A simple API Wrapper for the ecilA Link Shortener API, written in PHP.
By Alice Peters
include 'api.class.php';
$api = new ecilaAPI('YourUsername', 'YourApiKey');
$request = $api->actionToPerform('Action');
You need an API key to be able to use the API. You can generate a new API key on your settings page.
// Or a custom link:
Example output:
array(2) {
["success"]=> 1 // 0 if an error ocurred
["data"]=> {
["url"]=> "https://domain.tld/" // Original / target url
["link"]=> "a1ic3" // Short link key
["expire"]=> "0" // Expiration time in hours
["time"]=> "1525987497" // Gets updated when the expiration time is set
["timestamp"]=> "2018-05-10 23:24:57" // Creation date of the link
["reported"]=> "0" // How many times the link was reported
["moderated"]=> "0" // 1 if the link was previously approved by a moderator
["private"]=> "0" // 1 if the link is not allowed to be displayed at the front page
Example output:
array(2) {
["success"]=> 1 // 0 if an error ocurred
["data"]=> {
["link"]=> "a1ic3" // Short link key (https://ecila.ga/a1ic3)
["code"]=> "Some simple code appears here" // Deletion code used to delete this short link later on
$api->deleteLink('A deletion code that was returned by ecilaAPI::addLink();');
Example output:
array(1) {
["success"]=> 1 // 0 if an error ocurred
array(2) {
["success"]=> 0
["error"]=> "Some funny error message that tells you exactly what went wrong."