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File metadata and controls

308 lines (240 loc) · 7.02 KB


marcx.Record is a small extension to pymarc.Record, that adds a few shortcuts: itervalues, test, add and remove.

Build Status pypi version

Since version 0.2.0, both Python 2 and 3 should be supported.


It's on pypi, so just:

$ pip install marcx

Python 2.6 or higher required. If you want to run the tests, too, you'll need 2.7 or higher. Python 3 should work, too.


Iterate over field values quickly with itervalues and iterfields:

>>> from urllib import urlopen # from urllib.request import urlopen
>>> import marcx
>>> record = marcx.Record(data=urlopen("").read())

>>> record.itervalues('020.a')
<generator object values at 0x2d97690>

>>> set(record.itervalues('020.a'))

A variable number of specs can be passed:

>>> set(record.itervalues('001', '005', '700.a'))
set(['20040816084925.0', 'Thomas, David,', '11778504'])

Iterate over fields, but instead of just returning the values, return tuples of the form (field, value):

>>> for fv in record.iterfields('020.a'): print(fv)
(<pymarc.field.Field object at 0x18e7990>, '020161622X')

Test a field or subfield with predicates. Pass any function, that returns a boolean value to test and it gets evaluated over all values (pass all=True if all values must evaluate to True in the test function):

>>> record.test('001', lambda v: sum([int(d) for d in v]) == 33)

>>> record.test('020.a', lambda v: v.startswith('978'), all=True)

Test, if a record has any values at all in a certain field or subfield:

>>> record.has('020')
>>> record.has('020.a')
>>> record.has('020.x')

Add and remove fields with one line (control fields get data, non-control fields get subfields via keyword arguments):

>>> record = marcx.Record()
>>> record.add('001', data='12345')
>>> record.add('020', a='9780201616224')
>>> record.add('020', a='020161622X')
>>> record.remove('001')

Note: The order of the keyword arguments is not preserved in Python 3.5 or earlier. However, Python 3.6 implemented PEP 468: Preserving Keyword Argument Order and therefore subfields actually will be added in the order they are specified.

Add repeated subfields:

>>> record.remove('020.a')
>>> record.add('020', a=['9780201616224', '020161622X'])

Add fields with many subfields at once:

>>> record.add('990', a='1', b='2', c='3', d='5', e='6')

Add numeric subfield with underscores:

>>> record.add('991', _0='Zero', _1='One', _9='Nine')

Flatten all values in a MARC record, e.g. to build corpuses:

>>> record = marcx.Record(data=urlopen("").read())
>>> record.flatten()
 '990802s2000    mau      b    001 0 eng',
 '(DLC)   99043581',
 '2 shelf copies',
 'policy default',
 "pc05 to ja00 08-02-99; jf05 to subj. 08/02/99; jf11 to sl 08-03-99; ...",
 'ADDED COPIES: another copy to ASCD ps15 01-12-00',
 '.H857 2000',
 'Hunt, Andrew,',
 'The pragmatic programmer :',
 'from journeyman to master /',
 'Andrew Hunt, David Thomas.',
 'Reading, Mass :',
 'xxiv, 321 p. ;',
 '24 cm.',
 'Includes bibliographical references.',
 'Computer programming.',
 'Thomas, David,',

More examples

Adding a control field (001-009):

>>> import pymarc

>>> # w/ Record
>>> field = pymarc.Field('001', data='12345')
>>> record.add_field(field)

>>> # w/ marcx.Record
>>> record.add('001', data='21345')

Adding a non-control field (010-999):

>>> # w/ Record
>>> field = pymarc.Field('852', [' ',' '], subfields = ['a', 'DE-15'])
>>> record.add_field(field)

>>> # w/ Record, [' ',' '] are the default indicators
>>> record.add('852', a='DE-15')

Adding multiple subfields to a non-control field at once:

>>> # w/ Record
>>> field = pymarc.Field('980', [' ',' '], subfields=['a', '12376'])
>>> record.add_field(field)
>>> field = pymarc.Field('980', [' ',' '], subfields=['b', '001'])
>>> record.add_field(field)

>>> # w/ marcx.Record
>>> record.add('980', a='12376', b='001')

Adding multiple subfields to a non-control field at once with different indicators:

>>> # w/ Record
>>> field = pymarc.Field('041', ['0',' '], subfields=['a', 'ger'])
>>> record.add_field(field)
>>> field = pymarc.Field('041', ['0','7'], subfields=['a', 'dt.'])
>>> record.add_field(field)

>>> # w/ marcx.Record
>>> record.add('041', a='ger', indicators=['0',' '])
>>> record.add('041', a='dt.', indicators=['0','7'])

Specify indicators as strings (since an indicator is just a single char):

>>> # w/ marcx.Record
>>> record.add('041', a='ger', indicators='0 ')
>>> record.add('041', a='dt.', indicators='07')

Remove a field:

>>> # w/ Record
>>> __001 = record['001']
>>> record.remove_field(__001)

>>> # w/ marcx.Record
>>> record.remove('001') # removes all 001 fields

Example from pymarc.Field source:

>>> # w/ Record
... field = Field(
... tag='245',
... indicators=['0', '1'],
... subfields=[
...     'a', 'The pragmatic programmer : ',
...     'b', 'from journeyman to master /',
...     'c', 'Andrew Hunt, David Thomas.'
... ])
>>> record.add_field(field)

>>> # w/ marcx.Record
>>> record.add('245',
... a='The pragmatic programmer : ',
... b='from journeyman to master /',
... c='Andrew Hunt, David Thomas.',
... indicators='01')

Catching basic errors

See also: 00X - Control Fields-General Information

>>> obj.add('001', a='Yeah')
ValueError: data must not be empty

>>> obj.add('010', data='Yeah')
ValueError: non-control fields take no data

>>> obj.add('001', data='...', indicators='00')
ValueError: control fields take no indicators

>>> obj.add('001', data='...', a='X')
ValueError: control fields take no subfields


Easiest way to run the tests is via nose:

$ nosetests