I have developed a rock-paper-scissors game in Python. The game allows two players to compete against each other by selecting either rock, paper, or scissors. The rules of the game are as follows:
1. Rock beats scissors: If one player chooses rock and the other chooses scissors, the player with rock wins.
2. Scissors beat paper: If one player chooses scissors and the other chooses paper, the player with scissors wins.
3. Paper beats rock: If one player chooses paper and the other chooses rock, the player with paper wins.
1. Player Input: The game prompts each player to input their choice (rock, paper, or scissors) through the command line interface.
2. Randomized Computer Player: If only one player is participating, the other player's choice is randomized by the computer.
3. Determining the Winner: The game evaluates the choices made by both players and determines the winner based on the rules mentioned above.
4. Displaying Results: The game displays the choices made by each player and announces the winner or a tie.
5. Replay Option: After a game is finished, players can choose to play again or exit the game.
1. Player Input: The game prompts the players to enter their choice (rock, paper, or scissors) one by one.
2. Randomized Computer Player: If only one player is participating, the computer randomly selects its choice (rock, paper, or scissors).
3. Determining the Winner: The game compares the choices made by the players and determines the winner based on the rules of the game.
4. Displaying Results: The game displays the choices made by each player and announces the winner or a tie.
5. Replay Option: After displaying the results, the game asks the players if they want to play again. If yes, the game starts over from step 1. If not, the game exits.
Player 1: Please enter your choice (rock, paper, or scissors): rock
Player 2: Please enter your choice (rock, paper, or scissors): paper
Player 1 chose rock. Player 2 chose paper.
Paper beats rock. Player 2 wins!
Do you want to play again? (yes/no): ______