment in xSVumXRef.cpp Added end date to SVN40/PRN10 in SVNumXRef.cpp fixed conditional statement Updated SVNumXRef.cpp to include SVN36/PRN10 relationship.
Brian Tolman (24): fix bug introduced in previous commit add leap second Add sparse matrix package to Geomatics, add diagDopy to Matrix, small changes fix for windows fix for windows small change to increase efficiency Merge branch 'master' of avoid duplicate file name refine sparse matrix classes and add test program remove until a windows version works subtle bug arises when no reference position supplied fix and rename strip() that respects quotes fix test for splitWithQuotes handle repeated empty fields in splitWithQuotes Fixed bug introduced by changing int to size_t everywhere Add option to find millisecond clock adjusts bug when string-without-trailer is shorter than trailer update and repair several things in RINEX tools not handling R ver.2 obs types correctly in warnings another bug add option to output in TEC units add some functionality bugs in decimate (--TN) and delete sats (--DS) bug fix in inverseUT() for 1x1 matrix, other small additions
Bryan Parsons (14): Merge branch 'RC26' into 'master' Merge branch 'SVNumXRef' into 'master' Merge branch 'Rinex_Merger' into 'master' Added initial files for CDash support Merging CDash Integration feature branch into 'master' Tweaks to Mac CDash scripts. Tweaking Linux and Solaris nightly CDash scripts. Removing CDash scripts from the GPSTk repository. Merge branch 'issue_201_removescripts' into 'master' Spelling Tweaks in Updated documents with new refactored build scripts and for RC27 release. Resolving merge issues. Minor tweak to to match new documentation name. Merge branch 'issue_197_refactor_build' into 'master'
Jason Vestuto (8): Added test for zero input args to, and if found, call the usage() fucntion to print the help to the screen. Updates to force building gpstk/ext when the python bindings are built. Updates to comments for Python build configuration files. Fixed PYTHON_VERSION variable names for custom python build config. Custom python build config changes SWIG, minor bug fix to doc.i created by CMake that caused a compiler error on OSX. Merge branch 'master' into issue_121 CMake Python Config, python version changed to match that of the shared test host.
Jon C. Little (2): So we can ignore all build directotries... Still getting the hostname right on all platforms
Jon Little (24): Better diagnostics for the config mode Code now compiles under solaris studio 12.4 with --std=c++11 option Letting the default C++ ABI be used by CC. This can be overridden by specifying -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-std=c++11 on the cmake invocation Merge branch 'master' into issue_185_c++11 Fixing the test apps Removing depricated tests for the MSC class Fixing bugs found by clang Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into issue_185_c++11 Merge branch 'master' into issue_185_c++11 Merge branch 'issue_185_c++11' into 'master' First cut at making complete out of tree build Now build through packages on Linux Now builds and bundles on Darwin Fixed problem with finding hostname under solaris Now can do a joint build with sgltk Updated PRSolve and Rinex3 support to allow the user to specify P code data is really Y code data. Added back some reporting on tests Making ctest work on multiple platforms. Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into issue_197_refactor_build Fixing the var for the python executable. I really don't know how this worked before :-/ Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/issue_197_refactor_build' into issue_197_refactor_build Fixing problem with building the python package. Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into issue_197_refactor_build Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/issue_197_refactor_build' into issue_197_refactor_build
Joseph Voss (35): Adding EngAlmanac Test - Uses classes from AlmanacDataGenerator to parse gps almanac files, creates comparison data and generates subframes for testing - Other subframes necessary are generated by hand, see comments in EngAlmanac_T - Debugging getUTC method, returns certain values out of range Corrected binary sv id for subframe 4 page 25 which prevented the page from being stored Refactored the get method tests Finishing EngAlmanac_T - Conversion of WNlsf from the binary subframe to an integer value is incorrect due to an error in EngNav's convertXbit method. This method implicitly signs the values passed to it, causing an error for unsigned values - Conversion of DN from bthe binary subframe to an integer value is incorrect. The IS-GPS-200D states that the DN value is subframe 4 page 18 is right justified, but the gpstk treats it as left-justified - Resolved error in EngAlmanac_T UTC parameters - Closes 95 Merge branch 'master' of Minor fixes to EngAlmanac test, DN test now passes Initial commit of ObsRngDev Test - Working on initialization of ObsRngDev Object using Rinex Ephemeris Store - Using Rinex file stream for generator of ObsRngDev pseudorange data - Need to use Rinex to get receiver position and CommonTime object Generated all the data necessary to construct the ORDS, but need new data files Successfully generated ObsRngDev objects, completed basic test - RinexNavData time system set to GPS by default, bad. How else can time system be set? Successfully created one IonoModel object using EngAlmanac, but too much overhead. Rewriting to generate IonoModelStore entirely by hand Factoring tests into fail counters, 91 tests count as one - Added basic initialization tests for single frequency constructors - Completed get function testing Decided to remove the RinexObs dependencies and generate Ords by hand Ran into invalid time system issues, can't find where the error is, so making test much simpler Committing to backup the existing test before the purge of RinexObs Refactoring Added calculation testing for every instance of ObsRngDev Merge branch 'issue_89' into 'master' Resetting a library file that was editted for testing Fixed the way that floats are compared in ObsRngDev_T Minor fixes to Matrix_SVD test (on the right branch this time) Replaced CPPUNIT with TestUtil for ReferenceFrame_T - closes #73 Merging Rinex3ClockData - Implemented dump member function - Implemented reallyPutRecord member function - Uses RinexSatID to support GNSS Updating Rinex3ClockData with the RinexClockData public members Initial commit of Rinex3Obs_T and all depending test files Commenting out modifier function in Rinex3ClockData that broke the build Fixed error within the NumberHeaderRecordsToBeWritten Initial commit of Rinex3Nav_T and all dependent test files Reverting back to current GPSTk Rinex3Clock class for testing Initial commit of Rinex3Clock_T and all dependent test data files Merge branch 'master' of into Rinex_Merger Minor changes to fix failing tests Added Rinex version conversion tests to Rinex3Obs_T & Rinex3Nav_T Merge branch 'issue_73' Replaced hard-coded file seperator with a cross-platform call to getFileSep Updated all RINEX tests to use a platform independent file seperator Minor fix to errors that broke the build Removing test from CMakeFile that's not in the GPSTK repo
Josh King (1): SVNumXRef updates
Kevin Kraatz (3): set firstObs TimeSytem to VERSION/TYPE if unset add header edit for REC #/TYPE/VERS and ANT # Fix writing of marker number
Nick Fitzsimmons (1): Update to CommonTime_T comments.
Scot Nelsen (4): Standardize variable names and versions numbering used in CMake build generation. Add ext binaries to the list of targets in the gpstkTargets file. Rework PythonSetup.cmake to import Python config through either system or custom config. Remove extra python configurationfrom swig/CMakeLists.txt and ensure Python Interp and Libs versions match.
Scotland Nelsen (4): Standardize on "GPSTK" as the CMake project name. Missed a usage of in the CMakeLists.txt file. Merge branch 'iss43' Update swig/CMakeLists.txt to use non-deprecated python paths.
Steve Johnson (1): Rename 'small' and 'big' variables to avoid conflict with Qt when building on Windows
anthony (11): Merge branch 'issue_180_binex' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_181_assert' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_182_decimalarg' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_183_binutils' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_184_engeph' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_187_getObsID' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_188_CommandOptionNof' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_189_getOrder' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_191' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_192_engnav' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_195_GPSWeekSecond_Comparison' into 'master'
aterry (1): Merge branch 'svnumref' into 'master'
kolensky (1): Merge branch 'issue_198_prsolve_rinex2' into 'master'
renfrob (16): Added flag to PackedNavBits - Fully backward compatible Extending OrbElem class hierarchy to cover GLONASS Adding isSameData() method to OrbElemBase Refactor OrbElemStore classes for greater commonality Adding receiver ID option to PackedNavBits Polymorphic behavior requires pointers. Fix to addPackedBit( ) method. Adding Rinex3Nav output options Adding Sign & Mag capability to PackedNavBits Adding OrbElemStore.getSatList() Add method to override fit interval limit Tweak boundary limits Changes to support development of sgltk/apps/filetools/rnwcompare Adding an overlooked modification Fixing missing comma in CNAV raw output Tweak to dump() output format.
unknown (1): fixes for windows
vestuto (2): Merge branch 'issue_121' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_185_c++11' into 'master'
Version 2.6 Tuesday, May 12, 2015
- CTest Infrastructure Complete - Unix, Linux, Mac, Xcode
- C++ & Python test code tested and works - Linux Only
- Suite of Unit-Tests added for Core
- Some Code Migrated from Ext to Core
- Updated build script
- Python Install
- Build Source and Binary Tarball
- This release includes new/modified source code comments for improved readability.
- Various Bug and Compile Warning Fixes
Adam Loggins (1): fixing bug for updating markerNumber in the RinexHeader update in ExecuteEditCmd
Andrew Joplin (3): STLTemplates.i: several ObsID templates STLTemplates.i: added wrapping for ValidType types Install codeDump
Andrew Kuck (1): Added a new example script demonstrating RINEX Observation File writing.
Anthony Hughes (40): Refactored the BINEX types tests to use the TestUtils stuff and to read test input from files. Updated some comments. Merge branch 'master' of Added filters for build output and for OS/X file system droppings. Merge branch 'master' of Refactored more BINEX tests to use TestUtils. Ignore Sublime Text temp files Adjusted (downward) test reporting granularity, avoided using of assert(), added fail text. Added a fail message parameter to assert() which defaults to "none". Pass constant strings by reference. Improved code formatting consistency. Merge branch 'master' of Improved test framework usage and test failure output; did code cleanup. Refactored in response to TestUtil refactor. Refactored in response to TestUtil refactoring. Refactored in response to TestUtil refactoring. Refactored in response to TestUtil refactoring. Updated test count logic for Update/Extract primitive tests. Fixed backwards logic in Binex_Types tests and tweaked more test count logic in UpdateExtract. Added tests for FileSpec. Added FileUtils tests. Fixed some error handling issues in setFilter() when file spec type is invalid or missing. Added FileHunter test category. Merge branch 'master' of Added FileHunter tests. Merge branch 'master' of Test data for the FileHunter tests. Changed FileHunter test setup to generate expected files and directories; tweaks. Merge branch 'master' of Added FileFilter tests. Merge branch 'master' of Merge branch 'master' of Fixed undefined behaviour in unique() when operating on an empty data set. Fixed some distracting code formatting issues. Added FileFilter tests and fixed some FileHunter test typos. Merge branch 'master' of Added a missing include for std::map. Added tests for FileStore. Removed deprecated BINEX tests.
Brian Tolman (6): Small changes, and move Namelist to Geomatics with SRI Improve robustness of inversion, plus small fixes Fix a bug and add 3 functions useful for eclipsing satellites restore Namelist in lib/Geomatics small addition update version number
Bryan Parsons (40): Submitted by Brian Tolman - Fix for Clau specific PRSolve Bug. Problem - SPS algorithm in PRSolution.cpp in lib/Geomatics failed to converge due to garbage in the matrix problem. Submitted by Brian Tolman - update RefTime/TimeHandling Lib folders have migrated from Ext to Core. First round of Unit Tests have been pulled from /tets folder for usage. Merge RefTime/TimeHandling migration to UpStream Master changes. Targetted MSN Merger Classes, with tests, have migrated from /ext and /tests to /core and /core/tests Current tests have been consolidated, from Nick and /tests folder, into the current test framework. Placeholder tests have been added and designated with an *, with some tests still needing attention due to build issues. TimeTag class bug fix - Nick. Ext -> Core file movement. Pull down from gitlab repository. Updated core test class names, updated ANSITime_T for new UnitTest class. Moved Clocktools apps from SGLTk to GPSTk Updated CivilTime_T to utilize new TestUtils class, as well as minor fixes. Additions to CivilTime Removed SMODF files from the GPSTk. Added TimeTag_T test placeholder. Changes made to CommonTime_T tests. Added/Removed test Placeholders to match updated chart, cleaned up *'s Resolving merge conflict from upstream changes. Removing BDSEphemeris test placeholder, as it was added by mistake. Removed BDSEphemeris Test Merging Upstream changes to local branch. Hide build/ directory from git. External submission by Github user jonyrock of Research & Engineering Center of Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University (REC-SPb-ETU) Updated minimum required version of CMake. External submission by Github user jonyrock of REC-SPb-ETU. Removed all commented out add_test() commands from ext app CMakeLists. Per #144 - Added two new options to the script: -g for building binary Gzip tarball and -s for building source Gzip tarball. BuildSetup.cmake, INSTALL.txt, CMakeLists.txt also updated for this change. Per #146 - Added Testing document to root GPSTk. Merge upstream changes on master to RC26 feature branch. GPSTk Documentation update for RC v2.6 Minor fixes for tests that failed or passed warnings on Mac and Windows. Hide build/ directory from git. External submission by Github user jonyrock of Research & Engineering Center of Saint-Petersburg Electrotechnical University (REC-SPb-ETU) Updated minimum required version of CMake. External submission by Github user jonyrock of REC-SPb-ETU. Removed all commented out add_test() commands from ext app CMakeLists. Per #144 - Added two new options to the script: -g for building binary Gzip tarball and -s for building source Gzip tarball. BuildSetup.cmake, INSTALL.txt, CMakeLists.txt also updated for this change. Per #146 - Added Testing document to root GPSTk. GPSTk Documentation update for RC v2.6 Minor fixes for tests that failed or passed warnings on Mac and Windows. Additional minor fixes for warnings and errors under Windows Visual Studio 2012. Resolving merge conflict, pushing out to feature branch RC26 Added Python documentation to source tree. Additional tweaks to other documentation in preparation for RC2.6. Cleaning up unused variables and semantics in /Core tests. Resolving merge conflicts when pushing up to feature branch RC26. Removing pragmas from migrated code flagged by Dirty Word Search.
Jason Vestuto (113):
Fixed example so that path to needed data file is not hard-coded, but instead, determined by a module method.
Merge branch 'master' of
Python bindings and documentation, fixed docstring generator script: - corrected file paths to match current gpstk file tree structure. - removed all instances of magic numbers, using os.path methods instead. - removed linux file seperators, and used os.path.sep instead. - improved comments for clarity.
Python bindings, documentation, fixed copyright date in
Overhaul of and clean up of top-level CMakeLists.txt files for C++ and Python.
Build script, added test for source files when building /ext or /core. If *.cpp files not found, an error is printed to the screen, and the script exits.
Build script, fixed white-space problems and ordering of documentation processing.
Sphinx documentation, updates to the build instructions to account for recent changes to the GPSTk source file tree structure and the build script.
Updated script: - fixed comments about install paths. - moved determination of install paths above echo and tests of those paths. - changed the file names of the documentation archives for clarity.
Build script, replaced tabs with spaces.
Decoupling of build and install processes: - modified, adding new input flag "-b" to do "build only, no install" - modified, adding an explicity $build_root variable - modified, so that $build_root is /tmp/gpstk/build for non-user installs - modified swig/CMakeLists.txt, changing the python package file copy commands from install targets into custom commands dependent on the swig module build target that builds the binding library, so that the fiel tree gets recopied every time the library gets rebuilt. - successfully tested separate build and install to user and systme paths on FAI Debian VM.
Updates to INSTALL.txt and to account for recent changes to the automated build framework.
Updated build script, adding num_threads as an input parameter.
Merge branch 'master' of
Updates to INSTALL.txt instructions to account for recent changes.
Initial overhaul of RINEX Obs test cases, including the following changes:
Initial commit of TestUtil utility class for use with unit testing of GPSTk.
Updates to Rinex_Obs_T test cases to demonstrate the use of TestUtil class.
Cleaning up comments.
Updates to TimeUtil class, including the following:
Merge branch 'master' of
Moved /tests to /ext/tests and updated /ext/CMake file accordingly.
Removing add_test( tests ) from top-level CMake file so that the one in core is not ignored.
Fixed constructor signature for TestUtil class, correcting const string& syntax.
Testing, overahuls of Rinex Obs and Rinex Nav tests so as to use the new testUtil class.
Merge branch 'master' of
Tests, refactored fileEqualTest() method out of separate Rinex file test apps, and moved it into the TestUtil class.
Merge branch 'master' of
Fixing bug in core/tests/TimeHandling CMakeList files introduced in commit 5788d72a.
Renamed Rinex FileHandling test files to match class names, per convention.
Updated tests RinexObs_T and RinexNav_T, including:
Renaming Rinex_Met_T file to RinexMet_T to follow test app naming conventions.
RinexMetHeader class, corrected scope problem for sensorType and sensorPosType:
RinexMet test class, first pass at complete overhaul and clean up:
Testing, RinexMet_T class, cleanup:
Testing, FileHandling build script, added "-Wall" flag to gcc builds.
Testing, Rewrote Rinex_T test app to follow current working test app style conventions for GPSTk.
Initial addition of SINEX file handling support:
SINEX, added include of stdint.h in SinexBase.hpp:
Testing, renamed sinex_test.cpp to Sinex_ReadWrite_T.cpp to follow GPSTk conventions.
Sweeping away the last remnants of the old CPPUNIT republic.
Updated to capture accurate measure of unit test results.
Merge branch 'master' of
Initial addition of RINEX3 data files for use in automated testing.
Testing, cleaned up implemetation of testLine in TestUtil.hpp to follow conventions followed elsewhere in the class.
Initial addition of sinex data files for use in automated testing.
Testing, Fixed source method name in print statement for Vector_T testing.
Testing, renamed Rinex_Clock_T.cpp to RinexClock_T.cpp to follow GPSTk test file name conventions.
Added capability to pass build-config-dependent variables into the C++ source:
Build Framework, preparaing ground work for refactoring build config.
Testing, Updates to Rinex test apps to use test data file paths
Testing, test data file migration for Rinex tests. - This applies the new conventions in test data naming and location - Updated all file paths to use the new top-level path $ gpstk_root/data - Updated all file names to follow new data file naming conventions. - New convention is to store all data files in $gpstk_root/data rather than spread across the source tree. - New convention for file names is 5 tokens delimited by underscores. - Obviously, all these conventions are subject to change in the future if everyone hates them.
Merge branch 'master' of - Resolved Conflict in core/tests/FileHandling/CMakeLists.txt - Removed all instances of "^M" that some windows user slopped into the file. - Please use dos2unix or manually remove all instances of "^M" before future commits. - Linux/Unix uses 0xA for a newline character. Windows uses a combination of two characters: 0xD 0xA. 0xD is the carriage return character. Most editors will display 0xD as "^M" and any file diffs on Linux will show them too.
Updates to to add C++ style methods for paths.
Build config, made all functions inline.
Build, added getPathBuild method, cleaned up get methods for test data and temp paths.
Testing, update TestUtil implementation to adapt to changes to build_config.h
Merge branch 'master' of
Updated build framework, including addition of install prefix input and handling.
Building, bug fixes and updates for path and log file handling in, including: - Removed initialization of build_root, and added initialization of system and use specific build roots. - Added logic so that the system_build_root is the default, but user_build_root is used if -u flag is used. - Removed build_root assignment syntax from help function usage() - Added string formatting to echoed config values - Added more detailed treatment of build and install paths, testing for their existence, trying to create them if not present, and exiting the process entirely if they cannot be created. - Added the use of the tee command to calls to cmake, make, make install, and ctest so that all stdout and stderr are both sent to the screen and to new log files, which are saved to the build_root path.
Minor changes to variable names in for clairty.
Build, bug fixes for ctest file names and path test help comment updates
Updates to INSTALL.txt - Updated information on using the script - Updated information on using the CMake files directly - Added example of how to link against libgpstk in your C++ apps
Merge branch 'master' of
Test Framework, Updates to TestUtil class - added verbosity data member, with default 1 - added method setTestLine() that can accept an int or string - modified constructor so as to strip off path from input test file name, e.g., FILE returns a full path, but we don't need it - added failMessage data member, which is reset to an empty string by next() - added a setFailMessage() method - overloaded setFailMessage() so that it can optionaly take a line number as a second input parameter, as either a string or an int, e.g. LINE - overloaded fail() method so that it can optionally take a failMessage string and a line number, e.g. LINE - overloaded failTest() method so that it can optionally take a failMessage string and a line number, e.g. LINE - modified print() method to print "key=value" pairs instead of just values - modified print() method to test for failBit and verbosity and to optionally print failMessage key=value pair - added getTolerance() method - changed log keyword from "TestOutput" to "GpstkTest" - updated script to accomodate changes to test output log file
Testing, modified RinexMet_T.cpp to demonstrate use of newly updated TestUtil class.
Test Framework, TestUtil, fixed default values for failMessage.
Build script, added flags to control python binding process. Default off. - modified, changing -p flag to set build_python=True - modified, adding -P flag to accept input python executable path - modified, wrapping all relevant blocks with test for build_python=1 - modified, passing "-DBUILD_PYTHON=ON" to cmake - modified CMakeLists.txt, adding an optional switch BUILD_PYTHON, default OFF - modified CMakelists.txt, wrapping the add_subdirectory(swig) with a test for BUILD_PYTHON
Build, Updated comments and echo/print statement text for clarity.
Build and Test, updated to compute percent passed for test categories.
Build, minor updates to test log parsing, additional test keywords counted.
Testing, overhaul to TestUtil class, rewritten CommonTime_T to demonstrate use. - The design of TestUtil was found to be internally inconsistent and confusing - The methods were trying to follow two different approaches: (1) small simple methods, forcing many calls per test case (2) large methods wrapping small methods, allowing fewer calls per test case - The problem was all were public methods, and the two design approaches were not independent or complete, so you had to use a mixture of both. - Decision was made to make the interface almost entirely based on a new assert() which wraps and calls all needed smaller methods, and to change all the smaller wrapped methods from public to private, and deleting other methods that tried to be both large and small, represented the worst of the mixed design. - TestUtil, assert() updated to take failMessage and lineNumber, and call next() - TestUtil, methods deprecated/removed include the following: init(), passTest(), failTest(), assert(bool, string="none") - TestUtil, methods changed from public to private: print(), pass(), fail(), next(), undo() - Complete rewrite of CommonTime_T.cpp to both use the new TestUtil as the new design intends, and to demonstrate preferred code style for test apps, including use of white-space and comment block delimiters. All test descriptions were moved to the failMessage inputs to assert() but can still be searched.
Merge branch 'master' of
Testing, updates to TestUtil.assert() to finish off this overhaul - removed assert(bool) signature so as to force test developers to always give a message and line number, e.g. using LINE to prevent assert(true) from givin n context and having the wrong file line - changed provate data member failMessage to testMessage - changed public method setFailMessage() to setTestMessage() - changed assert() method, adding calls to setTestMessage() and setTestLine() not just for cases where fail() is called - Deleted comment blocks fo old deprecated methods - updated CommonTime_T.cpp calls to assert(true) so they are passed a testmessage and LINE - updated conventions of test formatting used as test_message passed to assert() calls to demonstrate a possible convention.
Merge branch 'master' of
Testing, updated to Rinex_T to use new TestUtil.assert() interface. - refactored assert message strings - added LINE input for all assert calls - added test description string input for all assert calls - replaced all pass(), fail(), passTest(), failTest() calls with assert() calls.
Testing, updated to RinexNav_T to use new TestUtil.assert() interface. - refactored assert message strings - added LINE input for all assert calls - added test description string input for all assert calls - replaced all pass(), fail(), passTest(), failTest() calls with assert() calls. - removed all calls to next() - fixed indentation and try/catch blocks
Testing, updated to RinexObs_T to use new TestUtil.assert() interface. - refactored assert message strings - added LINE input for all assert calls - added test description string input for all assert calls - replaced all pass(), fail(), passTest(), failTest() calls with assert() calls. - removed all calls to next() - fixed indentation and try/catch blocks
Build, reordered add_subdirectory() directives so that the stuff that breaks is lower on the list, allowing the stuff that builds to be built and not skipped.
Testing, bug fixes to RinexNav_T
Testing, updates to RinexMet_T to use new TestUtil.assert() interface.
Build and Test, Updates to CmakeLists.txt files - commented out CMake add_test() for broken test apps unilt they can be fixed - changed order of some CMake add tests to push broken stuff to bottom - added category for BinUtils to to report test results
Build script, replaced all command substitution backticks/graves with the more modern POSIX form, so value=foo
changes to value=$(foo)
Updates to makeDir() in FileUtils.hpp to remove SunOS specific libraries.
Build script bug fix, install paths
Merge branch 'master' of
Testing, Cleaning out RinexNav "ext/tests" that have been replaced by new tests in "core/tests"
Testing, Cleaning out RinexObs "ext/tests" that have been replaced by new tests in "core/tests"
Testing, Cleaning out RinexMet "ext/tests" that have been replaced by new tests in "core/tests"
Testing, removing old redundant unused Rinex tests.
Build, refactored build configuration from CMakeLists.txt to BuildSetup.cmake
Build, simplify CMakeLists.txt to reduce scatter of /ext and /core conditionals
Python bindings, addition of PythonSetup.cmake for manual configuration.
Python bindings, fixes to CMake cache types for python config template.
Testing, cleaning old ext test files
Testing, removal of an old copy of a header that also lives in the core lib. - test apps shall test only the current version of the headers - test apps shall not test headers in the source tree, but only in the install tree - this version of StringUtils.hpp is an old copy of the one in core/lib - it had apparently been copied into the path with/for the test app that needed it. - the effect was that the test was testing an old version of the class, not the current version - as such, the test was made worse than simply dead code, it was misleading. - code difference as compared to the current version is the removal of method x2int() - x2int() was in the past replaced by x2uint() which does not strip off the "0x" part of HEX strings.
Testing, cleaning old test files, SEM
FileDirProc, fixed map interator problem in FileStore
Merge branch 'master' of
Utilities, added std:: scoping to sqrt()
Build, additional debug message() calls added to the BuildSetup
Install, fixed install target for include files, which was broken 2015-MAR-05 by commit aca11538.
Build, updated CMake variabel names for lists of source and include files to be consistent throughout the top level CMakeLists.txt
Build, Updated test summary list to add missing test app names and sort alphabetically.
Build, platform-dependent build config refactored, SunOS build improved. - refactored shared/static flags, compiler flags, and Win32 IDE flags - changed SunOS linker flags so that everything now builds and installs on x86 SunOS 5.10 - Tests compile and execute on Sun0S 5.10 - ctest calls to test apps run now when called from temp build directory - need to verify cmake/ctest version numbers match SunOS and Linux platforms.
Merge branch 'master' of
SWIG, wrapped nested structs/classes in Rinex headers with #ifndef SWIG
Tests, removal of all old code which has already been moved to core/tests.
Tests, migrated IonoModel_T test to new framework.
Tests, added basic structure for test class ObsClockModel_T
Build, modified project CMakeLists.txt library build target to explicitly encorporate include files as part of the gpstk library build target in the add_library() directive. This fixes some project issues for IDEs.
Testing, addition of implementation of test methods for testing constructors and getSvMode method. Removal of other methods not fully developed.
Testing, additions in build script and CMake files needed to execute test app for ObsClockModel.
Johnathan York (1): Use bash arithmetic instead of assuming 'bc' installed for num_cores
Jon Little (12): Cleaning up unused dirs. Making swig build part of the gpstk cmake tree Needed to move the doc dir out of the source tree Now installs .i files in include dir Removing old jam/make detritus Fixed a couple places where variable should have been used to reference package name Fixing last couple file paths Being pedantic about grammar. Removed calling of isPrint in printTime to make it faster Merge branch '141-DiscFix-Slowdown' into 'master' Indention/tabs had become messed up. Fixed Now should not throw errors when printing times that aren't representable in all systems.
Joseph Voss (43): Initial commit of modified time case tests debugging, JulianDate_T has every printf error, MDT_T error with eps. Testing to see if eps needed JulianDate and MDJ finished debugging, eps unecessary for MDJ Finished debugging GPSWeekZcount Finished debugging GPSWeekZcount Cleaned up comments Rewrote TimeConverters_T, but it isn't built by cmake. Why? Working on converting YDS YDSTime_T completed with initialization test UnixTime_T completed, cleaned up comments in YDSTime_T First attempt at rewrite of CommonTime_T Completed GPSWeekSecond_T, and cleaned up GPSWeekZcount_T Debugging GPSWeekSecond_T Debugging CommonTime_T Merging in TimeTest changes Merge branch 'timetests' Rewrote Vector_T in new testing standard Modified CMake file allowing for Vector_T to build Rewrote Matrix_T to new test standard, and fixed errors in Vector_T. Matrix_T will not build due to unknown errors Merge branch 'master' of Merge branch 'master' of Rewrote PolyFit_T, Fixed compiler error for Matrix.hpp Rewrote RACRotation_T, Stats_T, Stats_TwoSampleStats_T, & Triple_T Fixed redirection operator bug in Xvt Added Xvt.cpp test Adding GPSTk copyright headers Fixed bug in ValidType.hpp, added convhelp and ValidType tests Added SP3SatID_T and SatID_T tests Changed #include from a cpp file to a hpp Added WxObsMap_T and updated the respective CMake file Moved file necessary for ObsID class to the core library Added test for ObsID class Minor spelling fix Testing, added BinUtils_T, minor edits to BinUtils.hpp Tests, Updated GNSSCore, Math, and Utilties tests in line with TestUtil changes Finishing migration of BinUtils test from ext to core Adding AlmOrbit_T, Timesystem_T, and Stl_helpers_T Minor bug fix in Position_T to fix failing tests Minor bug fix in the CMake build files Refactoring Matrix_T, adding Matrix Function Tests - Moved old Matrix test to core, refactored that test into multiple Matrix Function tests - Matrix_T.cpp converted to header file for Matrix_T class, Matrix_T_*.cpp files now run Matrix_T tests - Currently the Cholesky, Householder, and SVD tests FAIL - Cholesky factorization returns incorrect L, and U matrices. L * U doesn't = A - Housefolder decomp fails in one instance where entire column returned is incorrect - SVD function tested by verifying U * S * V^T = A, but the matrix returned is nonequivalent due to column negation and other errors Testing, adding EngEphemeris and EngNav tests. Minor spelling fix in EngEphemeris_T - fixParity function in EngNav fails, fixParity calls computeParity but doesn't pass the knownUpright bool. See issue 147 - EngEphemeris test differs slightly from the TestUtil standard. Many of the EngEphemeris functions store ephemeris data in different ways. To test this, a set of tests are put in a function and are called to verify the storage method. - Data for these tests was reconstructed from the RINEX Nav file data/test_input_rinex_nav_FilterTest2.99n - Minor spelling fix in EngEphemeris.hpp - closes #96, closes #97 Added a default bool input to fixParity, passes to computeParity Testing, Minor changes to AlmOrbit test Merge branch 'issue_147' into 'master'
Josh King (5): Fixing time system issue caused from declarations in helmertTransform Fix so that codeDump can run correctly for prn 0 (minor mod) Updated version of SVNumXRef.cpp Corrected SVNumXRef.cpp Updated PackedNavBits.hpp & .cpp
Nick Fitzsimmons (74): Commiting the new test framework infrastructure. The testFramework class is located in core/lib/TestFramework/ . Reverted the changes to the scanning functionality of the Time classes. The standard is now that the P option will be read as a string. Updating many tests to new infrastructure. Stats, Stats_TwoSampleStats, and GPSWeekSecond all FAIL. Awaiting further instruction to finalize the changes necessary to have them PASS. Committing changes to Rinex_Obs Testing. Merging Jason's changes to Rinex_Obs Tests. Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' Changes to the TimeHandling tests so that they now match the new test class naming scheme (from xCLASS to CLASS_T) and adding the additional tests to ANSITime_T. Also a new test method has been added to CivilTime_T. Finally, the testFramework.hpp file is being removed in favor of TestUtil.hpp. Update for TestUtil.hpp to include the three extra methods to change a string in the output and the passTest and failTest methods. ANSITime_T.cpp has been updated to reflect these changes. Updated core/lib/GNSSEph/RinexEphemerisStore.cpp so that the loadFile method will open the file before reading from it. Updated TestUtil.hpp so that passTest() and failTest() will increment the test counter properly. Updated CivilTime_T.cpp so to remove a couple of redundant tests. I broke the build. It is now fixed. RinexEphemerisStore::loadFile will no longer use the is_open method derived from the (great-grand)parent fstream class. The new method is to use a simple !RinexNavStream_Object to denote whether the file has been opened. Adding minor comment changes to ANSITime_T and CivilTime_T. Also adding a completed RinexEphemerisStore_T. This new test has many failures associated with it. These failures are documented on GPSTk-MSNTk merger Test Bug list. Also some small functionality has been removed from GPSEphemeris in that the dumpHeader method will no longer rely on the SVNumXRef class in ext. Commit to clean up a number of small issues: 1) core/tests/CMakeLists.txt now only includes directories where GPSTk tests have been written. Be sure to update this list as you move to the skipped directories. 2) core/tests/Math/Vector_T.cpp did not compile. This has been fixed. 3) core/tests/TimeHandling/CivilTime_T.cpp and core/tests/TimeHandling/YDSTime_T.cpp have been updated to fail as per the bug page. Forgot to cleanup the GNSSEph directory and remove some comments as the test was being built. Also removing IonoModel_T so that the tests will build on non cppunit machines when cloned. Commit changes the following: Commit to add the SP3EphemerisStore_T.cpp test. Removed all stored output and comparison files associated with this test as they are no longer necessary. Pulling changes which include the addition of Sinex. Adding core/tests/Utilities/StringUtils_T.cpp tests. When trying to build with the SunSolaris compiler, there are issues. These issues stem from the use of func which CC does not recognize. The changes are: Commit for test result filtering and new additions: 1) All test result output which contained additional commas have been revised. 2) RinexEphemerisStore_T test results now correctly reflect which of the parent classes to RinexEphemerisStore is actually under test. 3) Added TimeRange.hpp and TimeRange.cpp from MSNTk to core/lib/TimeHandling 4) Added an unfinished test for TimeRange to core/tests/TimeHandling Merge branch 'master' of Build broke in last commit. Updating the CMakeLists.txt file to reflect the change fixes the build. Commiting the completed TimeRange_T.cpp file. Merge branch 'master' of Updates to correct some errors in building using the SunSolaris compilers. 1)core/lib/Math/Stats.hpp now uses sqrt( (long double) ) castings to get the highest accuracy. Note that the sqrt result is then cast back to whatever type the template is using. 2) core/lib/Utilities/ValidType.hpp now defaults the value variable to zero when using the default constructor. 3) core/tests/TimeHandling/UnixTime_T.cpp was not running its initialization test. 4) core/tests/Math/Triple_T.cpp now uses proper floating point comparisons in assertions. RinexEphemerisStore_T.cpp has been updated to use the newest file path conventions. Also the files related to this test have been moved to the data directory. SP3EphemerisStore_T.cpp has been updated to the new file path conventions. Its inputs have been moved to the data directory. Edits to the files Joseph added. Mainly comments. Also deleted unused files in core/tests/Math/ which were remnants of CPPUNIT. Adding the test for SystemTime. Investigated why WxObsMap_T.cpp fails on the SunSolaris compiler. Found that the failing comparisons were comparing two single precision floating point values by using the absolute value of their difference and enforcing that this difference be less than a tolerance. That tolerance was set to 1E-12, a value appropriate only for double precision. This tolerance was changed to 1E-7. Merge branch 'master' of Updating StringUtils_T so that it will work on all platforms I have been corrected. The hexDataDump test has been split into two separate methods. hexDataDumpTest will now test only for formatting of the output. This means that any characters, like end-of-file or end-of-line, which are not common across all platforms will be replaced by alphanumeric ones. The second test, hexToAsciiTest, will leave those characters in to ensure that they are handled properly. This test will need a revision so that an independent method (not using gpstk) of converting those hex values to ASCII is used for the comparison checks. Use of captain showed a bug in Triple_T.cpp and Triple.cpp. In the azimuth angle test you cannot get an azimuth angle if you are referencing a vector the is parallel to the direction of the origin. There is a built in test in Triple.cpp to check for this but the tolerance on it was set to 1E-16 which is too small, especially when adding two numbers which are on the order of computational round off error. This tolerance has been raised to match the other test in the azAngle method (This check to check is to ensure the observer position is NOT along the z axis.). Adding additional files to core/lib/GNSSCore from ext: 1) geometry.hpp - constants file which is needed by Triple, EphemerisRange, and HelmertTransform. 2) gps_constants.hpp - Needed by core/ClockModel and core/GNSSEph files. 3) compass_constants.hpp - Moving prior to merge with GNSSconstants.hpp Moving files to end Rinex 3 dependencies on ext: 1) *Ephemeris.hpp (or .cpp) - These files will are used in Rinex 3 2) PZ90Ellipsoid.hpp - Needed by GloEphemeris.hpp 3) SVNumXRef.hpp - Needed by BDSEphemeris.cpp, EngEphemeris.cpp, and GPSEphemeris.cpp 3rd set of file moves from ext to core: 1) BrcKeplerOrbit.hpp and BrcClockCorrection.hpp - needed by EngEphemeris.hpp 2) ClockSatStore.hpp and PositionSatStore.hpp - needed by SP3EphemerisStore.hpp 3) TabularSatStore.hpp - needed by ClockSatStore.hpp and PositionSatStore.hpp 4) Xv.hpp - Needed by the BrcKeplerOrbit.hpp Final set of moves for ending core's dependency on ext Moved the remainder of the Utilities in ext to core. CommandLine.cpp depends on a couple of these files, but after speaking with Bryan a decision was made to move all the Utilities from ext to core. Moving Apps Out of Core Build of Core C++ Library No Longer Requires Ext Removal of Core Dependence on SVNumXRef Migration of geometry to GNSSconstants Migrated compass_constants to GNSSconstants Removed Dependencies on Xv Merge branch 'master' of Forgot to add the modifications to the source files in the last commit. Previous Changes Broke The Build Xv.hpp is now Deprecated Edits to Tests Fix for Matrix_T.cpp. The checks with the vectors now compare with the proper values. Updated the failing Rinex tests to have fail messages. Brought RinexEphemerisStore_T.cpp to the new testing standard. ANSITime_T.cpp has been migrated to the new TestUtil standard. Fixed CivilTime_T to work with the new standard. Also found I was dissatisfied with the organization of the TimeTag child class tests. Updated ANSITime_T to reflect those changes. TimeTag Child Class Tests Reworked More Updates to TimeHandling Minor Test Fixes More Test Updates Test Labels Merge branch 'master' of TimeTag Child Class Tests Update and Fixed SatID_T Final Fixes for TestUtil Update Merge branch 'master' of Removing Some Pre-existing tests Removal of More Pre-existing Tests Pre-existing Test Migration Changes Merge branch 'master' of Pre-existing Test Migration Change Merge branch 'master' of Finished Cleanup of GPSZcount Test Fixes for Test App Ambiguities on SunSolaris Merge branch 'master' of Removing RACRotation from ext/tests as it has already been migrated. Merge branch 'master' of Migration of DayTime Test Seeds Update for reference in case mdpscreen needs to be custom built again. Removed the mdpscreen additions as these should be left in SGLTk. Just wanted a reference point should mdpscreen need to be built without SGLTk again.
Scot Nelsen (6): CMakeLists.txt: added gpstk_VERSION_* variables and condensed recursive file collections. CMakeLists.txt: include GNUInstallDirs module for standard directory definitions. swig/CMakeLists.txt: PYTHON_INSTALL_PREFIX properly defaults to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX Unified definition of version (major, minor, patch) variables. Generate package import cmake file for use by other cmake projects. Correct CMakeLists.txt so it tries to remove getopt.h from the correct list.
Steve Johnson (5): Add StringUtils::splitOnWhitespace(...) method and tests Add a few more splitOnWhitespace tests Clean up debug output. Add empty string test cases to StringUtils::splitOnWhitespace Comment out broken assignment operator that breaks Windows build Merge branch 'master' of
Tom Gaussiran (4): Fixed a portion of the code where the same call was issued twice. Actually took out the line that were just commented out in the previous modification. huh? Hacked out the code which writes the log file. This will need to be handeled more elegantly but it does provide a 20x speed up.
renfrob (5): Adding split field unpacking to PackedNavBits Generalized PackedNavBits.matchBits() Tweaking BDS track codes Fix to subtle bug in rationalize( ) Enhancement to provide more flexible output
vestuto (2): Merge branch 'issue_70' into 'master' Merge branch 'issue_86' into 'master'
Version 2.5 Friday, October 10, 2014
- Python Bindings Installation Package
- GPSTk Script Changes
- Tweaks and Clean-up
- Build and Install C++ Lib/Apps
- Build and Install Python Lib
- This release includes new/modified source code comments for improved readability.
- Rearrangement and clean-up of various documentation
- Various Bug and Compile Warning Fixes (Thanks Richard Penney!)
Andrew Joplin (1):
SVNumXRef.cpp: typo fixes
Bryan Parsons (11):
INSTALL file spelling fix
Merged changes from Richard Penney's Github fork.
Merging Internal changes into External branch
Updated test_gpstk_util test script to handle updated PI value in GNSSconstants.hpp
Mac OSX fixes for GCC/Clang and Mac OSX preparing for v2.5 release.
MS VS2012 fixes preparing for v2.5 release.
Merging MacOSX and Windows fixes into one branch
Merge Windows and MacOSX changes into master branch
Solaris Sparc changes for v2.5 release.
Pulling changes from Gitlab Repo
Pulling changes from Gitlab repo
Jason Vestuto (49):
Build framework bug fixes: Corrected instances of sgltk to gpstk in CMake input file, and added creation of build directory for the python bindings.
Restoring a header file that is required SGL toolkits dependent upon GPSTk. May need to migrate this header to the other toolkit.
Disambiguation of multiple headers with the same file name by removal of one and updating comments of the other.
Removal of mistakenly restored header that has been migrated to SGLTk.
Added a missing mkdir for the python install directory.
Overhaul of python bindings build and install using CMake.
- Overhaul of both CMake files and build script to build python bindings by linking to rather than recompiling GPSTK C++ library source files.
- Updated both the CMake files and build script to not export environment variables, while still allowing user-defined environment to be used to set the install path.
- Added a test of $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH, such that the user is warned if neither contain the gpstk install path.
- Added a CMake Find module to allow CMake process for the python module build to find the GPSTK install rather than hard-coding relative files paths.
- Modified the python module CMakeLists.txt, replacing the gpstk source file list with a find directive, and adding install directives to place _gpstk.os and in site-packages.
- Updated the build script to follow the new pattern of having the bindings link against a pre-built rather than recompiling *.cpp files in the GPSTK library.
Removal of duplicate header file entries in gpstk_swig.hpp.
Several bug fixes for the default GPSTk install path handling.
- Fixed a typo in the build script which misnamed gpstk_install path variable name, causing the default to be ignored.
- Fixed a logic error in the CMake Find module so that the python bindings properly accept the default gpstk install path.
- Added the default gpstk_install path in the cmake call for the python bindings, so that an environment variable does not need to be set for the python module to build.
Changed default install path for the python extension module.
- Previous path was a /gpstk sub-directory under ~/.local/lib/<python-version>/site-packages
- sys.path does not know about sub-directories under site-packages, so removed the trailing /gpstk and just install to site-packages directly.
Updated CMake find directive for PythonLibs to force python2 vs python3.
Changed the python extension module install back to using a gpstk subdirectory. Have added the required module file that was missing from the last revision.
Updates to both test and example scripts to account for namespace changes in the python extension module.
- Fixed references attributes under gpstk.constants, gpstk.exceptions, gpstk.cpp
- Fixed import statements referencing same.
- Improved usage and example usage statements in docstrings of example scripts
Updated SWIG interface file by adding an %extend directive to add the __getitem__() method to gpstk::Triple so that it could support indexing as seen in the python extension module. This fixes about a dozen otherwise broken test cases in
Updated the SWIG interface file to remove all the "_swigregister" pollution seen in the gpstk python extension module namespace.
Updated SWIG interface file, adding a missing include of the Triple.i secondary SWIG input file. Parts of a previous fix, needed because of that missing include, were moved from gpstk.i to Triple.i.
Initial commit of a distribution install package for the python extension module using distutils. Needs further testing.
Restructuring python package file tree for distutils installs.
- Moved /data and /test directories into /gpstk package dir and added init files
- Added methods to init file, including full_path() to get file paths and load_data() load data files as byte strings attributes.
- Added method to gpstk.test, run_all(), to allow all test cases to be run from within python.
- Updated test cases that require input data file reads to call method to determine data file path after install.
- Updated for distutils to treat /data and /test and sub-packages
- Updated for distutils to correctly associate files and with the gpstk package at install time.
- Updated both the and README.txt to reflect package file tree changes.
Updated python extension package example to use method to determine full file path of data file after install.
Update to build script to account for changes in python package install using distutils. Addition of optional methods in CMake files to be further developed so that one can build and install with CMake, or just build with CMake and install with distutils outside of CMake, both in a consistent way.
Merge branch 'master' of
Updated python package CMake install options.
- Removed optional install methods that were used for previous tests.
- Preserved two CMake options: (1) to build and (2) to build and install
Python bindings, CMake install options clean up:
- added hooks to to trigger sphinx documentation generation.
- cleaned up CMake/distutils install options so that either CMake does it or the user has to call "python install" manually.
- updated the --prefix flag in CMake since "~/.local" and CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIXare not treated in the same way nor generate the results on install.
- Refactored test of users PYTHON install in CMake files.
Python bindings, update to distutils setup files, package init, and CHANGES file.
- moved to the same pat as the CMakeLists.txt file
- Removed all references to distutils.Extension since the wrapper code is compiled with CMake, not distutils.
- Left the in the install_package path, even though it is overwritten every time you use the CMake install option. If not delivered with the package, other install and package options would not be available without a cmake install, even though cmake is not required after the build.
- removed unused and broken load_data() method from file
- added comment to previously empty CHANGES.txt
Python bindings, deleted unused file in the swig directory.
Python bindings, clean up of file tree.
- moving but preserving some data files for fic and msc
- removing duplicate copies of example and test files found outside of the install package.
Python bindings, updates to unit tests in gpstk.test
- corrected the expected output of the gpstk.scanTime() test for the ( '158 200', '%F %g') case
- added a new unit test for gpstk.CivilTime for date '01 06 1980'
Python bindings, fixed namespace bug by changing gpstk.exceptions to gpstk
Python bindings, clean up of some includes in the context of trying to determine why SWIG wraps and presents some implicit conversion/constructor operators for various ephemeris objects from C++ and not others.
Python bindings, updates to install package meta-data files.
Python bindings, removal of user-specific name in example file paths.
Python bindings, updated test package so that individual test modules can be run as scripts or from the python interpreter as e.g. gpstk.test.run_util()
Python bindings, removal of files no longer used.
Python bindings, addition of scripts used to test python package installs. For use by devlopers, not for distribution.
Python bindings, updated script_gpstk to create a ZIP file of the html documentation output from Sphinx and place it in the install_package/docs directory for package distribution.
Python bindings, correction of RINEX data file names.
- Testing revealed the data files rinex3obs_data.txt and rinex3nav_data.txt to be RINEX2 format.
- Corrected file names and all references to them in the test and data modules.
Python bindings, grooming of package meta-data files, including additional markdown formatting.
Python bindings, updtes to Sphinx RST documentation files to account for recent changes to the python bindings build and install package.
Python bindings, corrections to RST formatting in Sphinx documentation.
Updated top-level project README for clarity, including a table of contents, more explicit references to other documentation files within the source file tree, and references to the python bindings package.
Python bindings, removal of unused scripts, and addition of draft code block for creating source distribution packages for the python package in
Python bindings, removal of unused scripts, and addition of draft code block for creating source distribution packages for the python package in
Merge branch 'master' of
GPSTk documentation, updates to README and addition of full GPL/LGPL licensing files needed. LGPL depends on the GPL, so we need to distribute copies of both with the source code.
GPSTk build script, minor updates to white-space formatting.
GPSTk build script, updated script header comments.
GPSTk Licensing, pleased copies of the full GPL and LGPL amendments in the gpstk/dev directory to ensure that the any portion of the file tree that we might distribute include the full license documents. In the future, we may have the package install scripts simply copy the top-level documents.
GPSTk install, moving dev/INSTALL to dev/INSTALL.txt to avoid conflicts with things that are not case-sensitive when you try to create an dev/install/ subdirectory
GPSTk project documentation, changing all top-level documentation file names to be consistent with the pattern FILENAME.txt
GPSTk project documentation, more renames to follow consistent pattern of FILENAME.txt
Jon C. Little (1):
Merge branch 'master' of
Jon Little (21):
Adding descriptive output
Merge branch 'master' of
Merge branch 'master' of
Added the 8-bit week number to the output
getSatHealth now checks to see that an ephemeris is found before calling isHealthy
Merge branch 'master' of
Refactor of to work with current paths correctly along with pruning of some diagnostics. Python build now uses the source tree and not the install tree
python gpstk module install is now done from cmake/make with reasonable defaults
Now honors the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX definition if the gpstk environment variable isn't defined
Examples now use the proper rinex 3 obs identitiers.
Removing files that are no longer used. See ObsID for similiar functionality
Adding a couple more classes to wrap
Adding support for ObsEpoch and related classes
An example of walking RINEX data in python and converting that to ObsEpoch structures
Moved includes and ignores back to upper level .i file
Moved includes and ignores back to upper level .i file
Two files to start moving the bindings build to play nicely with other modules.
Merge branch 'master' of
Swig doesn't support long doubles so the MJD interface just uses a double now. This will cause some loss of precision but...
Added a reasonable hash to SatID and ObsID to allow objects to be use as keys in dicts and sets
Fixed bug where the wrong field was used in the ObsID hash
Josh King (5):
added the dump method to SVNumXRef that checks for overlap
small edit
fixed health error
added SVN 68 launch
SVNumXRef update
Richard Penney (8):
Added .gitignore file & fixed permissions.
Improved const-correctness of SatPass etc.
Patched const-accessor methods of SatPass.
Miscellaneous minor tidying.
Removed '#pragma ident $Id$'
Fixed various compiler warnings from g++ -Wall
Fixed more compiler warnings from g++ -Wall
Fixed yet more compiler warnings from g++ -Wall
Supraj Prakash (5):
SWIG Python Bindings comments added
Created scripts to build C++ and Python GPSTk individually and allow for changes in build and install locations; Fixed errors in Python example 2
Spelling error fix in gpstk_pylib.i
Made syntax fixes and suppressed Python Build Directory Already Exists message
Removed the pure C++ library and pure Python library build scripts
Thomas Joseph Garcia (4):
STLTemplate.i: added template for rinexObsID and vector_rinexObsID to support writing gpstk Rinex files in python.
STLTemplates.i,FileIO.i: Added functionality to write a vector of Rinex3ObsData objects in C++ through a python call.
Merge branch 'master' of
STLTemplates.i: Added some additional typemaps to support Rinex2 reading in Python.
renfrob (1):
Fix glodump to only dump GLONASS from multi-GNSS nav files
Version 2.4 Tuesday, April 22, 2014
- Core & Ext Folder Structure implemented
- Core Folder
- Location of Core GPSTk Code base, fully reviewed and tested.
- Currently, no code resides in this directory, as code review and testing are currently ongoing.
- Ext Folder
- GPSTk Developer Sandbox Code base
- Code that is in development, prototyped, or does not meet criteria for Core Code base.
- Core Folder
- Python Bindings Relocated and Repaired
- Doxygen build Repaired
- New Initial CMake Testing framework
- Currently in Development
- No actual tests are being utilized at this time, only the framework
- New GPSTk Script
- Build and Install GPSTk Code
- Automatically Identifies and Utilizes multiple processors for increased build speed.
- Can be set to build only the Core Code base (Currently broken, as no code resides in Core folder)
- Build Doxygen Documentation
- Build Python Bindings
- Utilize Test Framework
- Build and Install GPSTk Code
- Code Header's have been standardized and updated to include GNU LGPL v3.0
- This release includes new/modified source code comments for improved readability.
- Various Bug Fixes
Andrew Joplin (4): Added EphemerisRange.hpp to python bindings Added EphReader.hpp to python bindings Added FFStreamError to python bindings EphReader.hpp: forgot an include
Brent Renfro (14): Fixes for Odd IGS brdc aggregate files. fixing SatSystem bug in GPSEphemeriStore. updating bc2sp3.cpp Adding a printTerse message Correction to rationalize() Change BDSEphemeris begin/end valid based on exmaination of operationel data Correct error in printTerse output Tweaks to BDS ephemeris based on processing 2013 data Improved error message on exception Fixed GEO position determination Merge branch 'master' of Add velocities to BDSEphemeris.cpp Update to status as of 4/14/2014 Improving optional debug printout Correcting fit Interval to fit duration
Bryan Parsons (14): Phase 1 of GPSTk to SGLTk Migration, with Python CMake updated Base CMakeLists.txt clean-up CMakeLists.txt tweak GPSTk CMake build/install automation script, modified version of SGLTk script. script change Script update RinEdit bug fix Code updated from submitted patches Moved python bindings folder to main GPSTk folder, fixed Python build code and re-added, updated and fixed Doxygen, added doxygen and python option to main Deprecated in favor of cmake and shell script Script bug fix Script updated with additional options - doxygen, python, and test. Headers have been updated for all applicable code to reflect updated LGP License 3.0. Mac OSX Maverick Tweaks Additional Mac OSX tweaks
Jon Little (5): Fixing the file modes. The execute bit got set on basically every file. Someone's development environment is messed up Added some clumsy cmake magic to prevent installing getopt.h on gcc systems Hopefully made the getop.h handling a little smarter Continuing to make things build on solaris with older gcc It appears that some variants of cmake are sensitive to the ordering of target_link_libraries
Version 2.3 Thursday, December 5, 2013
- GPSTk Library merger & Directory Restructure
- Core Library and Auxiliary Libraries have been merged into single GPSTk Library
- Core Library code (src) have been merged into lib directory
- Code has been reorganized into function-oriented directories
- Core Library and Auxiliary Libraries have been merged into single GPSTk Library
- CMake is now the build system of the GPSTk
- Jam and Autotools build files have been deprecated and removed
- Linux 32-bit & Cygwin are no longer supported platforms
- Bug fixes for multiple applications
- This release includes new/modified source code comments for improved readability.
- The next planned release, GPSTk v2.4, will be a major upgrade that will introduce a new testing infrastructure, as well as further code reorganization.
Brent Renfro (4): Fixing end-of-fit interval error Fixed range bound error. URA=15 was not allowed but is valid Fixing TimeSystem problem in compSatVis Adding SDOP calculation to compSatVis
Brian Tolman (11): DAT record should not be verbose Restore begin and end time for GPS, fix PRSolve bug. MARKER TYPE is not a required header record Thanks to Felipe Nievinski Correct a few small bugs in Rinextools, and clean up many unused variables RinDump: added Glonass nav, changed MW to WLC and added NLC Small omission from last commit Fix seg fault when ephemeris is not found, replace with throw Satisfy some compilers Remove throw where it should not be Remove stray # in headless mode
Bryan Parsons (15): Update Windows Installer file Copied Readme to additional location for Gitlab use Additional tweaks for Rinex files Minor modification to RinDump CMake Linux Tweak Bug fix for WhereSat Major merge and reorganization of src and lib, new lib folder contains function oriented folder structure. Jam and autotools files have been removed. CMake now recursively searches through lib for source files, and no longer needs CMakeLists per folder. Updating previous commit to new lib Small Rinextools changes More Wheresat bug fixes Update Python files to match source code restructure Tweaks to windows RC2.3 build Tweak for Solaris Sparc RC2.3 build Tweaks for MacOSX RC2.3 build Tweaks in preparation for RC2.3 Release
Jon C. Little (1): Removing the exec bit from a readme
Jon Little (3): Fixing some file modes To encourage not poluting the source tree, don't ignore the transient files that cmake creates and uses Merge branch 'master' of
Sean Lewis (5): Added python binding test runner. Updated Python test cases to match changes to C++ time classes. Python binding built fixed (source file list repaired). Python script default install location fixed. Developer Documentation added for python bindings.
Version 2.2 Friday, September 6, 2013
- Fully functional CMake cross-platform build system has been finished and tested for the GPSTk.
- Using CMake, the GPSTk now supports IDEs in addition to current supported platforms.
- Newly supported IDEs:
- Visual Studio 2010 IDE (32-bit)
- Visual Studio 2012 IDE (32-bit & 64-bit)
- XCode (32-bit & 64-bit)
- Basic RINEX 3.02 Framework has been added, still developmental and subject to change
- Basic Python Interface Bindings have been added, still developmental and subject to change
- Additional Information:
- Minor modifications to Jamfiles, Makefiles, and source code for clean compilation (no warnings or errors) & compatibility with the latest Cygwin, Windows 7 VS, Solaris 10 Sparc, and Mac OX X Lion (10.7.5).
- The next planned release, GPSTk v2.3, will be a minor upgrade that will introduce a new function-oriented dirctory structure.
- This release includes new/modified source code comments for improved readability.
Brent Renfro (17):
First change to capture/crack CNAV from MDP
New classes to crack CNAV messages into engineering units.
Updated SVNumXRef to reflect launch of SVN 66 and decommision of SVN35
Improvements to support CNAV data tests
=Clarifying label in PackedNavBits.dump()
=Clarifying label in PackedNavBits.dump() - AGAIN
Resolving a merge issue (we hope)
Refined validity calculations, improved dumpTerse()
Removing dead code
Fixing low-rate-of-occurrence errors in CNAV crackers
Adding L2CPhasing flag to CNAV class
Fixing output format and returning #bits used
Adjusting multi-row rollover
Adding CNAV pos/vel changes
Adding formatted output to GloEphemeris
Fixing problem with lack of epoch time in CNavGGTO
Adding new utility to dump GLOANSS Rinex nav files
Brian Tolman (22):
Fix the dangling-else problem on MacOSx for logstream, and undo unnecessary added brackets from commit b7ef28941
Clarify Lagrange interpolation routines and documentation.
Small changes to refine and correct SP3 interpolation
Add several new systems to TimeSystem and Time classes.
Modify ObsID, adding several new entries, for Rinex3.02
Fix bug in LagrangeInterpolation; thanks Sara Farese.
Fix 2 bugs in getEpoch and scanTime
One file omitted in my last commit
Fix bug in scanTime when scanning into undefined time.
Fix missing return value.
Fix bug in WeekSecond related to GPS epoch in TimeConstants.
Minor fixes to go along with previous commit.
Improve SVD convergence and fix bug in Householder.
Fix bug in TimeSystemCorr, trivial change to WeekSecond classes.
Move leap second correction into the TimeSystemCorr::correct.
size_t is unsigned; changing index from int to size_t is not always a good idea
Redesign orbit-based ephemerides and time systems for R3.02
Changes omitted in the last commit
Undoing this leads to a seg fault
Remove all reference to RinexNav in OrbitEph classes.
Give each xxxWeekSecond their own format specifiers.
Small changes to complete the examples
Bryan Parsons (30):
Added commit id for RC2.1
Changes to fix compile issues from prior commits
Minor fix submitted by Anthony Hughes - Replace EllipsoidModel with const GeoidModel
Reverting convhelp.hpp back to original code after commit change
Code Cleanup: Removed DebugUtils class and all references
Code Cleanup: Removed DebugUtils from repo
Build system fixes
Major CMake Build System Changes for Linux OS
Additional Build System Tweaks
Cmake Build Changes for Cygwin
Build System cleanup for recent commits
Small CMake adjustment
CMake Build Changes for VS10 (32-bit) & VS12 (32-|64-bit)
CMake adjustment
Another small fix for CMake Build
More CMake tweaks
CMake Build Changes for Solaris Sparc
Fixing Mac OSX error from prior commit. Initialization of function is required in TabularSatStore.hpp for Clang compiler
Jamfile edited to reflect removal and addition of new files
Brackets added to if statements to remove dangling else warning in Clang
Additional tweaks to LOG file and brackets for dangling else warnings in Clang
Major Cmake Build Changes for Mac OSX
Rinexpvt design flaw patch
MDPtools patch - Brian Tolman
CMake Adjustments for Linux and Solaris
CMake Mac OSX tweaks
CMake tweaks for added files
Cygwin CMake tweaks
CMake Visual Studio tweaks
CMake XCode clean-up and tweaks
Jon Little (8):
Added a variation of ComputeAtTransmitTime that estimates pseudorange as opposed to requiring it
Ignoring what should be ignored
Ignoring what should be ignored
I'm not bparsons
Fixing file modes
Removed TypeID.hpp, since its now in procframe
Moving TypeID back here
more fixage of file perms
Josh King (1):
Fixing MFtime from short to long
Sean Lewis (118):
Initial work on time module and timeconvert python port
Improved python binding for time module
Finished implementation of gpstk_time python bindings and test programs
Simplified time comparision test syntax with eval()
gpstk_time bindings formatting changes
More work on python bindings - gpstk_util module created
ObsID implemented in python bindings - inner class Initializer exported to ObsIDInitializer
Python modules collapsed into single gpstk module
Deleted old, unused SWIG binding files
Deleted rest of old/unused SWIG bindings
TimeString.scanTime moved to gpstk.i
Undefined methods commented out
Fixed const-related bug in FileStore
Reorganized python SWIG bindings to multiple files but a single module
CivilTime comment error fixed
Minor changes to let SWIG process library
Improved python testing/enum semantics
Vector zero-releated members removed for SWIG compilation
Python binding structure reworked to a single module
Simplified Python constructor/enum mappings
Python binding directory structure reworked and documentation added
Improved Python documentation system
Added distutils system to build python module
Removed math utilities from python bindings
Moved inner-class exceptions into global namespace so SWIG can wrap them
Python test coverage improved
EngEphemeris updated to deal with non-nested exception change
Added typemaps, fixed broken ignores
Removed CMake build for Python bindings
More python binding testings
Added timeconvert module to python bindings
Removed step of python build process
Python doxygen creates full index now
Fixes to python binding of Position class
Removed timecony from python examples
Added SEM support to python
Python setup generates docs now
Updated references to exceptions moved to gpstk namespace
Added ObsIDInitializer to build system
Temporary fix to python setup script
Added dummy doc file for python
Python build switched back to CMake
Documentation typo fixed in SystemTime
Some constant initialization changed to let SWIG wrap it
Python timeconvert moved to examples
Wrapped AstronomicalFunctions for python
Minor documentation errors fixed
Headers removed from python CMakeLists
Cleaned up python SWIG files
Undefined method in OrbElem removed.
Duplicate definition in TabularSatStore removed
Added string/concatentation support for the python vector
Python File IO and __str__ support improved
Python SEM file IO/plot example added
Python examples and testing updated
SWIG things added to gitignore
Minor style changes to python tests/examples
Fixed SEMData::dump to output to the correct stream.
Reworked python build to hide certain objects
Cleaned up python examples/tests
Added more python ignores
Python Rinex3Obs support added
Python module_builder now builds to user-given target
Improved python build script
Rinex3ObsData::RinexDatum pulled into gpstk namespace so SWIG can wrap it.
Updated a reference to RinexDatum
Updated another reference to RinexDatum
More file support added for python
Duplicate method signature removed
Rinex3ObsHeader inner classes moved to gpstk namespace.
Added module system to python bindings
Added more __str__ and vector support for Python
Added RinexUtilities functions for python
Removed an undefined function in RinexUtilities.hpp
Cleaned up some python tests and renamed test files.
Pulled out RinexObsHeader inner classes so SWIG can wrap them.
Pulled out Rinex3NavHeader inner classes so SWIG can wrap them.
Pulled out Rinex3ClockHeader/RinexObsData inner classes so SWIG can wrap them.
Updated python examples
Added python wrappers for RinexMet clases
RinexMetHeader inner classes pulled out so SWIG can wrap them.
Sphinx documentation system added for python bindings.
Python test cleanup for lazy file reading.
Renamed python documentation files and added more sphinx docs.
Wrote more python examples and documentation.
Fixed Rinex3MetData data access in Python.
Distutils release/packaging added for python bindings.
Updated file location of script.
Updated python documentation and examples.
Cleaned up STL python wrappers and improved auto-gen doc pages.
Fixed off-by-one file IO errors in python; added FIC support.
Added position difference script and added file input filter parameter.
Added typemaps for C arrays -> Python lists.
Added 4th example for Python bindings.
Fixed python distutils build by adding gpstk header file.
Updated Python bindings to use new time class structure.
Added missing Exception for AlmOrbit::svXvt.
Cleaned up Python exception handling.
Exception specifiers removed from time-related files.
Added python testing for CommonTime.
Extraneous backslashes fixed in CivilTime.
Updated python time test code and added python gpstk exception support.
Minor fixes to python testing.
Fixed some slightly broken Python tests.
Updated python distutils build and minor fixes.
Python binding files cleaned up.
Added appropriate git ignores to sphinx documentation.
Refactored Python binding files to eliminate header duplication.
Added Python wrappers for Moon/Sun positioning and Pole/Solid Tides.
Fixed some broken exception specifiers for Brc classes.
Minor fixes to python build and position difference script.
Added MSC file bindings for Python.
Cleaned up Python examples.
Added python wrappers for some constant arrays in GPS_URA.hpp.
Updated python bindings to use new Ephemeris & EphemerisStore classes.
Python API changes to FileIO and time API.
Python binding formatting changes.
Python support for Expression evaluation added.
Version 2.1 Tuesday, June 25, 2013
- Version 2.1 is comprised of SVN revision number 3143 to Git revision number 4daf3c5
- A number of modifications were made to Jamfiles, Makefiles, and source code for clean compilation (no warnings or errors) & compatibility with the latest Cygwin, Windows 7 VS, Solaris 10 Sparc, and Mac OX X Lion (10.7.5).
- Base CMake files have been added for future CMake support, still in development stages.
- The next planned release, GPSTk v2.2, will be a minor upgrade that will introduce a new fully functioning CMake cross-platform build system and deprecation of some older supported platforms.
- This release includes new/modified source code comments for improved readability.
Added to dev
dev/CMakeLists.txt Added first CMake files to src, lib, apps, and examples
dev/.gitignore added .gitignore
Modified in dev
dev/Jamrules Code Changes to fix Solaris Sparc Warnings Fixed Make build files, code format cleanup, TimeSystem error Add ruls for vs2012 to get rid of 'regex.lib' on windows.
dev/ Fixed Make build files, code format cleanup, TimeSystem error
dev/config.guess dev/config.sub dev/ dev/depcomp dev/install-sh dev/ dev/missing Fixed Make build files, code format cleanup, TimeSystem error
Added to src
dev/src/CMakeLists.txt Added first CMake files to src and lib.
Modified in src
dev/src/ Fixed Make build files, code format cleanup, TimeSystem error
dev/src/Jamfile jam install wasn't installing GNSSconstants.hpp. Now it will
dev/src/GPSOrbElemStore.cpp dev/src/GPSOrbElemStore.hpp dev/src/Exception.cpp dev/src/Vector.hpp dev/src/FICFilterOperators.hpp dev/src/PRSolution.cpp dev/src/CommandLine.cpp dev/src/PowerSum.hpp dev/src/HelmertTransform.cpp dev/src/ReferenceFrame.cpp dev/src/LinearClockModel.cpp dev/src/GPSOrbElemStore.cpp dev/src/CNAVEphemeris.cpp dev/src/CommandLine.cpp dev/src/EngEphemeris.cpp dev/src/AntexReader.cpp dev/src/CommandLine.cpp dev/src/Expression.cpp dev/src/ObsID.cpp dev/src/Rinex3EphemerisStore.hpp dev/src/Rinex3NavHeader.cpp dev/src/RinexMetHeader.hpp dev/src/TabularSatStore.hpp dev/src/CommandLine.cpp dev/src/BinexData.cpp dev/src/TypeID.hpp dev/src/TabularSatStore.hpp Code Changes to fix various Warnings on various supported platforms
dev/src/TypeID.cpp Add a new TypeID::transmit for POD.
dev/src/BrcClockCorrection.hpp dev/src/BrcKeplerOrbit.hpp dev/src/EngEphemeris.hpp dev/src/GalEphemeris.hpp Commented out unused functions for Python development efforts
dev/src/OrbElemLNav.cpp dev/src/OrbElemRinex.cpp dev/src/OrbElemFIC9.cpp Fix health bit format Mod to round endValid UP to appropriate value when Toe offset
dev/src/SVPCodeGen.cpp Fixed end of week bug for PRNs 38-210.
dev/src/TimeString.cpp Fixed a bug where scanTime would not process a %f specifier correctly
dev/src/GNSSconstants.hpp dev/src/ObsID.cpp dev/src/ObsRngDev.cpp dev/src/ObsRngDev.hpp Paramaterizing ObsRngDev to allow for other than L1-L2 dual frequency iono corrections
dev/src/DebugUtils.hpp Adding support for ashtech smoothing
dev/src/Rinex3NavData.cpp dev/src/Rinex3NavData.hpp Added constructor to allow conversions between OrbElem and Rinex3NavData objects
dev/src/StringUtils.hpp We can use 'std::regex' instead of 'gnu regex' for visual studio 2012!
dev/src/Matrix.hpp dev/src/MatrixOperators.hpp dev/src/Vector.hpp 1)Fix the constructor Matrix(row,col,vector) to make it consist with operator'=' and all the other Matrix constructors; 2)Enable 'Vector || Vector' to get a left to right matrix; 3)Add a operator '<<' for 'Vector', and user can construct a vector as the following: Vector v; v << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6;
dev/src/FICFilterOperators.hpp dev/src/FileFilter.hpp Add blockNum tests to Block 62 & 162 unique methods in FICFilterOperators to fix seg fault in mergeFIC.
dev/src/MemoryUtils.hpp dev/src/RinexUtilities.cpp Fix some expression 'GPSTK_THROW(Exception("..."))' for it COULD NOT get the exception location properly!
dev/src/GPSOrbElemStore.cpp dev/src/GPSOrbElemStore.hpp dev/src/OrbElem.hpp dev/src/OrbElemICE.hpp dev/src/OrbElemLNav.hpp dev/src/OrbElemRinex.hpp dev/src/OrbElemICE.cpp dev/src/OrbElemLNav.cpp dev/src/OrbElemRinex.cpp dev/src/OrbElemCNAV.cpp dev/src/OrbElemCNAV2.cpp dev/src/OrbElemICE.cpp Bug fixes from synthetic data testing Added OrbElemICE and OrbElemCNAV2 to accomandate the new CNAV2 navigation message coming soon. Added OrbElemCNAV to accomodate new CNAV message coming soon. OrbElemRinex.hpp: Added loadData( Rinex3NavData ) to fix compile error.
dev/src/AntexReader.cpp dev/src/MoonPosition.cpp dev/src/SunPosition.cpp Fix problems for PPP examples.
dev/src/TimeSystem.cpp Add the TimeSystem string for COM(BeiDou Time,BDT)
dev/src/ReferenceFrame.cpp dev/src/ReferenceFrame.hpp fixed a segmentation fault when initializing static data members.
Deleted from src
Added to lib
dev/lib/CMakeLists.txt dev/lib/geodyn/CMakeLists.txt dev/lib/geomatics/CMakeLists.txt dev/lib/procframe/CMakeLists.txt dev/lib/rxio/CMakeLists.txt dev/lib/vdraw/CMakeLists.txt dev/lib/vplot/CMakeLists.txt Added first CMake files to src and lib.
Modified in lib
dev/lib/geodyn/ dev/lib/geomatics/ dev/lib/procframe/ dev/lib/rxio/ dev/lib/vdraw/ dev/lib/vplot/
Fixed Make build files, code format cleanup, TimeSystem errordev/lib/geomatics/SRIMatrix.hpp dev/lib/procframe/GeneralConstraint.cpp dev/lib/vplot/LinePlot.cpp dev/lib/vplot/ScatterPlot.cpp dev/lib/geomatics/AntexHeader.cpp dev/lib/vdraw/TextStyle.cpp dev/lib/geomatics/AntexHeader.cpp dev/lib/rxio/FFIdentifier.cpp dev/lib/rxio/miscenum.hpp dev/lib/rxio/ATSData.hpp dev/lib/rxio/AshtechALB.hpp dev/lib/rxio/AshtechData.hpp Code Changes to fix various Warnings on various supported platforms
dev/lib/geodyn/IERSConventions.cpp Updates Leap History Map and UTC Timesystem initializations to prevent comparison exceptions.
dev/lib/rxio/MDPObsEpoch.cpp Fixed bug in reading epochs
dev/lib/rxio/ObsUtils.cpp dev/lib/rxio/ObsUtils.hpp dev/lib/rxio/RinexConverters.cpp dev/lib/rxio/miscenum.hpp Adding support for ashtech smoothing Now supports removing smoothing from ashtech data
dev/lib/rxio/FFIdentifier.cpp Correctly detects when a file is not SP3
Deleted from lib
Added to apps
dev/apps/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/DataAvailability/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/MDPtools/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/Rinextools/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/checktools/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/clocktools/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/converters/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/differential/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/difftools/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/filetools/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/geomatics/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/geomatics/JPLeph/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/geomatics/cycleslips/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/geomatics/kalman/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/geomatics/relposition/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/geomatics/robust/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/ionosphere/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/mergetools/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/multipath/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/performance/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/positioning/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/receiver/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/reszilla/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/rfw/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/swrx/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/time/CMakeLists.txt dev/apps/visibility/CMakeLists.txt Added the apps to the CMake build.
dev/apps/reszilla/.gitignore .gitignore added
dev/apps/filetools/RinexElvStrip.cpp Add a tool to strip RINEX obs data by elevation
Modified in apps
dev/apps/filetools/Jamfile Add a tool to strip RINEX obs data by elevation
dev/apps/DataAvailability/ dev/apps/MDPtools/ dev/apps/ObsArrayEvaluator/ dev/apps/Rinextools/ dev/apps/checktools/ dev/apps/clocktools/ dev/apps/converters/ dev/apps/differential/ dev/apps/difftools/ dev/apps/filetools/ dev/apps/geomatics/JPLeph/ dev/apps/geomatics/cycleslips/ dev/apps/geomatics/kalman/ dev/apps/geomatics/relposition/ dev/apps/geomatics/robust/ dev/apps/ionosphere/ dev/apps/mergetools/ dev/apps/multipath/ dev/apps/performance/ dev/apps/positioning/ dev/apps/qa/ dev/apps/receiver/ dev/apps/reszilla/ dev/apps/rfw/ dev/apps/swrx/ dev/apps/time/ dev/apps/visibility/ Fixed Make build files, code format cleanup, TimeSystem error
dev/apps/clocktools/ORDPhaseParser.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/dallandev.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/ffp.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/mallandev.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/nallandev.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/oallandev.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/ohadamarddev.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/pff.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/rmoutlier.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/scale.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/tallandev.cpp dev/apps/geomatics/robust/rstats.cpp dev/apps/positioning/rinexpvt.cpp dev/apps/rfw/DeviceStream.hpp dev/apps/swrx/CodeGenerator.hpp dev/apps/visibility/compSatVis.cpp dev/apps/visibility/compStaVis.cpp dev/apps/MDPtools/mdp2fic.cpp dev/apps/Rinextools/RinDump.cpp dev/apps/Rinextools/RinEdit.cpp dev/apps/Rinextools/RinNav.cpp dev/apps/Rinextools/RinSum.cpp dev/apps/geomatics/JPLeph/testSSEph.cpp dev/apps/positioning/PRSolve.cpp dev/apps/Rinextools/RinSum.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/dallandev.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/mallandev.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/nallandev.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/oallandev.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/ohadamarddev.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/tallandev.cpp dev/apps/swrx/gpsSim.cpp dev/apps/swrx/IQStream.cpp dev/apps/reszilla/OrdEngine.cpp dev/apps/reszilla/ddGen.cpp Code Changes to fix various Warnings on various supported platforms
dev/apps/reszilla/OrdApp.cpp dev/apps/reszilla/OrdEngine.cpp dev/apps/reszilla/OrdEngine.hpp dev/apps/reszilla/ordGen.cpp dev/apps/reszilla/ordPlot ordGen now handles two frequency combos other than L1-L2 better. Fixing some obs combos
dev/apps/Rinextools/RinDump.cpp Add GPS Nav support and debiasing
dev/apps/converters/ash2mdp.cpp Adding support for ashtech smoothing Now supports removing smoothing from ashtech data Fixed a week rollover problem
dev/apps/MDPtools/SummaryProc.cpp dev/apps/MDPtools/SummaryProc.hpp dev/apps/MDPtools/TrackProc.cpp dev/apps/MDPtools/TrackProc.hpp Removing a 12 channel limit
dev/apps/reszilla/ dev/apps/reszilla/ordPlot Adding ability to parse stats records
dev/apps/reszilla/ordStats.cpp doesn't segfault when no data is provided
dev/apps/visibility/compStaVis.cpp Fixed CompStaVis debug mesage time display error
dev/apps/difftools/DiffFrame.hpp dev/apps/difftools/ficdiff.cpp Added notification for missing input files
dev/apps/geomatics/relposition/ReadRawData.cpp Fixed reference to global SolutionEpoch variable in ReadRawData.
dev/apps/geomatics/relposition/CommandInput.cpp Time system mismatch fix.
dev/apps/geomatics/relposition/ProcessRawData.cpp Fix for DDBase in ProcessRawData.cpp - CommonTime TimeSystem mismatch corrected.
dev/apps/clocktools/ffp.cpp dev/apps/clocktools/pff.cpp Added usage information and examples for ffp.cpp and pff.cpp
dev/apps/mergetools/mergeFIC.cpp Add blockNum tests to Block 62 & 162 unique methods in FICFilterOperators to fix seg fault in mergeFIC.
dev/apps/MDPtools/mdp2rinex.cpp dev/apps/MDPtools/mdpEdit.cpp dev/apps/MDPtools/mdpScrubber.cpp Fixed a bug in filtering by PRN number
dev/apps/visibility/compSatVis.cpp fixed a time printing error in the output.
dev/apps/converters/ash2xyz.cpp fixed a bug where a cleared vector wasn't removed from the map which contains it.
dev/apps/filetools/ficfica.cpp Added basic invalid input file error handling and output dialog to ficfica app
dev/apps/geomatics/cycleslips/DiscFix.cpp Fixed a logic bug in ignoring other satellite systems
dev/apps/reszilla/DDEpoch.cpp dev/apps/reszilla/PhaseResidual.cpp Corrected bug in computing triple difference.
Deleted from apps
dev/apps/filetools/sp32bc.cpp Removed sp32bc from repository
Added to examples
dev/examples/CMakeLists.txt Added examples to the CMake build.
Modified in examples
/ Code changes to fix remaining Windows error & warnings
dev/examples/Jamfile Examples folder Make/Jam file changes
dev/examples/example14.cpp Added examples to the CMake build.
Deleted from examples
Testing modifications
Added to tests
dev/tests/GPSOrbElemStore/xTestRationalize.cpp Adding a program that specifically tests GPSOrbElemStore::rationalize()
Modified in tests
dev/tests/ Fixed Make build files, code format cleanup, TimeSystem error
Deleted from tests
Reference modifications
Updated Users Guide to version 3.0 of Rinex, added more usage
examples for applications that were lacking them.
Version 2.0 Thursday, 24 May, 2012
- Version 2.0 was branched from dev/ on revision 2537, merged back into the trunk with revision 3140.
Added to src
PZ90Ellipsoid.hpp OrbElemStore.hpp
GloEphemerisStore.cpp GloEphemerisStore.hpp GloFreqIndex.cpp GloFreqIndex.hpp GloRecord.cpp GloRecord.hpp HelmertTransform.cpp HelmertTransform.hpp GalEphemeris.cpp GalEphemeris.hpp GalEphemerisStore.cpp GalEphemerisStore.hpp GPSAlmanacStore.cpp GPSAlmanacStore.hpp ReferenceFrame.cpp ReferenceFrame.hpp Rinex3ClockBase.hpp Rinex3ClockData.cpp Rinex3ClockData.hpp Rinex3ClockHeader.cpp Rinex3ClockHeader.hpp Rinex3ClockStream.hpp Rinex3EphemerisStore.cpp Rinex3EphemerisStore.hpp Added handling of time transformations in mixed system processing.Rinex3NavBase.hpp Rinex3NavData.cpp Rinex3NavData.hpp Rinex3NavFilterOperators.hpp Rinex3NavHeader.cpp Rinex3NavHeader.hpp Added handling of time transformations in mixed system processing.
Rinex3NavStream.hpp Rinex3ObsBase.hpp Rinex3ObsData.cpp Rinex3ObsData.hpp The new 'Rinex3ObsData' method was modified and renamed to improve consistency with the former GPSTk version, and a new method was added.
Rinex3ObsFilterOperators.hpp Rinex3ObsHeader.cpp Rinex3ObsHeader.hpp Rinex3ObsStream.hpp RinexConverter.cpp RinexConverter.hpp TimeSystem.cpp TimeSystem.hpp TimeSystemCorr.hpp Move TimeSystem correction out of Rinex3NavHeader and into its own class, preparatory to implementing time system conversions and doing real mixed-system applications.
TypeID.cpp TypeID.hpp Added all RINEX 3.01 observable types.
SVNumXRef.cpp Updated PRN-SVN numbers through 2011 abd added TimeSystem definition.
Xt.cpp Xt.hpp icd_glo_constants.hpp icd_glo_freqindex.hpp icd_gps_constants.hpp MSCStore.cpp PRSolution.cpp RinexNavFilterOperators.hpp Hand-merged src/ directories of the trunk and Rinex-3 branch.
RinexGloNavData.[h|c]pp Added Rinex-2 GLONASS Navigation files data parsers with documentation.
RK4VehicleModel.[h|c]pp Added a class that implements a simple model of a vehicle based on the Runge-Kutta-4 numerical integration algorithm.
GlonassSatelliteModel.[h|c]pp Added a class that implements a simple model of a GLONASS satellite, inheriting from the 'RK4VehicleModel' class.
GloBrcEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp Added working version of a class to compute GLONASS satellite positions based on broadcast ephemeris.
FIRDifferentiator5thOrder.[h|c]pp FilterBase.hpp Added FIR differentiator classes to RC2.0.
ARBase.[h|c]pp ARLambda.[h|c]pp ARMLambda.[h|c]pp ARSimple.[h|c]pp Ambiguity resolution classes added.
BRCClockCorrection.[h|c]pp BrcKeplerOrbit.[h|c]pp Xv.hpp EngEphemeris.[h|c]pp Added legacy navigation message classes and modified CNAV/CNAV2 classes.
CNAV2EphClock.[h|c]pp CNAVClock.[h|c]pp CNAVEphemeris.[h|c]pp PackedNavBits.[h|c]pp Added new classes for CNAV and CNAV2 navigation messages.
GNSSconstants.hpp Condenses constants from all GNSS including GPS, GALILEO, and COMPASS.
Modified in src
ANSITime.cpp ANSITime.hpp AlmOrbit.cpp AstronomicalFunctions.hpp CivilTime.cpp CivilTime.hpp CommandOptionParser.hpp CommonTime.cpp CommonTime.hpp DayTime.cpp DayTime.hpp ECEF.cpp ECEF.hpp EngEphemeris.cpp EngEphemeris.hpp EngNav.cpp EphemerisRange.cpp EphemerisRange.hpp Exception.hpp Expression.cpp ExtractLC.hpp ExtractPC.hpp FICData109.cpp FICData162.cpp FICData62.cpp FICData9.cpp GPSEllipsoid.hpp GPSEphemerisStore.cpp GPSEphemerisStore.hpp GPSGeoid.hpp GPSWeek.cpp GPSWeek.hpp GPSWeekSecond.cpp GPSWeekSecond.hpp GPSWeekZcount.cpp GPSWeekZcount.hpp Geodetic.cpp Geodetic.hpp IonexData.cpp IonexData.hpp IonexStore.hpp IonoModel.cpp IonoModel.hpp JulianDate.cpp JulianDate.hpp MJD.cpp MJD.hpp MOPSWeight.cpp MOPSWeight.hpp MSCData.[h|c]pp MSCStore.cpp MSCStore.hpp MatrixBase.hpp MoonPosition.hpp ObsRngDev.cpp ObsRngDev.hpp OceanLoading.hpp PRSolution.cpp PRSolution.hpp PoleTides.hpp Position.cpp Position.hpp RACRotation.cpp RinexEphemerisStore.cpp RinexEphemerisStore.hpp RinexMetBase.hpp RinexMetData.cpp RinexMetData.hpp RinexMetFilterOperators.hpp RinexMetHeader.cpp RinexMetHeader.hpp RinexMetStream.hpp RinexNavData.cpp RinexNavData.hpp RinexNavFilterOperators.hpp RinexNavHeader.cpp RinexObsData.cpp RinexObsData.hpp RinexObsHeader.cpp RinexObsHeader.hpp RinexUtilities.cpp RinexUtilities.hpp RungeKutta4.cpp SEMData.cpp SEMHeader.cpp SP3Base.hpp SP3Data.cpp SP3Data.hpp SP3EphemerisStore.cpp SP3EphemerisStore.hpp SP3Header.cpp SP3Header.hpp SP3SatID.hpp SP3Stream.hpp SimpleIURAWeight.cpp SimpleIURAWeight.hpp SimpleKalmanFilter.cpp SimpleKalmanFilter.hpp Removed the SuperKalmanFilter class and combined the features into SimpleKalmanFilter.
SolidTides.hpp SpecialFunctions.hpp SunPosition.hpp SystemTime.cpp SystemTime.hpp TabularEphemerisStore.cpp TabularEphemerisStore.hpp TimeConstants.hpp TimeTag.cpp TimeTag.hpp TropModel.cpp TropModel.hpp UnixTime.cpp UnixTime.hpp Xvt.cpp Xvt.hpp XvtStore.hpp YDSTime.cpp YDSTime.hpp YumaAlmanacStore.cpp YumaAlmanacStore.hpp YumaData.cpp convhelp.hpp Hand-merged src/ directories of the trunk and Rinex-3 branch.
FFTextStream.hpp RinexGloNavHeader.cpp RinexGloNavHeader.hpp RinexGloNavStream.hpp Propagating some of Dagoberto's changes/additions in /src.
GPSAlmanacStore.[h|c]pp Adjusted some functions in GPSAlmanacStore so that it and YumaAlmanacStore aren't abstract classes.
RinexGlonavHeader.[h|c]pp 'RinexGloNavHeader' is now CommonTime-based, plus minor improvements.
PZ90Ellipsoid.hpp Minor updates to the last GLONASS ICD v5.1 (defined in table 3.2) to update it to PZ90.02 ellipsoid. Improvements in the documentation, and the addition of the J20 parameter.
RinexGloNavData.cpp Corrected errors when reading the 3rd line of a GLONASS broadcast data record.
RungeKutta4.cpp Changes made in order to make 'RungeKutta4' handle negative steps.
SP3Header.hpp SP3Stream.hpp Minor modifications to silence compiler warnings.
ObsID.hpp Rinex3ObsHeader.[h|c]pp RinexSatID.hpp SatID.hpp Partial update to RINEX 3.01. Cf., particularly section 9. Updated the Obs header for new records. Added Compass to RinexSatID and SatID; someone needs to update ObsID based on Table 5.Did not implement 9.1 in ObsData, nor attempt to implement 9.2, 9.4, 9.6-8.
SP3EphemerisStore.[h|c]pp Modified SP3EphemerisStore to use either the SP3 clocks or Rinex clock files. Added classes for Rinex clock files RinexClock*; these are very similar to, and will replace Rinex3Clock* classes.
FileStore.hpp GPSEphemerisStore.hpp GloBrcEphemerisStore.cpp GloEphemerisStore.cpp Modified FileStore to stand alone, and modify the ephemeris store classes to contain FileStore(s) rather than inherit FileStore. Redesign the tabular ephemeris store classes based on TabularSatStore; eventually TabularEphemerisStore will be deleted. Add classes ClockSatStore and PositionSatStore, which are standalone functional stores, derived from TabularSatStore, which are not associated with any file type.Added 'findEphemeris()' methods to 'GloEphemerisStore' in order to keep consistency with 'GPSEphemerisStore' and 'GalEphemerisStore' classes.
AlmOrbit.cpp ENUUtil.cpp EngEphemeris.cpp EngEphemeris.hpp Removed protection on EngEphemeris variables to make it easier to convert from Rinex3NavData to EngEphemeris objects.
EphemerisRange.cpp EphemerisRange.hpp GPSAlmanacStore.hpp GalEphemeris.cpp GloRecord.cpp GloRecord.hpp IonoModel.cpp MSCData.cpp MSCData.hpp NEDUtil.cpp ObsRngDev.cpp ObsRngDev.hpp OrbElemStore.hpp PRSolution.cpp RACRotation.cpp Rinex3ObsHeader.cpp RinexNavFilterOperators.hpp RinexUtilities.cpp RinexUtilities.hpp SP3EphemerisStore.cpp SP3EphemerisStore.hpp StringUtils.hpp TropModel.cpp Xt.cpp Xt.hpp Xvt.cpp Xvt.hpp XvtStore.hpp Change slightly XvtStore.hpp; this affects the interface of all ephemeris store class. Modify Xvt to separate the relativity correction from the clock bias, and rename dtime clkbias, and ddtime clkdrift; modify all of src and some apps to account for this change.
ClockSatStore.cpp ClockSatStore.hpp PositionSatStore.cpp PositionSatStore.hpp RinexClockBase.hpp RinexClockData.cpp RinexClockData.hpp RinexClockHeader.cpp RinexClockHeader.hpp RinexClockStore.hpp RinexClockStream.hpp TabularSatStore.hpp Redesign the tabular ephemeris store classes based on TabularSatStore; eventually TabularEphemerisStore will be deleted. Add classes ClockSatStore and PositionSatStore, which are standalone functional stores, derived from TabularSatStore, which are not associated with any file type.
IonoModel.hpp IonoModelStore.[h|c]pp Converted from Geodetic (deprecated) to Position, and adapted to CommonTime.
ObsID.[h|c]pp Rinex3ObsHeader.cpp ModeledPseudorangeBase.hpp Files adapted to new classes from obsoleted classes in RC2.0.
GloFreqIndex.[h|c]pp RinexConverter.cpp SP3EphemerisStore.hpp SystemTime.hpp Windows fixes.
AntexReader.[h|c]pp Silence some warnings issued by MS compilers regarding the length of map names.
Rinex3ObsHeader.cpp SP3EphemerisStore.[h|c]pp TabularSatStore.hpp Added a flag to reject predicted ephemeris data (ultrarapid IGS); fixed error omitting system character from obsid, and other minor improvements.
StringUtils.hpp Added split() function, fixed warnings related to comparisons between signed and unsigned integer expressions.
icd_gps_constants.hpp Added L5_MULT constant.
Rinex3NavData.[h|c]pp MFtime must be an int, short is too short.
Rinex3NavHeader.[h|c]pp Add CORR TO TIME SYS record and support for version 3.01.
Rinex3ObsData.[h|c]pp Add dump() that uses the header.
RinexClockStore.hpp ClockSatStore.hpp SP3EphemerisStore.[h|c]pp TabularSatStore.hpp Remove nominal time step as member data, replacing with a 'compute timestep (sat)' function.
TabularEphemerisStore.hpp Fixed dummy methods which were not returning the expected types.
PreciseRange.[h|c]pp Fix for new definitions in Xvt; remove functions here to compute rel. corr.
MatrixBase.hpp Removed macros that were commented out and forgotten.
RinexNavData.cpp SP3Data.hpp SP3Stream.hpp Removed unused 'headerRead' from SP3Stream.
SP3Header.cpp SP3Header was not saving the header to stream in reallyPutRecord'.
BrcClockCorrection.[h|c]pp BrcKeplerOrbit.[h|c]pp EngEphemeris.[h|c]pp ObsID.hpp Added modified navigation message classes.
Epoch.[h|c]pp MJD.hpp Templates must be defined in .hpp.
MSCStore.[h|c]pp 'getXvt' and 'getXt' require reference in calling arguments to match XvtStore interface.
ObsID.cpp Added a description for otNavMsg.
AlmOrbit.[h|c]pp Antenna.hpp AntexReader.[h|c]pp AstronomicalFunctions.[h|c]pp BinexData.cpp ClockModel.hpp ClockSatStore.[h|c]pp CodeBuffer.[h|c]pp CommandOptionWithPositionArg.cpp CommandOptionWithTimeArg.[h|c]pp DCBDataReader.hpp EngAlmanac.[h|c]pp EngEphemeris.cpp Epoch.hpp EpochClockModel.hpp EpochDataStore.[h|c]pp FICData.[h|c]pp FICData.hpp FICData109.cpp FICData162.cpp FICData62.cpp FICFilterOperators.hpp FileFilterFrame.hpp FileFilterFrameWithHeader.hpp FileHunter.[h|c]pp FileSpec.[h|c]pp GalEphemeris.cpp IonexData.[h|c]pp IonexHeader.[h|c]pp IonexStore.[h|c]pp IonoModel.hpp LinearClockModel.[h|c]pp Logger.[h|c]pp MSCData.[h|c]pp MSCData.hpp MoonPosition.[h|c]pp ORDEpoch.hpp ObsEpochMap.hpp ObsRngDev.[h|c]pp OceanLoading.[h|c]pp OceanLoading.hpp PoleTides.[h|c]pp Position.[h|c]pp PositionSatStore.[h|c]pp RTFileFrame.hpp RinexClockData.[h|c]pp RinexClockHeader.cpp RinexClockStore.hpp RinexUtilities.cpp SEMAlmanacStore.[h|c]pp SEMAlmanacStore.hpp SMODFData.[h|c]pp SVExclusionList.[h|c]pp SVNumXRef.[h|c]pp SVPCodeGen.[h|c]pp SatDataReader.[h|c]pp SatDataReader.hpp SolidTides.[h|c]pp StringUtils.hpp SunPosition.[h|c]pp TabularSatStore.hpp TimeNamedFileStream.hpp WxObsMap.[h|c]pp EngEphemeris.[h|c]pp GPSAlmanacStore.[h|c]pp GPSEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp GalEphemeris.[h|c]pp GalEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp GloEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp HelmertTransform.[h|c]pp MSCStore.[h|c]pp OrbElemStore.hpp ReferenceFrame.hpp SP3EphemerisStore.[h|c]pp TabularEphemerisStore.hpp Xvt.hpp XvtStore.hpp Removed dependence of src directory from any instances of Xt.
GloEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp Updated and corrected GloEphemerisStore.
EngEphemeris.cpp Added modifications (Mendiola).
BrcKeplerOrbit.[h|c]pp icd_gps_constants.hpp Added modifications to navigation message classes.
RinexObsHeader.cpp Commented out a debugging line.
Xvt.[h|c]pp Added preciseRho function which was originally in the now obsoleted class, Xt.
Rinex3NAVData.cpp Added Geosync or SBAS system.
RinexGloNavData.[h|c]pp RinexGloNavHeader.[h|c]pp GloEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp RK4VehicleModel.[h|c]pp Fixed ID expansion.
AlmOrbit.cpp AstronomicalFunctions.hpp BrcClockCorrection.cpp BrcKeplerOrbit.cpp CNAV2EphClk.cpp CNAVClock.cpp CNAVEphemeris.cpp EngEphemeris.cpp EngNav.cpp EphemerisRange.cpp Expression.cpp ExtractLC.hpp ExtractPC.hpp FICData109.cpp FICData162.cpp FICData62.cpp FICData9.cpp GPSEllipsoid.hpp GPSGeoid.hpp GalEphemeris.cpp IonexStore.hpp IonoModel.cpp MOPSWeight.hpp MoonPosition.hpp ObsRngDev.cpp OceanLoading.hpp PRSolution.[h|c]pp PackedNavBits.cpp PoleTides.hpp Position.cpp Rinex3NavData.cpp RinexEphemerisStore.cpp RinexNavData.cpp SEMData.cpp SEMHeader.cpp SimpleIURAWeight.hpp SolidTides.hpp SpecialFunctions.hpp SunPosition.hpp TabularEphemerisStore.hpp TropModel.[h|c]pp Xvt.[h|c]pp YumaData.cpp icd_glo_freqindex.hpp BrcClockCorrection.hpp BrcKeplerOrbit.hpp GloFreqIndex.cpp Changed constants found within source files to match new constants in GNSSconstants.hpp.
Xvt.[h|c]pp Moved constants (GNSSconstants.hpp) from Xvt.hpp to Xvt.cpp and updated this class.
GalEphemerisStore.hpp Implemented two small pure virtual functions.
BrcClockCorrection.cpp EphemerisRange.cpp Expression.cpp GNSSconstants.hpp GPSEllipsoid.hpp GPSGeoid.hpp IonoModel.cpp PRSolution.cpp Rinex3ClockData.hpp Rinex3ClockHeader.cpp Xvt.hpp Changed 'C_GPS_MPS' instances to 'C_MPS'.
ANSITime.[h|c]pp ARBase.[h|c]pp ARLambda.[h|c]pp ARMLambda.[h|c]pp ARSimple.[h|c]pp AlmOrbit.[h|c]pp Antenna.[h|c]pp AntexReader.[h|c]pp AstronomicalFunctions.[h|c]pp BLQDataReader.hpp Bancroft.[h|c]pp BaseDistribution.hpp BasicFramework.[h|c]pp BinUtils.[h|c]pp BinexData.[h|c]pp BinexFilterOperators.hpp BinexStream.hpp BivarStats.hpp BrcClockCorrection.[h|c]pp BrcKeplerOrbit.[h|c]pp CNAV2EphClk.[h|c]pp CNAVClock.[h|c]pp CNAVEphemeris.[h|c]pp CheckPRData.hpp Chi2Distribution.[h|c]pp CivilTime.[h|c]pp ClockModel.hpp CodeBuffer.[h|c]pp CommandOption.[h|c]pp CommandOptionParser.[h|c]pp CommandOptionWithCommonTimeArg.[h|c]pp CommandOptionWithPositionArg.[h|c]pp CommandOptionWithTimeArg.[h|c]pp CommonTime.[h|c]pp ConfDataReader.[h|c]pp DCBDataReader.[h|c]pp DOP.[h|c]pp DayTime.[h|c]pp ENUUtil.[h|c]pp EllipsoidModel.hpp EngAlmanac.[h|c]pp EngEphemeris.[h|c]pp EngNav.[h|c]pp EphemerisRange.[h|c]pp Epoch.[h|c]pp EpochClockModel.hpp EpochDataStore.[h|c]pp Exception.[h|c]pp Expression.[h|c]pp ExtractC1.hpp ExtractCombinationData.hpp ExtractD1.hpp ExtractD2.hpp ExtractData.hpp ExtractL1.hpp ExtractL2.hpp ExtractLC.hpp ExtractP1.hpp ExtractP2.hpp ExtractPC.hpp FFBinaryStream.hpp FFData.[h|c]pp FFStream.[h|c]pp FFStreamError.hpp FFTextStream.hpp FICAStream.hpp FICBase.hpp FICData.[h|c]pp FICData109.[h|c]pp FICData162.[h|c]pp FICData62.[h|c]pp FICData62.hpp FICData9.[h|c]pp FICFilterOperators.hpp FICHeader.[h|c]pp FICStream.hpp FICStreamBase.hpp FIRDifferentiator5thOrder.[h|c]pp FileFilter.hpp FileFilterFrame.hpp FileFilterFrameWithHeader.hpp FileHunter.[h|c]pp FileSpec.[h|c]pp FileStore.hpp FileUtils.hpp FilterBase.hpp GNSSconstants.hpp GPSAlmanacStore.[h|c]pp GPSEllipsoid.hpp GPSEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp GPSGeoid.hpp GPSWeek.[h|c]pp GPSWeekSecond.[h|c]pp GPSWeekZcount.[h|c]pp GPSZcount.[h|c]pp GalEphemeris.[h|c]pp GalEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp GaussianDistribution.[h|c]pp GenXSequence.[h|c]pp GeoidModel.hpp GloEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp GloFreqIndex.[h|c]pp HelmertTransform.[h|c]pp IonexData.[h|c]pp IonexStore.hpp IonexStream.hpp IonoModel.[h|c]pp IonoModelStore.[h|c]pp JulianDate.[h|c]pp LinearClockModel.[h|c]pp Logger.hpp LoopedFramework.[h|c]pp MJD.[h|c]pp MOPSWeight.[h|c]pp MSCData.[h|c]pp MSCStore.[h|c]pp MSCStream.hpp MainAdapter.hpp MathBase.hpp Matrix.hpp MatrixBase.hpp MatrixBaseOperators.hpp MatrixFunctors.hpp MatrixImplementation.hpp MatrixOperators.hpp MiscMath.hpp ModeledPseudorangeBase.hpp MoonPosition.hpp NEDUtil.[h|c]pp ORDEpoch.hpp ObsClockModel.[h|c]pp ObsEpochMap.[h|c]pp ObsID.[h|c]pp ObsRngDev.[h|c]pp OceanLoading.[h|c]pp OrbElemStore.hpp PCodeConst.hpp PRSolution.[h|c]pp PZ90Ellipsoid.hpp PackedNavBits.[h|c]pp PoleTides.hpp PolyFit.hpp Position.[h|c]pp RACRotation.[h|c]pp RK4VehicleModel.[h|c]pp RTFileFrame.hpp ReferenceFrame.[h|c]pp Rinex3ClockBase.[h|c]pp Rinex3ClockData.[h|c]pp Rinex3ClockHeader.[h|c]pp Rinex3ClockStream.hpp Rinex3NavBase.hpp Rinex3NavData.[h|c]pp Rinex3NavFilterOperators.hpp Rinex3NavHeader.[h|c]pp Rinex3NavStream.hpp Rinex3ObsBase.hpp Rinex3ObsData.[h|c]pp Rinex3ObsFilterOperators.hpp Rinex3ObsHeader.[h|c]pp Rinex3ObsStream.hpp RinexConverter.[h|c]pp RinexEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp RinexGloNavData.[h|c]pp RinexGloNavHeader.[h|c]pp RinexGloNavHeader.hpp RinexGloNavStream.hpp RinexMetBase.hpp RinexMetData.[h|c]pp RinexMetFilterOperators.hpp RinexMetHeader.[h|c]pp RinexMetStream.hpp RinexNavBase.[h|c]pp RinexNavData.[h|c]pp RinexNavFilterOperators.hpp RinexNavHeader.[h|c]pp RinexNavStream.hpp RinexObsBase.hpp RinexObsData.[h|c]pp RinexObsFilterOperators.hpp RinexObsHeader.[h|c]pp RinexObsID.[h|c]pp RinexObsStream.hpp RinexSatID.[h|c]pp RinexUtilities.[h|c]pp RungeKutta4.[h|c]pp SMODFData.[h|c]pp SMODFStream.hpp SP3Base.hpp SP3Data.[h|c]pp SP3EphemerisStore.[h|c]pp SP3Header.[h|c]pp SP3SatID.[h|c]pp SP3Stream.hpp SVExclusionList.[h|c]pp SVNumXRef.[h|c]pp SVPCodeGen.[h|c]pp SatDataReader.[h|c]pp SatID.hpp SimpleIURAWeight.[h|c]pp SimpleKalmanFilter.hpp SolidTides.hpp SolverBase.hpp SourceID.hpp SpecialFunctions.[h|c]pp Stats.hpp StringUtils.hpp StudentDistribution.[h|c]pp SunPosition.[h|c]pp SuperKalmanFilter.[h|c]pp SystemTime.[h|c]pp TabularEphemerisStore.hpp TimeConstants.hpp TimeConverters.[h|c]pp TimeNamedFileStream.hpp TimeString.[h|c]pp TimeSystem.[h|c]pp TimeTag.[h|c]pp Triple.[h|c]pp TropModel.[h|c]pp TypeID.[h|c]pp UnixTime.[h|c]pp ValidType.hpp Vector.hpp VectorBase.[h|c]pp VectorBaseOperators.hpp VectorOperators.hpp WGS84Ellipsoid.hpp WGS84Geoid.hpp WeightBase.hpp WxObsMap.[h|c]pp X1Sequence.[h|c]pp X2Sequence.[h|c]pp Xt.[h|c]pp Xv.hpp Xvt.[h|c]pp XvtStore.hpp YDSTime.[h|c]pp YumaAlmanacStore.[h|c]pp convhelp.hpp geometry.hpp gps_constants.hpp icd_200_constants.hpp icd_glo_constants.hpp icd_glo_freqindex.hpp icd_gps_constants.hpp stl_helpers.hpp Ran svn propset for ID and for eol-style on all files.
Deleted from src
TabularEphemerisStore.cpp This class now obsoleted; functions reimplemented in new Ephemeris Store classes (SP3).
ECEF.[h|c]pp Geodetic.[h|c]pp Removed ECEF and Geodetic (which are deprecated), and modified code to use Position instead.
EngEphemeris.cpp Added modifications (Mendiola).
Added to lib
/geomatics/AntennaStore.hpp /geomatics/KalmanFilter.hpp /geomatics/OceanLoading.cpp /geomatics/OceanLoading.hpp /geomatics/SolidEarthTides.cpp /geomatics/SolidEarthTides.hpp /geomatics/SpecialFunctions.hpp /geomatics/singleton.hpp Added new files to lib/geomatics from Rinex-3 branch.
/procframe/ConstraintSystem.[h|c]pp /procframe/Variable.[h|c]pp Added 'ConstraintSystem' class to RC2.0, as well as the appropriate changes in 'Variable' class.
/procframe/GeneralEquations.[h|c]pp Added class 'GeneralEquations' to RC2.0. The original version had very long inline methods, which are not recommended; therefore, a 'GeneralEquations.cpp' file was added.
/procframe/Differentiator.[h|c]pp Added 'Differentiator' class to RC2.0.
/procframe/EquationSystem.[h|c]pp /procframe/GeneralConstraint.[h|c]pp /procframe/SolverGeneral.[h|c]pp Added 'GeneralConstraint' class, as well as additions to related classes.
Modified in lib
/geomatics/SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp /geomatics/PhaseWindup.cpp /geomatics/PreciseRange.cpp /geomatics/SatPass.cpp /geomatics/SolarPosition.cpp /geomatics/DiscCorr.cpp /geomatics/EarthOrientation.cpp /geomatics/GeodeticFrames.cpp /rxio/AshtechMBEN.cpp /rxio/EphReader.cpp /rxio/FFIdentifier.cpp /rxio/MDPPVTSolution.hpp /rxio/NovatelData.cpp /rxio/ObsUtils.cpp Merged the trunk and Rinex-3 version of lib/rxoi and lib/geomatics.
/geodyn/IERS.cpp /geomatics/PhaseWindup.cpp /geomatics/PreciseRange.cpp /procframe/CorrectCodeBiases.cpp /procframe/DataStructures.hpp /procframe/IonexModel.cpp /procframe/LinearCombinations.hpp /procframe/ModeledReferencePR.hpp Renaming some instances of icd_gps_constants.
/rxio/EphReader.cpp /rxio/FFIdentifier.cpp /rxio/MDPPVTSolution.hpp Modified library to reflect more meaningful constants' names in XvtStore.
/procframe/DataHeaders.[h|c]pp /procframe/DataStructures.[h|c]pp Changed to CommonTime.
/procframe/ProcessingClass.hpp The 'getIndex()' method and its associated operators were deleted from 'ProcessingClass'. This feature made developing more complex, it potentially limited the compilation on parallel machines, and it seems that no one was using it.
/procframe/BasicModel.cpp /procframe/BasicModel.hpp /procframe/ComputeDOP.cpp /procframe/ComputeDOP.hpp /procframe/CodeKalmanSolver.cpp /procframe/CodeKalmanSolver.hpp /procframe/CodeSmoother.cpp /procframe/CodeSmoother.hpp /procframe/DataHeaders.cpp /procframe/DataHeaders.hpp /procframe/DataStructures.cpp /procframe/DataStructures.hpp /procframe/ComputeCombination.cpp /procframe/ComputeCombination.hpp /procframe/ComputeIURAWeights.cpp /procframe/ComputeIURAWeights.hpp /procframe/ComputeIonoModel.cpp /procframe/ComputeIonoModel.hpp /procframe/ComputeLC.cpp /procframe/ComputeLC.hpp /procframe/ComputeLI.cpp /procframe/ComputeLI.hpp /procframe/ComputeLdelta.cpp /procframe/ComputeLdelta.hpp /procframe/ComputeLinear.cpp /procframe/ComputeLinear.hpp /procframe/ComputeMelbourneWubbena.cpp /procframe/ComputeMelbourneWubbena.hpp /procframe/ComputeIonoModel.cpp /procframe/ComputeIonoModel.hpp /procframe/ComputeMOPSWeights.cpp /procframe/ComputeMOPSWeights.hpp /procframe/ComputeSimpleWeights.[h|c]pp /procframe/ComputePC.cpp /procframe/ComputePC.hpp /procframe/ComputePI.cpp /procframe/ComputePI.hpp /procframe/ComputePdelta.cpp /procframe/ComputePdelta.hpp /procframe/ComputeSatPCenter.cpp /procframe/ComputeSatPCenter.hpp /procframe/ComputeTropModel.cpp /procframe/ComputeTropModel.hpp /procframe/ComputeWindUp.cpp /procframe/ComputeWindUp.hpp /procframe/ConvertC1ToP1.cpp /procframe/ConvertC1ToP1.hpp /procframe/CorrectCodeBiases.cpp /procframe/CorrectCodeBiases.hpp /procframe/CorrectObservables.cpp /procframe/CorrectObservables.hpp /procframe/Decimate.cpp /procframe/Decimate.hpp /procframe/DeltaOp.cpp /procframe/DeltaOp.hpp /procframe/DoubleOp.cpp /procframe/DoubleOp.hpp /procframe/Dumper.cpp /procframe/Dumper.hpp /procframe/EclipsedSatFilter.cpp /procframe/EclipsedSatFilter.hpp /procframe/Equation.cpp /procframe/Equation.hpp /procframe/GravitationalDelay.cpp /procframe/GravitationalDelay.hpp /procframe/BasicModel.hpp /procframe/IonexModel.cpp /procframe/IonexModel.hpp /procframe/Keeper.cpp /procframe/Keeper.hpp /procframe/LICSDetector.cpp /procframe/LICSDetector.hpp /procframe/LICSDetector2.cpp /procframe/LICSDetector2.hpp /procframe/ModeledPR.cpp /procframe/ModeledPR.hpp /procframe/ModeledReferencePR.cpp /procframe/ModeledReferencePR.hpp /procframe/MWCSDetector.cpp /procframe/MWCSDetector.hpp /procframe/ModelObs.cpp /procframe/ModelObs.hpp /procframe/ModelObsFixedStation.cpp /procframe/ModelObsFixedStation.hpp /procframe/NablaOp.cpp /procframe/NablaOp.hpp /procframe/OneFreqCSDetector.cpp /procframe/OneFreqCSDetector.hpp /procframe/PCSmoother.cpp /procframe/PCSmoother.hpp /procframe/PhaseCodeAlignment.cpp /procframe/PhaseCodeAlignment.hpp /procframe/ProblemSatFilter.cpp /procframe/ProblemSatFilter.hpp /procframe/ProcessingList.cpp /procframe/ProcessingList.hpp /procframe/ProcessingVector.cpp /procframe/ProcessingVector.hpp /procframe/Pruner.cpp /procframe/Pruner.hpp /procframe/RequireObservables.cpp /procframe/RequireObservables.hpp /procframe/SatArcMarker.cpp /procframe/SatArcMarker.hpp /procframe/SimpleFilter.cpp /procframe/SimpleFilter.hpp /procframe/SolverGeneral.cpp /procframe/SolverGeneral.hpp /procframe/SolverLMS.cpp /procframe/SolverLMS.hpp /procframe/SolverPPP.cpp /procframe/SolverPPP.hpp /procframe/SolverPPPFB.cpp /procframe/SolverPPPFB.hpp /procframe/SolverWMS.cpp /procframe/SolverWMS.hpp /procframe/Variable.cpp /procframe/Variable.hpp /procframe/XYZ2NED.cpp /procframe/XYZ2NED.hpp /procframe/XYZ2NEU.cpp /procframe/XYZ2NEU.hpp /procframe/ModeledReferencedPR.[h|c]pp /procframe/Synchronize.[h|c]pp Procframe library adapted to new RC2.0 from obsoleted classes.
/rxio/AshtechData.hpp /rxio/AshtechMBEN.hpp /rxio/ATSData.cpp /rxio/ATSData.hpp /rxio/ObsUtils.cpp /rxio/EphReader.cpp /rxio/EphReader.hpp /rxio/Jamfile /rxio/MDPHeader.cpp /rxio/MDPHeader.hpp /rxio/MDPObsEpoch.cpp /rxio/MDPPVTSolution.cpp /rxio/MDPPVTSolution.hpp /rxio/MDPSelftestStatus.cpp /rxio/MDPSelftestStatus.hpp /rxio/NovatelData.cpp /rxio/ObsReader.cpp /rxio/ObsUtils.cpp /rxio/RinexConverters.cpp Converted rxio library from obsoleted DayTime class, and resolved consequential compile errors.
/geomatics/AntexData.cpp /geomatics/DiscCorr.cpp /geomatics/SatPass.cpp /geomatics/EarthOrientation.cpp /geomatics/GeodeticFrames.[h|c]pp /geomatics/PhaseWindup.[h|c]pp /geomatics/PreciseRange.[h|c]pp /geomatics/SolarPosition.[h|c]pp /geomatics/SolarSystem.[h|c]pp /geomatics/SolidEarthTides.[h|c]pp /geomatics/SunEarthSatGeometry.[h|c]pp
Converted geomatics library from obsoleted DayTime class, and resolved consequential compile errors./geomatics/SolarSystem.[h|c]pp MJD_TO_JD in TimeConstants is the same (same sign) as DayTime::JD_TO_MJD.
/rxio/EphReader.cpp Updated reader for new SP3EphemerisStore.
/geomatics/GSatID.hpp Added COMPASS.
/geodyn/ForceModel.hpp /geodyn/IERS.cpp /geodyn/IERS.hpp /geodyn/PvtStore.cpp /geodyn/PvtStore.hpp /geodyn/ReferenceFrames.cpp /geodyn/ReferenceFrames.hpp /geodyn/SatOrbitPropagator.cpp /geodyn/SatOrbitPropagator.hpp /geodyn/SatOrbitStore.cpp /geodyn/SatOrbitStore.hpp /geodyn/Spacecraft.cpp /geodyn/Spacecraft.hpp /geodyn/SunForce.cpp /geodyn/EarthOceanTide.cpp /geodyn/HarrisPriesterDrag.cpp /geodyn/Msise00Drag.cpp /geodyn/SatOrbitStore.cpp /geodyn/SphericalHarmonicGravity.cpp /geodyn/UTCTime.cpp /geodyn/UTCTime.hpp Converted geomatics library from obsoleted DayTime class, and resolved consequential compile errors.
/geodyn/IERS.cpp /geomatics/DiscCorr.cpp /geomatics/EarthOrientation.cpp /geomatics/GeodeticFrames.cpp /geomatics/PhaseWindup.cpp /geomatics/PreciseRange.cpp /geomatics/SatPass.cpp /geomatics/SolarPosition.cpp /geomatics/SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp /procframe/BasicModel.cpp /procframe/ComputeIonoModel.cpp /procframe/ComputeLdelta.cpp /procframe/ComputeLdelta.hpp /procframe/ComputeMelbourneWubbena.cpp /procframe/ComputePdelta.cpp /procframe/ComputePdelta.hpp /procframe/ConvertC1ToP1.cpp /procframe/CorrectCodeBiases.cpp /procframe/DataStructures.cpp /procframe/DataStructures.hpp /procframe/IonexModel.cpp /procframe/LinearCombinations.cpp /procframe/LinearCombinations.hpp /procframe/ModelObsFixedStation.cpp /procframe/ModeledReferencePR.cpp /procframe/ModeledReferencePR.hpp /rxio/AshtechMBEN.cpp /rxio/MDPNavSubframe.cpp /rxio/MDPObsEpoch.cpp /rxio/NovatelData.cpp /rxio/ObsUtils.cpp Adapting apps from icd_gps_constants.hpp and icd_glo_constants.hpp to include constants specified by GNSS tags in GNSSconstants.hpp.
/geomatics/DiscCorr.cpp /geomatics/PreciseRange.cpp /geomatics/SatPass.cpp /procframe/BasicModel.cpp /procframe/ConstraintSystem.hpp /procframe/ConvertC1ToP1.cpp /procframe/CorrectCodeBiases.cpp /procframe/IonexModel.cpp /procframe/LinearCombinations.cpp /procframe/ModelObsFixedStation.cpp /procframe/ModeledReferencePR.cpp /rxio/NovatelData.cpp /rxio/ObsUtils.cpp Changed instances of 'C_GPS_MPS' to 'C_MPS'.
/geodyn/SatOrbitStore.cpp Adapting library to CommonTime methods from obsoleted DayTime. Applications modifications
Added to apps
/Rinextools/Rin3Sum.cpp /Rinextools/Rinex3Dump.cpp /converters/RinexConvert.cpp /converters/RinexConvert.hpp /positioning/PRSolveR3.cpp Added apps from Rinex-3 branch that are hand-merged with trunk.
/geomatics/JPLeph/JPL /geomatics/JPLeph/JPL/ascp1950.403 /geomatics/JPLeph/JPL/ascp1975.403 /geomatics/JPLeph/JPL/ascp2000.403 /geomatics/JPLeph/JPL/ascp2025.403 /geomatics/JPLeph/JPL/header.403 /geomatics/JPLeph/JPL/testpo.403 Added JPL data for 403 solar system ephemeris.
Modified in apps
/Rinextools/EditRinex.cpp /Rinextools/NavMerge.cpp /Rinextools/ResCor.cpp /Rinextools/RinexDump.cpp /Rinextools/RinexEditor.cpp /Rinextools/RinexEditor.hpp /Rinextools/RinNav.cpp /Rinextools/RinSum.cpp Added visibility plot and table to RinSum output /converters/ash2xyz.cpp /DataAvailability/DataAvailabilityAnalyzer.cpp /differential/vecsol.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Synchronization.cpp /geomatics/relposition/constants.hpp /ionosphere/IonoBias.cpp /ionosphere/VTECMap.cpp /ionosphere/VTECMap.hpp /positioning/posInterp.cpp /positioning/rinexpvt.cpp /positioning/rinexpvt.hpp /positioning/PRSolve.cpp /receiver/AshtechMessage.cpp /reszilla/DDEpoch.hpp /reszilla/ordStats.cpp /swrx/CCReplica.hpp /swrx/EMLTracker.hpp /swrx/RX.cpp /swrx/codeDump.cpp /swrx/corltr.cpp /swrx/gpsSim.cpp /swrx/position.cpp /swrx/tracker.cpp /swrx/trackerMT.cpp /visibility/WhereSat.cpp /visibility/compSatVis.cpp /visibility/compStaVis.cpp /visibility/compSatVis.cpp /visibility/compStaVis.cpp /visibility/CalcDOPs.cpp /visibility/findMoreThan12.cpp /swrx/simpleNav.cpp /multipath/mpsolve.cpp Hand-merging the trunk and Rinex-3 branch applications.
/reszilla/OrdEngine.[h|c]pp /reszilla/ddGen.cpp /reszilla/ordGen.cpp Changing 'GPSGeoid.hpp' to 'GPSEllipsoid.hpp'.
/MDPtools/MDPProcessors.[h|c]pp /MDPtools/SummaryProc.cpp /MDPtools/TrackProc.cpp /MDPtools/mdpEdit.cpp /reszilla/SvElevationMap.[h|c]pp /reszilla/ordStats.cpp /receiver/rtAshtech.cpp /MDPtools/NavProc.cpp /multipath/mpsim.cpp /ionosphere/TECMaps.cpp /checktools/CheckFrame.hpp /converters/ash2mdp.cpp /DataAvailability/DataAvailabilityAnalyzer.[h|c]pp /filetools/bc2sp3.cpp /filetools/EphSum.cpp /filetools/RinexThin.cpp /filetools/fic2rin.cpp /filetools/navdmp.cpp /filetools/navsum.cpp /filetools/sp32bc.cpp /filetools/sp3version.cpp /geomatics/cycleslips/DiscFix.cpp /geomatics/JPLeph/convertSSEph.cpp /geomatics/JPLeph/testSSEph.cpp /performance/ConstellationDefinition.cpp /performance/ConstellationDefinition.hpp /performance/ConstellationList.cpp /performance/ConstellationSet.[h|c]pp Changed Daytime objects to CommonTime and YDSTime objects.
/geomatics/relposition/ComputeRAIMSolution.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Configure.cpp /geomatics/relposition/DDBase.[h|c]pp /geomatics/relposition/DataStructures.cpp /geomatics/relposition/DoubleDifference.cpp /geomatics/relposition/EditDDs.cpp /geomatics/relposition/EditRawDataBuffers.cpp /geomatics/relposition/EphemerisImprovement.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Estimation.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ProcessRawData.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ReadObsFiles.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ReadRawData.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Synchronization.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Timetable.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ddmerge.cpp /geomatics/robust/rstats.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ClockModel.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ComputeRAIMSolution.cpp /geomatics/relposition/DDBase.cpp /geomatics/relposition/DoubleDifference.cpp /geomatics/relposition/EditDDs.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Estimation.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ProcessRawData.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ReadObsFiles.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ReadRawData.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Synchronization.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Timetable.cpp /MDPtools/NavProc.cpp /qa/obsrip.cpp /geomatics/JPLeph/convertSSEph.cpp /geomatics/JPLeph/testSSEph.cpp /converters/ash2mdp.cpp /converters/novaRinex.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Configure.cpp /geomatics/relposition/DDBase.cpp /geomatics/relposition/DDBase.hpp /geomatics/relposition/ReadObsFiles.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ReadRawData.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Timetable.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ddmerge.cpp /swrx/RX.cpp /swrx/position.cpp /swrx/simpleNav.cpp /positioning/PRSolve.cpp /Rinextools/EditRinex.cpp /Rinextools/ResCor.cpp /Rinextools/Rin3Sum.cpp /Rinextools/RinSum.cpp /rfw/rfw.cpp /positioning/PRSolve.cpp /positioning/posInterp.cpp /positioning/rinexpvt.[h|c]pp /positioning/posInterp.cpp /differential/vecsol.cpp /difftools/rmwdiff.cpp /difftools/rnwdiff.cpp /difftools/rowdiff.cpp /filetools/EphSum.cpp /filetools/RinexThin.cpp /filetools/bc2sp3.cpp /filetools/fic2rin.cpp /filetools/navdmp.cpp /filetools/navsum.cpp /filetools/sp32bc.cpp /geomatics/cycleslips/DiscFix.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Configure.cpp /geomatics/relposition/DDBase.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Estimation.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ReadObsFiles.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ReadRawData.cpp Adapting apps directory to CommonTime methods from obsoleted DayTime.
/MDPtools/NavProc.cpp /Rinextools/EditRinex.cpp /Rinextools/Rin3Sum.cpp /visibility/VisSupport.cpp /visibility/VisSupport.hpp /visibility/compSatVis.cpp /visibility/compStaVis.cpp /visibility/findMoreThan12 Modified library to reflect more meaningful constants' names in XvtStore.
/filetools/bc2sp3.cpp /filetools/sp3version.cpp Updated for new SP3 design.
/DataAvailability/DataAvailabilityAnalyzer.cpp /difftools/DiffFrame.hpp /geomatics/relposition/CommandInput.[h|c]pp /geomatics/relposition/DataOutput.cpp /geomatics/relposition/DataStructures.hpp /geomatics/relposition/ReadObsFiles.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Estimation.cpp /ionosphere/IonoBias.cpp /ionosphere/TECMaps.cpp /ionosphere/VTECMap.[h|c]pp /MDPtools/BELogEntry.[h|c]pp /MDPtools/MDPProcessors.cpp /MDPtools/NavProc.cpp /MDPtools/ScreenProc.cpp /MDPtools/SubframeProc.cpp /MDPtoos/SummaryProc.cpp /MDPtools/TrackProc.[h|c]pp /MDPtools/mdp2rinex.cpp /MDPtools/UniqueAlmStore.[h|c]pp /MDPtools/mdp2fic.cpp /MDPtools/mdp2rinex.cpp /MDPtools/mdpEdit.cpp /converters/ash2mdp.cpp /converters/ash2xyz.cpp /converters/ats2mdp.cpp /converters/novaRinex.cpp /performance/ConstellationDefinition.cpp /performance/ConstellationList.cpp /performance/ConstellationList.[h|c]pp /Rinextools/ResCor.cpp /Rinextools/RinexDump.cpp /receiver/rtAshtech.cpp /reszilla/OrdEngine.[h|c]pp /reszilla/DDEpoch.cpp /reszilla/OrdApp.cpp /reszilla/OrdEngine.cpp /reszilla/ordGen.cpp /reszilla/ordLinEst.cpp /reszilla/PhaseCleaner.cpp /reszilla/PhaseResidual.[h|c]pp /reszilla/SvElevationMap.cpp /reszilla/ddGen.cpp /reszilla/ordClock.cpp /reszilla/ordEdit.cpp /reszilla/ordLinEst.cpp /reszilla/ordStats.cpp /reszilla/RobustLinearEstimator.[h|c]pp /mergetools/mergeRinMet.cpp /mergetools/mergeRinNav.cpp /mergetools/mergeRinObs.cpp /multipath/ObsArray.cpp /multipath/mpsolve.cpp /multipath/testObsArray.cpp /ObsArrayEvaluator/ObsArray.[h|c]pp /ObsArrayEvaluator/oae.cpp /positioning/PRSolve.cpp /positiong/rinexpvt.cpp /receiver/AshtechMessage.[h|c]pp /performance/ConstellationDefinition.cpp /performance/ConstellationList.cpp /performance/ConstellationSet.[h|c]ppi /swrx/PCodeGenerator.hpp /swrx/simpleNav.cpp /visibility/CalcDOPs.cpp /visibility/DOPcalc.cpp /visibility/VisSupport.[h|c]pp /visibility/WhereSat.cpp /visibility/compSatVis.cpp /visibility/compStaVis.cpp /visibility/findMoreThan12.cpp /visibility/svvis.cpp Converting apps from obsoleted DayTime class, and resolving consequential compile errors.
/reszilla/CycleSlipList.[h|c]pp Added StringUtils.hpp.
/swrx/PCodeGenerator.hpp Changed GPSZcount and GPSZcountFloor calls from DayTime to Epoch member functions.
/MDPtools/mdp2fic.cpp Added RinexConverters header to mdp2fic.cpp.
/Rinextools/ResCor.cpp /Rinextools/Rin3Sum.cpp /Rinextools/RinSum.cpp /converters/ash2xyz.cpp /differential/vecsol.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Synchronization.cpp /geomatics/relposition/constants.hpp /ionosphere/IonoBias.cpp /ionosphere/VTECMap.cpp /ionosphere/VTECMap.hpp /multipath/mpsim.cpp /performance/ConstellationDefinition.cpp /performance/ConstellationList.cpp /positioning/PRSolve.cpp /positioning/PRSolveR3.cpp /positioning/posInterp.cpp /positioning/rinexpvt.cpp /positioning/rinexpvt.hpp /receiver/AshtechMessage.cpp /reszilla/DDEpoch.cpp /reszilla/DDEpoch.hpp /reszilla/OrdApp.cpp /reszilla/PhaseCleaner.cpp /reszilla/PhaseCleaner.hpp /reszilla/ordLinEst.cpp /reszilla/ordStats.cpp /swrx/CCReplica.hpp /swrx/EMLTracker.hpp /swrx/RX.cpp /swrx/SVSource.hpp /swrx/acquire.cpp /swrx/codeDump.cpp /swrx/corltr.cpp /swrx/gpsSim.cpp /swrx/position.cpp /swrx/tracker.cpp /swrx/trackerMT.cpp /visibility/CalcDOPs.cpp /visibility/DOPcalc.cpp /visibility/compSatVis.cpp /visibility/compStaVis.cpp Adapting apps from icd_gps_constants.hpp and icd_glo_constants.hpp to include constants specified by GNSS tags in GNSSconstants.hpp.
/Rinextools/ResCor.cpp /Rinextools/Rin3Sum.cpp /Rinextools/RinSum.cpp /Rinextools/Rinex3Dump.cpp /converters/ash2xyz.cpp /differential/vecsol.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Synchronization.cpp /geomatics/relposition/constants.hpp /positioning/PRSolve.cpp /positioning/PRSolveR3.cpp /positioning/rinexpvt.cpp /receiver/AshtechMessage.cpp /reszilla/DDEpoch.cpp /reszilla/OrdApp.cpp /reszilla/PhaseCleaner.[h|c]pp /reszilla/ordLinEst.cpp /reszilla/ordStats.cpp /swrx/RX.cpp /swrx/position.cpp Changed instances of 'C_GPS_MPS' to 'C_MPS'.
Deleted from apps
/RinexPlot/ Removed obsoleted app.
Added to tests
/gpsNavMsg/makefile /gpsNavMsg/xBrcClockCorrection.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xBrcKeplerOrbit.cpp Test code for legacy navigation messages added.
/HelmertTransform/HelmertTransform.[h|c]pp /HelmertTransform/xHelmertTransform.[h|c]pp /HelmertTransform/xHelmertTransformM.cpp /ReferenceFrame/ReferenceFrame.[h|c]pp /ReferenceFrame/xReferenceFrame.[h|c]pp /ReferenceFrame/xReferenceFrameM.cpp /SP3EphemerisStore/SP3EphemerisStore.[h|c]pp Added new tests from UnitTests in Rinex-3 branch to tests directory in RC2.0.
/RinexNav/xRinexTest.cpp Added new tests for the EngEphemeris cast operator, found in src/Rinex3NavData.cpp
/gpsNavMsg/xCNAV2EphClk.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAV2EphClockPNB.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAVClock.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAVClockPNB.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAVEphemeris.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAVEphemerisPNB.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xPackedNavBits.cpp Added test cases for new CNAV classes.
/gpsNavMsg/Checks/AfterHalfweekchange.txt /gpsNavMsg/Checks/BeforeHalfweekchange.txt /gpsNavMsg/Checks/BrcClockCorrection_Test_June_16_2011_4pm.txt /gpsNavMsg/Checks/BrcKeplerOrbit_Test_June_16_2011_4pm.txt /gpsNavMsg/Checks/ClockCorrTest.txt /gpsNavMsg/Checks/OrbTest.txt /gpsNavMsg/Checks/PackedNavBits_Output.txt /gpsNavMsg/Checks/xBrcClkCorr_output_01.txt /gpsNavMsg/Checks/xBrcKeplerOrbit_withsetFrame.out.txt /gpsNavMsg/Checks/xCEC.txt /gpsNavMsg/Checks/xCNAVClock_Output.txt /gpsNavMsg/Checks/xCNAVEphemeris_Output.txt /gpsNavMsg/Checks/xPackedNavBits_Output.txt /gpsNavMsg/Logs/BrcClkCorr_Output /gpsNavMsg/Logs/BrcClkCorr_Truth /gpsNavMsg/Logs/BrcKeplerOrbit_Output /gpsNavMsg/Logs/BrcKeplerOrbit_Truth /gpsNavMsg/Logs/CNAV2PNB_Output /gpsNavMsg/Logs/CNAV2PNB_Truth /gpsNavMsg/Logs/CNAVClockPNB_Output /gpsNavMsg/Logs/CNAVClockPNB_Truth /gpsNavMsg/Logs/CNAVClock_Output /gpsNavMsg/Logs/CNAVClock_Truth /gpsNavMsg/Logs/CNAVEphemerisPNB_Output /gpsNavMsg/Logs/CNAVEphemerisPNB_Truth /gpsNavMsg/Logs/CNAVEphemeris_Output /gpsNavMsg/Logs/CNAVEphemeris_Truth /gpsNavMsg/Logs/EngEphemeris_Output /gpsNavMsg/Logs/EngEphemeris_Truth /gpsNavMsg/Logs/Output /gpsNavMsg/Logs/PackedNavBits_Output /gpsNavMsg/Logs/PackedNavBits_Truth /gpsNavMsg/Logs/Truth /gpsNavMsg/xBrcClockCorrectiongpsNavMsg.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xBrcClockCorrectiongpsNavMsg.hpp /gpsNavMsg/xBrcKeplerOrbitgpsNavMsg.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xBrcKeplerOrbitgpsNavMsg.hpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAV2PNBgpsNavMsg.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAV2PNBgpsNavMsg.hpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAV2gpsNavMsg.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAV2gpsNavMsg.hpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAVClockPNBgpsNavMsg.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAVClockPNBgpsNavMsg.hpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAVClockgpsNavMsg.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAVClockgpsNavMsg.hpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAVEphemerisPNBgpsNavMsg.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAVEphemerisPNBgpsNavMsg.hpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAVEphemerisgpsNavMsg.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xCNAVEphemerisgpsNavMsg.hpp /gpsNavMsg/xEngEphemerisgpsNavMsg.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xEngEphemerisgpsNavMsg.hpp /gpsNavMsg/xPackedNavBitsgpsNavMsg.cpp /gpsNavMsg/xPackedNavBitsgpsNavMsg.hpp /gpsNavMsg/xgpsNavMsgM.cpp Added test programs for CNAV/CNAV2 classes utilizing the cppunit test module.
Modified in tests
/ANSITime/xANSITime.[h|c]pp /CivilTime/xCivilTime.[h|c]pp /CommonTime/xCommonTime.cpp /JulianDate/xJulianDate.[h|c]pp /MJD/xMJD.[h|c]pp /UnixTime/xUnixTime.[h|c]pp /YDSTime/xYDSTime.[h|c]pp /SEM/SEMData.cpp /SEM/SEMHeader.[h|c]pp /SEM/SEMStream.hpp /SEM/StringUtils.hpp /Yuma/YumaData.cpp /Yuma/YumaData.cpp Merged UnitTests modifications from Rinex-3 into tests directory of RC2.0.
/RinexEphemerisStore/xRinexEphemerisStore.cpp Adapting test suite to CommonTime methods from obsoleted DayTime.
/IonoModel/xIonoModel.cpp /MSC/xMSC.cpp /RACRotation/xRACRotation.cpp /RinexEphemerisStore/xRinexEphemerisStore.cpp /RinexMet/xRinexMet.cpp /RinexNav/Logs/RinexDump /RinexNav/xRinexNav.cpp /RinexObs/xRinexObs.cpp /UnixTime/xUnixTime.cpp /Yuma/YumaData.cpp Resolved compile errors in /tests directory.
DayTime/xDayTimeInc.hpp gpsNavMsg/xCNAV2EphClockPNB.cpp gpsNavMsg/xCNAVClockPNB.cpp gpsNavMsg/xCNAVEphemerisPNB.cpp gpsNavMsg/xPackedNavBits.cpp gpsNavMsg/xPackedNavBitsgpsNavMsg.cpp SEM/SEMBase.hpp SEM/SEMData.[h|c]pp SEM/SEMHeader.[h|c]pp SEM/SEMStream.hpp SEM/StringUtils.hpp Yuma/YumaBase.hpp Yuma/YumaData.[h|c]pp Yuma/YumaStream.hpp Adapting test suite to new GNSSconstants.hpp.
/RACRotation/xRACRotation.cpp /SEM/SEMData.cpp /SEM/SEMHeader.cpp /Yuma/YumaData.cpp /oldtests/DayTimeIncrementTest.cpp /oldtests/DayTimeIncrememntTest2.cpp Changed instances icd_200 constants to adaptations in GNSSconstants.hpp.
Modified in examples
example1.cpp example2.cpp example3.cpp example4.cpp Converted examples which completely relied on DayTime class.
example3.cpp example4.cpp Changed instances of icd_200 constants to adaptations in GNSSconstants.hpp
example3.cpp Changed C_GPS_MPS to C_MPS.
example10.cpp example14.cpp example4.cpp example5.cpp example6.cpp example7.cpp example8.cpp example9.cpp The examples directory has been modified to reflect obsoletion of DayTime class and the consolidation of GNSSconstants. Expect changes to examples 8,9, and 14 which instantiate non-existent SP3EphemerisStore member functions to quality-check the precise ephemeris data for data gaps and too wide intervals.
example3.cpp example4.cpp Changed 'C_GPS_MPS' to 'C_MPS'. #################################################
Version 1.7 Friday, 8 October, 2010
- The majority of version 1.7 is comprised of revision number 2476; branching took place under revision 2476 from dev/ to branches/RC1.7/
- A number of modifications were made to Jamfiles and Makefiles, and some tweaks to code for clean compilation, for compatibility with the latest Cygwin, Windows 7 VS, Solaris and Mac Snow Leopard (OSX 6.6). Release during the week of 21 February 2011.
- Major additions to dev/apps/bindings/octave for a SWIG-based interface to the MATLAB-like language Octave. SWIG-based Octave wrapper added for most library classes. Additions listed below, modifications not involving new functionality omitted in this summary.
- Major addition of dev/lib/geodyn library. Additions listed below, modifications not involving new functionality omitted in this summary.
- Essential documentation and minimal examples were added for various graphics formats in /ref/graphics/.
- This release includes new/modified source code comments for improved readability.
- Cleaned up and added comments to various examples to make them more useful.
- The next planned release, GPSTk v2.0, will be a major upgrade and will merge the RINEX 3 development branch back into the trunk; GPSTk v1.7 is expected to be the last 1.x release.
Added to src
ConfDataWriter.[h|c]pp Added ConfDataWriter to work with ConfDataReader written years ago.
DCBDataReader.[h|c]pp Added a new class DCBDataReader to handle DCB data from CODE.
SuperKalmanFilter.[h|c]pp Class SuperKalmanFilter modified from SimpleKalmanFilter with added methods for precise orbit determination. Robust adaptive filter feature to be added later.
EpochDataStore.[h|c]pp Added a class to handle interpolatable time series data.
Modified in src
README Cleaned up examples and added 'example14.cpp'.
Stats.hpp Normalization error in Variance, and bug in operator +=. Later mod made change more robust, esp. for non-fp types, and improved doc. Also mod to fix bug in median() and added similar for std::vector.
VectorBase.hpp Fixed to make sure unary minus does not return an l-value.
MatrixBase.hpp VectorBase.hpp Update to have the unary minus operator be a const function that returns a const value.(ref: Solter, Kleper,"Professional C++", p.439)
ObsID.cpp Fixed an incorrect comment.
FICData.[h|c]pp Added a method to describe each field for each block. Also fixed navdmp so that date filtering works. Data are filtered based upon the transmission rather than the epoch date; related to SourceForge Bug #1196179.
FICData.cpp Fixed bug in display of almanac time. Also modified appearance of SF4, SF5 data.
FICFilterOperators.hpp Modified appearance of SF4, SF5 data. Also fixed navdmp so that date filtering works. Data are filtered based upon the transmission rather than the epoch date; related to SourceForge Bug #1196179. Also fixed a small bug by adding an argument to the command line to specify which block to convert in the RINEX file (if blank, default=9).
Position.cpp Fixed bug related to converting between Geocentric and Geodetic systems. Longitude was always set to 0 in both cases. SourceForge Bug ID #1499586. Also fixed bug related to converting a position string with leading spaces to a Position. SourceForge Bug ID #1530502.
StringUtils.hpp Fixed namespace issue: strtod, strtoul, strtol declared in cstdlib but this was not included in StringUtils causing an error on some platforms. Also fixed formatting issue. Also modified to eliminate definition conflict with Windows "max" function.
TypeID.[h|c]pp New types added to handle common derivatives. Also added derivatives for phase observations and some combinations; added corresponding TypeID's for the GRoup And PHase Ionospheric Combinations (GRAPHIC). Also new TypeIDs added w/ability to manage new TypeIDs w/string name. Added extra qualification on member class and std space for 'pair' to fix compilation errors. Also added a new TypeID 'codeBias' used to estimate slant TEC and separate interfrequency bias. Also added new "wide lane" TypeIDs for use in fast ambiguity resolution, as well as 'WL2' and related combinations. TypeIDs added to support 'spaceborne' data processing. TypeIDs added for GPS precise code observation derivative.
AntexReader.[h|c]pp Fixed problem with AntexReader pointed to by Yan Wei.
MiscMath.hpp Added function to compute the second derivative of Lagrange interpolation. Also changed operator name 'and' to '&&'.
TabularEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp Added method to compute the acceleration of the indicated object in ECEF coordinates. Also private class members changed to protected to allow inheritance.
BinUtils.[h|c]pp Added the CRC for GPS CNAV.
MatrixFunctors.hpp Made changes so that PRSolve turns on flags to reject bad SP3 data; Improved Householder algorithm.
RinexsObsData.[h|c]pp RinexObsFilterOperators.hpp Added ability to handle blank epoch times.
GPSEphemerisStore.cpp Fixed problem with ending effectivity of table.
AlmOrbit.cpp EngAlmanac.cpp Fixed the output to not throw away data.
EngAlmanac.[h|c]pp Added EngAlmanac::getSVConfig() to enable access to SV configuration. Implemented missing definition for EngAlmanac::get6bitHealth().
PRSolution.cpp Fixed RAIM algorithm to continue when it fails to converge if there's still room to do combinations (i.e., still possible to reject satellites). Also modified to save the covariance matrix corresponding to the best solution.
SVNumXRef.cpp Updated class for launch of SVN50/PRN05 on 8/17/09. Also updated for launch of SVN62/PRN25 on 5/28/10. Two more cross-reference updates by B. Renfro.
MSCData.cpp Updated to support new data format which allows for greater precision in specifying station positions. New format described on GPSTk wiki at: MonitorStationCoordinatesFileFormat. Change related to 1/7/09 e-mail from B. Renfro to gpstk developers e-mail list re these classes. Also fixed to properly read records with fractional dates in the epoch time in the old MSC format.
MSCStore.cpp Replacing a tab with " ".
SatID.hpp Fixed output operator. Added a convertSatelliteSystemtoString() function.
EllipsoidModel.hpp GPSEllipsoid.hpp SP3EphemerisStore.hpp StringUtils.hpp TabularEphemerisStore.hpp WGS84Ellipsoid.hpp Geomatics update.
RinexSatID.[h|c]pp Fixed minor formatting issue; identical to Rinex3 branch (.hpp only). Also removed invalid mixed system type.
CommandOption.hpp Changed to look in current directory for getopt.h (for MSVC 9.0).
CommandOptionParser.cpp Modified to allow clean compile with MSVC 2010 re std::min and std::max.
TropModel.[h|c]pp Added weather calculation by a standard atmospheric model; also std name space for pow and exp.
EngEphemeris.hpp Edited comment prior to getFitInterval().
ConfDataWriter.[h|c]pp DCBDataReader.[h|c]pp Added 'pragma ident', fixing compilation errors.
ConfDataReader.cpp Bug fix for MSVC 2010 (skip blank line).
SpecialFunctions.[h|c]pp Added double precision input to factorial calculation.
MatrixOperators.hpp Added a 'diag' operator to get the diagonal matrix of a square one.
GPSAlmanacStore.[h|c]pp Added ability to position based on most recently received.
EpochDataStore.[h|c]pp Added class 'PvtStore' to handle interpolatable position velocity and clock, assistance for class 'SatOrbitStore'. Added class 'SatOrbitStore'. Fixed compiler error re nested template argument list.
RinexObsHeader.[h|c]pp Corrected to permit Mixed file system.
BasicFramework.[h|c]pp Modified to allow initialization of the BasicFramework with a command line string.
SEMData.cpp Minor formatting fixes to SEMData::dump().
SEMHeader.[h|c]pp Fixed SEMHeader::reallyGetRecord() in SEMHeader.cpp -- now properly sets the header and headerRead members of the stream. Static data members added for more versatile handling of 10-bit GPS weeks found in files.
YumaData.[h|c]pp Added static data members for more versatile handling of 10-bit GPS weeks found in files.
Added to lib
/procframe/EquationSystem.[h|c]pp /procframe/SolverGeneral.[h|c]pp Added classes 'EquationSystem' and 'SolverGeneral'. These classes combine to create a run-time programmable solver.
/geomatics/SunEarthSatGeometry.[h|c]pp Added SunEarthGeometry class.
/geomatics/SolarSystem.[h|c]pp Added SolarSystem class.
/geomatics/logstream.hpp Mods/updates/bug fixes to PhaseWindup.
/geomatics/AntexBase.hpp /geomatics/AntexData.[h|c]pp /geomatics/AntexHeader.[h|c]pp /geomatics/AntexStream.hpp /geomatics/SRIMatrix.hpp /geomatics/SolarPosition.[h|c]pp Geomatics update.
/procframe/CorrectCodeBiases.[h|c]pp Added new class 'CorrectCodeBiases' to work with GDS and correct code biases for P1 P2 P3 (PC), P4 (PI), P6 (MW), C1 and C1-based combinations.
/procframe/DoubleOp.[h|c]pp Added new class 'DoubleOp' to calculate DD data.
/procframe/NetworkObsStreams.[h|c]pp Added new class 'NetworkObsStreams' to handle a set of RINEX observation files and provide a graceful way to process network data.
/geodyn/ /geodyn/Jamfile /geodyn/ReadMe.txt /geodyn/ASConstant.hpp /geodyn/EarthBody.[h|c]pp /geodyn/EarthOceanTide.[h|c]pp /geodyn/EarthPoleTide.[h|c]pp /geodyn/EarthSolidTide.[h|c]pp /geodyn/EquationOfMotion.hpp /geodyn/ForceModel.hpp /geodyn/ForceModelList.[h|c]pp /geodyn/IERS.[h|c]pp /geodyn/Integrator.hpp /geodyn/KeplerOrbit.[h|c]pp /geodyn/ReferenceFrames.[h|c]pp /geodyn/RungeKuttaFehlberg.[h|c]pp /geodyn/Spacecraft.[h|c]pp /geodyn/UTCTime.[h|c]pp /geodyn/AtmosphericDrag.[h|c]pp /geodyn/CiraExponentialDrag.[h|c]pp /geodyn/EGM96GravityModel.[h|c]pp /geodyn/HarrisPriesterDrag.[h|c]pp /geodyn/JGM3GravityModel.[h|c]pp /geodyn/MoonForce.[h|c]pp /geodyn/Msise00Drag.[h|c]pp /geodyn/RelativityEffect.[h|c]pp /geodyn/SolarRadiationPressure.[h|c]pp /geodyn/SphericalHarmonicGravity.[h|c]pp /geodyn/SunForce.[h|c]pp /geodyn/LEOSatOrbit.[h|c]pp /geodyn/NavSatOrbit.[h|c]pp /geodyn/SatOrbit.[h|c]pp /geodyn/SatOrbitPropagator.[h|c]pp /geodyn/PvtStore.[h|c]pp /geodyn/SatOrbitStore.[h|c]pp New library 'geodyn' added
Modified in lib
/procframe/Dumper.cpp Corrected mistake when printing SourceID information.
/procframe/LinearCombinations.[h|c]pp Minor improvements in class 'LinearCombinations'. Also added objects to compute the GRAPHIC combinations. Also added 'p1Prefit' linear combination, plus a remark about TGD. Corrected mixing 'c1Prefit' with 'p1Prefit'. Comment added for 'instC1' component. Added 'l1Prefit' linear combination, and the multipath corresponding coefficient. Also fixed comment error and added combinations to aid fast ambiguity resolution. Added 'WL2' and related combinations. Reverted LC 'formal' wavelength to its proper value.
/procframe/DataStructures.[h|c]pp Added new data structures and methods to ease handling of multi-epoch multi-receiver data. Also added new method 'gnssDataMap::insertValue()'.
/procframe/DataStructures.cpp /procframe/EquationSystem.hpp Changed to make it work with Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0. Also changed operator 'and' to '&&'.
/procframe/BasicModel.[h|c]pp Now 'BasicModel' also inserts satellite velocity into GDS. In BasicModel.cpp, store receiver position and velocity in the gnssRinex object.
/procframe/LICSDetector2.hpp /procframe/MWCSDetector.hpp /procframe/PhaseCodeAlignment.hpp /procframe/BasicModel.hpp Documentation improvements.
/procframe/NablaOp.[h|c]pp Improvements to 'NablaOp' class. Also added important warnings to method 'setRefSat()' of class 'NablaOp'.
/procframe/SolverPPPFB.cpp Bug fix.
/procframe/Equation.[h|c]pp /procframe/EquationSystem.[h|c]pp /procframe/Variable.[h|c]pp Added new features for 'SolverGeneral' and its related equation system: type index Variable, and different equation for different satellite. Added include file '#include ' for MSVC 2010.
/procframe/CorrectCodeBiases.[h|c]pp /procframe/DoubleOp.[h|c]pp Added end of lines to several files in order to suppress some compilation warnings. Fixed wrong property value in CorrectCodeBiases.
/procframe/ComputeSatPCenter.cpp Force nadir angle slightly larger than 14 deg to 14 to avoid throwing exception.
/procframe/NetworkObsStreams.cpp Added some missing 'std::' prefixes, which were preventing proper compilation in ANSI C++ compilers.
/procframe/DataStructures.[h|c]pp Added stream output generator for gnssRinex.
/procframe/ComputeIonoModel.[h|c]pp New class added to get nominal value for ionospheric delay with klobuchar or grid TEC (ionospheric maps).
/rxio/FFIdentifier.[h|c]pp Added small routine to identify field with strings.
/rxio/FFIdentifier.cpp /rxio/ObsEphReaderFramework.cpp Fixed what the robustification of the MDP reader broke.
/rxio/FFIdentifier.cpp /rxio/EphReader.[h|c]pp FFIdentifier now properly identifies SEM files. EphReader can now modify 10-bit weeks within SEM and Yuma almanac files.
/rxio/MDPHeader.cpp /rxio/MDPObsEpoch.cpp /rxio/ObsUtils.cpp /rxio/miscenum.hpp Fixed some nav IDs. Also modified MDPHeader and MDPObsEpoch to remove limits on how far into a file to read before giving up. Also MDPHeader now dumps the current message if there's a CRC error. Also fixed MDPHeader include for actual location of file.
/rxio/ObsReader.[h|c]pp Added obsInterval and obsIntervalConfidence.
/rxio/RinexConverters.cpp Cleaned up lli/ssi code.
/rxio/NovatelData.[h|c]pp Added malformed message and large NovatelData records handling to novaRinex (associated changes).
/geomatics/RobustStats.hpp Fixed include dependency using .
/geomatics/PhaseWindup.[h|c]pp Mods/updates/bugfixes to PhaseWindup, plus minor mod to namespace. Also modified to remove round()- not supported by all compilers, notably Windows.
/geomatics/DiscCorr.cpp /geomatics/DiscCorr.hpp /geomatics/EarthOrientation.cpp /geomatics/EarthOrientation.hpp /geomatics/GeodeticFrames.cpp /geomatics/GeodeticFrames.hpp /geomatics/Jamfile /geomatics/Namelist.cpp /geomatics/PhaseWindup.cpp /geomatics/PhaseWindup.hpp /geomatics/PreciseRange.cpp /geomatics/PreciseRange.hpp /geomatics/RobustStats.cpp /geomatics/RobustStats.hpp /geomatics/SRI.cpp /geomatics/SRI.hpp /geomatics/SRIFilter.cpp /geomatics/SRIFilter.hpp /geomatics/SatPass.cpp /geomatics/SatPass.hpp /geomatics/SolarSystem.cpp /geomatics/SolarSystem.hpp /geomatics/SunEarthSatGeometry.cpp /geomatics/SunEarthSatGeometry.hpp /geomatics/logstream.hpp Geomatics update.
/geomatics/DiscCorr.cpp Cleaned up old-style line returns.
/vdraw/ViewerManager.cpp Added pretty coding format.
/vdraw/EPSImage.cpp Added 'gsview32' to the ViewManager - works under Windows.
/vplot/Splitter.cpp Force conversion of '0' to 'list' to make it work with MSVC 2010.
Added to apps
/bindings/octave/gpstk.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ANSITime.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_AllanDeviation.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_AlmOrbit.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_Antenna.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_AstronomicalFunctions.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_BLQDataReader.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_Bancroft.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_BaseDistribution.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_BasicFramework.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_BinUtils.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_BinexData.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_BinexFilterOperators.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_BinexStream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_BivarStats.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_CheckPRData.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ClockModel.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_CodeBuffer.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_CommandOptionParser.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_CommonTime.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ConfDataReader.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_DOP.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_DayTime.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ENUUtil.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_EllipsoidModel.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_Epoch.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_Triple.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_Zcount.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_convhelp.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_exception.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_orbitgroup.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_position.i /bindings/octave/build.bash (precursor to makefile) Beginnings of a SWIG-based interface to (the MATLAB-like language) Octave.
/bindings/octave/Makefile /bindings/octave/Makefile.old (from rev 2016) New Makefile for python, perl and octave bindings.
/bindings/octave/gpstk_Expression.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ExtractC1.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ExtractCombinationData.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ExtractD1.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ExtractD2.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ExtractData.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ExtractL1.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ExtractL2.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ExtractLC.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ExtractP1.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ExtractP2.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ExtractPC.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FFBinaryStream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FFData.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FFStream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FFStreamError.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FFTextStream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FICAStream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FICBase.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FICDataSet.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FICFilterOperators.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FICHeader.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FICStream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FICStreamBase.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FileFilter.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FileFilterFrame.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FileFilterFrameWithHeader.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FileHunter.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FileSpec.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FileStore.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_FileUtils.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_GPSAlmanacStore.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_GPSEllipsoid.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_GPSEphemerisStore.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_GPSGeoid.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_GPSWeek.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_GPSWeekSecond.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_GPSWeekZcount.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_GPSZcount.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_GaussianDistribution.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_GenXSequence.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_Geodetic.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_GeoidModel.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_InOutFramework.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_IonexBase.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_IonexData.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_IonexHeader.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_IonexStore.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_IonexStream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_IonoModel.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_IonoModelStore.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_JulianDate.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_LinearClockModel.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_LoopedFramework.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_MJD.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_MOPSWeight.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_MSCBase.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_MSCData.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_MSCHeader.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_MSCStore.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_MSCStream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_Matrix.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_MatrixBase.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_MatrixBaseOperators.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_MatrixFunctors.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_MatrixImplementation.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_MiscMath.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ModeledPseudorangeBase.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_MoonPosition.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_NEDUtil.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ORDEpoch.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ObsClockModel.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ObsEpochMap.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ObsID.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ObsRngDev.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_OceanLoading.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_PCodeConst.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_PRSolution.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_PoleTides.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_PolyFit.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_Position.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_PowerSum.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RACRotation.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RTFileFrame.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexEphemerisStore.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexMetBase.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexMetData.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexMetFilterOperators.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexMetHeader.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexMetStream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexNavBase.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexNavData.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexNavFilterOperators.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexNavHeader.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexNavStream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexObsBase.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexObsData.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexObsFilterOperators.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexObsHeader.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexObsID.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexObsStream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexSatID.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RinexUtilities.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_RungeKutta4.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SEMAlmanacStore.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SEMBase.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SEMData.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SEMHeader.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SEMStream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SMODFData.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SMODFStream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SP3Base.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SP3Data.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SP3EphemerisStore.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SP3Header.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SP3SatID.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SP3Stream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SVExclusionList.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SVNumXRef.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SVPCodeGen.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SatDataReader.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SimpleIURAWeight.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SimpleKalmanFilter.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SolidTides.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SolverBase.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SourceID.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SpecialFunctions.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_Stats.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_StringUtils.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_StudentDistribution.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SunPosition.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SystemTime.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_TabularEphemerisStore.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_TimeConstants.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_TimeConverters.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_TimeNamedFileStream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_TimeString.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_TimeTag.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_TropModel.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_TypeID.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_UnixTime.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_ValidType.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_VectorBase.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_VectorBaseOperators.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_VectorOperators.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_WGS84Ellipsoid.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_WGS84Geoid.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_WeightBase.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_WxObsMap.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_X1Sequence.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_X2Sequence.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_Xvt.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_XvtStore.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_YDSTime.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_YumaAlmanacStore.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_YumaBase.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_YumaData.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_YumaHeader.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_YumaStream.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_geometry.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_gps_constants.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_icd_200_constants.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_stl_helpers.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_Chi2Distribution.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_CivilTime.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_SatID.i /bindings/octave/STREAMER.i /bindings/octave/common.i SWIG-based Octave wrapper for most library classes.
/bindings/octave/ubuntu-notes.txt Added detailed notes on building SWIG interfaces for ubuntu.
/bindings/swig (from /bindings/octave:2072) Establishing a general interface using SWIG.
/bindings/swig/old /bindings/swig/old/Daytime.i (from /bindings:2072) /bindings/swig/old/Exception.i (from /bindings:2072) /bindings/swig/old/FFTextStream.i (from /bindings:2072) /bindings/swig/old/GPSZcount.i (from /bindings:2072) /bindings/swig/old/README (from /bindings:2072) /bindings/swig/old/RinexObsStream.i (from /bindings:2072) /bindings/swig/old/common.i (from /bindings:2072) /bindings/swig/old/gpstk.i (from /bindings:2072) /bindings/swig/old/java (from /bindings/java:2072) /bindings/swig/old/perl (from /bindings/perl:2072) /bindings/swig/old/python (from /bindings/python:2072) /bindings/swig/old/tcl (from /bindings/tcl:2072) Partial move of old SWIG code and final reorg of old SWIG interfaces.
/bindings/octave/gpstk_OctaveUtils.i /bindings/octave/gpstk_OctaveUtilsFile.i Additions for new FFData.i
/MDPtools/SubframeProc.[c|h]pp Added files needed for MDP processing.
/bindings/swig/RinexDatum.i Added SWIG interface to handle data taken under A-S appropriately.
/bindings/swig/octexample1.m /bindings/swig/octexample2.m /bindings/swig/readRinexObsFast.m Update to readRinexFast.m
/multipath/mpsim.cpp Added skeleton for ground multipath simulation tool.
/multipath/DenseBinnedStats.hpp Added upgrade to mpsolve, includes bias resolution routines.
/geomatics/JPLeph /geomatics/JPLeph/Jamfile /geomatics/JPLeph/convertSSEph.cpp /geomatics/JPLeph/testSSEph.cpp Added conversion and test programs for JPL ephemeris (class SolarSystem in lib/geomatics)
Modified in apps
/MDPTools/NavProc.[h|c]pp Improved accouting of nav subframes.
/difftools/ficdiff.cpp Added a diagnostic mode to give more details when two files differ.
/MDPTools/Histogram.hpp /MDPTools/NavProc.cpp More cleanup on the accounting of errors.
/converters/ash2mdp.cpp /converters/ats2mdp.cpp Working snapshot.
/positioning/PRSolve.cpp Fixed flag-setting to reject bad SP3 data; improved Householder algorithm. Fixed missing bracket and cleaned up per GPSTk coding standards.
/positioning/rinexpvt.[h|c]pp Fixed namespace issue. strtod, strtoul and strtol are declared in cstdlib but this wasn't included in StringUtils causing an error on some platforms. Also, added Yuma and SEM capability.
/MDPtools/MDPProcessors.[h|c]pp Moved header checks to after the entire message has been read.
/bindings/swig/common.i /bindings/swig/gpstk_RinexObsHeader.i /bindings/swig/readRinexObsFast.m readRinexObsFast.m update.
/geomatics/relposition/ElevationMask.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Synchronization.cpp Modifications to accommodate lib/geomatics changes.
/Rinextools/ResCor.cpp Fixed bug to allow ResCor to handle GLO satellites properly; wavelength-dependent derived quantities are probably incorrect.
/MDPtools/MDPProcessors.cpp /MDPtools/NavProc.cpp /MDPtools/mdptool.cpp Cleaned up handling of freshness counts. Added crc checking for CNAV data to NavProc.cpp.
/multipath/ObsArray.cpp Fixed to handle data taken under A-S appropriately.
/filetools/navsum.cpp Fixed navsum indexing error, and added compressed summary output option (-f).
/filetools/navdmp.cpp Fixed navdmp so that datefiltering works now. The data are filtered based upon the transmission rather than the epoch date. Related to SourceForge bug #1196179.
/filetools/fic2rin.cpp Added an argument to fic2rin. Extra argument is --9 | --109 | --all which will either convert block 9, block 109, or block 9 and 109 data to the RINEX file. Formerly converting block 9 was the default, and still is. Argument must be specified at end of parameter list. If left blank, defaults to block 9 only.
/MDPtools/mdpEdit.cpp Added a more useful prn exclusion/inclusion mechanism.
/visibility/DiscreteVisibleCounts.cpp /visibility/compStaVis.cpp Fixed problem with percentage statistics. Fixed table header. Improved initialization.
/visibility/svvis.cpp Added an option to svvis to display its data by PRN instead of by epoch. Later added options to add a tabular display and specify that 10-bit weeks in ephemeris sources are "recent".
/ObsArrayEvaluator/ObsArray.cpp /ObsArrayEvaluator/oae.cpp /ObsArrayEvaluator/oaePlot Robustification of processing.
/DataAvailability/DataAvailabilityAnalyzer.cpp /ObsArrayEvaluator/ObsArray.cpp Modified DataAvailabilityAnalyzer and ObsArray to handle ObsReader changes. DataAvailabilityAnalyzer now accounts for all missing epochs when start and stop times are specified. Some messages output by DataAvailabilityAnalyzer reworked.
/DataAvailability/DataAvailabilityAnalyzer.[h|c]pp Added a command-line option for specification of the observation interval. Also modified accounting for missing data epochs and fixed some errors in the summary when all epochs are missed.
/Rinextools/RinSum.cpp Added antenna offset to output, added option to output lsit of gaps, fixed some minor bugs and improved the code.
/Rinextools/RinexEditor.cpp Accompanying fix to RinexObsHeader to permit Mixed file system.
/reszilla/ordPlot Implemented the --warts option fully in ordPlot.
/reszilla/ordClock.cpp /reszilla/ordPlot Fixed plotting output with only warts. Increased the clock tolerance for marking of wonky ord clocks.
/reszilla/ordStats.cpp Added median absolute deviation and median to output.
/reszilla/ordGen.cpp Now chooses the last entry for a given station in an MSC file.
/MDPtools/Jamfile /MDPtools/MDPProcessors.[h|c]pp /MDPtools/mdptool.cpp Made the mdpscreen build conditional (Jamfile). Added a fast mode for converting to a new file.
/geomatics/cycleslips/DiscFix.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ClockModel.cpp /geomatics/relposition/CommandInput.cpp /geomatics/relposition/CommandInput.hpp /geomatics/relposition/DDBase.cpp /geomatics/relposition/DDBase.hpp /geomatics/relposition/DataOutput.cpp /geomatics/relposition/DataStructures.hpp /geomatics/relposition/EditDDs.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ElevationMask.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Estimation.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ReadObsFiles.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ReadRawData.cpp /geomatics/relposition/StochasticModels.cpp /geomatics/relposition/Synchronization.cpp /geomatics/relposition/ddmerge.cpp /geomatics/robust/rstats.cpp /positioning/PRSolve.cpp /positioning/posInterp.cpp Geomatics update.
/geomatics/cycleslips/DiscFix.cpp Fixed DayTime constructor (constant) v. constant issue, plus most C->C++ endl.
/geomatics/relposition/CommandInput.cpp Fixed SourceForge bug #2876038. Bug occurred when using multiple fixed stations for DDBase. More info on SourceForge bug tracker site.
/geomatics/relposition/Configure.cpp Minor change so that weather data is interpolated from tabular values and scaled for height properly when using the NewB tropo model.
/geomatics/relposition/DDBase.cpp Updated version string and date for release.
/converters/novaRinex.cpp Open temporary file on Windows in env(TEMP) directory; necessary for Vista. Later added fix to address breakage related to changes in /dev/src/RinexSatID (rev2319). However, fix only allows GPS system type. Later fix added malformed message and large NovatelData records handling.
/difftools/rowdiff.cpp Modified to: indicate to the user if the two files contain different data types; output to the screen the data types contained in each file; indicate to the user if no differences were found.
/filetools/EphSum.cpp Corrected reported end of effectivity times.
/multipath/SparseBinnedStats.hpp /multipath/ValarrayUtils.[h|c]pp /multipath/mpsolve.cpp /multipath/tstSparseBinnedStats.cpp Major upgrade to mpsolve. Added bias resolution routines and cleaned up code.
/multipath/ObsArray.cpp /multipath/mpsolve.cpp Now mpsolve uses robust statistic to detect and remove data affected by cycle slips. Also can process a directory of files and can make surface plots of its solutions. Paper is in the works. Also, mpsolve user can edit out days when processing large directories of data. Also added zero mean assumption to add final de-bias/constraint on DFM processing. Disabled position solution consistency check. Also in mpsolve fixed two bugs: one for the DFM method when no intersections were found, one for the DFM method when a pass exists that is less than two points.
/multipath/mpsim.cpp Added capability to generate random Gaussian numbers. Comment corrected.
/multipath/ObsArray.[h|c]pp Major bug fix.
Added to examples
jplde405 JPL De405 binary file 1980-2040 for forthcoming geodyn example.
acor1480.08o scoa1480.08o sfer1480.08o tlse1480.08o Added RINEX files.
example14.cpp popconf.txt Added 'example14.cpp': an implementation of the 'Precise Orbits Positioning' (POP) processing strategy.
example15.cpp Added example for RobustStats and Random Number generation in geomatics library.
Modified in examples
pppconf.txt Minor change in configuration file.
OCEAN-GOT00.dat PRN_GPS igs05.atx Updated auxiliary files.
Jamfile Changed for addition of 'example14.cpp': an implementation of the 'Precise Orbits Positioning' (POP) processing strategy. Also changed for addition of example15.
Added to tests
/Stats/xStats.cpp Updated/improved testing in Stats test class.
/Vector directory /Vector/Jamfile /Vector/makefile /Vector/Vector.hpp /Vector/xVector.[h|c]pp /Vector/xVectorM.cpp Tests added for the Vector class. Vector class was failing due to an issue with unary minus method.
/Matrix directory /Matrix/Jamfile /Matrix/makefile /Matrix/Matrix.hpp /Matrix/xMatrix.[h|c]pp /Matrix/xMatrixM.cpp Tests added for the Matrix class.
Modified in tests
Jamfile /Vector/makefile /Vector/xVector.[h|c]pp /Vector/xVectorM.cpp /Matrix/xMatrix.[h|c]pp Updated Vector and Matrix test classes.
Version 1.6 Tuesday, June 19, 2009
- Majority of version 1.6 comprised of revision number 1962, branching took place under revision 1962 from dev/ to branches/RC1.6/
- There is now a Rinex3 development branch. This release does not include support for Rinex3 but we hope to include it in the future.
- Major improvements in readability of code by adding new comments and rearraging a lot of code
- Added the LGPL to serveral files from which it was missing.
Additions to src AllanDeviation.hpp Compute the overlapping Allan variance of the phase data provided. Antenna.[h|c]pp This class encapsulates the data related to GNSS antennas according to IGS standards. AntexReader.[h|c]pp This is a class to read and parse antenna data in Antex file format. BaseDistribution.hpp This is a base class for statistical distributions. Chi2Distribution.[h|c]pp This class implements the Chi-square distribution. ConfDataReader.[h|c]pp This is a class to parse and manage configuration data files. EllipsoidModel.hpp This is a copy of GeoidModel.hpp with the proper name. ENUUtil.[h|c]pp Converts from Cartesian in XZY to East-North-Up (ENU). Epoch.[h|c]pp Time representation class for common time formats, including GPS. GaussianDistribution.[h|c]pp This class implements the Gaussian (or normal) distribution. GPSEllipsoid.hpp This is a copy of GPSGeoid.hpp with the proper name. GPSEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp Store GPS broadcast ephemeris information. GPSWeek.[h|c]pp This class is an abstract base class inherited by other GPS-time-related classes. InOutFramework.cpp Framework for programs that take a single type of input data and output a single stream of output. IonexBase.hpp Does not served any purpose other than to make readable inheritance diagrams. IonexData.[h|c]pp Models a IONEX Data Record. IonexHeader.[h|c]pp Models the header for a IONEX file. IonexStore.[h|c]pp Reads and stores Ionosphere maps. IonexStream.hpp Provides access to IONEX files. NEDUtil.[h|c]pp Converts from Cartesian in XZY to North-East-Down (NED). PowerSum.[h|c]pp Computes the power sum of a list of numbers. SP3EphemerisStore.[h|c]pp Interface to read SP3 files into a TabularEphemerisStore. SpecialFunctions.[h|c]pp Contains handy special functions: gamma, erf, erfc, etc. StudentDistribution.[h|c]pp This class implements the t-Student distribution. TabularEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp Store a tabular list of Xvt data (such as a table of precise ephemeris data in an SP3 file) and compute Xvt from this table. WGS84Ellipsoid.hpp This is a copy of WGS84Geoid.hpp with the proper name.
Modified in src CommonTime.[h|c]pp Added operator<<() and asString() functions as well as a couple bug fixes. GPSWeekSecond.cpp Fix for 32-bit round off error during day of week calculation. FFTextStream.hpp Fixing a bug when a line of input has more than 256 characters. It now throws an exception when a line has more than 256 characters. MatrixBase.hpp Fixed unary minux operations to return an lvalue. MJD.cpp Fixed a floating-point rounding error problem which could cause exceptions to be thrown when converting to CommonTime. ObsID.[h|c]pp Fixed an error associated with string values for ValueTypes 'Last' and 'Placeholder' not being defined. SP3EphemerisStore.[h|c]pp Modified in order to implement rejection of satellites with bad or absent positional values or clocks. Feature disabled by default. StringUtils.hpp Improved error reporting and slimmed formattedPrint(). Fixed possible "undefined" behavior in matches(). Corrected a bug in translate() which allowed index 'inpos' to access 'outputChars' beyond its length. SVNumXRef.[h|c]pp Modified to account for new data since the last update and to allow a single SVN to have multiple PRNs over time. TimeTag.hpp Throw exceptions on invalid conversions and added a printError() function. TypeID.[h|c]pp Fixed and error associated with string values for ValueTypes 'Last' and 'Placeholder' not being defined.
Added in lib - /vdraw vdraw is a modification to vplot and much of the code in vdraw was moved over from vplot. This library allows drawing shapes and text in a vector format and outputting them to files. - /geomatics/SRIleastSquares.[h|c]pp Implements a general least squares algorithm using SRI, including weighted, linear or linearized, robust or sequential algorithms. - /procframe/CodeKalmanSolver.[h|c]pp Computes the code-based solution using a simple Kalman solver. - /procframe/ComputeDOP.[h|c]pp Computes the usual DOP values: GDOP, PDOP, TDOP, HDOP and VDOP. - /procframe/ComputeSatPCenter.[h|c]pp Computes the satellite antenna phase correction, in meters. - /procframe/Decimate.[h|c]pp Decimates GNSS Data Structures data. - /procframe/Dumper.[h|c]pp Dumps the values inside a GNSS Data Structure (GDS), and therefore is meant to be used with the GDS objects found in DataStructures. - /procframe/EclipsedSatFilter.[h|c]pp Filters out satellites that are eclipsed by Earth shadow. - /procframe/GravitationalDelay.[h|c]pp Computes the delay in the signal due to the gravity field. - /procframe/IonexModel.[h|c]pp Computes the main values related to a given GNSS IONEX model, i.e., TEC value, ionospheric mapping function, slant ionospheric delay. - /procframe/Keeper.[h|c]pp This class examines a GNSS Data Structure (GDS) and keeps only specific values according to their TypeIDs. - /procframe/LICSDetector2.[h|c]pp Detects cycle slips using LI observables - /procframe/PhaseCodeAlignment.[h|c]pp Aligns phase with code measurements. - /procframe/ProcessingList.[h|c]pp Stores ProcessingClass objects in a list. - /procfrane/Pruner.[h|c]pp This class examines a GNSS Data Structure (GDS) and prunes specific values according to their TypeIDs. - /procframe/RequireObservables.[h|c]pp Filters out satellites that don't have the required observations. - /procframe/SatArcMarker.[h|c]pp Keeps track of satellite arcs caused by cycle slips. - /procframe/SolverPPP.[h|c]pp Computes the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) solution using Kalman solver that combines ionosphere-free code and phase measurements. - /procframe/SolverPPPFB.[h|c]pp Computes the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) solution using Kalman solver that combines ionosphere-free code and phase measurements and has forwards backwards mode. - /procframe/Synchronize.[h|c]pp Synchronizes two GNSS Data Structures data streams. - /rxio/ObsEphReaderFramework.[h|c]pp Object intened to be created in place of a CommandOptionParser. - /vplot/Axis.[h|c]pp Used to draw a simple axis. - /vplot/AxisStyle.hpp Used to describe an Axis's style. - /vplot/LinePlot.[h|c]pp Used to draw a lineplot. - /vplot/Plot.[h|c]pp Basic plot information. - /vplot/plottypes.hpp Defines plot types. - /vplot/ScatterPlot.[h|c]pp Used to draw a scatter plot. - /vplot/SeriesList.[h|c]pp Used to maintain series information for some types of plots. - /vplot/Splitter.[h|c]pp Used to help with splitting sets of points. - /vplot/SurfacePlot.[h|c]pp Used to draw a surface plot.
Changes in lib - /geomatics Major changes to the entire library. Adding new features as described in DDBase.cpp - /procframe/Equation.hpp Added '<' operator. - /procframe/LICSDetector.cpp Simpler method to compute 'currentDeltaT' is now used. - /procframe/MWCSDetector.cpp Simpler method to compute 'currentDeltaT' is now used. - /procframe/Variable.hpp Added '<' operator.
Added in apps - /clocktools Implements clock time-domain frequency stability metrics as well as data editing, noise identification, and plotting routines. Allows for basic clock stability analyses and is interoperable with other GPSTk programs. Run from the command line with output piped to other GPSTk programs. - /ObsArrayEvaluator Refactoring of mpsolve whic is the GPSTk Multipath Environment Evaluator. Computes statistical model of a dual frequency multipath combination. The model is a function of azimuth and/or elevation. - /performance Determines the slot numbers of satellites given input files. Also determines if satellites are in or out of the Base24 constellation at any given time. - /filetools/EphSum.cpp Summary of all ephemerides relevant to the day for a PRN. - /geomatics/relposition/StochasticModels.cpp Stochastic model for measurement errors used in estimation. - /geomatics/robust/lsfilt.cpp Read the data in one column of a file, and output as least-squares. filtered version of the data. - /swrx/acquire.cpp FFT based acquisition for GPS L1 band. - /swrx/hilbert.cpp Hilbert transform on samples from output file generated by SiGe SE4110L. - /swrx/position.cpp Position solution. - /swrx/RX.cpp Integrates position solutions into the tracking algorithm. - /swrx/trackerMT.cpp Parallel tracker for multiple PRNs. - /visibility/CalcDOPs.cpp Compute and display satellite visibility information. - /visibility/DiscreteVisibleCounts.[h|c]pp Discrete counts of how many SVs/stations are visible to a station/SV. - /visibility/DOPcalc.cpp Computes several dilution of precision (DOP) parameters.
Changes in apps - /geomatics Major changes to the entire application. Added new features in order to match the geomatics library changes. - /MDPtools/SummaryProc.[h|c]pp Better accounting of subframe errors. - /positioning/PRSolve.cpp Added option to process L1 only, L2 only, or iono-free.
- Added in examples example8.cpp This program shows how to use GNSS Data Structures (GDS) to obtain "Precise Point Positioning" (PPP). example9.cpp This program shows how to use GNSS Data Structures (GDS) and other classes to build a reasonable complete application that computes "Precise Point Positioning" (PPP). example10.cpp This program shows how to use GNSS Data Structures (GDS) to obtain phase-based differential positioning (single-differences). example11.cpp Example of GPSTk's built-in postscript plotting routines. example12.cpp This is a example program to demonstrate some of the functionality of the ObsID class. The intent is to use ObsID as a key in a STL map of gps data. ObsID supports identifying the data in a manner that is similiar but can extend the Rinex 3 specification. example13.cpp Example of native surface plots.
- Changes in examples example7.cpp Added example useage of code-based kalman filtering. Example 7 has also become a showcase for several of the new classes added since the last release.
- Cleaned up and added comments to various examples to make them more useful
Version 1.5 Tuesday, March 11, 2008
General modifications
- Majority of version 1.5 comprised of revision number 1115,
branching took place under revision 1115 from dev/ to RC1.5/
- A large amount of work went into ensuring that the GPSTk built
on all supported platforms using both jam and make. A place has
been set aside on the TWiki to inform developers on which platforms
the Tk has been built successfully.
- The Tk now builds successfully on Mac OSX using jam and make
- Added a library /dev/lib/procframe/ (from Processing Framework)
under which all pre-existing classes related to GNSS Data
Structures (GDS) have been moved out of /src/.
+ lib/procframe/CodeSmoother.[h|c]pp
- Integrated a new regex that is LGPL instead of GPL
- GCC 3.3.5 chokes on the use of __attribute__ - avoid using it
unless we're compiling under GCC 4.x
- Updates to the INSTALL and README including additional website
information, information about new lib directory, an update of
the build instructions, and an additional plug for help and
instruction available on the website
- Added a script to parse apps for user manual
Library modifications
- Added src/BLQDataReader.[h|c]pp
Reads and parses ocean tides harmonics data in BLQ file format.
Ocean loading displacement models usually use the ocean tide
harmonics to compute station biases due to this effect.
You may find this data in
- Added src/ComputeWindUp.[h|c]pp
Computes the wind-up effect on the phase observables in radians.
- Added src/MoonPosition.[h|c]pp
Computes the approximate position of the Moon in ECEF.
- Added src/OceanLoading.[h|c]pp
Models station discplacement caused by ovean tides loading
- Added src/PoleTides.[h|c]pp
Computes pole tides according to IERS conventions.
- Added src/SatDataReader.[h|c]pp
Reads and parses satellite data from PRN_GPS-like files. JPL
provides files called PRN_GPS with important satellite
information for some precise GPS data processing algorithms.
You may find this file in
- Added src/SolidTides.[h|c]pp
Computes the solid tide effect at a given position and epoch
based on the Williams model (1970).
- Added lib/rxio/NovatelData.[h|c]pp
Moved Novatel data parsing into the rxio library
- Added lib/procframe/BasicModel.[h|c]pp
Computes the basic parts of a GNSS model. It is a more modular
alternative to classes such as ModelObs.
- Added lib/procframe/ComputeLinear.[h|c]pp
ComputeLinear is a GDS-enabled class that allows you to
compute several previously defined linear combinations in
one pass and in a flexible way.
- Added lib/procframe/ComputeTropModel.[h|c]pp
ComputeTropModel is a GDS-enabled class that computes and
inserts the main values related to a given GNSS
tropospheric model.
- Added lib/procframe/CorrectObservables.[h|c]pp
Corrects observables from effects such as antenna
eccentricity, differences in phase centers, offsets due
to tide effects, etc.
- Added lib/procframe/Equation.[h|c]pp
Used to define and handle an equation when dealing with GDS.
- Added lib/procframe/LinearCombinations.[h|c]pp
Defines handy linear conmbinations of GDS data.
- Added lib/procframe/StochasticModel.[h|c]pp
Simple implementations of common stochastic models
used in Kalman filters.
- Added lib/procframe/Variable.[h|c]pp
Used to define and handle a variable when dealing with GDS
- Improved lib/procframe/ComputeMOPSWeights.[h|c]pp
More robust when ionospheric information is missing for GDS.
- Improved lib/rxio/MDPNavSubframe.cpp
The above classes now have better LLI computation.
- Improved src/AlmOrbit.cpp
Added GPS epoch handling option.
- Improved src/AstronomicalFunctions.[h|c]pp
Improvements: Use of static members, definition of
constants, etc.
- Improved src/EngEphemeris.[h|c]pp
Added AODO to FIC bit cracking. Added means to access stored
eph moaps by SV.
- Improved src/MSCData.[h|c]pp
Promoted getXvt from MSCStore to MSCData.
Old MSCStore::getXvt(string, DayTime) still there. Now
overloaded with MSCStore::getXvt(unsigned long, DayTime)
- Improved src/SP3Data.[h|c]pp
Added a version guessing test to support SP3 better.
- Improved src/TropModel.[h|c]pp
Added NeillTropModel, a useful model implementing Neill
mapping functions and used in deodetic software such as
- Improved src/YumaAlmanacStore.[h|c]pp
Added time_of_interest option to aid with 10-bit week problem.
Application modifications
- Added apps/converters/ash2mdp.cpp
ash2mdp moved from apps/receiver/ to /apps/converters/
- Added apps/converters/ash2xyz.cpp
Takes a stream of Ashtech observation and ephemeris data
and outputs SV positions and ionospheric corrections. Added
an exponential filter to iono error and rate calculation.
- Added apps/DataAvailability/DataAvailabilityAnalyzer.[h|c]pp
Includes the per-obs changes in the raw statistics.
- Added apps/MDPtools/mdpscreen.cpp
mdpscreen moved back into MDPtools, but only being built
- Added apps/MDPtools/mdpEdit.cpp
mdpEdit: filters messages based on record number.
- Added apps/time/generateCalenders.bash
Added a simple script to generate los of calendars at once
using calgps.
- Improved apps/checktools/CheckFrame.hpp
Fixed CheckFrame to return 1 if any erors are encountered.
Added a command-line-option to CheckFrom to exit on first
- Improved apps/reszilla/OrdEngine.cpp
The trop model throws erros when the humidity is over 100.
Instead of sending it values over 100, just send 100.
- Improved apps/reszilla/OrdPlot.cpp
Added a % data autoranger and smoothing on the ords.
- Improved apps/rfw/rfw.cpp
Added command line option that sends strings to the
source periodically.
- Improved apps/swrx/PCodeGenerator.hpp
GCC 3.3.5 chokes on the use of __attribute__ - avoid using it
unless we're compiling under GCC 4.x
- Improved apps/time/calgps.cpp
Calgps now in graphical output.
- Improved apps/visibility/WhereSat.cpp
+ Got rid of "MATLAB-suitable" output option.
+ Results now output in a tabular format only.
+ Can process more than one SV, or all SVs.
+ Added time format option.
+ Output clock correction in ms, not seconds.
+ Better exception handling.
- Improved apps/MDPtools/
To allow the Tk to build under all platforms MDPTool was
removed from all non UNIX based system builds, namely Windows.
- Improved apps/receiver/
Compilation disabled becasue of severe linking problems.
- Improved apps/reszilla/
Changed Install process to allow python scripts to be
installed without a hickup under Windows.
Version 1.4 Tuesday, December 18, 2007
General modifications
- Majority of version 1.4 comprised of revision number 863
branching took place under revision 864 from dev/ to RC1.4/
- Major refactoring of the Ephemeris/Almanac classes. This change may
break some apps. To fix them the following translations are useful:
Old | New
gpstk::EphemerisStore | gpstk::XvtStore<gpstk::SatID>
gpstk::BCEphemerisStore | gpstk::GPSEphemerisStore
gpstk::AlmanacStore | gpstk::GPSAlmanacStore
gpstk::EphemerisStore::NoEphemerisFound | gpstk::InvalidRequest
eph.getSatXvt(sat, time) | eph.getXvt(sat, time)
eph.getSatXvt(prn, time) | eph.getXvt(SatID(prn, SatID::systemGPS), time)
eph.dump(0, cout) | eph.dump(cout, 0)
- Added an updated LaTeX source for table describing apps of v1.3,
as well as a list of classes in the gpstk libraries
(sorted & categorized) found in ref/glance/
- Added LeTex source for the GPSTk paper at the ION-GNSS-2006
- Added a library /dev/lib/vplot/ to create drawing primitives in SVG
and postscript formats. Intended to support complex, fully
customizable visualizations on GNSS analyses. Supported only
in jam for now, but with the hope of support in make.
- Improved version control
* set gpstk package version to 1.3 in the autoconf build world
* set the current shared library major version to 13, so gpstk 1.3
delivers lib{gpstk,rxio,mdplib,...}.so.13.0
* now allows jam and make to build shared libraries with the
appropriate versions
* causes jam to install headers to $PREFIX/include/gpstk to prevent
header namespace collision. This behaviour is consistent with the
"make" build.
- Moved apps/geomatics/lib library to dev/lib/geomatics
Library modifications
- Added src/InOutFramework.hpp
New framework that is useful for a program that processes one
input and produces one output.
- Added src/ModelObs.[h|c]pp
ModelObs class is a GDS-optimized version ModeledPR
- Added src/GPSAlmanacStore.[h|c]pp
Part of the refactoring of the Ephemeris/Almanac classes
A migration path has been provided for BCEPhemerisStore,
EphemerisStore, and AlmanacStore
- Added src/GPSEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp
Part of the refactoring of the Ephemeris/Almanac classes
A migration path has been provided for BCEPhemerisStore,
EphemerisStore, and AlmanacStore
- Added src/XvtStore.hpp
Part of the refactoring of the Ephemeris/Almanac classes
A migration path has been provided for BCEPhemerisStore,
EphemerisStore, and AlmanacStore
- Added src/ProcessingClass.hpp
ProcessingClass is an abstract base class for all objects
processing GNSS Data Structures. This step furthers the GNSS
Data Structures (GDS) processing paradigm clearly separating
the GDS and the objects that process them.
- Added src/ProcessingList.[h|c]pp
ProcessingList allows to create run-time defined and modified
lists of processing objects to be applied on GNSS data
structures. This class furthers the paradigm of GNSS data
processing as an assembly line.
- Added src/ProcessingVector.[h|c]pp
ProcessingVector allows to create run-time defined and modified
std::vectors of processing objects to be applied on GNSS data
structures. This class furthers the paradigm of GNSS data
processing as an assembly line.
- Added src/SimpleFilter.cpp
SimpleFilter class was modified in order to inherit from
- Added lib/vplot/Helper.hpp
A helper class for creating VGImage pointer for a file name
using the extension.
- Added src/ComputeLC.cpp
The above classes were added to inherit from ProcessingClass
- Improved src/XYZ2NED.[h|c]pp
The above classes were modified to inherit from ProcessingClass
- Improved lib/rxio/AshtechData.[h|c]pp
Added checksum checking to ashtech data, and made the parsing
a bit more robust
- Improved lib/rxio/FFIdentifier.[h|c]pp
FFIdentifier no londer uses iostream exceptions to determine
file type
- Improved lib/rxio/EphReader.[h|c]pp
Added support for YUMA and SEM streams
- Improved src/SatID.hpp
Added systemUderDefined to SatId and corresponding change
in example7.cpp
Application modifications
- Added apps/visibility/svvis.cpp
Computes when satellites are visible at a given point
on the earth
- Improved apps/DataAvailability/DataAvailabilityAnalyzer.[h|c]pp
Added a position option
- Improved apps/receiver/rfw.cpp
Added new input option??????
- Improved apps/visibility/findMoreThan12.cpp
Added SV azmith to output
- Improved apps/time/calgps.cpp
Added ability to draw a calender
Version 1.3 Monday, July 16, 2007
General modifications
- Most of version 1.3 comprised of revision number 701
- gpstk1.3/apps/time/calgps.cpp was pulled from revision nember 707
- The current msi for the windows package may not update the
previous version installations
- Added examples/example7.cpp & associated RINEX data files
This program shows 10 different ways to process GPS data using
"GNSS data structures". The "GNSS Data Structures" paradigm can
process GPS code-based data based on Vectors, Matrices
and other objects.
- Added examples/example6.cpp
Shows a rather minimalist way to process GPS data using GNSS Data
- Improved src/icd_200_constants.hpp
Fixed RSVCLK value
- GPSTk is now able to build under the MS Visual Studio 2005 (Express
- A simulator has been added but is not part of the binary build, but
can be found in the source tarball under gpstk/apps/swrx
Library modifications
- Added src/SimpleKalmanFilter.[h|c]pp
Implements a version of the Kalman filter, based in Vectors
and Matrices - not yet GNSS data structures-enabled
- Added src/NablaOp.[h|c]pp
Applies differences in satellite-related data to the GNSS
data structures (a.k.a. GDS)
- Added src/TypeID.[h|c]pp
Index able to represent any type of observation, correction,
model parameter or other data value of interest
- Added src/DataHeaders.[h|c]pp
Adds several headers to be used with the GNSS data structures
- Added DataStructures.[h|c]pp
Set of data structures to be used by other GPSTk classes
- Added src/DeltaOp.[h|c]pp
Applies differences on ground-related data to the GNSS data
- Added src/ComputeCompination.hpp
Base class to ease computing of data for the GNSS data structures
- Added src/ComputePC.hpp
Eases computing the PC combination for GNSS data structures
- Added src/ComputeLC.hpp
Eases computing the LC combination for GNSS data structures
- Added src/ComputeLI.hpp
Eases computing the LI combination for GNSS data structures
- Added src/ComputeLdelta.hpp
Eases computing the Ldelta combination for GNSS data structures
- Added src/ComputePdelta.hpponly
Eases computing the Pdelta combination for GNSS data structures
- Added src/ComputePI.hpp
Eases computing the PI combination for GNSS data structures
- Added src/ComputeMelbourneWubbena.hpp
Eases computing the ComputeMelbourneWubbena combination for
GNSS data structures
- Added src/ComputeIURAWeights.hpp
Computes satellites weights based on URA Index for GNSS data
- Added src/ComputeMOPSWeights.hpp
Computes satellites weights based on Appendix J of MOPS C
(RTCA/DO-229C), for GNSS data structures
- Added src/SimpleFilter.hpp
Filters satellites with observables grossly out of bounds,
intended for GNSS data structures
- Added src/OneFreqCSDetector.hpp
Detects cycle slips using observables in just one frequency
- Added src/LICSDetector.hpp
Detects cycle slips using LI observables
- Added src/MWCSDetector.hpp
Detects cycle slips using the Melbourne-Wubbena combination
- Added src/CodeSmoother.hpp
Smoothes a given code observable using the corresponding phase
- Added src/PCsmoother.hpp
Smoothes PC code observables using the corresponding LC phase
- Added src/XYZ2NEU.[h|c]pp
Reference frame change from ECEF XYZ to topocentric North-East-Up
- Added src/XYZ2NED.[h|c]pp
Reference frame change from ECEF XYZ to topocentric North-East-Down
- Added src/TimeNamedFileStream.hpp
Simple time-based file name stream
- Improved src/ModeledReferencePR.[c|h]pp
Adapted to work with GNSS data structures
- Improved src/ModeledPR.[h|c]pp
Adapted to work with GNSS data structures
- Improved src/TropModel.hpp
Added method MOPSTropModel::setAllParameters()
- Improved src/SolverLMS.[h|c]pp
Adapted to work with GNSS data structures
- Improved src/SolverWMS.[h|c]pp
Adapted to work with GNSS data structures
- Improved src/icd_200_constants.hpp
Added data regarding L5, L6, L7 and L8
- Improved src/RinexHeader.[h|c]pp
Can now process RINEX2.11 navigation files
- Improved src/icd_200_constants.hpp
- Improved src/SP3Data.cpp
Modified the reader to be tolerant of short PG lines
- Improved src/RinexUtilitties.[h|c]pp
Added a sort routine
- Improved src/EngAlmanac.[h|c]pp
Routing added that performs a simple sanity check on the almanac
Application modifications
- Improved apps/differential/vecsol.cpp
Along with other submissions allows the toolkit to build under
the MS Visual Studio 2005
- Improved apps/Rinextools.[h|c]pp
Increased robustness and added multiple input file capabilities
- Improved all tools to process input files in time order:
Version 1.2 Monday, November 6, 2006
General modifications
- Moved from Perforce to a Subversion repository located at
- GPSTk library testing is now being implemented in dev/tests
These unit tests for the library currently cover over
40% of the code with an average of 95% coverage for
tested classes. Tests use CppUnit and Perl scripts.
See test documentation for more information.
- Added examples/example5.cpp
An example that shows how to use some very useful high level
GPSTk classes for positioning
- Added Python support to the GPSTk
- Added capability for FileHunter to work under Window and Cygwin
Library modifications
- Added RINEX version 2.11 support for GPS Navigation files
- Added the following prototype time classes:
- Added src/TimeConstants.hpp
Time constants
- Added src/TimeConverters.[c|h]pp
Time converstion routines
- Added src/Bancroft.[h|c]pp
Class gets an initial guess of GPS receiver's position
- Added src/SVExclusionList.[h|c]pp
- Added and implemented src/SatID.hpp
Class which encapsulates Satellite Identification information
- Added src/ModeledPR.[h|c]pp
Encapsulates computation of modeled pseudoranges of a mobile
- Added src/SimpleIURAWeight.[h|c]pp
Assigns weights to satellites based on their URA Index
- Added src/ModeledPseudorangeBase.hpp
An abstract base class for modeled pseudoranges
- Added src/WeightBase.hpp
An abstract base class for algorithms assigning weights to satellites
- Improved src/Matrix.hpp and src/Vector.hpp
Added unary minus operator, CholeskyCrout class and inverseChol method
- Improved src/Vector.hpp
Added add() method
- Improved src/Stats.hpp
Better handling of weighted input
- Improved src/Tropmodel.[h|c]pp
Added GCAT tropospheric model
Added MOPSTropModel
- Improved src/Position.[h|c]pp
Added methods elevationGeodetic() and azimuthGeodetic()
- Improved src/TabularEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp
Added method hasTGD()
- Improved src/BCEphemerisStore.[h|c]pp
Added method getTGD() to return the Total Group Delay of the SV
- Improved src/EphemerisRange.[h|c]pp
Added methods elevationGeodeitc() and azimuthGeodetic().
Changed RelativityCorrection() to improved speed and precision
- Added src/BinexData.[c|h]pp BinexFilterOperators.hpp BinexStream.hpp
Added BINEX code
Application modifications
- Added apps/positioning/poscvt
A position converter modeled after timecvt
- Added apps/geomatics/relposition/DDBase
A network positioning application that uses double
differenced carrier phases
- Added apps/geomatics/kalman
Tools for Kalman filtering
- Added apps/geomatics/robust
Tool for robust statistics
- Added apps/geomatics/????
Added geodetic reference frames
- Complete rewrite and move of apps/cycleslips/DiscFix
Located now in apps/geomatics/cycleslips/DiscFix
DiscFix is now much more object-oriented, faster, more robust
and more accurate. Significant changes have been made to the
- Added apps/visibility/wheresat
A tool for calculating SV position, azimuth and
elevation from a navigation file
- Added apps/converters/novaRinex
A NovAtel binary to Rinex converter
- Improved apps/filetools/navdmp
Added -r (RINEX) input capability
- Added apps/qa/Expression
A fully functional expression interpreter
- Added apps/qa/obsrip
A utility which transforms RINEX files into linear combos, ect.
- Added functionality to apps/multipath/ObsArray
Can track observations by PRN and by epoch. Also can insert
GPS constants into Expressions.
- Added apps/positioning/posInterp
This application interpolates positions in a RINEX file, increasing
the data rate by an integer factor. An example that uses both
posInterp and PRSolve is included.
- Added apps/visibility/findMoreThan12
A new tools which given an ephemeris source, finds times when there are
more than 12 SVs simultaneously above a specified elevation angle.
- Improved apps/positioning/rinexpvt
Added optional log file to output
Added option to set observation rate to other than 30s
Version 1.1 Friday, January 7, 2005
General modifications
- Added patches to support more compilers:
GNU compiler version 3.4
GNU compiler under AIX
Sun ONE Studio 8
- GNU make/configure capabilities have been added. Since this
is a new feature, your mileage may vary. The makefiles
work on systems with newer autoconf toolchain versions.
- More examples were added to gpstk/examples.
These examples are described in the website.
- Major revamp of the website.
Library modifications
- P code generator was allocating over 20 megabytes in
processes that use the shared library. Now the 20 megabytes
are not allocated until the P code generator is initialized
by the user.
- Bug fix: FileSpec::extractDayTime() now initializes
DayTimes generated from file name to have zero hours,
zero minutes, zero seconds, etc.
- Bug fix: DayTime::setGPS now more robust when accepting
a year number as a hint to disambiguate which full GPS
week to use.
- Added more DayTime tests.
- Bug fix: DayTime user-defined tolerance for comparisons now is
- Bug fix: DayTime::setGPS(short week, long zcount, short year)
now works across a year rollover.
- Renamed WxObsData::find(...) to getWxObservation(...) to remove
any confusion that might develop over having the same method
name as the STL.
- Bug fix: satellite combinations in RAIM sometimes incorrect when
a user-marked satellite was present.
- Some Vector routines were throwing Exception instead of
- Added Vector-Matrix concatentation operators.
- Added a sub-Vector constructor.
- Modification to Householder decomposition routine.
- Various fixes to MatrixOperators.
- Updates to FIC routines.
- Implemented azimuth and elevation functions in Position, making
use of the functions inherited from Triple. Modified EphemerisRange
to use Position, as well as TropModel and ResCor; this eliminated
a bug in the azimuth() in EphemerisRange and means that now there
is only one implementation of az and el. Added a test of the new
routines in positiontest. Also added a Position constructor from Xvt.
- Bugs in DayTime::setToString() - %f was missing (!) and %S
was acting as %f should; date was trashed when time was set,
and vice versa, and year input was not properly handled.
- Implemented ionospheric model types other than linear.
- Cleaned up weather data handling (e.g., error checks).
Application modifications
- Unified code using a common class.
- Improvments to navdmp.
- New utility called rinexthin for subsampling RINEX observation
- This new project provides GPSTk bindings in other languages
has been added. This capability is in an alpha state.
Currently there are a limited set of bindings for
Tcl/Tk, Python and Octave.
- Bug fix: 'delete all' command was being deleted prematurely.
- Improved documentation.
- Various tweaks.
- Plotting improvements.
- Various improvements.