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Three tic-tac-toe versions in two modes. Playable vsvs AI, vs player locally and multiplayer in real-time

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TicTacToe - Readme

Three tic-tac-toe versions in two modes, playable vs AI, vs player locally and multiplayer in real-time.

❓Why isn't the page loading?❓ Due to the use of Flask for multiplayer functionality, I had to host the project on a platform that supports this technology. Since I don’t have the budget for paid hosting, I’m using a free service, which unfortunately puts websites to sleep after inactivity. Just wait a few minutes, and it should work.

Table of Contents

Overview ✨


Three tic-tac-toe versions in two modes. Player can play vs AI, vs player locally or over the internet in real-time.

Check out the live version.




  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JS ES2018
  • Python 3.11

Libraries and frameworks:



  • Customizable game settings:
    • Starting player
    • Board size
    • Player marks
    • Auto-switching sides
  • Two types of game:
    • Standard – Players try to make a line; the first player to do so wins.
    • Reversed – Players try to avoid making a line; the first player to do so loses.
  • Three game modes:
    • Normal – Classic Tic-Tac-Toe.
    • Movable – Players place N marks on an N×N grid. In each turn, they must move one of their marks until a player wins or the move limit is reached.
    • One Mark – Tic-Tac-Toe with only one mark per player.
  • Three ways to play:
    • Against the computer.
    • Against another player on the same device.
    • Against another player over the internet.
  • Real-time multiplayer:
    • Public lobby.
    • Password-protected rooms.
    • Disconnection handling.
  • Multiple languages:
    • Polish
    • English


Room for improvements:

  • In-game instructions for game modes.
  • Inviting players via QR code.
  • More game modes.
  • User accounts for stats, custom marks, and achievements.
  • Pagination, filtering, and searching for rooms in the multiplayer lobby.
  • Adding more languages.


Ways to run this program:

  1. Use the live demo
  2. Follow the same steps as for editing the program

To edit this program:

  • Download this repo
  • Download and install Python
  • Install libraries from requirements.txt
  • Run file
  • Install Prepros
  • Add this project in Prepros
  • Create file in project folder
  • Run this code in some online Python IDE
    • import secrets
    • print(secrets.token_hex(16))
  • Put generated string in eg. SECRET_KEY = "generated_string"
  • Start coding


Details 📜

User interface

Every page

On every page there is:

  • Header:
    • Title which is a link to the main menu page
    • Language selection box that allows the user to change the language of the page without reloading
  • Footer
    • Link to my github

Main menu

main menu Main menu is basically a form for creating a game.

Click on the multiplayer option will take the player to the multiplayer lobby.
Click on the back option will take the player to the previous step.

create game Creating a game is a 3-step form:

  1. Enemy (AI or player on the same device) and game mode
  2. Starting player and type of game (standard, reversed)
  3. Board size, players marks, changing sides every game

Multiplayer lobby

multiplayer lobby The lobby shows all existing games in the form of a list of rooms that the player can join or create a new one. When there is no players in the room, the room is deleted. If the room is full player can't join until some place becomes available. In that case the join button is disabled. Rooms protected by password has a join button with a lock icon. After clicking it player has to put the correct password in order to join to the game.

Each of the rooms in the lobby has:

  • Unique ID
  • Name consisting of:
    • Mode
    • Players marks
    • Board size
    • Type of a game
  • Number of players in the room
  • Join button

multiplayer create game

Creating a game is similar to creating a game in the main menu. The difference is that it is packed in one form and has option for setting password.

Player has to choose:

  • Game mode
  • Board size
  • Type (uncheck = standard, check = reversed)
  • Password (empty = no password)
  • Players marks
  • Starting player
  • Switching sides every game


In game view has:

  • Message info (player's turn, waiting for player in mulitplayer)
  • Players info (marks of the players, which player is the user)
  • Game board (with line in column, row or diagonal if one of the players win)
  • Game info (name, marks, board size, type)
  • Quit and Replay buttons (replay button is disabled until the game is over)

Normal game

normal game Normal version of the tic tac toe, users puts their marks and try to make or avoid making a line depending on game type.

Movable game

movable game In beginning players puts their mark like in normal game but after some moves they can't put more marks and they have to move already placed marks. The game has moves limit which is reached results in a draw.

One mark game

one mark game Similar to normal version but both of the players have the same mark.

Multiplayer game

multiplayer game

Games in multiplayer are the same as normal games, the only differences are:

  • Position of a player will be hilighted in red color if there is no given player or the player left the game
  • If there is no enemy player the game will be stopped on unactive player turn.
  • On the bottom there is a room id and button to copy invitation link.

Password in invitation link is passed in the URL. When both players leave the game, the room and its game is deleted.

Project structure

  • 📁 TicTacToe (project folder)
    • 📄 github and prepros config
    • 📄 readme file
    • 📄 requirements file
    • 📄 and - server in flask
    • 📄 - server side game object
    • 📁 _for_readme - 📄 files for readme
    • 📁 templates - 📄 single and multiplayer html files
    • 📁 static
      • 📁 images - 📄 images used in the project
      • 📁 scripts
        • 📄 top level script files (eg. global, menu, language)
        • 📁 multiplayer - 📄 scripts for mutiplayer
        • 📁 game - 📄 scripts for game itself (eg. modes, board, AI)
      • 📁 style
        • 📄 scss files
        • 📁 css - 📄 css files compiled by prepros

Code organization

program diagram


Classes must be loaded from bottom to the top to avoid situation when class does not exist in the time of its objects creation