- Create a simple API for a Hotel Booking System using Laravel to manage hotel rooms, bookings, and customer interactions.
- You are tasked with building a system for a hotel chain to streamline their room booking process, manage customer interactions, and handle payments securely. The system needs to track room availability, manage booking, handle customer details, and payment
- Models: Room, Booking, Customer, Payment
- A Room can have many Bookings.
- A Booking belongs to one Room and one Customer.
- A Customer can have many Bookings.
- A Booking can have many Payments.
- Room: number, type, price_per_night, status
- Booking: room_id, customer_id, check_in_date, check_out_date, total_price
- Customer: name, email, phone_number
- Payment: booking_id, amount, payment_date, status
- Room management (retrieval, creation, and detailed view)
- Booking management (retrieval and creation)
- Customer management (retrieval and creation)
- Payment recording against a booking
- Implement token-based authentication.
- Only authenticated users can add rooms, create bookings, add customers, and record payments.
- Ensure all input data is validated
- Implement proper error handling for bad requests and unauthorized access.
- Implement a room availability checker to prevent double bookings.
- Implement a notification system that alerts hotel staff when a new booking is made or canceled.
- Use Laravel’s event and listener system with using laravel queues to handle these notifications.
- Include unit tests to ensure that all API functionality works as expected.
Clone the repository
Install dependencies:
composer install
Configure database connection in .env
Add database migration tables:
php artisan migrate
To run queues, start the process:
php artisan queue:work
Create second database for using in unit tests
Add the db credentials into .env file:
DB_TEST_PASSWORD= test_db_password
Run migrations into test database:
php artisan migrate:fresh --database=testing
Navigate to registration page http://localhost/PROJECT-FOLDER/public/api/register and make new User:
Login in http://localhost/PROJECT-FOLDER/public/api/login to get your token
- You must use this token inside all future API requests, following this example: