scripts for installing statsd/graphite/grafana on an Amazon Linux AMI.
brew tap homebrew/binary
brew install packer
packer build \
-debug \
-var 'aws_access_key=your_aws_key' \
-var 'aws_secret_key=your_aws_secret' \
This will do the following:
- launch instance
- run shell provisioner to bootstrap puppet
- run puppet to install graphite, statsd, memcache, grafana
- bundle the box as an EBS AMI which can be launched later
- creates a temporary ssh key
so you canssh -i ec2_amazon-ebs.pem ec2-user@ip.address
If you don't wnat to use packer you can launch image ami-bba18dd
, clone the git repo, run the commands in the shell provisioner to bootstrap, then run puppet with:
puppet apply --hiera_config puppet/hiera_config.yaml --modulepath puppet/modules puppet/manifests/statsd.pp
You'll also want to open the appropriate firewall rules:
- 80 (tcp) - httpd
- 2003 (tcp) - graphite
- 8125 (udp) - statsd
- 9200 (tcp) - elasticsearch
By default the apache VirtualHosts are set to:
- -- grafana
- -- graphite These can be changed in hieradata/common.yaml
Only tested on Amazon Linux 2013.09.2