A curated list of Plonky3 resources, libraries, tools and more.
Polygon Plonky3 is a toolkit for implementing polynomial IOPs (PIOPs), such as PLONK and STARKs, allowing developers to configure a variety of to-spec implementations from a single ZK proving system.
Contributions are very welcome! Please have a look at Contribution Guide.
- SP1 zkVM from Succinct Labs: Performant Risc-V based zkVM that can prove Rust code execution.
- Valida zkVM from Lita Foundation: Performant custom zk-friendly instruction sets that can prove Rust code execution.
- Powdr zkVM Toolkit from Powdr Labs: A toolkit for building zkVM or zkSystems, supports multiple proving backends including Plonky3.
- OpenVM from Axiom & Scroll: OpenVM is a performant and modular zkVM framework built for customization and extensibility.
- Pico from Brevis: Pico is a performant and highly customizable zkVM that could be easily integrated with zkCoprocessors and realizes the
Glue and Coprocessor
- Lurk from Argument Computer Corporation: Lurk is a Turing-complete programming language for zk-SNARKs, built on Plonky3 and Sphinx (our friendly fork of SP1).
- Plonky3 VPU from Fabric Crypto: Verifiable Processing Unit (VPU) for Plonky3.
- Bench mark guide: A guide to run your own benchmarks in Plonky3 using Poseidon2, Keccak, and Blake3 Air Constraints and various Plonky3 fields and hashes settings.
- Small Fields in Plonky3 & Comparison: A comparison between small fields in Plonky3 and their performance.
- Circle Stark: Circle STARKs its a scheme that enables the STARK prover to work over the finite fields such as Mersenne 31 prime (M31).
- Reed-Solomon Codes over the Circle Group: Discusses of Reed-Solomon codes over the circle group. Note that this got replaced by circle stark techniques in Plonky3.
- Poseidon2 in Plonky3: Explores the implementation of Poseidon2 Hash in Plonky3 and a simple Bench test.
- Plonky3 Audit: Plonky3 Audit Report by Least Authority Team.
- Lita's Plonky3 Doc: Lita Foundation's Plonky3 TLDR documentation.
- SP1 zkVM Source Code Walkthrough: Based on Plonky3, SP1 enhances the AIR description of chip interconnection and uses the LogUp algorithm to achieve a complete description of the RISC-V CPU-based virtual machine constraints.
- Keccak Air: Learn how to write keccak hash Air Constraints and prove in various field and hash configs.
- Poseidon2 Air: Learn how to write poseidon2 hash Air Constraints and prove in various field and hash configs.
- Blake3 Air: Learn how to write blake3 hash Air Constraints and prove in various field and hash configs.
- Fibonacci Air[video]: Learn the basics of Writing Air Constraints and Execution traces.
- Range Check Air[video]: Learn how to compare values in Air Contraints and how to optimize constraint degrees.
- Useless zkVM: This repository contains a minimalistic and educational Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machine (ZKVM) implemented using Plonky3.
- Introduction to Plonky 1, 2, 3: An introduction to Plonky by Daniel Lubarov.
- The origin of Plonky3: Early stage of development of Plonky3 by Daniel Lubarov.
- Plonky3: Past, Present, Future: A generalized overview of Plonky3 and its future by Daniel Lubarov
- Aggregation Day : Plonky3, Type 1, Miden: A panel with Brendan, Daniel, and Bobbin from Polygon; Uma Roy, of Succinct Labs, and Eli Ben-Sasson, of Starkware.
- Build with Plonky2 and Plonky3: A panel with Paul G from Polygon, Ratan from Succinct, and Garvit from Electron on building with Plonky2 and Plonky3.
- Plonky3 Discord Channel: Plonky3 Discord Channel for discussion and support.
- Plonky3 Grant - SoulForge: $100k dedicated to the Soul Society of Plonky3/Circom Development supported by Polygon.