Platinum Pedigree Consortium includes whole genome sequencing using five technologies on a 4-generation family. This is the CEPH-Utah (CEU) family 1463 and includes 4 grandparents from 1st generation, 2 parents from 2nd generation, 5 children from 3rd generation, 9 individuals from the 4th generation representing 2 branches of the 3rd generation, and their 2 additional parents. Family was not selected for disease, rather large size to study genetic transmission and human variation.
To access the S3 bucket use the amazon awscli:
List all datasets:
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://platinum-pedigree-data/
List all mapped sequencing data:
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://platinum-pedigree-data/data/
List all assemblies:
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://platinum-pedigree-data/assemblies/
List all variant calls:
aws s3 ls --no-sign-request s3://platinum-pedigree-data/variants/
Not all samples described in Porubsky et al. 2024 are consented for an open access. Five samples in the third generation (NA12883 (2298), NA12884 (2215), and NA12887 (2187)) as well as two samples from the fourth generation (200103 and 200105) are available via controlled access at dbGaP (accession id: phs003793.v1.p1):
Mapped Element data:
Mapped HiFi data:
Mapped Illumina data:
Mapped ONT data:
Mapped and raw Strand-seq data:
Pedigree consistent merged structural variant calls:
Pedigree consistent merged structural variant calls removing overlapping TRs:
Pedigree consistent tandem repeats:
Pedigree consistent merged small variant calls (truthset):
DeepVariant (HiFi) calls:
Dragen (Illumina) calls:
Clair3 (ONT) calls:
Assembly-based variant calls with respect to both GRCh38 and T2T-CHM13 (CHM13) human references reported by dipcall variant caller:
Reported by PAV variant caller:
ped | id | father | mother | sex | | | Generation |
1463 | 2281 | 0 | 0 | 1 | GM12889 | NA12889 | G1 |
1463 | 2280 | 0 | 0 | 2 | GM12890 | NA12890 | G1 |
1463 | 2214 | 0 | 0 | 1 | GM12891 | NA12891 | G1 |
1463 | 2213 | 0 | 0 | 2 | GM12892 | NA12892 | G1 |
1463 | 2209 | 2281 | 2280 | 1 | GM12877 | NA12877 | G2 |
1463 | 2188 | 2214 | 2213 | 2 | GM12878 | NA12878 | G2 |
1463 | 2216 | 2209 | 2188 | 2 | GM12879 | NA12879 | G3 |
1463 | 2211 | 2209 | 2188 | 2 | GM12881 | NA12881 | G3 |
1463 | 2212 | 2209 | 2188 | 1 | GM12882 | NA12882 | G3 |
1463 | 2298 | 2209 | 2188 | 1 | GM12883 | NA12883 | G3 |
1463 | 2215 | 2209 | 2188 | 1 | GM12884 | NA12884 | G3 |
1463 | 2217 | 2209 | 2188 | 2 | GM12885 | NA12885 | G3 |
1463 | 2189 | 2209 | 2188 | 1 | GM12886 | NA12886 | G3 |
1463 | 2187 | 2209 | 2188 | 2 | GM12887 | NA12887 | G3 |
1463 | 200080 | 1 | NA | 200080 | Spouse | ||
1463 | 200081 | 2 | NA | 200081 | G4 | ||
1463 | 200082 | 2 | NA | 200082 | G4 | ||
1463 | 200084 | 1 | NA | 200084 | G4 | ||
1463 | 200085 | 1 | NA | 200085 | G4 | ||
1463 | 200086 | 2 | NA | 200086 | G4 | ||
1463 | 200087 | 1 | NA | 200087 | G4 | ||
1463 | 200100 | 2 | NA | 200100 | Spouse | ||
1463 | 200101 | 1 | NA | 200101 | G4 | ||
1463 | 200102 | 1 | NA | 200102 | G4 | ||
1463 | 200103 | 2 | NA | 200103 | G4 | ||
1463 | 200104 | 2 | NA | 200104 | G4 | ||
1463 | 200105 | 1 | NA | 200105 | G4 | ||
1463 | 200106 | 2 | NA | 200106 | G4 |
Human subjects: Informed consent was obtained from the CEPH/Utah individuals, and the University of Utah Institutional Review Board approved the study (University of Utah IRB reference IRB_00065564).
Thanks to Amazon Open Data for sponsorship