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PyCon DE Website

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PyCon DE & PyData website for 2025 conference.

Important Note for Speakers
All speaker and session information is sourced from Pretalx.
To update your bio or session description, please make the changes directly in Pretalx.
The website updates periodically, at least once per day, to reflect changes from Pretalx.

Covered Workflows

Changing content

Adding a sponsor

To add a new sponsor, you need to do two things:

  1. Copy the svg logo to ./assets/static/media/sponsors/
  2. Add the information for the sponsor to ./databags/sponsors.json

Adding a blog post

  1. Create a new branch
  2. Add a folder for the new blog post under ./content/blog/<blogpost-title>
  3. Add a file to this folder.

This file will contain the blog post (as markdown) and some additional metadata. Here is an example on how this could look like:

title: Something exciting just happened!
pub_date: 2025-05-07

# The air is thrumming with excitement

Something unbelievable just happened in the **Python** world. Let me tell you all about it:

The title field is a simple string.

The pub_date field is the date, formatted like this: YYYY-mm-dd.

the body is the blog post as markdown.

  1. Commit the changes to your new branch
  2. Push the changes
  3. Open a PR
  4. Merge the PR, once it has been approved

The new blog post will automatically be deployed, once it has been merged. Note: Due to some technicalities it can take up to an hour for the changes to be visible on the website.

Adding or changing talks

You should not try to change or add talks in this repository since they will be automatically updated via a script and would be pverwritten or deleted.

You can change/add or remove talks in Pretalx and it will automatically be updated on the website via the previously mentioned update process. See the github actions in ./.github/workflows/main.yml for details.

Updating website code

Dev Setup

Following steps are required to develop and run the website locally:


There are two options for local development. Both option are valid.

Conventional Setup

  1. Select the right Python version, the one used and tested is stored in ./.python-version, however, most relatively current versions should work. Use whatever Python version manager you prefer, for example pyenv.
  2. Create a virtual environment and activate it, so that the dependencies for this project won't clash with other, locally installed libraries: python -m venv.
  3. Create a virtual environment and activate it, so that the dependencies for this project won't clash with other, locally installed libraries: python -m venv ./venv && source venv/bin/activate.
  4. Install the dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt.

Devcontainer Setup

After having cloned this repository:

  1. Make sure to have a local installation of Docker and VS Code running.
  2. Open VS Code and make sure to have the Dev Containers Extension from Microsoft installed.
  3. Open the cloned project in VS Code and from the bottom right corner confirm to open the project to be opened within the Devcontainer.

If you miss any dependencies check out the devcontainer.json within the .devcontainer folder. The correct python version and all python dependencies are already installed.

Run locally

make run

Pull newest content

Content Source

All the content is provided via Pretalx.


The site is hosted as a static site on AWS/S3.

To (re-)create the S3 bucket setup in the eu-central-1 region, run the following:


  • aws-cli
  • aws credentials that allow you to create and manage S3 buckets

Create the bucket:

aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <bucket-name> --region eu-central-1 --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=eu-central-1

Allow policies to set public access:

aws s3api put-public-access-block --bucket <bucket-name> --public-access-block-configuration "BlockPublicPolicy=false"

Check that the settings are correct:

aws s3api get-bucket-ownership-controls --bucket <bucket-name>

Allow public read through policy.

aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket <bucket-name> --policy '{
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Copy website to s3:

aws s3 cp tmp s3://<bucket-name>/ --recursive

Set index:

aws s3 website s3://<bucket-name> --index-document index.html

Confirm the results:

curl <bucket-name>

AWS provides in-depth guides on how to setup SSL and your domain, check it out on the buckets' page:


A github action workflow is provided and will take care of building and deployment. Check out ./.github/workflows/main.yml for details.

Don't forget to set the following secrets in the github project:


Manual Deployment

You should probably not do that and rely on the github action for this. Otherwise you might have a local version deployed that is not reflected upstream. But there will be the possibility for an emergency situation where you will need to quickly upload a hotpatch and can't wait for the github action. We have all been there:

make build
aws s3 cp tmp s3://<bucket-name>/ --recursive


PyCon DE & PyData website for 2025 conference.







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