diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c39d007..db7ede6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -8,6 +8,68 @@ Converts [TestNG](https://testng.org/) test annotations and assertions to
Inspired by the [Migrate JUnit 4 @Test annotations to JUnit 5](https://docs.openrewrite.org/recipes/java/testing/junit5/updatetestannotation) recipe
+## Roadmap
+This repository is under heavy development. Refer to the [project kanban board](https://github.com/users/Philzen/projects/2/views/2)
+for ongoing updates on the road to feature completeness. Should you notice a blind spot
+regarding TestNG features that should be included in a project migration, or if you have idea
+for a particular implementation, your contributions are welcome!
+See below tables for a quick overview of the implementation progress.
+### Annotations
+| Annotation | on
Class | on
Methods |
+| `@Test` | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
+| `@Test(description = "%s")` | :hammer: [#23] | :heavy_check_mark: |
+| `@Test(enabled = false)` | :hammer: [#39] | :heavy_check_mark: |
+| `@Test(expectedExceptions = Exception.class)` | :hammer: [#20] | :heavy_check_mark: |
+| `@Test(expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = "%s")` | :hammer: [#21] | :heavy_check_mark: |
+| `@Test(groups = "%s")` | :hammer: [#27] | :heavy_check_mark: |
+| `@Test(timeOut = "%s")` | :hammer: [#25] | :heavy_check_mark: |
+| `@DataProvider` | :hammer: [#6] | :hammer: [#38] |
+| `@Ignore` | :hammer: [#15] | :hammer: [#15] |
+| `@Test(enabled = CONSTANT_EXPRESSION)` | :thinking: [#35] | :thinking: [#35] |
+| `@Factory` | :thinking: [#8] | :thinking: [#8] |
+| `@Test(priority, threadPoolSize)` et al. | :grey_question: [#5] | :grey_question: [#5] |
+ [#3]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/pull/3
+ [#5]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/5
+ [#6]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/6
+ [#7]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/7
+ [#8]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/8
+ [#10]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/10
+ [#11]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/11
+ [#12]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/12
+ [#13]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/13
+ [#14]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/14
+ [#15]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/15
+ [#20]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/20
+ [#21]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/21
+ [#23]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/23
+ [#25]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/25
+ [#27]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/27
+ [#29]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/29
+ [#30]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/30
+ [#32]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/32
+ [#35]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/35
+ [#38]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/pull/38
+ [#39]: https://github.com/Philzen/rewrite-TestNG-to-JUnit5/issues/39
+### Framework features
+| Feature | on
Class |
+| Tests in inner classes | :heavy_check_mark: [#30] |
+| Assertions | :hammer: [#3] |
+| Lifecycle annotations | :hammer: [#7] |
+| Per class instantiation lifecycle | :hammer: [#14] |
+| `SkipException` (→ assumption) | :hammer: [#32] |
+| Dependency migration | :hammer:[#29] |
+| Interceptor interfaces | :thinking: [#10] \| [#11] |
+| Listener interfaces | :thinking: [#12] \| [#13] |
## Usage
### Prerequisites