From 5a996aceee6d0cead8d2f9d699e7d9c8c579a5bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philipp Balzarek
Date: Wed, 19 May 2021 22:38:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Implement improvements to ARec (#150, #153)
* Move from Array to SmallArray# to avoid intermediate list during construction
* Use class instead of recursive function in toARec for improved inlining
Data/Vinyl/ARec/Internal.hs | 167 ++++++++++++++++++++-----
Data/Vinyl/ARec/Internal/SmallArray.hs | 56 +++++++++
benchmarks/AccessorsBench.hs | 53 +++++---
benchmarks/Bench/ARec.hs | 39 ++++++
benchmarks/Bench/Rec.hs | 37 ++++++
benchmarks/Bench/SRec.hs | 34 +++++
tests/Aeson.hs | 2 +-
tests/Spec.hs | 2 +-
vinyl.cabal | 4 +
9 files changed, 346 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Data/Vinyl/ARec/Internal/SmallArray.hs
create mode 100644 benchmarks/Bench/ARec.hs
create mode 100644 benchmarks/Bench/Rec.hs
create mode 100644 benchmarks/Bench/SRec.hs
diff --git a/Data/Vinyl/ARec/Internal.hs b/Data/Vinyl/ARec/Internal.hs
index d42fda8..b30bff1 100644
--- a/Data/Vinyl/ARec/Internal.hs
+++ b/Data/Vinyl/ARec/Internal.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
@@ -23,9 +24,26 @@
-- element to the head of a list, but element access is linear time;
-- array access time is uniform, but extending the array is more
-- slower.
+-- Tradeoffs:
+-- * No sharing of the spine (i.e. when you change elements in the front of the
+-- record the tail can't be re-used)
+-- * ARec requires (4 + n) words + size of the fields
+-- * 1 for the ARec constructor
+-- * 1 for the pointer to the SmallArray#
+-- * The SmallArray# has 2 words as header (1 for GC, 1 for number of elements)
+-- * 1 pointer per element to the actual data
+-- * Rec requires (2n) words + size of Fields
+-- * 1 word per (:&) constructor
+-- * 1 word for the pointer to the element
module Data.Vinyl.ARec.Internal
( ARec (..)
, IndexableField
+ , arec
+ , ARecBuilder (..)
+ , arcons
+ , arnil
, toARec
, fromARec
, aget
@@ -39,28 +57,36 @@ module Data.Vinyl.ARec.Internal
import Data.Vinyl.Core
import Data.Vinyl.Lens (RecElem(..), RecSubset(..))
import Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel
+import Data.Vinyl.ARec.Internal.SmallArray
+import Control.Monad.ST
-import qualified Data.Array as Array
-import qualified Data.Array.Base as BArray
-import GHC.Exts (Any)
import Unsafe.Coerce
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 806
import Data.Constraint.Forall (Forall)
-import Data.Coerce (Coercible)
-import Data.Type.Coercion (Coercion (..))
+import Data.Type.Coercion (Coercion (..))
+import GHC.Types
-- | An array-backed extensible record with constant-time field
-- access.
-newtype ARec (f :: k -> *) (ts :: [k]) = ARec (Array.Array Int Any)
+newtype ARec (f :: k -> *) (ts :: [k]) = ARec SmallArray
type role ARec representational nominal
+-- | Get the ith element from the ARec
+ :: forall a k (f :: k -> *) (ts :: [k]).
+ ARec f ts
+ -> Int
+ -> a
+unsafeIxARec (ARec ar) ix = indexSmallArray ar ix
+{-# INLINE unsafeIxARec #-}
-- | Given that @xs@ and @ys@ have the same length, and mapping
-- @f@ over @xs@ and @g@ over @ys@ produces lists whose elements
-- are pairwise 'Coercible', @ARec f xs@ and @ARec g ys@ are
-- 'Coercible'.
arecRepsMatchCoercion :: AllRepsMatch f xs g ys => Coercion (ARec f xs) (ARec g ys)
-arecRepsMatchCoercion = Coercion
+arecRepsMatchCoercion = unsafeCoerce (Coercion :: Coercion () ())
-- | Given that @forall x. Coercible (f x) (g x)@, produce a coercion from
-- @ARec f xs@ to @ARec g xs@. While the constraint looks a lot like
@@ -69,7 +95,7 @@ arecRepsMatchCoercion = Coercion
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806
arecConsMatchCoercion ::
(forall (x :: k). Coercible (f x) (g x)) => Coercion (ARec f xs) (ARec g xs)
-arecConsMatchCoercion = Coercion
+arecConsMatchCoercion = unsafeCoerce (Coercion :: Coercion () ())
arecConsMatchCoercion :: forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (xs :: [k]).
Forall (Similar f g) => Coercion (Rec f xs) (Rec g xs)
@@ -78,6 +104,28 @@ arecConsMatchCoercion :: forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (xs :: [k]).
arecConsMatchCoercion = unsafeCoerce (Coercion :: Coercion (Rec f xs) (Rec f xs))
+-- Using a class instead of a recursive function allows aRecValues to be
+-- completely inlined
+class ToARec (us :: [k]) where
+ aRecValues :: Rec f us -> ARecBuilder f us
+instance ToARec '[] where
+ aRecValues RNil = arnil
+ {-# INLINE aRecValues #-}
+instance ToARec us => ToARec (u ': us) where
+ aRecValues (x :& xs) = x `arcons` aRecValues xs
+ {-# INLINE aRecValues #-}
+-- | Convert a 'Rec' into an 'ARec' for constant-time field access.
+ :: forall f ts.
+ (NatToInt (RLength ts), ToARec ts)
+ => Rec f ts
+ -> ARec f ts
+toARec rs = arec (aRecValues rs)
+{-# INLINE toARec #-}
-- This is sensible, but the ergonomics are likely quite bad thanks to the
-- interaction between Coercible resolution and resolution in the presence of
@@ -89,14 +137,63 @@ arecConsMatchCoercible :: forall k f g rep (r :: TYPE rep).
arecConsMatchCoercible f = f
--- | Convert a 'Rec' into an 'ARec' for constant-time field access.
-toARec :: forall f ts. (NatToInt (RLength ts)) => Rec f ts -> ARec f ts
-toARec = go id
- where go :: ([Any] -> [Any]) -> Rec f ts' -> ARec f ts
- go acc RNil = ARec $! Array.listArray (0, n - 1) (acc [])
- go acc (x :& xs) = go (acc . (unsafeCoerce x :)) xs
- n = natToInt @(RLength ts)
-{-# INLINE toARec #-}
+-- | An efficient builder for ARec values
+-- Use the pseudo-constructors 'arcons' and 'arnil' to construct an
+-- 'ARecBuilder' and then turn it into an 'ARec' with 'arec'
+-- Example: (requires -XOverloadedLabels and )
+-- > user :: ARec ElField '[ "name" ::: String
+-- > , "age" ::: Int
+-- > , "active" ::: Bool]
+-- > user = arec ( #name =: "Peter"
+-- > `arcons` #age =: 4
+-- > `arcons` #active =: True
+-- > `arcons` arnil
+-- > )
+newtype ARecBuilder f us =
+ -- A function that writes values to the correct position in the underlying array
+ -- Takes the current index
+ ARecBuilder ( forall s.
+ Int -- Index to write to
+ -> SmallMutableArray s -- Arrray to write to
+ -> ST s ()
+ )
+infixr 1 `arcons`
+-- | Pseudo-constructor for an ARecBuilder
+-- "Cons" a field to an ARec under construction
+-- See 'ARecBuilder'
+arcons :: f u -> ARecBuilder f us -> ARecBuilder f (u ': us)
+arcons !v (ARecBuilder fvs) = ARecBuilder $ \i mArr -> do
+ writeSmallArray mArr i v
+ fvs (i+1) mArr
+{-# INLINE arcons #-}
+-- | Pseudo-constructor for 'ARecBuilder'
+-- Build an ARec without fields
+-- See 'ARecBuilder'
+arnil :: ARecBuilder f '[]
+arnil = ARecBuilder $ \_i _arr -> return ()
+{-# INLINE arnil #-}
+-- | Turn an ARecBuilder into an ARec
+-- See 'ARecBuilder'
+ :: forall k (us :: [k] ) f
+ . (NatToInt (RLength us)) =>
+ ARecBuilder f us
+ -> ARec f us
+arec (ARecBuilder fillArray) = ARec $
+ runST $ withNewSmallArray (natToInt @(RLength us))
+ $ fillArray 0
+{-# INLINE arec #-}
-- | Defines a constraint that lets us index into an 'ARec' in order
-- to produce a 'Rec' using 'fromARec'.
@@ -107,22 +204,22 @@ instance (NatToInt (RIndex t ts)) => IndexableField ts t where
fromARec :: forall f ts.
(RecApplicative ts, RPureConstrained (IndexableField ts) ts)
=> ARec f ts -> Rec f ts
-fromARec (ARec arr) = rpureConstrained @(IndexableField ts) aux
+fromARec ar = rpureConstrained @(IndexableField ts) aux
where aux :: forall t. NatToInt (RIndex t ts) => f t
- aux = unsafeCoerce (arr Array.! natToInt @(RIndex t ts))
+ aux = unsafeIxARec ar (natToInt @(RIndex t ts))
{-# INLINE fromARec #-}
-- | Get a field from an 'ARec'.
aget :: forall t f ts. (NatToInt (RIndex t ts)) => ARec f ts -> f t
-aget (ARec arr) =
- unsafeCoerce (BArray.unsafeAt arr (natToInt @(RIndex t ts)))
+aget ar = unsafeIxARec ar (natToInt @(RIndex t ts))
{-# INLINE aget #-}
-- | Set a field in an 'ARec'.
unsafeAput :: forall t t' f ts ts'. (NatToInt (RIndex t ts))
=> f t' -> ARec f ts -> ARec f ts'
-unsafeAput x (ARec arr) = ARec (arr Array.// [(i, unsafeCoerce x)])
- where i = natToInt @(RIndex t ts)
+unsafeAput x (ARec arr) = ARec $ runST $
+ withThawedSmallArray arr $ \mArr ->
+ writeSmallArray mArr (natToInt @(RIndex t ts)) x
{-# INLINE unsafeAput #-}
-- | Define a lens for a field of an 'ARec'.
@@ -157,19 +254,31 @@ instance (RIndex t (s ': ts) ~ 'S i, NatToInt i, RecElem ARec t t' ts ts' i)
arecGetSubset :: forall rs ss f.
(IndexWitnesses (RImage rs ss), NatToInt (RLength rs))
=> ARec f ss -> ARec f rs
-arecGetSubset (ARec arr) = ARec (Array.listArray (0, n-1) $
- go (indexWitnesses @(RImage rs ss)))
- where go :: [Int] -> [Any]
- go = map (arr Array.!)
- n = natToInt @(RLength rs)
+arecGetSubset (ARec arr) =
+ ARec $ runST $
+ withNewSmallArray (natToInt @(RLength rs)) $ \mArr ->
+ go mArr 0 (indexWitnesses @(RImage rs ss))
+ where
+ go :: SmallMutableArray s -> Int -> [Int] -> ST s ()
+ go _mArr _to [] = return ()
+ go mArr to (from : froms) = do
+ writeSmallArray mArr to (indexSmallArray arr from :: Any)
+ go mArr (to + 1) froms
{-# INLINE arecGetSubset #-}
-- | Set a subset of a larger record's fields to all of the fields of
-- a smaller record.
arecSetSubset :: forall rs ss f. (IndexWitnesses (RImage rs ss))
=> ARec f ss -> ARec f rs -> ARec f ss
-arecSetSubset (ARec arrBig) (ARec arrSmall) = ARec (arrBig Array.// updates)
- where updates = zip (indexWitnesses @(RImage rs ss)) (Array.elems arrSmall)
+arecSetSubset (ARec arrBig) (ARec arrSmall) = ARec $ runST $
+ withThawedSmallArray arrBig $ \mArr -> do
+ go mArr 0 (indexWitnesses @(RImage rs ss))
+ where
+ go :: SmallMutableArray s -> Int -> [Int] -> ST s ()
+ go _mArr _ [] = return ()
+ go mArr from (to : tos) = do
+ writeSmallArray mArr to (indexSmallArray arrSmall from)
+ go mArr (from + 1) tos
{-# INLINE arecSetSubset #-}
instance (is ~ RImage rs ss, IndexWitnesses is, NatToInt (RLength rs))
diff --git a/Data/Vinyl/ARec/Internal/SmallArray.hs b/Data/Vinyl/ARec/Internal/SmallArray.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00a81fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Data/Vinyl/ARec/Internal/SmallArray.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+-- | Helper functions for SmallArray#
+-- This module exposes _unsafe_ functions to work with SmallArrays. That means
+-- that specifically neither index bounds nor element types are checked So this
+-- functionality should only be used in a context that enforces them by some
+-- other means, e.g. ARec's type index
+module Data.Vinyl.ARec.Internal.SmallArray where
+import GHC.Prim
+import GHC.Types
+import Unsafe.Coerce
+import GHC.ST
+data SmallArray = SmallArray !(SmallArray# Any)
+data SmallMutableArray s = SmallMutableArray !(SmallMutableArray# s Any)
+indexSmallArray :: SmallArray -> Int -> a
+indexSmallArray (SmallArray arr) (I# ix) =
+ case indexSmallArray# arr ix of
+ (# v #) -> unsafeCoerce v
+{-# INLINE indexSmallArray #-}
+withNewSmallArray :: Int -> (SmallMutableArray s -> ST s ()) -> ST s SmallArray
+withNewSmallArray (I# len#) f =
+ ST $ \s0 -> case newSmallArray# len# (error "withNewSmallArray exploded") s0 of
+ (# s1, mArr #) ->
+ case f (SmallMutableArray mArr) of
+ ST st -> case st s1 of
+ (# s2, () #) -> case unsafeFreezeSmallArray# mArr s2 of
+ (# s3, ar #) -> (# s3, SmallArray ar #)
+{-# INLINE withNewSmallArray #-}
+writeSmallArray :: SmallMutableArray s -> Int -> a -> ST s ()
+writeSmallArray (SmallMutableArray mArr) (I# n#) x = ST $ \s ->
+ case writeSmallArray# mArr n# (unsafeCoerce x) s of
+ s' -> (# s', () #)
+{-# INLINE writeSmallArray #-}
+withThawedSmallArray :: SmallArray
+ -> (SmallMutableArray s -> ST s ())
+ -> ST s SmallArray
+withThawedSmallArray (SmallArray arr) f = ST $ \s0 ->
+ let !(I# z#) = 0
+ in case thawSmallArray# arr z# (sizeofSmallArray# arr) s0 of
+ (# s1, mArr #) ->
+ case f (SmallMutableArray mArr) of
+ ST st -> case st s1 of
+ (# s2, () #) -> case unsafeFreezeSmallArray# mArr s2 of
+ (# s3, ar #) -> (# s3, SmallArray ar #)
+{-# INLINE withThawedSmallArray #-}
diff --git a/benchmarks/AccessorsBench.hs b/benchmarks/AccessorsBench.hs
index bde2e64..71b625b 100644
--- a/benchmarks/AccessorsBench.hs
+++ b/benchmarks/AccessorsBench.hs
@@ -8,21 +8,12 @@ import Criterion.Main
import Data.Monoid (Endo(..))
import Data.Vinyl
import Data.Vinyl.Syntax ()
-import Lens.Micro ((%~), (&))
-import System.Exit (exitFailure)
-type Fields = '[ '( "a0", Int ), '( "a1", Int ), '( "a2", Int ), '( "a3", Int )
- , '( "a4", Int ), '( "a5", Int ), '( "a6", Int ), '( "a7", Int )
- , '( "a8", Int ), '( "a9", Int ), '( "a10", Int ), '( "a11", Int )
- , '( "a12", Int ), '( "a13", Int ), '( "a14", Int ), '( "a15", Int )
- ]
-newF :: FieldRec Fields
-newF = Field 0 :& Field 0 :& Field 0 :& Field 0 :&
- Field 0 :& Field 0 :& Field 0 :& Field 0 :&
- Field 0 :& Field 0 :& Field 0 :& Field 0 :&
- Field 0 :& Field 0 :& Field 0 :& Field 99 :&
- RNil
+import Lens.Micro ((%~), (&))
+import System.Exit (exitFailure)
+import Bench.ARec
+import Bench.SRec
+import Bench.Rec
data HaskRec = HaskRec {
a0 :: Int,
@@ -45,6 +36,10 @@ data HaskRec = HaskRec {
haskRec :: HaskRec
haskRec = HaskRec 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99
+sumHaskRec r =
+ a0 r + a1 r + a2 r + a3 r + a4 r + a5 r + a6 r + a7 r + a8 r + a9 r
+ + a10 r + a11 r + a12 r + a13 r + a14 r + a15 r
data StrictHaskRec = StrictHaskRec {
sa0 :: !Int,
sa1 :: !Int,
@@ -66,6 +61,10 @@ data StrictHaskRec = StrictHaskRec {
shaskRec :: StrictHaskRec
shaskRec = StrictHaskRec 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99
+sumSHaskRec r =
+ sa0 r + sa1 r + sa2 r + sa3 r + sa4 r + sa5 r + sa6 r + sa7 r + sa8 r + sa9 r
+ + sa10 r + sa11 r + sa12 r + sa13 r + sa14 r + sa15 r
data UStrictHaskRec = UStrictHaskRec {
usa0 :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int,
usa1 :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int,
@@ -87,6 +86,10 @@ data UStrictHaskRec = UStrictHaskRec {
ushaskRec :: UStrictHaskRec
ushaskRec = UStrictHaskRec 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99
+sumUSHaskRec r =
+ usa0 r + usa1 r + usa2 r + usa3 r + usa4 r + usa5 r + usa6 r + usa7 r + usa8 r
+ + usa9 r + usa10 r + usa11 r + usa12 r + usa13 r + usa14 r + usa15 r
type SubFields = '[ '("a0", Int), '("a8", Int), '("a15", Int)]
-- updateSRec :: forall record. RecordSubset record ElField SubFields Fields
@@ -115,7 +118,8 @@ updateHaskRec r = r { a0 = suba0 s, a8 = suba8 s, a15 = suba15 s }
main :: IO ()
main =
- do let arec = toARec newF
+ do let newF = mkRec 0
+ arec = toARec newF
srec = toSRec newF
unless (rvalf #a15 arec == rvalf #a15 newF)
(do putStrLn "AFieldRec accessor disagrees with rvalf"
@@ -142,7 +146,22 @@ main =
, bench "ARec" $ nf (rvalf #a15 . updateARec) arec
, bench "SRec" $ nf (rvalf #a15 . updateSRec) srec
- , bgroup "FieldRec"
+ ,
+ bgroup "creating"
+ [ bench "vinyl record" $ whnf mkRec 0
+ , bench "toSRec" $ whnf mkToSRec 0
+ , bench "New style ARec with toARec " $ whnf mkToARec 0
+ , bench "New style ARec with arec " $ whnf mkARec 0
+ ]
+ ,bgroup "sums"
+ [ bench "haskell record" $ nf sumHaskRec haskRec
+ , bench "strict haskell record" $ whnf sumSHaskRec shaskRec
+ , bench "unboxed strict haskell record" $ whnf sumUSHaskRec ushaskRec
+ , bench "vinyl SRec" $ nf sumSRec srec
+ , bench "vinyl Rec" $ nf sumRec newF
+ , bench "vinyl ARec" $ nf sumARec arec
+ ]
+ , bgroup "FieldRec"
[ bench "a0" $ nf (rvalf #a0) newF
, bench "a4" $ nf (rvalf #a4) newF
, bench "a8" $ nf (rvalf #a8) newF
diff --git a/benchmarks/Bench/ARec.hs b/benchmarks/Bench/ARec.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf493f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/Bench/ARec.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+module Bench.ARec where
+import Data.Vinyl
+import Data.Vinyl.ARec.Internal
+import Data.Vinyl.Syntax ()
+import Bench.Rec
+mkARec :: Int -> ARec ElField Fields
+mkARec i= arec (Field i `arcons` Field i `arcons` Field i `arcons` Field i `arcons`
+ Field i `arcons` Field i `arcons` Field i `arcons` Field i `arcons`
+ Field i `arcons` Field i `arcons` Field i `arcons` Field i `arcons`
+ Field i `arcons` Field i `arcons` Field i `arcons` Field 99 `arcons`
+ arnil)
+mkToARec :: Int -> ARec ElField Fields
+mkToARec i= toARec (Field i :& Field i :& Field i :& Field i :&
+ Field i :& Field i :& Field i :& Field i :&
+ Field i :& Field i :& Field i :& Field i :&
+ Field i :& Field i :& Field i :& Field 99 :&
+ RNil)
+sumARec :: ARec ElField Fields -> Int
+sumARec str =
+ get #a0 str + get #a1 str + get #a2 str + get #a3 str + get #a4 str
+ + get #a5 str + get #a6 str + get #a7 str + get #a8 str
+ + get #a9 str + get #a10 str + get #a11 str + get #a12 str
+ + get #a13 str + get #a14 str + get #a15 str
+ where
+ get label r = rvalf label r
+ {-# INLINE get #-}
diff --git a/benchmarks/Bench/Rec.hs b/benchmarks/Bench/Rec.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3856b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/Bench/Rec.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+module Bench.Rec where
+import Data.Vinyl
+import Data.Vinyl.Syntax ()
+type Fields = '[ '( "a0", Int ), '( "a1", Int ), '( "a2", Int ), '( "a3", Int )
+ , '( "a4", Int ), '( "a5", Int ), '( "a6", Int ), '( "a7", Int )
+ , '( "a8", Int ), '( "a9", Int ), '( "a10", Int ), '( "a11", Int )
+ , '( "a12", Int ), '( "a13", Int ), '( "a14", Int ), '( "a15", Int )
+ ]
+mkRec :: Int -> Rec ElField Fields
+mkRec i= Field i :& Field i :& Field i :& Field i :&
+ Field i :& Field i :& Field i :& Field i :&
+ Field i :& Field i :& Field i :& Field i :&
+ Field i :& Field i :& Field i :& Field 99 :&
+ RNil
+sumRec :: Rec ElField Fields -> Int
+sumRec str =
+ get #a0 str + get #a1 str + get #a2 str + get #a3 str + get #a4 str
+ + get #a5 str + get #a6 str + get #a7 str + get #a8 str
+ + get #a9 str + get #a10 str + get #a11 str + get #a12 str
+ + get #a13 str + get #a14 str + get #a15 str
+ where
+ get (_label :: Label s) r =
+ let (Field v) = rget @'(s, _) r
+ in v
+ {-# INLINE get #-}
diff --git a/benchmarks/Bench/SRec.hs b/benchmarks/Bench/SRec.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cd8c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/Bench/SRec.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+module Bench.SRec where
+import Data.Vinyl.SRec
+import Data.Vinyl
+import Bench.Rec (Fields)
+mkToSRec :: Int -> SRec ElField Fields
+mkToSRec i= toSRec (Field i :& Field i :& Field i :& Field i :&
+ Field i :& Field i :& Field i :& Field i :&
+ Field i :& Field i :& Field i :& Field i :&
+ Field i :& Field i :& Field i :& Field 99 :&
+ RNil)
+sumSRec :: SRec ElField Fields -> Int
+sumSRec str =
+ get #a0 str + get #a1 str + get #a2 str + get #a3 str + get #a4 str
+ + get #a5 str + get #a6 str + get #a7 str + get #a8 str
+ + get #a9 str + get #a10 str + get #a11 str + get #a12 str
+ + get #a13 str + get #a14 str + get #a15 str
+ where
+ get (label :: Label s) r =
+ case rget @'(s, Int) r of
+ Field v -> v
+ {-# INLINE get #-}
diff --git a/tests/Aeson.hs b/tests/Aeson.hs
index aae8fbf..b3a946f 100644
--- a/tests/Aeson.hs
+++ b/tests/Aeson.hs
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Identity a) where
-- | A named field serializes to a JSON object with a single named
-- field.
-instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (ElField '(s,a)) where
+instance (KnownSymbol s, ToJSON a) => ToJSON (ElField '(s,a)) where
toJSON x = object [(T.pack (getLabel x), toJSON (getField x))]
-- | A @((Text,) :. f) a@ value maps to a JSON field whose name is the
diff --git a/tests/Spec.hs b/tests/Spec.hs
index 0d3c61a..aa9666e 100644
--- a/tests/Spec.hs
+++ b/tests/Spec.hs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ main = hspec $ do
describe "Fields may be accessed by overloaded labels" $ do
it "Can get field X" $ rvalf #x d3 `shouldBe` 5
it "Can get field Y" $ rvalf #y d3 `shouldBe` "Hi"
- describe "ARec provides field accessors" $ do
+ describe "ARec" $ do
it "Can get field Y" $ rvalf #y (toARec d3) `shouldBe` "Hi"
it "Can set field X" $ rvalf #x (rputf #x 7 (toARec d3)) `shouldBe` 7
describe "Converting between Rec and ARec" $ do
diff --git a/vinyl.cabal b/vinyl.cabal
index 0abe9a7..3de7320 100644
--- a/vinyl.cabal
+++ b/vinyl.cabal
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ library
exposed-modules: Data.Vinyl
, Data.Vinyl.ARec
, Data.Vinyl.ARec.Internal
+ , Data.Vinyl.ARec.Internal.SmallArray
, Data.Vinyl.Class.Method
, Data.Vinyl.Core
, Data.Vinyl.CoRec
@@ -78,6 +79,9 @@ benchmark accessors
hs-source-dirs: benchmarks
main-is: AccessorsBench.hs
build-depends: base, criterion, tagged, vinyl, microlens
+ other-modules: Bench.ARec
+ other-modules: Bench.SRec
+ Bench.Rec
ghc-options: -O2
default-language: Haskell2010