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Implement SmallArray#-based Arec (VinylRecords#153)
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Philonous committed May 14, 2021
1 parent 8637345 commit 4dc1dde
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Showing 9 changed files with 20,391 additions and 60 deletions.
200 changes: 161 additions & 39 deletions Data/Vinyl/ARec/Internal.hs
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Expand Up @@ -18,49 +18,70 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnliftedNewtypes #-}

-- | Constant-time field accessors for extensible records. The
-- trade-off is the usual lists vs arrays one: it is fast to add an
-- element to the head of a list, but element access is linear time;
-- array access time is uniform, but extending the array is more
-- slower.
module Data.Vinyl.ARec.Internal
( ARec (..)
, IndexableField
, toARec
, fromARec
, aget
, unsafeAput
, unsafeAlens
, arecGetSubset
, arecSetSubset
, arecRepsMatchCoercion
, arecConsMatchCoercion
) where
-- ( ARec (..)
-- , IndexableField
-- , toARec
-- , fromARec
-- , unsafeAget
-- , unsafeAput
-- , alens
-- , arecGetSubset
-- , arecSetSubset
-- , arecRepsMatchCoercion
-- , arecConsMatchCoercion
-- )
import Data.Vinyl.Core
import Data.Vinyl.Lens (RecElem(..), RecSubset(..))
import Data.Vinyl.Lens (RecElem(..), RecSubset(..))
import Data.Vinyl.TypeLevel
import GHC.ST

import qualified Data.Array as Array
import qualified Data.Array.Base as BArray
import GHC.Exts (Any)
import GHC.Exts (Any)
import Unsafe.Coerce
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 806
import Data.Constraint.Forall (Forall)
import Data.Coerce (Coercible)
import Data.Type.Coercion (Coercion (..))
import Data.Coerce (Coercible)
import Data.Type.Coercion (Coercion (..))

import GHC.Prim
import GHC.Types

-- | An array-backed extensible record with constant-time field
-- access.
newtype ARec (f :: k -> *) (ts :: [k]) = ARec (Array.Array Int Any)
data ARec (f :: k -> *) (ts :: [k]) = ARec {-# UNPACK #-} !(SmallArray# Any)
type role ARec representational nominal

-- | Get the ith element from the ARec
:: forall a k (f :: k -> *) (ts :: [k]).
ARec f ts
-> Int
-> a
unsafeIxARec (ARec arr) (I# ix#) =
case indexSmallArray# arr ix# of
(# v #) -> unsafeCoerce v
{-# INLINE unsafeIxARec #-}

-- | Given that @xs@ and @ys@ have the same length, and mapping
-- @f@ over @xs@ and @g@ over @ys@ produces lists whose elements
-- are pairwise 'Coercible', @ARec f xs@ and @ARec g ys@ are
-- 'Coercible'.
arecRepsMatchCoercion :: AllRepsMatch f xs g ys => Coercion (ARec f xs) (ARec g ys)
arecRepsMatchCoercion = Coercion
arecRepsMatchCoercion = unsafeCoerce (Coercion :: Coercion () ())

-- | Given that @forall x. Coercible (f x) (g x)@, produce a coercion from
-- @ARec f xs@ to @ARec g xs@. While the constraint looks a lot like
Expand All @@ -69,7 +90,7 @@ arecRepsMatchCoercion = Coercion
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 806
arecConsMatchCoercion ::
(forall (x :: k). Coercible (f x) (g x)) => Coercion (ARec f xs) (ARec g xs)
arecConsMatchCoercion = Coercion
arecConsMatchCoercion = unsafeCoerce (Coercion :: Coercion () ())
arecConsMatchCoercion :: forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (xs :: [k]).
Forall (Similar f g) => Coercion (Rec f xs) (Rec g xs)
Expand All @@ -91,13 +112,87 @@ arecConsMatchCoercible f = f

-- | Convert a 'Rec' into an 'ARec' for constant-time field access.
toARec :: forall f ts. (NatToInt (RLength ts)) => Rec f ts -> ARec f ts
toARec = go id
where go :: ([Any] -> [Any]) -> Rec f ts' -> ARec f ts
go acc RNil = ARec $! Array.listArray (0, n - 1) (acc [])
go acc (x :& xs) = go (acc . (unsafeCoerce x :)) xs
n = natToInt @(RLength ts)
toARec r =
let n = natToInt @(RLength ts)
!(I# n#) = n
in runST $
ST $ \st0 -> case newSmallArray# n# undefined st0 of
(# st1 , mArr #) ->
case go mArr st1 0 r of
st2 ->
case unsafeFreezeSmallArray# mArr st2 of
(# st3, filledArray #) -> (# st3, ARec filledArray #)
go :: forall s us. SmallMutableArray# s Any
-> State# s
-> Int
-> Rec f us
-> State# s
go _mArr stn1 n RNil = stn1
go mArr stn1 n@(I# n#) ( x :& xs) =
case writeSmallArray# mArr n# (unsafeCoerce x) stn1 of
stn2 -> go mArr stn2 (n+1) xs
{-# INLINE toARec #-}

-- Don't export constructor
newtype MkARec f us =
-- Takes the current index and returns the maximum index and an action that
-- fills the array
MkARec (forall s. Int -> SmallMutableArray# s Any -> ST s ())

infixr 1 &:
(&:) :: f u -> MkARec f us -> MkARec f ( u ': us )
(&:) !v (MkARec fvs) = MkARec $ \i@(I# ix) mArr ->
let setRemainingFields = fvs (i+1)
in do
ST $ \st0 -> case writeSmallArray# mArr ix (unsafeCoerce v) st0 of
st1 -> (# st1, () #)
setRemainingFields mArr
{-# INLINE (&:) #-}

arnil :: MkARec f '[]
arnil = MkARec $ \_i _arr -> return ()
{-# INLINE arnil #-}

:: forall k (us :: [k] ) f
. (NatToInt (RLength us)) =>
MkARec f us
-> ARec f us
arec (MkARec fillArray) =
let !(I# len#) = natToInt @(RLength us)
in runST $
ST $ \st0 -> case newSmallArray# len# undefined st0 of
(# st1 , mArr #) ->
case fillArray 0 mArr of
ST s ->
case s st1 of
(# st2, () #) ->
case unsafeFreezeSmallArray# mArr st2 of
(# st3, filledArray #) -> (# st3, ARec filledArray #)
{-# INLINE arec #-}

class ToARec (us :: [k]) where
aRecValues :: Rec f us -> MkARec f us

instance ToARec '[] where
aRecValues RNil = arnil
{-# INLINE aRecValues #-}

instance ToARec us => ToARec (u ': us) where
aRecValues (x :& xs) = x &: aRecValues xs
{-# INLINE aRecValues #-}

-- | Convert a 'Rec' into an 'ARec' for constant-time field access.
:: forall f ts.
(NatToInt (RLength ts), ToARec ts)
=> Rec f ts
-> ARec f ts
toARecFast rs = arec (aRecValues rs)
{-# INLINE toARecFast #-}

-- | Defines a constraint that lets us index into an 'ARec' in order
-- to produce a 'Rec' using 'fromARec'.
class (NatToInt (RIndex t ts)) => IndexableField ts t where
Expand All @@ -107,22 +202,28 @@ instance (NatToInt (RIndex t ts)) => IndexableField ts t where
fromARec :: forall f ts.
(RecApplicative ts, RPureConstrained (IndexableField ts) ts)
=> ARec f ts -> Rec f ts
fromARec (ARec arr) = rpureConstrained @(IndexableField ts) aux
fromARec arec = rpureConstrained @(IndexableField ts) aux
where aux :: forall t. NatToInt (RIndex t ts) => f t
aux = unsafeCoerce (arr Array.! natToInt @(RIndex t ts))
aux = unsafeIxARec arec (natToInt @(RIndex t ts))
{-# INLINE fromARec #-}

-- | Get a field from an 'ARec'.
aget :: forall t f ts. (NatToInt (RIndex t ts)) => ARec f ts -> f t
aget (ARec arr) =
unsafeCoerce (BArray.unsafeAt arr (natToInt @(RIndex t ts)))
aget arec = unsafeIxARec arec (natToInt @(RIndex t ts))
{-# INLINE aget #-}

-- | Set a field in an 'ARec'.
unsafeAput :: forall t t' f ts ts'. (NatToInt (RIndex t ts))
=> f t' -> ARec f ts -> ARec f ts'
unsafeAput x (ARec arr) = ARec (arr Array.// [(i, unsafeCoerce x)])
where i = natToInt @(RIndex t ts)
unsafeAput x (ARec arr) =
let !(I# z#) = 0
!(I# n#) = natToInt @(RIndex t ts)
in runST $ ST $ \st0 ->
case thawSmallArray# arr z# (sizeofSmallArray# arr) st0 of
(# st1, mArr #) ->
case writeSmallArray# mArr n# (unsafeCoerce x) st1 of
st2 -> case unsafeFreezeSmallArray# mArr st2 of
(# st3, arr' #) -> (# st3, ARec arr' #)
{-# INLINE unsafeAput #-}

-- | Define a lens for a field of an 'ARec'.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,19 +258,40 @@ instance (RIndex t (s ': ts) ~ 'S i, NatToInt i, RecElem ARec t t' ts ts' i)
arecGetSubset :: forall rs ss f.
(IndexWitnesses (RImage rs ss), NatToInt (RLength rs))
=> ARec f ss -> ARec f rs
arecGetSubset (ARec arr) = ARec (Array.listArray (0, n-1) $
go (indexWitnesses @(RImage rs ss)))
where go :: [Int] -> [Any]
go = map (arr Array.!)
n = natToInt @(RLength rs)
arecGetSubset (ARec arr) = runST $ ST $ \st0 ->
case newSmallArray# n# undefined st0 of
(# st1 , mArr #) ->
case go mArr 0 st1 (indexWitnesses @(RImage rs ss)) of
st2 ->
case unsafeFreezeSmallArray# mArr st2 of
(# st3, filledArray #) -> (# st3, ARec filledArray #)
where go :: forall s. SmallMutableArray# s Any -> Int -> State# s -> [Int] -> State# s
go _mArr _i stn [] = stn
go mArr to@(I# to#) stn (I# from# : is) =
case indexSmallArray# arr from# of
(# v #) -> case writeSmallArray# mArr to# v stn of
stn' -> go mArr (to+1) stn' is
!(I# n#) = natToInt @(RLength rs)
{-# INLINE arecGetSubset #-}

-- | Set a subset of a larger record's fields to all of the fields of
-- a smaller record.
arecSetSubset :: forall rs ss f. (IndexWitnesses (RImage rs ss))
=> ARec f ss -> ARec f rs -> ARec f ss
arecSetSubset (ARec arrBig) (ARec arrSmall) = ARec (arrBig Array.// updates)
where updates = zip (indexWitnesses @(RImage rs ss)) (Array.elems arrSmall)
arecSetSubset (ARec arrBig) arecSmall =
runST $ ST $ \st0 ->
case thawSmallArray# arrBig z# (sizeofSmallArray# arrBig) st0 of
(# st1, mArr #) -> case go mArr 0 (indexWitnesses @(RImage rs ss)) st1 of
st2 -> case unsafeFreezeSmallArray# mArr st2 of
(# st3, arr' #) -> (# st3, ARec arr' #)
!(I# z#) = 0
go :: SmallMutableArray# s Any -> Int -> [Int] -> State# s -> State# s
go _mArr _ [] stn = stn
go mArr n (I# i# : is) stn =
case writeSmallArray# mArr i# (unsafeIxARec arecSmall n) stn of
stn' -> go mArr (n+1) is stn'

{-# INLINE arecSetSubset #-}

instance (is ~ RImage rs ss, IndexWitnesses is, NatToInt (RLength rs))
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