Akaike is an algorithm which allows you to find which combination of parameters gives the best fit in a linear regression according to AIC (Akaike Information Criterion).
In summary, data scientists need their models to be precise but also to be simple. Instead of MSE or r2 which measures only the precision of a model, AIC can be seen as a compromise between precision and complexity. Lower the AIC, the more "simply precise" is the model In order to find the best regression model based on the lowest AIC of a certain dataset, the program plays around with different configurations of several parameters, and find the AIC for singular and separate arrangements of them.
First, let's install all packages:
$ git clone git@github.com:PedroBergamo/Linear.git
$ cd ./Linear
$ python install.py
Take the provided data set (TestData.csv) as an example. Imagine the extreme scenario where you want to find the simplest best fit for 'x' using 'x' and other other data sets such as x^2 and x^3. If create a script and run:
$ from OLSRegression import *
$ OLSRegression('TestData.csv', ['x'], ['x2', 'x3','o','z','x']).CalculateAICs()
The software would find the AIC for a varied set of combinations of those dependent variables but it would eventually tell you that 'x' is the simplest best predictor for 'x'.