3.1.1 (2022-09-21)
- Fix brown-bag release (3.0.0). (d7f63e5)
Add mode debugging statements. (73fad3e)
JS submit event after upload. (53d5af0)After a successful upload, use JS submit event instead of the submit method. The submit method does not invoke a submit event and also does not validate the form.
3.1.0 (2022-09-20)
Allow to pass additional request headers. (79ab753)
Support pat-subform and do a seperate submit on it after a successful upload. (3c6cced)
Add bundle-pre step to unlink all linked depenencies before building. (e53c9a6)
Documentation and example for form protection with plone.protect style tokens. (d301e61)
Fix URL to bundle. (cc21ae0)
Update webpack config. (41702c0)
Upgrade dependencies. (6e890de)
3.0.0 (2022-06-28)
@patternslib/patternslib needs to be installed. Adding to devDependencies to avoid version clashes with other packages depending on it. (f97ed43)
Upgrade to @patternslib/dev 2.2.0 and adapt module federation config. (fc0636a)
3.0.0-alpha.0 (2022-06-15)
- Build: Build module federation enabled bundles. (238851b)
Depend on @patternslib/dev and extend config from there. (8b09ef9)
Extend babel config from @patternslib/dev. (94d3fee)
Extend commitlint config from @patternslib/dev. (2cf3415)
Extend eslint config from @patternslib/dev. (9f003cb)
Extend jest config from @patternslib/dev. (954886a)
Extend Makefile from @patternslib/dev. (fbf02a0)
Extend prettier config from @patternslib/dev. (5e10973)
Extend release-it config from @patternslib/dev. (fede4a3)
Extend webpack config from @patternslib/dev. (42cbbbf)
build: Add build:dev script to package.json to create a unminified development build. (2e92cd9)
Build: @patternslib/patternslib as peerDependency. (08df858)Move @patternslib/patternslib dependency to peerDependencies and set to any version to avoid version conflicts when this package is a dependency of another Patternslib based package.
Build: Add @patternslib/patternslib also to devDependencies so that we get it installed. (9ef94fa)
Build: Add keyword "patternslib" to package.json. (73b2947)
Build: Explicitly add jquery as a dependency. (048d018)
Build: Keep yarn.lock in repository. (3875933)
Build: Makefile - Allow OTP when publishing to npm, build bundles and publish them on GitHub, add pre-release targets. (1b2b433)
Build: Remove dependency regenerator-runtime except from test setup. The async/await runtime handling is already built-in in current Babel. (c770bf9)
Build: Remove dependency regenerator-runtime except from test setup. The async/await runtime handling is already built-in in current Babel. (88ee7f0)
Build: Update GitHub actions setup. (bd5b539)
Build: Upgrade and cleanup dependencies. (3ab50b6)
Build: Upgrade underscore. (a50e37f)
2.0.1 (2022-03-24)
- Add missing dependency underscore. (a153ff2)
- webpack: Configure devServer static directory. (8c9a4fb)
2.0.0 (2021-11-18)
- Upgrade to Webpack 5. (a906da6)
build: Extend Patternslib release-it config file. (203da44)
build: Release on GitHub releases. (b09a639)
dependencies: Upgrade Dropzone to 5.9.3. (4de872c)
1.2.0 (2021-11-18)
- Export parser to align with Patternslib. This allows for overriding default options. (68f496f)
- Modernize code. (b50f672)
- Remove Safari patch as it is already fixed upstream. See: dropzone/dropzone#1640 (67bcab9)
- Upgrade up to minor versions. (5ac5edb)
- Use logging framework. (2ca82d9)
- We're using DropzoneJS, not Fine Uploader. (5aac53c)
1.1.0 (2021-06-15)
- Test updates after jest upgrade. (4f4c3a3)
- dependencies: Depend on Patternslib v4.4.0. (642faf2)
- dependencies: Upgrade dependencies on minor+patch level. (474c8b3)
- make release-patch: Add missing patch for patch level releases. (0b3e227)
- Release: Remove the release-web target. Only Patternslib releases are pushed to Patterns-releases on Github. (87716f2)
- Release process: Do not include the release commit in the changelog. (783c5b2)
- webpack: Adapt start script to recent dependency changes. (97ec5ef)
- webpack: Simplify webpack. (e6d366b)
- Import basic dropzone styles if window.__patternslib_import_styles is set. (b98385d)
- Add basic test. (98d7c83)
- Cleanup and maintainance tasks. (1b9a308)
- Upgrade dropzone library to 5.9.2. (4ff25a5)
- Upgrade to Patternslib v4 final - upload customizations. (3f70c64)
- Upgrade to Patternslib v4 final. (b73cdf6)
- Upgrade to ES6.
- Implenent lazy loading for external libraries via dynamic imports.
- Depend on latest Dropzone 5.7.2.