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Setup your secrets in GCP

In this setup we integrate the secrets exercise with GCP GKE and let pods consume secrets from the GCP Secret manager. If you want to know more about integrating secrets with GKE, check this link. Please make sure that the account in which you run this exercise has either Cloud Audit Logs enabled, or is not linked to your current organization and/or DTAP environment.


Have the following tools installed:

Make sure you have an active account at GCP for which you have configured the credentials on the system where you will execute the steps below.

Please note that this setup relies on bash scripts that have been tested in MacOS and Linux. We have no intention of supporting vanilla Windows at the moment.

Multi-user setup: shared state

If you want to host a multi-user setup, you will probably want to share the state file so that everyone can try related challenges. We have provided a starter to easily do so using a Terraform gcs backend.

First, create an storage bucket:

  1. Navigate to the 'shared-state' directory cd shared-state
  2. Change the project_id in the terraform.tfvars file to your project id
  3. Run terraform init
  4. Run terraform apply.

The bucket name should be in the output. Please use that to configure the Terraform backend in


Note: Applying the Terraform means you are creating cloud infrastructure which actually costs you money. The authors are not responsible for any cost coming from following the instructions below. If you have a brand new GCP account, you could use the $300 in credits to set up the infrastructure for free.

Note-II: We create resources in europe-west4 by default. You can set the region by editing terraform.tfvars.

Note-III: The cluster you create has its access bound to the public IP of the creator. In other words: the cluster you create with this code has its access bound to your public IP-address if you apply it locally.

  1. Check whether you have the right project by doing gcloud config list. Otherwise configure it by doing gcloud init.
  2. Change the project_id in the terraform.tfvars file to your project id
  3. Run gcloud auth application-default login to be able to use your account credentials for terraform.
  4. Enable the required gcloud services using gcloud services enable
  5. Run terraform init (if required, use tfenv to select TF 0.14.0 or higher )
  6. Run terraform plan
  7. Run terraform apply. Note: the apply will take 10 to 20 minutes depending on the speed of the GCP backplane.
  9. When creation is done, run gcloud container clusters get-credentials wrongsecrets-exercise-cluster --region YOUR_REGION. Note if it errors on a missing plugin to support kubectl, then run gcloud components install gke-gcloud-auth-plugin and gcloud container clusters get-credentials wrongsecrets-exercise-cluster .
  10. Run ./

GKE ingres for shared deployment

By default the deployment uses a nodePort tunneled to localhost. For a larger audience deployment the wrongsecrets app can deployed with a GKE ingress, run Please note that the GKE ingress can take a few minues to deploy and is publicly available. A connection URL will be returned once the ingress is available. Note that, after the connection URL is returned, a first lookup might still take a minute, after which it is much faster.

Your GKE cluster should be visible in EU-West4 by default. Want a different region? You can modify terraform.tfvars or input it directly using the region variable in plan/apply.

Are you done playing? Please run terraform destroy twice to clean up.

Setting up TLS

In order to use TLS, you will need to set up your own domain name and configure the load balancer to use TLS. Please refer to the official GCP documentation on how to do that.

Test it

Run ./ and connect to http://localhost:8080 when it's ready to accept connections (you'll read the line Forwarding from -> 8080 in your console). Now challenge 9 and 10 should be available as well.

Resume it

When you stopped the script and want to resume the port forward run: This is because if you run the start script again it will replace the secret in the vault and not update the secret-challenge application with the new secret.

Clean it up

When you're done:

  1. Kill the port forward.
  2. Run terraform destroy to clean up the infrastructure.
  3. Run unset KUBECONFIG to unset the KUBECONFIG env var.
  4. Run rm ~/.kube/wrongsecrets to remove the kubeconfig file.
  5. Run rm terraform.tfstate* to remove local state files.

A few things to consider

  1. Does your worker node now have access as well?
  2. Can you easily obtain the GCP IAM role of the Node?
  3. Can you get the secrets in the SSM Parameter Store and Secret Manager easily? Which paths do you see?
  4. You should see at the configuration details of the cluster that databaseEncryption is DECRYPTED (gcloud container clusters describe wrongsecrets-exercise-cluster --region europe-west4). What does that mean?

Running Terratest

Want to see if the setup still works? You can use terratest to check if the current setup works via automated terratest tests, for this you need to make sure that you have installed terraform and Go version 1.21. Next, you will need to install the modules and set up credentials.

  1. Run go mod download.
  2. Run gcloud auth application-default login.
  3. Run go test -timeout 99999s. The default timeout is 10 min, which is too short for our purposes. We need to override that.

Terraform documentation

The documentation below is auto-generated to give insight on what's created via Terraform.


Name Type
google-beta_google_iam_workload_identity_pool.pool resource
google_compute_network.vpc resource
google_compute_subnetwork.master_subnet resource
google_compute_subnetwork.node_subnet resource
google_container_cluster.gke resource
google_project_iam_member.wrongsecrets_cluster_sa_roles resource
google_secret_manager_secret.wrongsecret_1 resource
google_secret_manager_secret.wrongsecret_2 resource
google_secret_manager_secret.wrongsecret_3 resource
google_secret_manager_secret_iam_member.wrongsecret_1_member resource
google_secret_manager_secret_iam_member.wrongsecret_2_member resource
google_secret_manager_secret_iam_member.wrongsecret_3_member resource
google_secret_manager_secret_version.secret_version_basic resource
google_service_account.wrongsecrets_cluster resource
google_service_account.wrongsecrets_workload resource
google_service_account_iam_member.wrongsecret_pod_sa resource
google_service_account_iam_member.wrongsecret_wrong_pod_sa resource resource
random_password.password resource
http_http.ip data source


Name Description Type Default Required
cluster_name The GKE cluster name string "wrongsecrets-exercise-cluster" no
cluster_version The GKE cluster version to use string "1.30" no
project_id project id string n/a yes
region The GCP region to use string "europe-west4" no


Name Description
gke_config config string for the cluster credentials
kubernetes_cluster_host GKE Cluster Host
kubernetes_cluster_name GKE Cluster Name
project_id GCloud Project ID
region GCloud Region