Releases: PlayFab/PostmanCollection
PostmanCollection version 0.21
PostmanCollection version 0.20
PostmanCollection version 0.19
PostmanCollection version 0.18
PostmanCollection version 0.17
PostmanCollection version 0.16
PostmanCollection version 0.15
== SDK Patch Notes, Apr 25, 2016 ==
=== API Changes ===
Lots of documentation updates
Fixed typo in AndroidDevicePushNotificationRegistrationRequest
New server API: EvaluateRandomResultTable
PostmanCollection version .14
== SDK Patch Notes, Apr 14, 2016 ==
=== API Changes ===
PlayStream apis are now available in the SDKs.
Some documentation revisions.
=== Changes to all SDKs ===
More automated testing to improve stability of SDKs (and some associated bugfixes)
Specifically, a new PlayStream test and making tests more consistent across all sdks.
PostmanCollection version 0.13
== SDK Patch Notes, Apr 11, 2016 ==
=== API Changes ===
WriteEvent API Added
Rank for the following calls now match other leaderboard calls:
Minor bug fixes
PostmanCollection version 0.12
== SDK Patch Notes, Mar 28, 2016 ==
=== API Changes ===
Minor incremental improvements to the new Resettable-Leaderboards and other Player-Statistics tweaks.
Minor revisions in the way that CloudScript is uploaded via Admin-Api.
Continuing to revise and define api limits and overage definitions where needed.
"PlayFabId" input has been removed from the documentation on a few client apis, which never used that value.
Lots of minor documentation updates.
New ExecuteCloudScript api which replaces the older pattern of GetCloudScriptUrl+RunCloudScript.
This should make it easier for novice users to call CloudScript correctly.