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Canada Topographic Maps is intended to be a sub-library that 
    that is part of a main display graphics program.  It
    enables you to download, view, and navigate through
    any of the 13,000+ topographic maps of Canada.

You can test Canada Topographic Maps independently by running main2fortesting.c
 0) git clone
 1) sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev   (if necessary)
    sudo apt-get install libsdl2-gfx-dev (if necessary)
    sudo apt-get install libsdl2-image-dev (if necessary)
    sudo apt-get install libsdl2-ttf-dev (if necessary)
 2) Set up the Canada Topographic Map stucture.
      change Canadatopomaps ==> Canada/topographic/maps/ 
 3) cd Canada/topographic/maps/src_common/
 4) change src_common/fcninit/initmappath.c DATAPATH to your directory 
      which points to /Canada/topographic/maps/.
      eg #define DATAPATH "/home/peter/bbb2020/oznext/data/share/oz3/"
 5) mkdir obj    (if necessary)
 6) make 
 7) ./main2fortesting

 for example .../data/share/oz3/Canada/topographic/maps/
|---countryusagecode   file with char ct
|---mapsets            file containing every mapset for this country/usage
|---/mapset[0]         1m  = 1:1000,000 maps - Canada/topographic (ct)
|      |
|      |--maplist      list of ALL downloadable map files 
|      |                  eg
|      |--mapimages    list of ALL SDL2 compatible map images 
|      |                  eg 031e_0300_canmatrix_prt.tif
|      |--mapids       list of ALL map unique id's.   eg 031e
|      |--mapindex     list of ALL mapid's + collar,navigation info
|      |
|      |--raw          downloaded maps, still has collar, poor gps accuracy
|      |--ready        manually decollared maps for pixel<->gps accuracy
|      |
|      |--run          software library of map functions (see below)
|      |   |              which work for Canada/topographic (ct)
|      |   |
|      |   |--src     source code specific to this mapset
|      |   |--scripts   download, display scripts for this mapset
|      |--setup        spider scripts to browse for maps & create maplist
|---/mapset[1]        250k = 1:250,000 maps - Canada/topographic (ct)
|      |
|     as above
|---/mapset[2]        50k = 1:50,000 maps - Canada/topographic (ct)
|      |
|     as above

A mapset is:
  country eg Canada
  usage   eg topographic
  mapset file containing a suite of mapsets

A mapset code is 4 characters
  country is 1 characters     eg c for Canada
  usage is 1 characters       eg t for topographic
  mapset is 2 characters      eg 1m, 2k, 5k for 1m, 250k, 50k mapsets
    Every map function is 
    prefixed with its mapset code   eg ct2k for Canada/topographic/250k/ mapset
    all functions are ct2k_goNorth(), ct2k_getmap()

The country/usage code is the 1st 2 characters eg ct
It MUST be stored by itself in ../country/usage/code.txt
  and MUST match the if statements in /*the big switch*/ in /sr/maps/maphandler.c
  eg /Canada/topographic/code.txt contains ct

Each mapset must have the following functions (with appropriate prefix)
 * ct2k_fillmapnow()
 * ct2k_gonorth()
 * ct2k_gosouth()
 * ct2k_goeast()
 * ct2k_gowest()
 * ct2k_gonorthqc()
 * ct2k_gosouthqc()
 * ct2k_goeastqc()
 * ct2k_gowestqc()
 * ct2k_zoomin()
 * ct2k_zoomout()
 * ct2k_zoominqc()
 * ct2k_zoomoutqc()
 * ct2k_download()
 * ct2k_display()
 * ct2k_collarcalc()
 * ct2k_collarshow()
 * ct2k_getmap()
 * ct2k_getmapinfo()
 * ct2k_setmap()
 * ct2k_lltopp()
 * ct2k_pptoll()
 * ct2k_fetmap()
 * ct2k_info()

int init() sets default mapsetNOW, mapNOW static variables and
       initiates array of function pointers  returns 0 if successful, 1 if not 

INTEGER FUNCTIONS - NO ARGUMENTS   (12 entries) ==> Navigate functions
int gonorth(void) returns 1 (TRUE) if map exists, 0(FALSE) otherwise
  resets mapNOW
  sample code: if(goNorth() ) mymap = getmap();
int gosouth()
int goeast()
int gowest()

int gonorthqc()   quick check - same as gonorth() but mapNOW not changed
int gosouthqc()
int goeastqc()
int gowestqc()
int zoominqc()  qc = quick check - returns value re existence, no action taken
int zoomoutqc()   returns 1 (TRUE) if map exists, 0 (FALSE) otherwise
int zoomin
int zoomout

char *getmap(void) returns pointer to .tif string of mapNOW
char *getmapinfo(void) returns pointer to string of mapindex info (maps.h)

INT FUNCTIONS - 2 double ARGUMENTS   (1 entries)
int setmap( double latitude, double longitude)   sets mapNOW
   returns 1 (TRUE) if map exists, 0(FALSE) otherwise
   sample code: if(setmap(5.0, 5.0) ) mymap = getmap();

INT FUNCTIONS - 2 double, 2 INT ARGUMENTS  (2 entries) ==> position functions
int getpp( double *latitude, double *longitude
       int *pixelx, int *pixely)
 get pixel point  
    given lat,long - fill in pixel(x,y)  
    return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise
int getll(double *latitude, double *longitude
       int *pixelx, int *pixely)
  get lat long;   
  given pixelx, pixely, fill in lat, long


Canada Topographic Maps






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