During this projects, I have learned about :
- Understand basic trading principle and principle of import-export in global economy.
- Identify and formulate import or export cargoproblem with appropriate constraints over cost, time,regulations and other resources.
- Establish criteria forevaluating the completion of the cargo shipment, andgenerate different solutions for exporting or importingthe shipments to the desire destination
About Course Project
- My team research import and export procedure rice case in Vietnam, however, I feel my group project is not qualified with me. Therefore, I did again in case Hoa Phat - a tranfer academic knowledge into reality.
Reference Books
- [1] Krugman, Paul, Maurice Obstfeld, and Marc Melitz. InternationalEconomics: Theory and Policy. 9th ed. Addison-Wesley, 2011. ISBN:9780132146654
- [2] Seyoum, B. (2013). Export-Import theory, practices, and procedures. 3rdEdition. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
About Individual Project
- I take care when adjust and write manually for each document to deeply understand the whole process.
- I create the flow of import and create relative documents : sale contract, commercial invoice, shipping instructio, packing list, certificate of orgin, letter of credit....