- apple-sign-in@4.0.0
- app@4.0.1 - (Latest 4.1.1)
- camera@4.1.3 - (Latest 4.1.4)
- geolocation@4.0.1 - (Latest 4.1.0)
- haptics@4.0.1 - (Latest 4.1.0)
- keyboard@4.0.1 - (Latest 4.1.0)
- status-bar@4.0.1 - (Latest 4.1.1)
- capacitor-google-auth@3.2.0
- build-angular@14.2.6 - (Latest 15.0.2)
- builder@13.0.1 - (Latest 15.1.0)
- eslint-plugin@13.0.1 - (Latest 15.1.0)
- eslint-plugin-template@13.0.1 - (Latest 15.1.0)
- template-parser@13.0.1 - (Latest 15.1.0)
- cli@14.2.6 - (Latest 15.0.2)
- common@14.2.7 - (Latest 15.0.2)
- compiler@14.2.7 - (Latest 15.0.2)
- compiler-cli@14.2.7 - (Latest 15.0.2)
- core@14.2.7 - (Latest 15.0.2)
- fire@7.4.1 - (Latest 7.5.0)
- forms@14.2.7 - (Latest 15.0.2)
- language-service@14.2.7 - (Latest 15.0.2)
- platform-browser@14.2.7 - (Latest 15.0.2)
- platform-browser-dynamic@14.2.7 - (Latest 15.0.2)
- router@14.2.7 - (Latest 15.0.2)
- android@4.0.1 - (Latest 4.6.1)
- cli@4.0.1 - (Latest 4.6.1)
- core@4.0.1 - (Latest 4.6.1)
- ios@4.0.1 - (Latest 4.6.1)
- angular@6.3.2 - (Latest 6.3.9)
- angular-toolkit@6.1.0 - (Latest 7.0.0)
- cli@6.20.4
- pwa-elements@3.1.1
- storage-angular@3.0.6
- core@14.0.0
- http-loader@7.0.0
- jasmine@3.6.11 - (Latest 4.3.1)
- jasminewd2@2.0.10
- leaflet@1.9.0
- leaflet.markercluster@1.5.1
- node@12.20.55 - (Latest 18.11.11)
- parse@2.18.18 - (Latest 3.0.1)
- xml2js@0.4.11
- eslint-plugin@5.3.0 - (Latest 5.45.1)
- parser@5.3.0 - (Latest 5.45.1)
- cordova-res@0.15.4
- eslint@7.32.0 - (Latest 8.29.0)
- eslint-plugin-import@2.22.1 - (Latest 2.26.0)
- eslint-plugin-jsdoc@30.7.6 - (Latest 39.6.4)
- eslint-plugin-prefer-arrow@1.2.2 - (Latest 1.2.3)
- jasmine-core@3.8.0 - (Latest 4.5.0)
- jasmine-spec-reporter@5.0.2 - (Latest 7.0.0)
- karma@6.3.20 - (Latest 6.4.1)
- karma-chrome-launcher@3.1.1
- karma-coverage@2.0.3 - (Latest 2.2.0)
- karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter@3.0.3
- karma-jasmine@4.0.2 - (Latest 5.1.0)
- karma-jasmine-html-reporter@1.7.0 - (Latest 2.0.0)
- leaflet@1.9.2 - (Latest 1.9.3)
- leaflet.markercluster@1.5.3
- ng-apexcharts@1.7.4
- parse@3.4.4 - (Latest 3.5.1)
- protractor@7.0.0
- rxjs@7.5.7 - (Latest 7.6.0)
- stream@0.0.2
- timers@0.1.1
- ts-node@8.3.0 - (Latest 10.9.1)
- tslib@2.4.0 - (Latest 2.4.1)
- typescript@4.7.4 - (Latest 4.9.3)
- xml2js@0.4.23
- zone.js@0.11.8 - (Latest 0.12.0)
The following files and folders do not follow the standard naming convention: