This document outlines the steps needed to move/copy the AmiGO install to a new server/location.
These instructions assume a RHEL/Rocky "dnf"/rpm OS. Packages and install instructions may differ slightly for Deb based systems.
Done as su or with sudo
dnf install httpd httpd-devel httpd-tools mod_ssl mod_perl
dnf install graphviz java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel
systemctl enable httpd
systemctl start httpd
dnf install npm
/usr/bin/npm config set prefix /usr/local
/usr/bin/npm install -g npm@6.10.0
npm install -g node@11.15.0 --unsafe-perm
Done as regular user
sudo mkdir -p /data/www/planteome_dev/
cd /data/www/planteome_dev/
scp ./
tar zxvf amigo_base.tar.gz
truncate -s 0 amigo/log/*.log
sudo chown -R apache: log
scp ./
scp ./
sudo cp planteome_dev.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/
sudo cp solr.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start solr
Done as regular user
cd /data/www/planteome_dev/amigo
vim conf/amigo.yaml
edit file to use correct domain (if needed)
./node_modules/.bin/gulp install
as root
dnf install cpan
- One of the cpan modules fails a test on RHEL systems and won't install without a force install
cpan -fi CGI::Application::Plugin::Session
cat /home/bpp/elserj/amigo_perl_cpan_packages.lst | xargs cpan
systemctl reload httpd
Check to make sure it is all working. Additional steps may be required for SSL certs, etc...